
Connect 4 Program Python Dummies

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  1. Python Code For Dummies

Connect Four (or Four in a Row) is a two-player strategy game. Each player takes turns dropping a chip of his color into a column. The first player to align four chips wins. The Connect 4 game is a solved strategy game: the first player (Red) has a winning strategy allowing him to always win. OOP can make development faster, and your applications run faster. During this tutorial I'll demonstrate how to build an ActionScript Connect 4 game, using an organized OOP approach. Beginning to Program in Python. Connect with thousands of other learners and debate ideas. Fortunately an experienced programmer in any programming language. Tutor Connect; Videos; Search. Python Basic Tutorial; Python. This tutorial is designed for software programmers who need to learn Python programming language. Connect 4 java program help. Dreamcast rom pack torrent.

#! /usr/bin/env python3
from itertools import groupby, chain
defdiagonalsPos (matrix, cols, rows):
''Get positive diagonals, going from bottom-left to top-right.''
for di in ([(j, i - j) for j inrange(cols)] for i inrange(cols + rows -1)):
yield [matrix[i][j] for i, j in di if i >=0and j >=0and i < cols and j < rows]
defdiagonalsNeg (matrix, cols, rows):
''Get negative diagonals, going from top-left to bottom-right.''
for di in ([(j, i - cols + j +1) for j inrange(cols)] for i inrange(cols + rows -1)):
yield [matrix[i][j] for i, j in di if i >=0and j >=0and i < cols and j < rows]
def__init__ (self, cols=7, rows=6, requiredToWin=4):
''Create a new game.''
self.cols = cols
self.rows = rows
self.win = requiredToWin
self.board = [[NONE] * rows for _ inrange(cols)]
definsert (self, column, color):
''Insert the color in the given column.''
c =self.board[column]
if c[0] !=NONE:
raiseException('Column is full')
i =-1
while c[i] !=NONE:
i -=1
c[i] = color
defcheckForWin (self):
''Check the current board for a winner.''
w =self.getWinner()
if w:
raiseException(w +' won!')
defgetWinner (self):
''Get the winner on the current board.''
lines = (
self.board, # columns
zip(*self.board), # rows
diagonalsPos(self.board, self.cols, self.rows), # positive diagonals
diagonalsNeg(self.board, self.cols, self.rows) # negative diagonals
for line in chain(*lines):
for color, group in groupby(line):
if color !=NONEandlen(list(group)) >=self.win:
return color
defprintBoard (self):
''Print the board.''
print(''.join(map(str, range(self.cols))))
for y inrange(self.rows):
print(''.join(str(self.board[x][y]) for x inrange(self.cols)))
g = Game()
turn =RED
row =input('{}'s turn: '.format('Red'if turn REDelse'Yellow'))
g.insert(int(row), turn)
turn =YELLOWif turn REDelseRED

commented Sep 28, 2016

Hi, I've tried this but it comes up with these errors: Traceback (most recent call last):
File 'C:UsersownerDesktopDocumentsAA KalMan htmlpythonpython 3.3.3more different code from web c4.py', line 74, in
g.insert(int(row), turn)
File 'C:UsersownerDesktopDocumentsAA KalMan htmlpythonpython 3.3.3more different code from web c4.py', line 37, in insert
File 'C:UsersownerDesktopDocumentsAA KalMan htmlpythonpython 3.3.3more different code from web c4.py', line 44, in checkForWin
raise Exception(w + ' won!')
Exception: R won!

Python Code For Dummies


commented Sep 23, 2017

That's how the code displays the winner. However, I noticed that R is the only piece that gets put on the board. Why does that happen?

commented Feb 20, 2018

This is the best winner check implementation, I just want to understand diagonalsPos and diagonalsNeg do?

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