
Kasumi Rebirth 3 1 Crack Erodes

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Kasumi Rebirth 3 1 Crack Erodes Rating: 8,0/10 8718 reviews

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Kasumi Rebirth Full Game


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1370896493.0,315,youtube.com,1g2hsf,Dragon age 3 trailer,350,35,245,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g2hsf/dragon_age_3_trailer/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/oH-sY0-RrJmcTv__.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1g2hsf,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpEsgxlZqro,
1347894613.0,264,dragonage.com,100wnm,Dragon Age 3 Confirmed!,280,16,101,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/100wnm/dragon_age_3_confirmed/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_100wnm,http://dragonage.com/inquisition/,
1364097662.0,219,self.dragonage,1awc6t,So you want to mod Dragon Age..,252,33,97,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1awc6t/so_you_want_to_mod_dragon_age/,'I will be continuing to edit this thread to add new mods as I find and try them out. Mods added more than a week after the original post will be indicated like ***this***.
***[Installing mods](http://www.gamefront.com/how-to-install-dragon-age-origins-mods/)***
**Important programs**:
- [Mod Manager](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/277) and [DAModder](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/286) for installing DAZips
- ***[ModWrangler](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/2785/?)*** - For Mac. Thanks /u/diskarte!
- [CharGenMorph Compiler](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/971)
***Other good resources:***
- ***[Kinlochhold Mods Her Game](http://kinlochhold.tumblr.com/post/50097911708/kinlochhold-mods-her-game-master-post)***
**Game Play and Environment**:
- [Improved Atmosphere](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/577) - Thanks /u/cirion5!
**Important Note**: Imrpoved Atmosphere can sometimes cause missing thumbnails. The fix for that can be found [here](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/826). Thanks to /u/Ganrao for pointing this out.
- [Dragon Age Redesigned](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/686) – Adds a lot of environmental changes, and updates some of the weirder faces in the game, as well as makes small changes to more accurately reflect events and dialogue. Several variants available.
- [Character Respecialization](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/14) - Adds a raven to most areas with free respec potions.
- [Lock Bash](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/301) - Bash through locks on chests and doors you can't pick.
- [No Helmet Hack](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/202) - Hide helmets for your party.
- [Beyond Ferelden Chest](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/61) - A storage chest for your party camp.
- [Sleeping Tent](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/735) – A tent for your Warden in camp. Note: This appears to spawn in the same location as the chest, which render one or both unusable. I would pick and choose between this mod and the Beyond Ferelden Chest.
- [Dalish Elves Beautified](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1343)
- [Skip the Fade](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/816) - Gives you all the same stat points, etc. All you have to do is run through the companion and final cutscenes/fights.
- [Forced Deathblows](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/220) - Because deathblows are awesome. Can also be used to turn off deathblows almost completely.
- [Auto-Loot](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/28) - Screw the dialogue box.
- [Dalish Mage Origin](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/764)
- [Dragon Age Class and Specialization Pack](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1399)
- [Awakening in the OC](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/920) - Adds the essential features of Awakening to the base game. I would **not** recommend this for beginners. It's very easy to mess up your game and likely has a slough of comparability issues.
- ***[Sleep Until Dawn](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3722)*** - Lets your Warden go to bed (including some interaction with your love interest), and creates a Dawn state for camp.
- ***[Beat the Hell out of Howe](http://social.bioware.com/project/3746/#files)*** - For all your Human Noble vengeance needs.
**Game Fixes** (There are many, but these are the ones I use):
- [Dialogue Tweaks](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/336) - Fixes some dialogue options that are slightly not contextually appropriate and adds in responses that should really be in the game, fixes some references.
- [Two Spec Sten](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/486) - Because he somehow only gets one Specialization point.
- [MADD Gift Guide](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/385) - Adds a notation of the intended companion for preferred gifts. Be warned: it spoils the identity of the Mystery Companion if you've never finished the game before.
- [Make Console Commands Visible](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1110) - Some mods and game bug fixes require you to type things into the console, but the console is naturally invisible, which causes some problems. This will let you see the console text. Make sure you also grab the linked fonts.erf file.
- [Advanced Tactics](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/181) - Fixes and deepens the tactics system.
- [Combat Tweaks](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/354) - Smooths out skills and makes them balanced. Makes some of the more terrible skills actually useful.
- [White Teeth](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/44) - Because some of the teeth textures are really distracting.
- [Symmetrical Massive Armor](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/836) - This mod was actually made by our very own /u/svk151! Lets you pick one shoulder style and one glove style for the Massive armor.
- ***[Effects Handler](http://social.bioware.com/project/2715/)*** - Includes quite a few handy tweaks and removes effects out of combat.
**Extended Gameplay**:
- ***[Baldur's Gate II Redux](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1836)*** - Irenicus' Dungeon from Baldur's Gate II. Huge, amazing mod.
- ***[Alley of Murders](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/615)*** - 'Experience the dangerous underbelly of Denerim's streets by investigating a series of murders that will see you battle thieves, murderers, darkspawn and more.'
- ***[Dark Times - Act I](http://social.bioware.com/project/2157/)*** - 'A search for a cure to the eventual death sentence that comes as a result of the Joining leads the Grey Warden to the Confederacy of Malkuth, a loose collection of city states which exists south of Ferelden, beyond the Uncharted Territories.' NOTE: This is a torrent file, you will need a program to open it, such as [uTorrent](http://www.utorrent.com/). Look for the required file under the 'Files' tab, labeled
Torrent Dark Times Act One v1_07.rar
- ***[Quests and Legends](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/2040/)*** (Thanks /u/Shabutaro!) - HUGE game extension, and apparently extremely well done, including full voice acting.
**Create A Character Enhancement**:
- [Bidelle's Cosmetics](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/473)
- [Vibrant Colors](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/153) - Adds a ton more colors for hairstyles and eyes, as well as a bright white tattoo color that kinda glows.
- [Eyebrow Presets](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1321)
- [Tucked Hair](http://social.bioware.com/project/2595/) - Most vanilla hairstyles, now tucked behind the ears.
- [LOTC Hairstyle Collection](http://social.bioware.com/project/3766/) - You can see some images under 'discussions.'
- [Anto Hairstyles](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3480)
- [Hairstyle Day](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3552)
- [More Hairstyles](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/392)
- [Don't Worry, Be Hairy](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/555)
- [Beautiful People Hair REN](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/750)
- [The Phoenix Armory for Females](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1660) - Has some game-breaking stats and are available extremely early on, but it has three levels of stats (including a very limited set available at Ostagar). And, they're lovely. Females only.
- [Dusk Mage Robes](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/589) - Again, game-breaking stats, though there is a version with milder stats, they're still pretty over powered.
- [Ivory Tower and Nightfall Bloom](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/645) - For your Arcane Warrior.
- [Underworld Armory](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1533) - Adds some more armors to the game, armor models originally from an Oblivion mod.
- [The Witcher Armor](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1876)
- ***[The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings Armor](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3838/?)***
- [Wings of Velvet Mage Robes](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/712) - Thanks /u/cirion5!
- [HSLI Sexy Mage Robes](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1342) (**NSFW**) - These are not lore friendly, but some people really like these, and they are very well animated.
- [HSLI Sexy Outfits](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3369) (**Semi-NSFW**) - More lore friendly (but not by much).
- [HSLI Revenant Armor](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1846) - Allows you to wear Revenant Armor. Semi-NSFW version available.
- [HSLI Darkspawn Armor](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1791) - Allows you to wear Darkspawn armor. SFW.
**Companion and NPC Appearance Tweaks** (there are MANY but these are my favorites):
- [Sacred Ashes Companions](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/463) - Updates Morrigan, Leliana, and/or Sten to more closely resemble their appearance in the Sacred Ashes trailer.
- [Morrigan Sacred Ashes Robes](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1902) - Replaces Morrigan's armor with her kickass trailer armor. Especially useful if you're not a fan of her vanilla, cleavage-heavy robes, but want to keep her looking unique.
- [DA2 Flemeth and Isabela in DA:O](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/2636) - If you are bothered by the huge redesign they did on these characters but prefer the DA2 models, or just want some consistency.
- [Armor of the Devout](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1018) - New armor specific to Leliana available at the site of Andraste's Ashes, with an extra, similar set for Zevran or your rogue PC.
- [Leliana's Sacred Ashes Trailer Armor](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1444)
- [Armor of the Sten](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1185) - Special armor for Sten, found in Lothering.
- [Tranquil Tattoos](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3643/) - Replicates the forehead tattoos present on Tranquil mages in DAII.
- [DA2 Style Qunari in DA:O](http://social.bioware.com/project/4592/) - Works on Sten, too.
- ***[Grey Wardens of Ferelden](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3258/)*** - Replaces the armor of every Grey Warden in the game with a class appropriate version of the Grey Warden armor from DA2, and spawns a class-appropriate set in your inventory upon joining the Wardens. It even changes the armor of every warden in the Soldier's Peak DLC. Extremely well done, but as far as I can tell, all the armor is low level. **There are also weapons in this mod.**
**New Companion**:
- [Ser Gilmore NPC](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/851) - Someone went through and completely fleshed out Ser Gilmore from the Human Noble origin to make him a companion. It's not voiced by the same actor for the rest of the game, but the sheer effort required is amazing.
- [Ser Gilmore for Awakening](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3210) is also available. With continuity.
- [Karmas Origins Companions](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1617) - Lets you recruit pretty much anyone, ever.
- [Extra Dog Slot](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/664) - Adds your dog as a permanent, summonable companion, much like in DA2. Makes the game a bit easier.
- **[Dog Gifts Tweak](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/635/)** - Dog's approval is pretty much stuck at +100, making gifts useless. This mod makes each gift add stats instead.
- **[Mabari Recolors](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/2981/)** - Make your best friend fashion forward.
- **[Extended Dog Talents](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1361/)** - When you reach a high enough level, you run out of talents for Dog. Now you won't.
**Romance Expansions** (Note: by romance I don't mean the sex cut scenes, I mean more meaningful interactions and extended story points):
- [Extended Zevran Romance](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/2054) - Lots of small extended scenes.
- [Extended Alistair Romance](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1166) - More small scenes, including a special scene for each origin. Very sweet.
- [First Night with Alistair](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1420)
- [More visible Alistair kiss](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1549) - Because seriously.. his armor is huge.
- [Cullen Romance Option](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1949) - A very well done mod, if you wanted to follow up on hitting on Cullen as a mage. Adds a scene when you first see him, when you leave, and during Broken Circle.
- [Free Love](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/127) - Allows females to romance Morrigan, though be warned: she will refer to your character with male pronouns, and she will still proposition you for the dark ritual, allowing you to lesbian conceive. Also allows for males to romance Alistair, but again, he will refer to you with female pronouns. This affects party banter, too.
- [Polygamey](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/259) - Allows you to romance anyone and everyone (this is all four available romances, if you use the previous mod). No jealousy. Allows the threesome/foursome with Isabela, even if companions aren't hardened.
- ***[Alistair's Nightmare](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3723)*** - This is a companion mod for Sleep Until Dawn, and requires that mod for this to work. Adds an extremely well done cutscene to the game, triggered after certain conditions are met.
**Romance Expansions continued (Spoilers for ending)** (Thanks to /u/ItamiOzanare for formatting help):
- [Link](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1839) [Royal Wedding - For all your female human noble needs.](/spoiler)
- [Link](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1985) [Zevran Wedding - For Dalish elves only, for now.](/spoiler)
- [Link](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1077) [Gate Kisses - Especially good way to say goodbye to your romances if you're going to go fall on your sword.](/spoiler)
- [Link](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3597) [Funeral Kiss - Extends the PC's funeral, if you romanced Alistair and made him king.](/spoiler)
- [Link](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3368) [Alistair Funeral - If you decide to sacrifice Alistair.](/spoiler)
- [Link](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1611) [The Dark Ritual - I will note that I don't think this one is good enough at their dialogue pulling, but it's still the best version of this scene I've found, a scene that I felt was sorely missing from the game. There is a video of the scene available on the download page, and it's pretty easy to find on YouTube as well.](/spoiler)
**Naked people (All links NSFW)**:
- [Natural Bodies](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/554)
**Edited or Extended Sex Scenes (All links NSFW)**:
- [Milder Romance Scenes](http://social.bioware.com/project/2418/) - Yes, these make the sex scenes *less* explicit.
- [Special 'first time' cut scene for Alistair](http://social.bioware.com/project/2874/)
- [Many flavors of extended/kinkier sex scenes](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/548) - Fairly well animated, if you're into that.
- [Rendezvous at the Tavern](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1587) - Again this is a lot kinkier. Adds a rather remarkable number of new, fully animated and dialogued sex scenes available at The Pearl. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1375827996.0,2,True,t3_1awc6t,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1awc6t/so_you_want_to_mod_dragon_age/,
1343938182.0,213,i.imgur.com,xkxm7,'Yes, it's immature but no matter how many times I play.. I just can't help myself.',235,22,25,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xkxm7/yes_its_immature_but_no_matter_how_many_times_i/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/zb2DUaDDSeEQMXSP.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_xkxm7,http://i.imgur.com/F5Qxb.jpg,
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1376100054.0,190,imgur.com,1k2e5a,Here are the pages on Inquisition from this month's issue of Game Informer,209,19,73,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k2e5a/here_are_the_pages_on_inquisition_from_this/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/dJ5HgIMfj_oU0kgc.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,8,False,t3_1k2e5a,http://imgur.com/a/6fwli#0,
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1367975492.0,164,twitter.com,1dwhad,Dragon Age III To Be Officially Unveiled at E3,182,18,86,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dwhad/dragon_age_iii_to_be_officially_unveiled_at_e3/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/BJNxZcdOIVBgLBZQ.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1dwhad,https://twitter.com/Mike_Laidlaw/status/331867937537417217,
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1340908711.0,155,fc08.deviantart.net,vr52k,I like Peanuts and Dragon Age.,160,5,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vr52k/i_like_peanuts_and_dragon_age/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_vr52k,http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/283/a/b/da_o_parody___peanut_by_eisu-d30gac4.jpg,
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1359680794.0,132,imgur.com,17nzd8,Thought this sub would like this [DA:O OneX skin],138,6,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17nzd8/thought_this_sub_would_like_this_dao_onex_skin/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/OW3oe2MU8QwltKCn.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_17nzd8,http://www.imgur.com/Ja62Pfj.jpeg,
1372796799.0,131,i.imgur.com,1hiqqs,A kid just checked in to the gym I work at.,152,21,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hiqqs/a_kid_just_checked_in_to_the_gym_i_work_at/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/MlcFVtaQJmVpa49V.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1hiqqs,http://i.imgur.com/9TFJtmb.jpg,
1359747381.0,132,i.imgur.com,17plsv,I accidentally made Keanu Reeves (sorry for bad quality),151,19,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17plsv/i_accidentally_made_keanu_reeves_sorry_for_bad/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/EVK894Jb1tiRn0Ok.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_17plsv,http://i.imgur.com/s5tsu9F.jpg,
1334681102.0,134,thesands5th.deviantart.com,sef2i,My Hawke Cosplay,152,18,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sef2i/my_hawke_cosplay/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/i35vJ1IunarTGTZM.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_sef2i,http://thesands5th.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4t927j,
1364398798.0,124,zombiebex.tumblr.com,1b452c,Game of Thrones inspired Dragon Age Sigils,139,15,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b452c/game_of_thrones_inspired_dragon_age_sigils/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/L0RZDkyUbBxXfwz2.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,18,False,t3_1b452c,http://zombiebex.tumblr.com/post/46382634119,
1367298351.0,128,choco-minto.tumblr.com,1de66k,'The Evolution of Anders [Spoilers DA:A, DA2]',142,14,33,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1de66k/the_evolution_of_anders_spoilers_daa_da2/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/ubbM3uMTgphxv8-5.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,8,False,t3_1de66k,http://choco-minto.tumblr.com/post/40222236098,
1366946501.0,126,imgur.com,1d4qo5,The halla are such beautiful creatures,149,23,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d4qo5/the_halla_are_such_beautiful_creatures/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Zd2InyiFK02Kn2TT.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,32,False,t3_1d4qo5,http://imgur.com/N4EXFIt,
1364508954.0,125,imgur.com,1b7dni,Dragon Age Characters in Mass Effect Universe. By YamiSnuffles of DeviantArt,140,15,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b7dni/dragon_age_characters_in_mass_effect_universe_by/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/6tUVKiu6C7PnyIk9.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,7,False,t3_1b7dni,http://imgur.com/a/6LFHF#0,
1376759106.0,120,self.dragonage,1kk2le,What You Didn't Know About Dragon Age: Origins,132,12,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kk2le/what_you_didnt_know_about_dragon_age_origins/,'* Dragon Age had ‘developer achievements’ for all kinds of things, such as successfully crashing the game.
* 2,212 of those Achievements were awarded to developers during production of the game.
* Dragon Age contains 742,000 words of dialogue, and 202,000 words of non-conversational text that were translated into eight languages besides English – Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Russian, and Spanish. Four of those other languages have their own voiceover, whereas the other four subtitle the English VO.
* QA analyst Bruce Venne played 1,957.55 hours of Dragon Age PC in 5,352 games.
* At the end of each month, an Achievement called ‘The Bruce’ would be awarded to people who played more hours than Bruce Venne that month. It was awarded only once.
* BioWare president Ray Muzyka got 134 developer Achievements across 385 hours of play PC and console builds of Dragon Age: Origins before release. He crashed 35 times and filed 311 bugs.
* Ray Muzyka likes to play mages. Mike Laidlaw prefers dual-wielding rogues.
* The in-game animation department used the same stunt actors that were used in the movie 300 for motion capture. In-game animators ‘larped’ with wooden sticks for video reference.
* Words of dialogue in Dragon Age: Origins: 790,856 (The average novel has 80,000 – 100,000 words.)
* Lines of character dialogue: 68,260 (The average movie has 3,000 lines of dialogue.)
* Lelianna's Song was composed and recorded within 24 hours.
* The Ogre was once affectionately known as Fluffy.
* The Dragon Age team goes through 1,400 cups of espresso-sized coffees in a single week!
* The orchestrated pieces in Dragon Age: Origins were performed by the Seattle North West Sinfonia.
* The 44-piece orchestra was recorded twice and melded together to form, in essence, an 88-piece orchestra.
* Chris Bleth was the woodwind soloist who has played on numerous Hollywood blockbusters like Up, Star Trek, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Fast and the Furious.
* The grey warden used in all of the promo trailers was created by the senior product manager and bears a striking resemblance to him.
* A full-scale dwarven tavern and an 8-foot-tall dragon were created for rabid trade show enthusiasts.
* 144 voice actors contributed to the English version of Dragon Age: Origins.
* 1,015,977 PC games played in the last 2.5 years of development totaling 8,145 days of runtime.
* 4,212 different crashes captured and fixed in the last year of development.
* QA Analyst Mark Ramsden filed the most bugs (2,699) for a single user.
* 59 people at Bioware/EA played the game on 582 different computers in the last year before release.
* 234 different area layouts were used for or during the production of the game.
* Number of unique icons created: approximately 1,400.
* Number of mini-maps (including expansions): 182.
* The first creatures in the Dragon Age engine were the Ogre and the Human Male with Medium Armor.
* There are over 1,600 inventory items in the Dragon Age universe so far.
* There are over 3,200 creature/NPC appearances in the Dragon Age universe so far.
* There are almost 1,600 faces in the Dragon Age universe so far.
* There are over 20,000 models in the Dragon Age universe so far.
* There are over 5,500 animations in the Dragon Age universe so far.
* There are about 3,000 cutscenes in the Dragon Age universe so far.
* [Storm of the Century](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Storm_of_the_Century) was a result of maverick VFX lead breaking content lock permission.
* There were nearly 3,000 individual props made for the game.
* The lighting data for the game took our render farm two weeks to calculate.
* 54.1 hours of audio when played back-to-back.
* Number of actors in game: 1,535 (Head morphs)
* Number of items: 1,463 .
* Number of playable areas: 221.
* Number of unique creatures: 209.
* Complete pass on the game took over 90 hours by an experienced QA lead.
* Record QA speed playthough was over 12 hours using cheats on skipping all dialogue.
* One of our development staff creates chain mail from scratch.
[Source: Gameinformer (February 25, 2010)](http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2010/02/25/news-tidbits-dragon-age-origins.aspx)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1376765357.0,11,True,t3_1kk2le,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kk2le/what_you_didnt_know_about_dragon_age_origins/,
1376506923.0,118,gameinformer.com,1kd7at,The Return Of Races In Dragon Age: Inquisition,132,14,60,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kd7at/the_return_of_races_in_dragon_age_inquisition/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/5WIO0YuCJVSGW-UC.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,8,False,t3_1kd7at,http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2013/08/14/the-return-of-races-in-dragon-age-inquisition.aspx,
1375292679.0,119,fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net,1jfnbv,Another picture of Dragon Age Facebook!,129,10,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jfnbv/another_picture_of_dragon_age_facebook/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/wo7FFDupP6gyvG6p.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,25,False,t3_1jfnbv,https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1097907_562927430423328_685571610_o.jpg,
1370236832.0,114,imgur.com,1fkc34,'Figured You Guys Might Like AndrewRyan's Latest Work 'Mass Age', Dragon Age Characters In The Mass Effect Universe. Here's What He Has Done So Far.',132,18,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fkc34/figured_you_guys_might_like_andrewryans_latest/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/SDiUm2aeUrvm4nzy.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,7,False,t3_1fkc34,http://imgur.com/a/hQtbj,
1359191584.0,114,media.sfx.co.uk,17b4w9,Supernatural Dragon Age II sighting.,129,15,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17b4w9/supernatural_dragon_age_ii_sighting/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/-4W0kSuygQPbqc_8.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_17b4w9,http://media.sfx.co.uk/files/2013/01/Supernatural-811-LARP-and-the-Real-Girl-Dragon-Age-2-easter-egg.jpg,
1333920370.0,113,i.imgur.com,rzqsf,The Greatest Mystery in all of Thedas. ,126,13,33,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rzqsf/the_greatest_mystery_in_all_of_thedas/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/9kauEe70WEXyvAqz.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_rzqsf,http://i.imgur.com/hgnUl.jpg,
1371405267.0,111,imgur.com,1ggq6p,This made me laugh way to hard!,162,51,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ggq6p/this_made_me_laugh_way_to_hard/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/t2iKMyd0x0_moZkb.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1ggq6p,http://imgur.com/ZhgygXw,
1332875346.0,108,self.dragonage,rg9aa,'Just restarted DA2 after a year away. Fuck the haters, this game is awesome.',149,41,47,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rg9aa/just_restarted_da2_after_a_year_away_fuck_the/,'Seriously. Fuck 'em. I love this game. The story is immersive, the visuals are still great, and the characters are multidimensional. Oh, and I don't have to hear anything about arrows in the knee from every fourth person I talk to.
Dragon Age II is an amazing game, and I remain an unabashed fan of the series, despite its shortcomings when compared to DA:O.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_rg9aa,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rg9aa/just_restarted_da2_after_a_year_away_fuck_the/,
1350766650.0,111,kotaku.com,11tanx,'New info on DA3: 'one level in Dragon Age 3 is as big as all of the levels in Dragon Age 2.'',125,14,63,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11tanx/new_info_on_da3_one_level_in_dragon_age_3_is_as/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/5HXnriYesPpyt2in.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_11tanx,http://kotaku.com/5953484/castles-and-greater-customization-among-the-first-details-to-emerge-on-dragon-age-iii,
1370979505.0,110,r2smuse.tumblr.com,1g55ha,Saw This on Tumblr. It seems to indicate Morrigan is indeed in Orlais.,130,20,73,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g55ha/saw_this_on_tumblr_it_seems_to_indicate_morrigan/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/CIu0ihSeYe1CwWpa.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,3,False,t3_1g55ha,http://r2smuse.tumblr.com/post/52705679583/wow-i-knew-her-dress-looked-familiar-but-not,
1361422983.0,108,imgur.com,18xqp6,These new mods I downloaded are making me uncomfortable.,120,12,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18xqp6/these_new_mods_i_downloaded_are_making_me/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/tCnwX6bebIPm_OqB.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_18xqp6,http://imgur.com/a/aHdLP,
1357845708.0,111,thepunchlineismachismo.com,16bvfv,'Sten is getting sick of the cookie thing. A 'Manly Guys Doing Manly Things' comic.',122,11,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16bvfv/sten_is_getting_sick_of_the_cookie_thing_a_manly/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/2TGmQU0borcOLqis.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_16bvfv,http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/comics/2010-05-24.jpg,
1354889765.0,110,social.bioware.com,14fzvl,All Dragon Age: Origins & Dragon Age II promo items being given away for free [x-post /r/Games],120,10,33,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/14fzvl/all_dragon_age_origins_dragon_age_ii_promo_items/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_14fzvl,http://social.bioware.com/da2/dlc_bundle/,
1367235221.0,108,i.imgur.com,1dbyli,Made me laugh today. Scumbag PC,136,28,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dbyli/made_me_laugh_today_scumbag_pc/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/gJ0X9Fim3o92NDzX.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1dbyli,http://i.imgur.com/Tv0JD4m.jpg,
1366680159.0,106,imgur.com,1cwl9g,My copy of World of Thedas just arrived!,121,15,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1cwl9g/my_copy_of_world_of_thedas_just_arrived/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/4pPYQ0OvABzvnSO5.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,8,False,t3_1cwl9g,http://imgur.com/a/T4XAs#1,
1364296695.0,105,images2.wikia.nocookie.net,1b1abr,'I don't know about you guys, but this is where I want to go most in Dragon Age 3',126,21,33,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b1abr/i_dont_know_about_you_guys_but_this_is_where_i/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/8z33Z2r795JKO8iy.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1b1abr,http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090923000819/dragonage/images/b/bb/Category_Lore.JPG,
1359338172.0,105,self.dragonage,17ehi7,Am I the only one that liked Dragon Age 2?,136,31,120,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17ehi7/am_i_the_only_one_that_liked_dragon_age_2/,'It is by far not as good as Origins, but overall I liked it. I don't think it was nearly as polished, and felt a bit rushed. But overall, I liked Hawke, and I liked the combat. The story had its higher points, but it could have been an over all better game. So I was fine with most reviews of it at about 8.5. So I seem to see two spectrums on the game, some love it, but a lot hate its existence. Why do you like, or dislike Dragon age 2?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_17ehi7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17ehi7/am_i_the_only_one_that_liked_dragon_age_2/,
1375632469.0,105,kurikan.deviantart.com,1jonoa,So I made a Fenris portrait!,129,24,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jonoa/so_i_made_a_fenris_portrait/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/0MFWT4kO1fYl00GM.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1jonoa,http://kurikan.deviantart.com/art/Fenris-390536007,
1376327749.0,102,gameinformer.com,1k7u9d,Dragon Age: Inquisition’s Morrigan – Past and Present (new update from Game Informer),119,17,57,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k7u9d/dragon_age_inquisitions_morrigan_past_and_present/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/SwHpeAPtqT-WtCoA.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1k7u9d,http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2013/08/12/dragon-age-inquisition-s-morrigan-past-and-present.aspx?PostPageIndex=1,
1372716854.0,104,i.imgur.com,1hgf6k,'Don't know if any of you are playing Animal Crossing, but I made DA2 Grey Warden armor sets for it.',119,15,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hgf6k/dont_know_if_any_of_you_are_playing_animal/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/qC5pzzAhe7ocwYiH.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_1hgf6k,http://i.imgur.com/Nxbg1lv.jpg,
1356226049.0,103,i.imgur.com,15b0y0,So apparently I'm part of the battle now.,112,9,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15b0y0/so_apparently_im_part_of_the_battle_now/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/p3JKaugE8VDmmoQp.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_15b0y0,http://i.imgur.com/qnPVJ.jpg?1,
1345652701.0,100,i.imgur.com,yn73m,I always laughed at this dialogue option,114,14,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/yn73m/i_always_laughed_at_this_dialogue_option/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Eq2u8vWaUQjC1UeP.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_yn73m,http://i.imgur.com/QHanX.jpg,
1357858634.0,100,thepunchlineismachismo.com,16ccek,'Since you all liked my other post, here's another one of Coelasquid's 'Many Guys Doing Manly Things' comics involving Varric's chest hair.',122,22,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16ccek/since_you_all_liked_my_other_post_heres_another/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/-s6P9wQDShDXNgOA.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_16ccek,http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/comics/2011-05-30.jpg,
1343674670.0,100,i.imgur.com,xekyc,'While I respect people's opinions on DA:O, this is a little ridiculous.',114,14,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xekyc/while_i_respect_peoples_opinions_on_dao_this_is_a/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/ejOEOOGgUIaMi3V8.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_xekyc,http://i.imgur.com/fXAco.png,
1354144735.0,97,youtube.com,13ymbd,What Almost Everyone Wanted to Do as Hawke.. ,105,8,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13ymbd/what_almost_everyone_wanted_to_do_as_hawke/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/HVu50jxiUb6EcttL.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_13ymbd,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DizKSFyc8sc,
1372842449.0,94,ddriana.deviantart.com,1hk32g,Strong Female Pose by Ddriana (x-post from /r/girlgamers),118,24,23,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hk32g/strong_female_pose_by_ddriana_xpost_from/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/vzE9fGGRLVGA1ndy.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_1hk32g,http://ddriana.deviantart.com/art/Strong-Female-Pose-Dragon-Age-381583613,
1374926632.0,92,imgur.com,1j5nie,TIL that using console commands in DAII allows you to see the unused redesigned Shriek Darkspawn that was supposed to appear in Legacy.,108,16,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j5nie/til_that_using_console_commands_in_daii_allows/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/gxCfz5QiAHcNPHEr.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1j5nie,http://imgur.com/lRyjYAs,
1373477384.0,93,i.imgur.com,1i0q3k,Bioware just tweeted this image. Looks like Cassandra.,122,29,52,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1i0q3k/bioware_just_tweeted_this_image_looks_like/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/jFSaGSTAnr-hbbd_.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1i0q3k,http://i.imgur.com/dxIyAon.jpg,
1339173793.0,91,isriana.deviantart.com,ursc6,Submit Yourself to the Taint,98,7,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ursc6/submit_yourself_to_the_taint/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/8WyTHO6vAIToO0pt.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_ursc6,http://isriana.deviantart.com/art/Submit-Yourself-to-the-Taint-288023430,
1333744320.0,91,gametrailers.com,rwu3l,''BioWare: The Next Dragon Age Won't Reuse Levels, Will Have Decisions That Matter'',99,8,63,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rwu3l/bioware_the_next_dragon_age_wont_reuse_levels/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/1bFwLh-GlPzcYIep.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_rwu3l,http://www.gametrailers.com/side-mission/2012/04/06/bioware-the-next-dragon-age-wont-reuse-levels-will-have-decisions-that-matter/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter,
1351638865.0,92,i.imgur.com,12d7nh,Decided to go Dragon Age on my pumpkin this year.,101,9,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/12d7nh/decided_to_go_dragon_age_on_my_pumpkin_this_year/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/dH_i1Bni48kq_VzL.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_12d7nh,http://i.imgur.com/0J8a9.jpg,
1350947739.0,92,oxm.co.uk,11wq9k,Dragon Age 3: 12 things you need to know,100,8,27,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11wq9k/dragon_age_3_12_things_you_need_to_know/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/DCRkIFHo1Hpdaj_i.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_11wq9k,http://www.oxm.co.uk/46843/features/dragon-age-3-12-things-you-need-to-know/,
1373138893.0,87,imgur.com,1hrgna,Grey Warden Motto (before touch up work),117,30,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hrgna/grey_warden_motto_before_touch_up_work/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/94SNP37UmTcBnROU.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1hrgna,http://imgur.com/R6tCx7b,
1376037599.0,87,fc00.deviantart.net,1k0kr4,'Mass Age - Leliana, by AndrewRyanArt',102,15,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k0kr4/mass_age_leliana_by_andrewryanart/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/eBSrN6OxHImHvoZa.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1k0kr4,http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/220/9/a/leliana___mass_age_by_andrewryanart-d6h7p7g.jpg,
1374429373.0,91,imgur.com,1irdbe,'Isabela is a 'Notorious Pirate'',122,31,34,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1irdbe/isabela_is_a_notorious_pirate/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/PMAR9WTTPHuZ0yKB.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1irdbe,http://imgur.com/a/Nf4lS,
1365036586.0,92,i.imgur.com,1bmmma,Shale being a dirty girl.,113,21,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1bmmma/shale_being_a_dirty_girl/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/JMJrlmyc7FlfoqDd.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1bmmma,http://i.imgur.com/yDTS71K.jpg,
1360099268.0,88,self.dragonage,17yf46,'Robin Sachs, voice of Harrowmont, Murdock, Experienced Male Human Warden in Origins, and Seneschal Varel in Awakening, passed away February 1st.',100,12,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17yf46/robin_sachs_voice_of_harrowmont_murdock/,'https://twitter.com/BioEvilChris/status/298818251754991616
Sorry about the repost everybody, he died Feb. 1st , it was only reported earlier this morning.
He was also Zaeed Massani in the Mass Effect Series.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_17yf46,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17yf46/robin_sachs_voice_of_harrowmont_murdock/,
1338042546.0,87,i.imgur.com,u5zou,'My favorite thing about DAO cut scenes: Spell effect persistence. No biggie, just standing in fire, having a chat. ',92,5,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/u5zou/my_favorite_thing_about_dao_cut_scenes_spell/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/kUujI0BugI63rzHU.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_u5zou,http://i.imgur.com/RddtJ.jpg,
1336959412.0,87,i.imgur.com,tls13,I can't be the only Grey Warden with this problem. ,102,15,33,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tls13/i_cant_be_the_only_grey_warden_with_this_problem/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/uenWKaZRa57Q-R5D.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_tls13,http://i.imgur.com/xCFE5.jpg,
1371123935.0,86,youtube.com,1g9ga3,Sandals Prophecy from Dragon Age 2,95,9,38,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g9ga3/sandals_prophecy_from_dragon_age_2/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/A3pu89ECsW_ucruK.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1g9ga3,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYFTX_2F0X4,
1372889281.0,85,imgur.com,1hlgpl,'Posted this before on R/Tattoos, didn't get as mouch love as I'm sure it will on here. DA:O Cover Art Tattoo',127,42,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hlgpl/posted_this_before_on_rtattoos_didnt_get_as_mouch/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/zXk2jRbs92RpCzNT.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1hlgpl,http://imgur.com/a/J4GIi,
1370896002.0,83,self.dragonage,1g2h2v,DA3 to be released Fall 2014.,91,8,89,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g2h2v/da3_to_be_released_fall_2014/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,3,True,t3_1g2h2v,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g2h2v/da3_to_be_released_fall_2014/,
1357182804.0,83,imgur.com,15v6nk,Sten the Eyeball Knocker,90,7,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15v6nk/sten_the_eyeball_knocker/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/z7UrX8TOOl3N7MMq.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_15v6nk,http://imgur.com/yNZob,
1371310541.0,84,25.media.tumblr.com,1geipk,A sketch of Fenris. It's not finished but I like it so far.,95,11,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1geipk/a_sketch_of_fenris_its_not_finished_but_i_like_it/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/HP3b-2zXq71pgfFX.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1geipk,http://25.media.tumblr.com/60ad03efd2028e8c2b2bce0555078bbb/tumblr_mofxc6psSO1ri611ro1_500.jpg,
1334023676.0,83,i.imgur.com,s1ut0,PAX east 2012 (x-post from r/masseffect),89,6,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/s1ut0/pax_east_2012_xpost_from_rmasseffect/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/KkCNtv-NVvPkT2B9.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_s1ut0,http://i.imgur.com/gDpnU.jpg,
1372187376.0,81,blog.bioware.com,1h20p8,Did you see this HQ screenshot from the DA:I trailer?,90,9,26,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1h20p8/did_you_see_this_hq_screenshot_from_the_dai/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/8bp1Fl_-8c4QWGPx.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1h20p8,http://blog.bioware.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/E3_2013_Screen21.jpg,
1369366619.0,83,self.dragonage,1ey85q,Is it just me..or was DA2 actually much better than people gave it credit for? [Spoilers],119,36,64,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ey85q/is_it_just_meor_was_da2_actually_much_better_than/,'I understand that there was too much recycled environments, but for the most part, I thought it was a great, game, especially the story telling. After finishing the game, I actually felt almost the same degree of 'separation anxiety' I that tend to get for games like DA:O or the Mass Effect series.
The story-line was amazing, the Mage-Templar issue captured my attention and had me conflicted until the very end. The parts where Hawke's mother dies by Quentin and Anders becoming a terrorist (can't believe I didn't realize that he was technically an abomination until it was too late) ultimately lead me to side with the templars.. but in the end, I still didn't feel like there was 'right choice'.
Combat wise, I didn't mind the continuous waves of enemies. As a DW rogue, I just learnt to conserve my cooldowns and only use it at the right times. My only complaint is nightmare mode being too ridiculous with the friendly fire damages. Ex. I can't seem to bring Fenris along without him 1HKO almost any other melee party members in game, even Aveline.
Events like zombie mom dying and sibling getting kidnapped actually made me feel quite angry and furious at the in-game NPCs. Overall, in my opinion, if I game can make me experience such emotions, it must've been a pretty good game.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1ey85q,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ey85q/is_it_just_meor_was_da2_actually_much_better_than/,
1347811743.0,80,i.imgur.com,zz3vz,Chantry Entrance Wallpaper,89,9,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/zz3vz/chantry_entrance_wallpaper/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/6Ep-jLBQccTwlKel.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_zz3vz,http://i.imgur.com/cLxWX.jpg,
1370267748.0,81,fc02.deviantart.net,1fkwr3,My Fenris Sketch,101,20,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fkwr3/my_fenris_sketch/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/69fbrFKYwPsxh4HY.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,3,False,t3_1fkwr3,http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/146/e/c/fenris3_fin_by_whirlygirl9-d66q7jl.jpg,
1370814573.0,81,i.imgur.com,1g066j,'Uh. Is something wrong, Alistair?',96,15,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g066j/uh_is_something_wrong_alistair/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/4xHefpbYUHLB4g6U.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,2,False,t3_1g066j,http://i.imgur.com/xua7myp.jpg,
1338700173.0,77,imgur.com,ui8ee,Suspicious quotation marks..,87,10,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ui8ee/suspicious_quotation_marks/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/ToRdCuOeQoecciEd.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_ui8ee,http://imgur.com/zW6zf,
1366634467.0,82,self.dragonage,1cuyri,I have fallen deeply in love with DA:O. I can't believe it took me so long to discover this game.,91,9,48,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1cuyri/i_have_fallen_deeply_in_love_with_dao_i_cant/,'So many things I love about this game:
1. The combat. I love the tactics system. I love pausing and deciding what the party member will do. I am not good at combat in other games; it tends to move too quickly for me to think. This allows time for me to breathe and decide what I want to do next!
2. I love the NPC personalities - they seem so fully realized and interesting. Also the party banter is so fun.
3. I love the art style. I have modded it up some with better textures but I loved the way the game looked without it - now it just looks better.
4. I love the Origins. I played the Mage one, it was meh..but loved the Dwarf Origins. They were both so cool. In fact, I just dig the Dwarves, period.
I've not played through the whole game, only gotten as far as Ostagar in my game and watched some LPs of a bit more of the game, but have not seen the ending or much of the story. Really looking forward to diving in.
I am doing a Let's Play of this game - my love note to it I suppose - just posted the first few episodes today. I am a storyteller and **deep** roleplayer so this is right up my alley.
Here's the [first episode](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WzaDu_DsH8&list=PLvwrEqwe9aSXze4woQaJckc54_UASKFvp&index=1). I am hoping to receive lots of tips and tricks from smart DA players in comments. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1366668001.0,True,t3_1cuyri,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1cuyri/i_have_fallen_deeply_in_love_with_dao_i_cant/,
1365387209.0,77,self.dragonage,1bw3mw,Just finish Dragon Age 2 and I have a few words to say..,95,18,115,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1bw3mw/just_finish_dragon_age_2_and_i_have_a_few_words/,WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ANDERS!!,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_1bw3mw,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1bw3mw/just_finish_dragon_age_2_and_i_have_a_few_words/,
1338887353.0,78,isriana.deviantart.com,ultzj,Dragon Age: Origins - The Party,92,14,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ultzj/dragon_age_origins_the_party/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Gs5N04aKaiHqYBi3.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_ultzj,http://isriana.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Age-Origins-The-Party-289432030,
1353367841.0,76,imgur.com,13h73g,messed up textures or dance party?,86,10,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13h73g/messed_up_textures_or_dance_party/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/9mwIth6CtxpMRJqe.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_13h73g,http://imgur.com/QPP1g,
1367383129.0,75,i.imgur.com,1dgpg5,Haldyn from Skyrim looks like Sten.,97,22,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dgpg5/haldyn_from_skyrim_looks_like_sten/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/SaLjIbD6j45PhYKJ.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1dgpg5,http://i.imgur.com/qlgIAMz.jpg,
1350779591.0,75,blog.bioware.com,11tm37,New Dragon Age III: Inquisition Concept Art,81,6,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11tm37/new_dragon_age_iii_inquisition_concept_art/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/4NUXABfGc02u5H-7.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_11tm37,http://blog.bioware.com/2012/10/20/first-look-dragon-age-iii-inquisition-concept-art/,
1319389690.0,74,i.imgur.com,lm58a,How I feel when enchanting in Minecraft,80,6,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lm58a/how_i_feel_when_enchanting_in_minecraft/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_lm58a.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_lm58a,http://i.imgur.com/heOo7.jpg,
1366781806.0,77,store.steampowered.com,1czrp0,Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition 75% off right now on Steam - $7.49!,88,11,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1czrp0/dragon_age_origins_ultimate_edition_75_off_right/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/4GZxodnIo7sBJ2cv.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1czrp0,http://store.steampowered.com/app/47810/,
1371758813.0,75,uk.ign.com,1gqz2p,Why Dragon Age: Inquisition Isn’t Called Dragon Age 3 - IGN,90,15,72,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gqz2p/why_dragon_age_inquisition_isnt_called_dragon_age/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/lw9EU3EoHiSOC98h.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_1gqz2p,http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/06/20/why-dragon-age-inquisition-isnt-called-dragon-age-3?utm_campaign=ign+main+twitter&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social,
1371352419.0,73,andrewartwork.tumblr.com,1gfoei,Isabela and Aveline - AndrewRyanArt doing Mass Age. DA characters in ME gear.,86,13,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gfoei/isabela_and_aveline_andrewryanart_doing_mass_age/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/aRhkfM3trdCkdKeL.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1gfoei,http://andrewartwork.tumblr.com/post/53071338611/isabela-and-aveline-mass-age-hopefully-isabela,
1370353515.0,71,fc09.deviantart.net,1fnfol,'Since you liked my Fenris, here's Zevran. I called it Warden's Sacrifice',96,25,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fnfol/since_you_liked_my_fenris_heres_zevran_i_called/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/6bvs88SfpRxnHxko.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,3,False,t3_1fnfol,http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/141/d/2/warden_s_sacrifice_by_whirlygirl9-d664nzc.jpg,
1333000858.0,74,fc05.deviantart.net,rivme,Sassy Gay Hawke,90,16,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rivme/sassy_gay_hawke/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_rivme,http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/148/5/f/da___sassy_gay_hawke_by_enerjak-d3hgmj0.jpg,
1350420047.0,69,self.dragonage,11l8b1,'I was sick today, so I made a quick survey about decisions in the DA games. This could be interesting!',79,10,27,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11l8b1/i_was_sick_today_so_i_made_a_quick_survey_about/,'**[FINAL EDIT: The results are here!](http://redd.it/11uo1r)**
Self post - no karma. Please feel free to upvote for visibility.
As said, I spent a few hours coming up with a survey for the choices you make in the games. Personally I was wondering how the Reddit community played the games, so I had been planning on doing this quite some time ago.
[Link to the survey](https://qtrial.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_1XHUJvm4jCaQuvb)
The survey has 56 questions, so it should take you about 10 minutes to answer it completely. Due to lack of lasting decisions in DA2, the majority of questions is about DA:O, so don't worry about the size of the second page.
Depending on the reception I will deliver results after a significant number has answered it (I'm guessing about 100 should be sufficient) or if the post is a week old (That would be Tuesday, the 23rd of October), whatever takes longer.
Also, feel free to post the survey to non-redditor friends and family!
EDIT: Thanks for the amount of submissions! The survey is now roughly 24 hours old, and 205 people have already answered it. I honestly didn't think it'd go so quickly. In accordance with my plans for the weekend (and to be fair towards those who don't visit this subreddit daily) I'll keep the post up until Sunday morning of GMT and spend my lazy Sunday summing up the results. If everything goes well, you Americans will be able to spend your hangover over some pretty graphs.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1350842680.0,34,True,t3_11l8b1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11l8b1/i_was_sick_today_so_i_made_a_quick_survey_about/,
1368998556.0,68,i.imgur.com,1eniuz,'What being an archer in DA2 feels like [Magikarp], at least to me :)',91,23,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1eniuz/what_being_an_archer_in_da2_feels_like_magikarp/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/-c1N8cbgfcz1Prls.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,34,False,t3_1eniuz,http://i.imgur.com/Jikwqrl.gif,
1365285420.0,68,d2npbuaakacvlz.cloudfront.net,1bth0r,'My absolutely awesome fantasy exchange secret santa sent me this! Here we go, old school role-playing.',79,11,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1bth0r/my_absolutely_awesome_fantasy_exchange_secret/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/mIW1OS4iFFILp8ny.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1bth0r,https://d2npbuaakacvlz.cloudfront.net/images/uploaded/large-present/2013/4/6/my-final-fantasy-fantasy-exchange-1365268808.jpg,
1376666452.0,70,polygon.com,1khq0k,'/r/gaming has a thread linking an article from Metro, stating that Jennifer Hepler has quit Bioware because of death threats to her family. The article is patently false.',82,12,62,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1khq0k/rgaming_has_a_thread_linking_an_article_from/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/ImulhAY8Ooyjgkt0.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_1khq0k,http://www.polygon.com/2013/8/15/4622252/plague-of-game-dev-harassment-erodes-industry-spurs-support-groups,
1345250626.0,70,imgur.com,yemvw,Greg Ellis is doing VO work for DA3,75,5,30,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/yemvw/greg_ellis_is_doing_vo_work_for_da3/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/ucL7Ome7iJxbDLar.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_yemvw,http://imgur.com/iSfzG,
1345440219.0,72,cinemablend.com,yid7s,'Dragon Age 3 Story, Character Art Leaked?',77,5,39,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/yid7s/dragon_age_3_story_character_art_leaked/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/2gDRhDZQ-QnAm8t4.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_yid7s,http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Dragon-Age-3-Story-Character-Art-Leaked-45878.html,
1350841532.0,66,self.dragonage,11uo1r,'As promised, here are the results of the survey!',75,9,70,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11uo1r/as_promised_here_are_the_results_of_the_survey/,'So it's Sunday evening and I just managed to get the album done after being too hung over myself this morning.
First I will have to apologize for an inconvenience. When I opened up Qualtrics today I saw that 305 people had answered the survey, and that Qualtrics had suspended viewing the results until I fork over 2500$. Luckily I had an old tab from yesterday still opened on my tablet, so I had insight to the answers of the first 243 people who answered. If you posted some time after yesterday afternoon I'm afraid your answers aren't represented in the graphs, sorry for that. Also the graphs aren't that pretty as hoped, I had to use a web-based program as lifesaver.
[So without further ado, here's the album with the relevant questions.](http://imgur.com/a/SUo9r)
Note that I did not include some questions of the survey, in this case responses were nearly 100% towards one answer.
Reading through the comments was pretty interesting. The points frequently brought up were:
* Return of old characters (Alistair and Morrigan were specificially requested several times, wheras Oghren was specifically excluded).
* A polished game; no repeated dungeons, better character shaping etc.
* Story-wise the hivemind wants to go back to how things were in Origins, regarding combat it sways more towards the faster DA2 style.
* More character interactions, better romances including sex scenes and post-coital continuation of them, the ability to dress them, ideas like a Chasind character were brought up.
* Decisions should weigh more again and actually affect the story ending.
* Less plot devices, you should be able to actually avoid certain things.
* Hawke and the Warden need to make a reappearance.
* Possibility to interrupt conversations like in Mass Effect.
If you still have questiones feel free to ask!
1336663119.0,67,imgur.com,tgkf3,[OC] Flemeth,74,7,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tgkf3/oc_flemeth/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/RZV0i2VQtt3lt0RQ.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_tgkf3,http://imgur.com/JBKV1,
1372178876.0,66,girlplaysgame.com,1h1p04,Dragon Age inspired perfume ads,82,16,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1h1p04/dragon_age_inspired_perfume_ads/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/PM71N2HdZNlQuYUf.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1h1p04,http://girlplaysgame.com/2013/06/24/dragon-age-dragon-age-perfume-series/,
1355091097.0,67,imgur.com,14kgbp,Some news about DA3 development,77,10,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/14kgbp/some_news_about_da3_development/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/OhNDO2owQkY6nvU0.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_14kgbp,http://imgur.com/gdd44,
1348853332.0,69,i.imgur.com,10mltz,My sister sketched a genderbent Morrigan..,87,18,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10mltz/my_sister_sketched_a_genderbent_morrigan/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/DH3hn2qV3LQX1ARG.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_10mltz,http://i.imgur.com/sV2Aj.png,
1374603374.0,62,mattrhodesart.blogspot.ca,1iwdlq,Matt Rhodes Dragon Age and Mass Effect Concept Art. x-posted from r/masseffect,79,17,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1iwdlq/matt_rhodes_dragon_age_and_mass_effect_concept/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/6yT68B005JRHp10X.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,7,False,t3_1iwdlq,http://mattrhodesart.blogspot.ca/2013/07/concept-art-behind-scenes.html,
1358207486.0,65,fc04.deviantart.net,16kzuw,'Dragon Effect, by Andrew Ryan. Two of my favorite series combined! (Xpost from r/masseffect)',90,25,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16kzuw/dragon_effect_by_andrew_ryan_two_of_my_favorite/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_16kzuw,http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/325/6/7/dragon_effect_by_andrewryanart-d5lq8wr.jpg,
1376069322.0,61,gameinformer.com,1k1cvg,Exclusive Dragon Age: Inquisition Screens - Game Informer,74,13,45,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k1cvg/exclusive_dragon_age_inquisition_screens_game/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/SZk9MJcXOYJmDUtQ.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_1k1cvg,http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2013/08/09/exclusive-dragon-age-inquisition-screens.aspx,
1313976265.0,65,self.dragonage,jq4ip,'I'm replaying Origins after DA2, and I just gotta say..',72,7,47,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/jq4ip/im_replaying_origins_after_da2_and_i_just_gotta/,'..god*damn*, but the first game was so much better.
I enjoyed the hell out of DA2 - love the fast pace and the new combat system and all the pretties. But for all that it's *just* a game; Origins is a friggin *experience*. I had also forgotten how *big* the original was. Good, good stuff.
I *really* hope 3 goes back to its - ahem - origins.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_jq4ip,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/jq4ip/im_replaying_origins_after_da2_and_i_just_gotta/,
1366880005.0,58,cloud.steampowered.com,1d2mkp,Just a screencap of my Arcane Warrior stuffing an Ogre's face with a sword blade sammich,77,19,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d2mkp/just_a_screencap_of_my_arcane_warrior_stuffing_an/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Titm5QJnGU9YExUI.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1d2mkp,http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/884106357388603804/756CD9340DF70CB370446F377392B6A2107B3296/,
1357390962.0,60,i.imgur.com,16087r,'New armour, weapons, allies..mods really give this game a new lease of life. [Secret Companion spoiler]',69,9,26,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16087r/new_armour_weapons_alliesmods_really_give_this/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Jbobzl-8qeM8pPGO.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_16087r,http://i.imgur.com/eIMrr.jpg,
1376682436.0,61,gameinformer.com,1kiaao,Refining Tactics – The Combat Of Dragon Age: Inquisition,76,15,38,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kiaao/refining_tactics_the_combat_of_dragon_age/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/0ER1m2VgfhxmdEBM.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,25,False,t3_1kiaao,http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2013/08/16/combat-of-dragon-age-inquisition.aspx,
1375902909.0,62,gameinformer.com,1jwido,A Look Inside Dragon Age: Inquisition's Development,68,6,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jwido/a_look_inside_dragon_age_inquisitions_development/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/KSmRreM7XvtfTXp8.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1jwido,http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2013/08/07/a-look-inside-dragon-age-inquisition-39-s-development.aspx,
1375208770.0,63,mahadraws.tumblr.com,1jd523,The trailer for Dragon Age 3 inspired me to make some Morrigan Fan Art!,84,21,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jd523/the_trailer_for_dragon_age_3_inspired_me_to_make/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/xs4vXlX8Emy7DZRp.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1jd523,http://mahadraws.tumblr.com/post/56892595374,
1370964884.0,63,youtube.com,1g4jy8,Inquisition Post-EA Conference Breakdown,73,10,56,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g4jy8/inquisition_postea_conference_breakdown/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/iXNo-8Da0KoB2jYC.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,31,False,t3_1g4jy8,http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=o5QrVzeY8z8,
1363939226.0,60,self.dragonage,1asezt,Just finished Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 for the first time. Am I crazy for liking them both equally?,81,21,41,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1asezt/just_finished_dragon_age_origins_and_dragon_age_2/,'I should note that I'm new to Dragon Age, and just plowed through both games over the last two weeks. Needless to say, I'm a huge fan of both games!
Origins was great stuff, don't get me wrong. I've heard comparisons to Baldur's Gate, but since I haven't played that, I found the game reminiscent of Star Wars: KOTOR in all of the best ways possible. I loved the characters and the scale of the world, the writing was excellent, the gameplay was challenging, and there was so much to see and do! I thought the graphics could have been better from a technical perspective, the plot was somewhat simple, and a game ending glitch almost made me give up (my Xbox kept freezing on the Archdemon fight :( ), but overall I had a great time playing it!
Dragon Age 2 is obviously a very different beast, but I thought it made a lot more improvements than it got credit for. I thought the narrative setup was a lot more intriguing, and I liked how everything came together at the end. The combat might not have been as deep per se, but I thought it was a lot more gratifying. It was fast, flashy, and fun, and I liked how some of the mechanics were streamlined with potion and poison making. Spending hours in the Tactics screen felt great because I could almost play it as fast paced action game (I know it's not what many of the fans wanted, but I appreciated it!) The characters were just about as good as Origins in my opinion. Merrill is one of my new favorite characters, Varric was hilarious throughout (I loved his nicknames for your squadmates), and even characters I didn't care for at first grew on me quite a bit by the end (Anders and Aveline in particular). The only thing that almost did it in for me was the repetition. I had read complaints all over the internet about how Bioware reused mansion, dungeon, underground, and outdoor layouts throughout the game, but I had no idea they were reused THAT much. I saw that stupid dock hideout and outdoor cave system more times than I could count, and I'd get ticked every time a rock wall was mysteriously blocking off the door in a cave I had just been in a little while ago. Although I liked the idea of the city and day/night cycles, it got a little long in the tooth for me after a while as well. In the end though, I loved the new things DA2 had to offer, and I'm glad I got to experience it after the 'hate train' stop rolling. I imagine this place was as bad as r/masseffect was after ME3's ending started getting attention.
Tl;dr: I loved what both games had to offer, and I'm now eagerly anticipating Dragon Age 3!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1asezt,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1asezt/just_finished_dragon_age_origins_and_dragon_age_2/,
1371921815.0,60,th05.deviantart.net,1gv3wy,I finally got a scanner..here's Sebastian Vael,77,17,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gv3wy/i_finally_got_a_scannerheres_sebastian_vael/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/PUntuFwpPlQHgcQC.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,3,False,t3_1gv3wy,http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/173/5/c/sebastian_vael_by_whirlygirl9-d6a5v0z.jpg,
1342388545.0,59,i.imgur.com,wlyw9,Me and David Gaider ,67,8,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wlyw9/me_and_david_gaider/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Ybr029chnCBCE94D.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_wlyw9,http://i.imgur.com/qSxHK.jpg,
1363145206.0,55,youtube.com,1a6zrm,Fenris Loves His CTC ,66,11,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1a6zrm/fenris_loves_his_ctc/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/O_sg-FZS3UbthLEY.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_1a6zrm,http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ywwakR6eRhE,
1361042110.0,57,self.dragonage,18nevv,Things bioware did right with DA2,66,9,79,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18nevv/things_bioware_did_right_with_da2/,'I read a lot about the many mistakes bioware made with da2. I was wondering what you guys liked about Da2 or stuff they did better than, what they did in origins.
For example I love the dynamic characters in both of the games. And I think they made mages much better.
Edit. It seems like having a voice actor was a big hit for most people. I am also wondering what is the most hated thing about da2 for you guys. Just one thing in general that you guys think they could have done better with a little more time. For me it is most likely having different dungeons, instead of the same building over and over again. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1361137813.0,True,t3_18nevv,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18nevv/things_bioware_did_right_with_da2/,
1361675323.0,58,self.dragonage,19443y,''You should run while you can!'',72,14,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19443y/you_should_run_while_you_can/,Said Leliana to the wooden barricade..,False,self,t5_2r8lo,1361747515.0,True,t3_19443y,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19443y/you_should_run_while_you_can/,
1376618753.0,55,self.dragonage,1kgmff,I just beat Dragon Age: Origins. All I have to say is this.,72,17,54,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kgmff/i_just_beat_dragon_age_origins_all_i_have_to_say/,Holy shit.. Time for round 2.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,13,True,t3_1kgmff,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kgmff/i_just_beat_dragon_age_origins_all_i_have_to_say/,
1372902468.0,59,i.imgur.com,1hlveh,Chris Priestly is leaving Bioware at the end of the month,65,6,29,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hlveh/chris_priestly_is_leaving_bioware_at_the_end_of/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/KTC6seZlCz-lLlT4.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1hlveh,http://i.imgur.com/mRg4JWy.jpg,
1368799659.0,54,youtube.com,1einar,'Dragon Age 3 - What we know so far (Info, Concept Art, Story)',64,10,28,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1einar/dragon_age_3_what_we_know_so_far_info_concept_art/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/z9wKl39PgF7_wqnb.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1einar,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86UMxLIwd2Q,
1352799723.0,55,i.imgur.com,13469b,I tracked my mouse activity for 2 hours while playing Dragon Age: Origins (x-post from r/gaming),74,19,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13469b/i_tracked_my_mouse_activity_for_2_hours_while/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/yapKcdgYJU18xojf.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_13469b,http://i.imgur.com/edFGq.jpg,
1369928127.0,57,marketplace.xbox.com,1fcap5,The Black Emporium (at least for 360) is now free,62,5,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fcap5/the_black_emporium_at_least_for_360_is_now_free/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/RVRHc_cyhb0XVZ29.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1fcap5,http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/The-Black-Emporium/5547fba7-9a4b-4e43-bc63-a43c0538e65d?cid=SLink,
1349387771.0,56,social.bioware.com,10yjz3,So random kissing is going to be a thing in Dragon Age: Inquisition,63,7,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10yjz3/so_random_kissing_is_going_to_be_a_thing_in/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,19,False,t3_10yjz3,http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/371/index/14297664/1,
1334440890.0,57,xenoprobe.deviantart.com,sa0b3,Anyone up for awesome Merrill fanart?,62,5,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sa0b3/anyone_up_for_awesome_merrill_fanart/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/AWJVlpV7P4G16OmF.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_sa0b3,http://xenoprobe.deviantart.com/art/Merrill-Dalish-Pariah-210356380?q=boost%3Apopular%20merrill%20dalish%20pariah&qo=1,
1333041961.0,57,greywardens.com,rji7u,Next Dragon Age game inbound. ,62,5,28,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rji7u/next_dragon_age_game_inbound/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/DtB-Lw0BAgdPbx6g.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_rji7u,http://greywardens.com/2012/03/new-dragon-age-game-in-works/,
1259548583.0,54,img266.imageshack.us,a9brd,B-But I have a wife!,58,4,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a9brd/bbut_i_have_a_wife/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a9brd.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a9brd,http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/9058/joiningthegaywardens.jpg,
1375155618.0,51,youtube.com,1jbqm9,Swaying Hips,65,14,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jbqm9/swaying_hips/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/CrOSdBJTy5AB7hNP.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1jbqm9,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymVOpK01OjY,
1364571436.0,53,rockpapershotgun.com,1b8vin,'David Gaider on DA2's flaws, fan feedback, and more',62,9,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b8vin/david_gaider_on_da2s_flaws_fan_feedback_and_more/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/qk8vMkO8oaod9kCE.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,8,False,t3_1b8vin,http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/03/29/biowares-gaider-on-dragon-age-iis-flaws-dragon-age-iii/,
1357153903.0,53,leviathyn.com,15u8gg,The 10 Do’s And Don’ts Of Dragon Age 3,68,15,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15u8gg/the_10_dos_and_donts_of_dragon_age_3/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/ip0zWT__kjXfgGbn.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_15u8gg,http://leviathyn.com/games-2/opinion/2013/01/02/the-10-dos-and-donts-of-dragon-age-3/,
1339528594.0,53,kotaku.com,uyezw,Dragon Age saves a life,57,4,23,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/uyezw/dragon_age_saves_a_life/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/6DelHBnPainjGohp.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_uyezw,http://kotaku.com/5917549/how-dragon-age-ii-helped-one-young-gamer-come-to-terms-with-coming-out-of-the-closet,
1373799351.0,50,dragonage.wikia.com,1i9rms,Really hoping this guy is a party member in Inquisition. Surprisingly underused.,68,18,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1i9rms/really_hoping_this_guy_is_a_party_member_in/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/L_pJMgV72jlzvujx.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_1i9rms,http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/The_Messenger_(Awakening),
1370176527.0,51,youtube.com,1fildl,Dragon Age Lore - Geography,59,8,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fildl/dragon_age_lore_geography/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/gjwBS5yfZNNRPaPd.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1fildl,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88uPQlpvo7M,
1361838558.0,54,oxm.co.uk,1985cy,'A new era: BioWare's art director talks Dragon Age 3, Mass Effect and next gen visuals',60,6,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1985cy/a_new_era_biowares_art_director_talks_dragon_age/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/EMaRds9Jiu7sPPgx.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1985cy,http://www.oxm.co.uk/50545/features/a-new-era-biowares-art-director-talks-dragon-age-3-mass-effect-and-next-gen-visuals/?page=1,
1360234197.0,51,aroihkin.deviantart.com,18254f,Dragon Age - Elves In Black by Aroihkin,66,15,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18254f/dragon_age_elves_in_black_by_aroihkin/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/7rjfJmcFfWr_yyNR.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,7,False,t3_18254f,http://aroihkin.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Age-Elves-In-Black-203409771,
1354808031.0,53,fmvmagazine.com,14dxoe,'BioWare director wants future of Dragon Age to be something 'that will transcend its genre or even the whole medium'',58,5,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/14dxoe/bioware_director_wants_future_of_dragon_age_to_be/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/9qplSch5_bhB1v_5.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_14dxoe,http://www.fmvmagazine.com/?p=13641,
1343662867.0,50,greywardens.com,xe8gl,Dragon Age III – Who’s Hero? ,55,5,28,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xe8gl/dragon_age_iii_whos_hero/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/0klnGGuxn8mDj8Tq.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_xe8gl,http://greywardens.com/2012/06/dragon-age-iii-whos-hero/,
1341128541.0,49,mememaker.net,vvev5,'Replaying Dragon Age: Origins, this is all I could think of.',70,21,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vvev5/replaying_dragon_age_origins_this_is_all_i_could/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/YRWkVFWQ-Di1AeOm.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_vvev5,http://www.mememaker.net/static/images/memes/438995.jpg,
1376604140.0,50,twitter.com,1kg4o1,'Here's a tweet from Mark Darrah, Bioware's Executive Producer for Dragon Age regarding default canon.',58,8,59,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kg4o1/heres_a_tweet_from_mark_darrah_biowares_executive/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/2XG30U_VxGAm2afQ.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1kg4o1,https://twitter.com/BioMarkDarrah/status/364864515717873665,
1374263330.0,50,social.bioware.com,1inhlu,'Dragon Age: Inquisition dialogue system, exploration details come out of PAX..',61,11,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1inhlu/dragon_age_inquisition_dialogue_system/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,7,False,t3_1inhlu,http://social.bioware.com/forum/Dragon-Age-Inquisition/Dragon-Age-Inquisition-General-Discussion/Dragon-Age-Inquisition-dialogue-system-exploration-details-come-out-of-PAX-Australia-panel-17019764-1.html,
1371764848.0,48,lurkybear.tumblr.com,1gr70b,Does this mean we will see Alistair in DA:I?,61,13,63,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gr70b/does_this_mean_we_will_see_alistair_in_dai/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/H23qxjLSahw5WgCy.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,3,False,t3_1gr70b,http://lurkybear.tumblr.com/image/53464312942,
1363535585.0,51,reddit.com,1aguhf,'A fun, lore-friendly way of explaining the reuse of dungeons and other odd elements in DA2',62,11,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1aguhf/a_fun_lorefriendly_way_of_explaining_the_reuse_of/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1aguhf,http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1agj1d/what_is_the_biggest_video_game_let_down_for_you/c8x9aha,
1356621231.0,50,self.dragonage,15irjf,I feel like I've been driven towards supporting mages in the war against Templars.,58,8,73,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15irjf/i_feel_like_ive_been_driven_towards_supporting/,'Does anyone else feel that the Dragon Age games so far have given the player character a very unbalanced idea in terms of eliciting players to prefer taking the mage's side in the upcoming war?
I guess I'm asking if anyone whilst roleplaying on the templar side of things has ever felt it was really the better or morally more acceptable option.
This may be due to the fact that I really enjoyed playing as a mage, and they are by far the most powerful class in the game for any group to have. It's very common to come to the conclusion your best party would be Rogue/Warrior/Magex2.
Apart from that it always seemed to me that the templars are portrayed consistently as overzealous 'captors'. Looking at your party from DA:O you have a cynical ex-templar, an apostate, the player-character who could be a mage, and an elder mage who has a spirit inhabit her.
I think my first playthrough of these games being a mage Warden/Hawke and generally being diplomatic and heroic has made it unlikely for me to actively help the templars in the coming war.
Anyway I'd just like to get other opinions on this.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_15irjf,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15irjf/i_feel_like_ive_been_driven_towards_supporting/,
1358730606.0,47,self.dragonage,16yl2h,Bioware: Fan Feedback has become increasingly toxic,65,18,59,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16yl2h/bioware_fan_feedback_has_become_increasingly_toxic/,'Since Dragon Age 2, then the Mass Effect 3 ending and the Old Republic release got a lot of critical feedback from fans, David Gaider has admitted that the company dont use BioWare Social Network for feedback now:
“Spending too much time there starts to make me feel negative- not just about the games we make, but about myself and life in general,
“I’m sure there are folks there who would bristle at that comment, suggesting that all negative feedback is justifiable and that ignoring it is the equivalent of us sticking our heads in the sand,” he continued. “How will we ever improve unless we listen to their scolding and take our lumps like good little developers?
More here:
Though it touches upon other Bioware games, maybe this all started with Dragon Age 2..will they stop listening to the fans..?
1374685707.0,47,pbs.twimg.com,1iytbe,''The graves of our ancestors are littered with the bones of long-forgotten betrayals.' - Bioware Twitter and Facebook',58,11,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1iytbe/the_graves_of_our_ancestors_are_littered_with_the/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/k5ZrRhwXZEWnr3gf.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1iytbe,https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BP9FZ2TCYAA6Kyq.jpg:large,
1347283334.0,49,i.imgur.com,zngl9,'This will forever be one of the most epic moments in my gaming history. dat music, DAT ATMOSPHERE',53,4,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/zngl9/this_will_forever_be_one_of_the_most_epic_moments/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/08JoXdxsNcvdV6SR.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,15,False,t3_zngl9,http://i.imgur.com/20a6A.jpg,
1335392558.0,44,etsy.com,ssiol,Damnit Anders [Etsy],56,12,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ssiol/damnit_anders_etsy/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/6hhJXpWxsL6K0V40.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,1,False,t3_ssiol,http://www.etsy.com/listing/76486756/damnit-anders-button?ref=tre-2198256323-6,
1358972723.0,48,self.dragonage,17553v,TIL the description of Tug's Edge changes throughout 'Leliana's Song'. [Spoilers],52,4,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17553v/til_the_description_of_tugs_edge_changes/,'**When first equipped by Tug.**
>A heavy weapon, the plain blade contrasted by a small disc of deeply engraved gold bound into the grip. It is probably a family crest, but it doesn't look Dwarven, and Tug has never dwelled on his past.
**When found in the dungeon.**
>Telltale notches show the violence of the week. The gold disc in the grip is gone, sold by Raleigh's men. But thoughtful hands can feel an inscription previously hidden, 'The Stone lives beneath Orlais.'
**When given to Sketch or Silas.**
>Deceptively graceful in Tug's hands, this weapon now strikes with brutal impact. Perhaps the rough alteration of the grip has affected the balance, or revealed a hidden enchanment. Or perhaps it is just the intensity of the wielder, driven by bitter loss. One thing is certain--this is a blade that wants.
One of the most creative uses of item descriptions I've seen. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_17553v,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17553v/til_the_description_of_tugs_edge_changes/,
1353870520.0,47,store.steampowered.com,13rq0n,'[Steam Flash Sale] Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition, $8.99 (70% off)',50,3,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13rq0n/steam_flash_sale_dragon_age_origins_ultimate/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_13rq0n,http://store.steampowered.com/app/47730/,
1339870696.0,43,self.dragonage,v59wm,A word of hope for Dragon Age 3,54,11,41,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/v59wm/a_word_of_hope_for_dragon_age_3/,'As we all know, there are many who were less than satisfied with Dragon Age 2, the successor to a game that, most agree, was a fine addition to the genre, and was indeed a spiritual successor to games like Baldurs gate and Icewind dale.
what was the reason for this decline in quality? simply put, it was the time it took to make each game. Dragon Age origins began development in 2004, and was released in 2009, a total of 6 year, with atleast 3 or 4 dedicated to post concepts, and actual development of the game engine.
Dragon age 2 started development in late 2009, and was finished late 2010, and released early 2011. This is a total of 1-2 years of development, with an estimated *one year* of work on the actual engine. This is obviously a drastic decline in time of development, and the results show.
Some blame EA for the time restraints, and maybe there right. But there is hope.
Dragon age 3 started development approximately slightly before, and slightly after, the release of Dragon age 2. This was in march 2011. It is already March 2012, and there has yet to be an official announcement, and only rumors, speculation, and minor details.
In fact, Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter said that Dragon Age III is expected to be released time in 2014. This would be a total of 4 years development time. This is *quadruple* the time it took to finish Dragon age 2, and almost as long as it took to finish origins.
With much of the lore already set down, and the engine already built, 4 years is more than enough time to build properly structured game, that could go back to the quality of Origins.
Many people dont want to get their hopes up.i can see why. But I for one, am exited to see where Dragon age 3 goes. Companions are getting equipment again, the game wont take place in one city, possibilities of multiplayer..I'm defiantly anxious to see where this goes',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_v59wm,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/v59wm/a_word_of_hope_for_dragon_age_3/,
1375562201.0,47,imgur.com,1jn6jx,Made a fan poster for DA II.,64,17,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jn6jx/made_a_fan_poster_for_da_ii/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Bi2JAnUcoKbljXsk.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1jn6jx,http://imgur.com/ElmbPOD,
1358548716.0,42,self.dragonage,16udsw,'So, the lyrium idol. And dwarves. Wall of text.',47,5,36,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16udsw/so_the_lyrium_idol_and_dwarves_wall_of_text/,'FIRST OF ALL. SPOILERS. If I have to tag everything I'll basically turn half the text black.
Alright. I checked if this has been asked before and I didn't find anything which I found surprising.
I wanted to talk/ask what you think about.. the idol. Made out of red lyrium. First of all why does it have such power and normal lyrium doesn't? Why has something like this never been mentioned so far until Hawk stumbles upon the idol? I had to go to the wiki to find a bit more information on it. We all know the story of Bartrand and Meredith going insane due to being in contact with it BUT the main thing I wanted to ask/talk about is its' ability to animate objects or statues as it is in DA2. What do you think about it?
After some time and one and a half playthroughs of DA2 I suddenly remembered what Caridin once said: To animate his golems he needed souls of living creatures. I was curious about this because apparently this red, 'Primeval' lyrium completely ignores that fact which to me speaks of power FAR greater than that of normal lyrium. It grants Meredith amazing powers which she can control almost effortlessly even though she isn't a mage. She easily does sky-high leaps and brings alot of statues back to life. What bugged me is that ACCORDING TO THE WIKI.. it was KNOWN that this form of lyrium grants great powers yet nobody tried to find any of it. Even after Caridin found that he needs souls to make his golems, even during that golden age and so many dwarves were sacrificed noone thought of the option to maybe go and find some red lyrium to end this. Yes I read the 'at the cost of their sanity.' part but if you can figure out how to strap a soul to a rock you can most likely figure out how NOT to lose your sanity while using the primeval lyrium. WIKI:
> *It is known to give its user supernatural abilities at the cost of their sanity.It also seems to greatly enhance any magical abilities in its possessor, for example granting the ability to animate inanimate objects such as statues, and the power of limited flight.*
I also had.. another idea: What if.. the magisters of Tevinter actually used THIS kind of lyrium to get to the golden/black city? Seeing what such a small idol could do, imagine a large quantity in the hands of the most powerful mages at that time - the Tevinter magisters?
I also really wanted to give an explanation to the 'singing' Bartrand was hearing but I've got nothing. I found it interesting because both Bartrand and the Mother who were insane referred to some sort of 'song' which they craved to hear again. But I'm dry. Maybe I'm just trying to turn the nothing into something. Ideas? I love reading people's opinions here.. well most of them.
**TL;DR:** Okay, fine. Half of you won't read that wall of text anyway.
It was known that red lyrium is super powerful, why wasn't it researched at all?
Could the magisters at Tevinters have used the red lyrium to get into the golden/black city?
WHEW. Redditing is hard.
If I've written nonsense, straight up bullshit somewhere let me know and please excuse me I'm kinda tired right now.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1358608054.0,11,True,t3_16udsw,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16udsw/so_the_lyrium_idol_and_dwarves_wall_of_text/,
1376942464.0,47,gameinformer.com,1koo41,Building A Dragon Age Rivalry: Mages Versus Templars - Features,51,4,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1koo41/building_a_dragon_age_rivalry_mages_versus/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/6c-wVYDIfmlYL1oG.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,19,False,t3_1koo41,http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2013/08/19/building-a-dragon-age-rivalry-mages-versus-templars.aspx,
1369725951.0,44,self.dragonage,1f6rlx,Would your opinion of a character change if their gender was swapped?,58,14,79,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1f6rlx/would_your_opinion_of_a_character_change_if_their/,'For example, I think I would despise a male Merrill or Morrigan, despite really liking their original characters. Similarly, I think I might really like Fenris if his qualities were placed in a female character. I also feel like I'd like Aveline and Varric regardless of their gender. Thoughts?
Edit: More examples: I'd be interested in seeing a female Alistair, since I can't remember any female Templars in Origins. A male Leliana would be fascinating. Likewise, a female Sebastian would be a bit too similar to Leliana, minus the colorful backstory. I'm not really sure a female Oghren would work.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1369738586.0,13,True,t3_1f6rlx,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1f6rlx/would_your_opinion_of_a_character_change_if_their/,
1368206773.0,43,gamefly.com,1e2vi3,Gamefly - Dragon Age Bundle (DA:O Ultimate + DA2) on sale for PC for 9.99!,52,9,31,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1e2vi3/gamefly_dragon_age_bundle_dao_ultimate_da2_on/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/RFcD9sGR0MYjGwXR.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1e2vi3,http://www.gamefly.com/Download-Dragon-Age-Bundle/5005392/?fromQuickInfo=True#.UY0rybUqaSo,
1367729353.0,47,self.dragonage,1dpuu6,Dragon Age: Timeline,51,4,41,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dpuu6/dragon_age_timeline/,'Dragon Age Timeline
Dragon Age II: Hindsight - ?:?? (Penny Arcade Motion Comic)
Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne - 8:97 - 8:99 BA: 9:10 DA (Novel)
Dragon Age: The Calling - 9:10 - 9:11 DA (Novel)
Dragon Age Journeys: The Deep Roads - 9:13 DA (Flash Game)
Dragon Age II: Sebastian - 9:22 DA (Short Story)
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker - 9:22 DA (Animated Movie)
Dragon Age II: Aveline - 9:25 DA (Short Story)
Dragon Age Origins: Leliana's Song - 9:28 DA (DLC)
Dragon Age Origins: Volume 1 - 9:12 - 9:13 DA: 9:30 DA ( Six part comic by IDW Publishing)
Dragon Age: Dark Fantasy Roleplaying Set 1: 'The Dalish Curse' - 9:30 DA (RPG - Set 1)
Dragon Age: Game Master's Kit: 'A Bann Too Many' - 9:30 DA (RPG - Game Master's Kit)
Dragon Age: Quickstart Guide: 'An Arl's Ransom' - 9:30 DA (RPG - Quickstart Guide)
Dragon Age: Blood in Ferelden: 'Amber Rage' - 9:30 DA (RPG - Adventure Book 1, Scenario 1)
Dragon Age: Blood in Ferelden: 'Where Eagles Lair' - 9:30 DA (RPG - Adventure Book 1, Scenario 2)
Dragon Age: Blood in Ferelden: 'A Fragile Web' - 9:30 DA (RPG - Adventure Book 1, Scenario 3)
Dragon Age: Dark Fantasy Roleplaying Set 2: 'The Autumn Falls' - 9:30 DA (RPG - Set 2)
Dragon Age: The Deep Roads - 9:30 DA (RPG - Adventure Book 2)
Dragon Age: Dark Fantasy Roleplaying Set 3 - 9:30 DA (RPG - Set 3)
Dragon Age Origins - 9:30 DA (Penny Arcade Webcomic)
Dragon Age Origins: A Tale of Orzammar - 9:30 DA (Promotional module released with the December 2009 issue of PC Gamer)
Dragon Age Origins - 9:30 - 9:31 DA (Video Game)
Dragon Age II: Act One - 9:30-9:31 DA (Video Game) [Beginning of Act One]
Dragon Age Origins: The Stone Prisoner - 9:31 DA (DLC)
Dragon Age Origins: Warden's Keep - 9:31 DA (DLC)
Dragon Age Origins: Return to Ostagar 9:31 DA (DLC)
Dragon Age Origins: The Revelation 9:31 DA (Aimo Webcomic)
Dragon Age: Warden's Fall - 9:31 DA (Machinima Short Film)
Dragon Age Origins: Awakening - 9:31 DA (Penny Arcade Webcomic)
Dragon Age Origins: Awakening - 9:31 DA (Expansion)
Dragon Age Origins: The Golems of Amgarrak - 9:31 DA (DLC)
Dragon Age II: Varric - 9:31 DA (Short Story)
Dragon Age II: Anders - 9:31 DA (Short Story)
Dragon Age II: Isabela - 9:31 DA (Short Story)
Dragon Age II: Merrill - 9:31 DA (Short Story)
Dragon Age II: Fenris - 9:31 DA (Short Story)
Dragon Age II: Act One - 9:30-9:31 DA (Video Game) [End of Act One]
Dragon Age II: The Black Emporium - Date vague, sometime between 9:31-9:37 DA (DLC)
Dragon Age II: The Exiled Prince - Date vague, sometime between 9:31-9:37 DA (DLC)
Dragon Age II: Legacy - Date vague, sometime between 9:31-9:37 DA (DLC)
Dragon Age II: Mark of the Assassin - Date vague, sometime between 9:31-9:37 DA (DLC)
Dragon Age Origins: Witch Hunt - 9:32 DA (DLC)
Dragon Age II: Act Two - 9:34 DA (Video Game)
Dragon Age II - 9:34 DA (Penny Arcade Webcomic)
Dragon Age II: Act Three - 9:37 DA (Video Game)
Dragon Age: Asunder - 9:38 DA (Novel)
Dragon Age: The Silent Grove - 9:38 DA (Graphic Novel)
Dragon Age: Those Who Speak - 9:38 DA (Graphic Novel)
Dragon Age: Until We Sleep - 9:38 DA (Graphic Novel)
Dragon Age: Redemption - 9:40 DA (Short Film)
Dragon Age: Legends - 9:40 DA (Flash Game)
Dragon Age II: Current day Varric interrogation - 9:40 DA (Video Game)
This is just what I've been able to put together. I don't know of it's all accurate, especially with the Dragon Age RPG and the Short stories. Please fill free to help fix/fill in the blanks!
Most of this information came from this topic http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/315/index/8366693/1 and Dragon Age: The World of Thedas.
Edit: Updated DA:2 Act One for clarity.
1359670128.0,46,youtube.com,17nlxk,The new episode of Tabletop is on the Dragon Age Role Playing Game. I figured it would be appreciated here. ,52,6,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17nlxk/the_new_episode_of_tabletop_is_on_the_dragon_age/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/dQxfJjY6cMMCE_RB.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_17nlxk,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-61i3R5y9Y,
1353272844.0,48,self.dragonage,13ewpr,'Predictions for Dragon Age 3. (Marked spoilers for Dragon Age: Origins, Awakening, Witch Hunt, Dragon Age 2 and Legacy within).',52,4,45,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13ewpr/predictions_for_dragon_age_3_marked_spoilers_for/,'
Not sure if there were any rules to predictions or speculation, but after completing Dragon Age 2, I wanted to make some speculations for the future of Dragon Age.
WARNING: Wall of Text, large use of spoiler tags, and desperate attempts at making everything make sense.
tl;dr: Shits about to go down, and the Seeker is going to be a central part of fixing it
At the end of DA: O, the Warden, and party [slay the Archdemon](/spoiler), according to a survey made about a month ago [the vast majority of players had their Warden survive](/spoiler), (link to survey will be in comments).
Regardless of the battle against the Archdemon, the player will assume the role of Warden-Commander of Ferelden in Awakening. During the player's quest in the Amaranthine arling, s/he encounters the Architect, [a sentient darkspawn, with great plans for his race](/spoiler). His plans have already been seen with [Mother, and the Disciples, sentient darkspawn, created by using the blood of Grey Wardens](/spoiler), and during the Final Battle of Awakening, it is revealed that [the Architect attempted to slay the Archdemon of the Fifth Blight, before the blight could begin, but instead quickened the process, causing the Fifth Blight to happen](/spoiler). It is to be believed regardless of the actions of the Warden-Commander against the [Architect](/spoiler) that some of his [Disciples still live, helping to give other darkspawn sentience](/spoiler). I'll explain the importance of this later on.
At the end of Witch Hunt [the player has a number of ways to deal with Morrigan, either following her through the Eluvian, or 'killing' her](/spoiler). Both actions could be responsible for the Warden's [sudden disappearance](/spoiler), whether through the obvious, or through grief, as they come to terms with [Morrigan's fate](/spoiler)
Without further ado, let's move onto Dragon Age 2, including Legacy DLC:
When the dust settles from the actions of Hawke in Act 3 of DA2, we discover that [Two seekers are currently searching for the Hero of Ferelden, and Hawke (Leliana and Cassandra Pentaghast, respectively)](/spoiler). With the [Mage/Templar War](/spoiler) in it's opening stages, the possibility of the Fade being torn open all across Thedas is possible [as observed in the Blackmarsh in Awakening](/spoiler).
Finally we move onto Sandal, sweet, adorable, innocent Sandal. Whose importance may not even be recognized by the Chantry. After Hawke moves into his/her estate in Act 2 of DA2, Sandal has something very dark to say (link to youtube clip will be in comments). Here is the largest part of the prophecy and maybe the most important ['One day the magic will come back. All of it. Everyone will be just like they were. The shadows will part, and the skies will open wide.'](/spoiler), Sandal seems to predict that long ago [everyone had magic, human, elf, even dwarf](/spoiler), the only major event that could possibly take the magic away was the [Tevintir Magisters entering the Golden City of the Maker, causing him to flee the city, turning it black, turning the Magisters into the first Darkspawn](/spoiler).
Now back to the [Architect, his disciples, and further events in the Dragon Age](/spoiler). I cannot remember who said it, if it was said at all, [but iirc someone or something talks of the terrible beauty of the Archdemons' song, and the way it draws in the darkspawn](/spoiler). With the [disciples, and Architect creating darkspawn free from the call of the Archdemons, it can be believed that the sound will be magnified to those who remain, giving them a larger desire to find the two remaining Archdemons, and along with the very possible escape of Corypheus, one of the first darkspawn,] (/spoiler). These combined factors make it look like that Thedas could experience one incredibly massive blight with [both Archdemons present](/spoiler), or maybe two (smaller) Blights happening in the Dragon Age.
So far, we know we'll be playing as a Seeker in DA3, sent to find someone of great importance [similar to what Leliana and Cassandra are doing during DA2](/spoiler). Who of great importance is currently unaccounted for that we, as the players know of? A few jump to mind, Flemeth, Maric [Alistair is currently searching for Maric as well, leading to my belief that Alistair could also being searched for](/spoiler), I should note that [I am, not counting the Hero or Hawke as both are already being searched for](/spoiler), and finally [Larius/Janeka](/spoiler), whoever the player sided with at the end of Legacy to discover the fate of [Corypheus, who may or may not have possessed one of the](/spoiler). I believe that the possibility of having a mission in the Deep Roads, where the player encounters members of the Legion of the Dead, who make note of the apparent lack of darkspawn, even in the areas they once had full control over. Further travelling into the Deeproads could bring the player in contact with a [sentient darkspawn](/spoiler) who believes that the Architect's plans are causing things to stir, deep beneath the Earth. This forces the player to warn the Chantry, and try to get peace between the warring [mages and templars, gain the aid of the Qunari, and cease tensions between Orlais and Ferelden](/spoiler).
In conclusion, I believe that we will see one, maybe two more games in the main series. DA3 will focus on getting every major character together, and DA4 will focus on the final, large conflicts of the Dragon Age.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_13ewpr,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13ewpr/predictions_for_dragon_age_3_marked_spoilers_for/,
1353040811.0,48,gamesradar.com,13a7bt,'Dragon Age 3: Inquisition's first screenshot (briefly) revealed
1350993927.0,44,hzblunte.deviantart.com,11xxa4,Dragon Age Splash --Rough Art--,62,18,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11xxa4/dragon_age_splash_rough_art/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/3u60_Bk1SCEh6wpW.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_11xxa4,http://hzblunte.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Age-Splash-Rough-Art-284072997,
1369227757.0,44,skreened.com,1etxsy,'r/gaming didn't care much for my t-shirt design, so I thought I'd at least let some true fans check it out.',119,75,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1etxsy/rgaming_didnt_care_much_for_my_tshirt_design_so_i/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/psqK7KHg4epUwn5M.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1etxsy,http://skreened.com/thesearelame/duncan-donuts-dark,
1364573453.0,44,tor.com,1b8xxr,'Next Dragon Age novel announced. 'The Masked Empire' written by Patrick Weekes due April 2014',50,6,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b8xxr/next_dragon_age_novel_announced_the_masked_empire/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/jLJI7nK3WPTegf9Q.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_1b8xxr,http://www.tor.com/blogs/2013/03/tor-books-announces-new-dragon-age-novel-with-bioware-senior-writer-patrick-weeks,
1356279594.0,40,store.steampowered.com,15bvt5,Dragon Age Origins - Ultimate Edition is 75% off now on Steam,47,7,32,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15bvt5/dragon_age_origins_ultimate_edition_is_75_off_now/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/vS1rv5LPh3bnjnTf.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_15bvt5,http://store.steampowered.com/app/17450/,
1329844567.0,42,itsjustagame.net,pzit6,Why I like Dragon Age 2 better than Skyrim,68,26,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/pzit6/why_i_like_dragon_age_2_better_than_skyrim/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_pzit6,http://www.itsjustagame.net/2012/02/why-i-like-dragon-age-ii-more-than.html,
1373078398.0,43,pudgethefish.deviantart.com,1hq8hv,Alistair in Photoshop = how DA3 in-game graphics should look.,77,34,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hq8hv/alistair_in_photoshop_how_da3_ingame_graphics/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/QGwJ8BEo1uaDWB7h.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1hq8hv,http://pudgethefish.deviantart.com/art/Alistair-is-a-BAMF-383235294,
1372007813.0,42,social.bioware.com,1gwzxt,'Unlock free Origins, Awakening, and DA2 DLC (xpost from /r/gamedeals)',47,5,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gwzxt/unlock_free_origins_awakening_and_da2_dlc_xpost/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1gwzxt,http://social.bioware.com/da2/dlc_bundle,
1370920146.0,45,imgur.com,1g3ezc,Dragon Age: Inquisition Wallpaper in 3 sizes (x-post from /r/wallpapers),50,5,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g3ezc/dragon_age_inquisition_wallpaper_in_3_sizes_xpost/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/bwrd34h6bc7Upos5.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,3,False,t3_1g3ezc,http://imgur.com/a/lVVtz#0,
1369046219.0,40,self.dragonage,1eoqap,Unlock every promotional DLC item in DAO+DA2 (legitimately),45,5,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1eoqap/unlock_every_promotional_dlc_item_in_daoda2/,'I hope this hasn't already been posted but I sure haven't seen it - http://social.bioware.com/da2/dlc_bundle/
You can unlock all the promo items with one click',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1eoqap,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1eoqap/unlock_every_promotional_dlc_item_in_daoda2/,
1359594401.0,40,i.imgur.com,17lkbq,Any aSoIaF fans here?,79,39,29,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17lkbq/any_asoiaf_fans_here/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/HTufZoAz6-DOb7Cb.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_17lkbq,http://i.imgur.com/UGdRvPP.png,
1356387409.0,45,self.dragonage,15e67e,Bodahn & Sandal in DA:III?,51,6,23,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15e67e/bodahn_sandal_in_daiii/,'I was just browsing the DA wiki to remind myself of some story points, when I stumbled upon the final conversation you have with Bodahn before he departs:
>..Bodahn decided that it would be time that he and Sandal leave Kirkwall. He mentions that the Orlesian Empress is very interested in Sandal's enchantments and would like an audience with him.
Given that DA:III will be set in Orlais, looks like our favourite traders will be reprising their role! Which honestly, can only be a good thing; the more strands that link the games together the better.
Food for thought anyway.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_15e67e,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15e67e/bodahn_sandal_in_daiii/,
1329793489.0,43,26.media.tumblr.com,pyrgt,Found this on tumblr..well trolled my good friend..,54,11,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/pyrgt/found_this_on_tumblrwell_trolled_my_good_friend/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/mcnenibaOUBEEn1g.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_pyrgt,http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzei4blfOK1r1z0c0o1_500.png,
1316473008.0,44,i.imgur.com,kkyzv,Scumbag DragonAge Brain.,59,15,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/kkyzv/scumbag_dragonage_brain/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_kkyzv.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_kkyzv,http://i.imgur.com/uIvLE.jpg,
1258564721.0,42,escapistmagazine.com,a5ppb,Zero Punctuation DragonAge Review,48,6,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a5ppb/zero_punctuation_dragonage_review/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a5ppb.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a5ppb,http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/1096-Dragon-Age-Origins,
1374410061.0,41,youtube.com,1iqxa4,This might be the best Dragon Age video there is,52,11,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1iqxa4/this_might_be_the_best_dragon_age_video_there_is/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/hKTmsyVsU_btLhBf.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1iqxa4,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH3XnT_elIc,
1370289554.0,41,youtu.be,1flooa,'Dragon Age 3: E3 Primer (What We Know, What's to Come)',46,5,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1flooa/dragon_age_3_e3_primer_what_we_know_whats_to_come/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/sydZNfVRd0VMo-Pe.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,31,False,t3_1flooa,http://youtu.be/wJqJiKLNECM,
1356122433.0,44,self.dragonage,158urv,The one thing that drives me crazy..,48,4,31,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/158urv/the_one_thing_that_drives_me_crazy/,'is when I've begun playing, only to realize that the character I made looks.. weird.. from an angle. For instance, I just began a new campaign. I make my Warden look similar to me, but I forgot to adjust the neck, so I'm 4 hours in and my Warden has a fat-ass neck and I can't take it anymore. Must restart. It wouldn't be near the beating if I also didn't feel compelled to talk to everyone and try to get the full bit of dialogue. Looks like it's time to listen to the old professor drone on again.. oy.
Anyone else suffer from this dumbfunkery? I wonder if it's possible to use the eyetoy thingy to map your face onto your Warden. Normally I wouldn't make this rookie mistake, but it was late at night when I started. :P',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_158urv,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/158urv/the_one_thing_that_drives_me_crazy/,
1376587822.0,42,pbs.twimg.com,1kfigk,'In the absence of light, shadows thrive. - Concept art.',51,9,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kfigk/in_the_absence_of_light_shadows_thrive_concept_art/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/uE8KKB_zc3705-sP.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1kfigk,https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BRuahKRCUAAurMc.jpg:large,
1375819789.0,41,tomodom.com,1ju18t,DA:I -- multiple protagonist races confirmed!,49,8,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ju18t/dai_multiple_protagonist_races_confirmed/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/afxMlUxhzZLk_CLm.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1ju18t,http://tomodom.com/2013/08/dragon-age-inquisition-will-allow-players-to-choose-their-race/,
1374085449.0,39,twitter.com,1ii2w7,A new DA:I picture of the castle which has previously been shown.,45,6,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ii2w7/a_new_dai_picture_of_the_castle_which_has/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/dOt0HMoMI7P2mOUs.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1ii2w7,https://twitter.com/dragonage/status/357546114775396353/photo/1,
1373563345.0,38,self.dragonage,1i3c65,Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition 70 % off on Steam,50,12,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1i3c65/dragon_age_origins_ultimate_edition_70_off_on/,'http://store.steampowered.com/app/47810/
Here is a link to it, I can't just post the link, because it's been posted before (from a previous sale).',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1i3c65,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1i3c65/dragon_age_origins_ultimate_edition_70_off_on/,
1373201947.0,41,imgur.com,1hstde,Here's my Grey Warden Motto tattoo!,81,40,25,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hstde/heres_my_grey_warden_motto_tattoo/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/v9GC3VshqvA4r4ZN.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_1hstde,http://imgur.com/puosvH7,
1372367591.0,41,th03.deviantart.net,1h7dwu,Eyes Like Justice,64,23,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1h7dwu/eyes_like_justice/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/dJsljGoDGZtavW1g.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,3,False,t3_1h7dwu,http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/178/9/6/eyes_like_justice_by_whirlygirl9-d6axsk1.jpg,
1347994441.0,40,giantbomb.com,103cla,'BioWare co-founders Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka announced the duo are leaving the company,',44,4,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/103cla/bioware_cofounders_greg_zeschuk_and_ray_muzyka/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/LzN72r6QGhRBYRZ7.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_103cla,http://www.giantbomb.com/news/greg-zeschuk-ray-muzyka-are-leaving-bioware/4373/,
1332102573.0,40,i.imgur.com,r2eq2,My fiance just finished Witch Hunt; this was her reaction..,48,8,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/r2eq2/my_fiance_just_finished_witch_hunt_this_was_her/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_r2eq2,http://i.imgur.com/aAwSH.jpg,
1298491155.0,38,self.dragonage,fr9f4,Cleaning up the DA subreddit?,43,5,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fr9f4/cleaning_up_the_da_subreddit/,Can we clean up this subreddit to make it look less like myspace and more like other subreddits?,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_fr9f4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fr9f4/cleaning_up_the_da_subreddit/,
1290102792.0,45,pcgamer.com,e879o,18 essential Dragon Age mods,46,1,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/e879o/18_essential_dragon_age_mods/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_e879o.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_e879o,http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/11/18/18-essential-dragon-age-mods/,
1375820430.0,37,self.dragonage,1ju24g,DA:I info from Game Informer,47,10,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ju24g/dai_info_from_game_informer/,'I found this site that summarizes whats in the September digital article
1368175320.0,42,self.dragonage,1e250a,IAMA guy who has a copy of World of Thedas. AMA!,51,9,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1e250a/iama_guy_who_has_a_copy_of_world_of_thedas_ama/,'Pretty self-explanatory. I've already cherry picked some of the most interesting tiddly-bits that I came across while reading. I'm currently halfway through the book and should be done by the time I wake up tomorrow to (hopefully) answer questions. Here are some interesting things I've learned:
* The Alamarri tribes that would eventually become Fereldans crossed the Frostback Mountains in -2415 Ancient, claiming to be fleeing a 'Shadow Goddess'. I wonder if this Shadow Goddess could be Flemeth?
* Intelligent, talking darkspawn like Corypheus and the Architect are first discovered in -191 Ancient. Corypheus is captured by the strangely named Grey Warden 'Sashamiri'- any guess as to what ethnicity someone with that name might be?
* Nevarra, which, despite its Spanish-sounding name, seems to be mostly inspired by Prussia (if we hold the other Free Marcher states to be similar to pre-Imperial German states, Nevarra becoming a nation and going to war with the setting's France-analogue marks it as Prussia) though with some Dutch influence (nobles have the word 'Van' in their names, and their low-lying city of Cumberland has a somewhat Amsterdam feel) and strangely, Egyptian, because the nation mummifies their dead. A group mage-priests known as the Mortalitasi who originated with the Tevinter advisor to Nevarra's first king, preside over mummification of the dead and advising nobles of the nation, and they may or may not be necromancers, cultists or blood mages. Nevarran families often construct elaborate tombs for their dead and the 'Great Necropolis' outside of Nevarra city is almost as large as the city itself.
* Seems like Antiva has some Arabic or Indian influence, at least in its names. One of its queens was 'Asha Subira Bahadur, Gana of Ayesleigh'- I've got no idea what 'Gana' means in this context, if it's a made up word like 'teyrn' or not.
* The island of Estwatch in the Amaranthine has a surprising amount of lore for something not mentioned before this book. Once a Tevinter stronghold, it was lost during the blight and has sat unclaimed by any single state for centuries, and is instead a haven for pirates in the mold of real-world Tortuga, along with Llomerryn. I get the feeling that it is either going to appear in DAIII or was intended to appear in the scrapped DAII expansion, what with DAII's focus on pirates through Isabela.
* Due to the close ties between the Dwarves and Tevinter Empires, dwarves in Tevinter have a very interesting position. The dwarves form a fifth social class in Tevinter all to their own (the other four being Atlus mages, mages who come from mage families that trace their lines back to the original dreamers, Laetan mages, mages who are born to nonmagical parents or otherwise non-ancient mage bloodlines, Soporati, the non-mage citizens, and slaves, with the subclass of freed slaves known as Liberati), the Ambassadoria. The dwarven embassy in Minrathous is considered one of the grandest structures in Thedas and all other Tevinter cities have a major dwarf embassy as well- most of the embassies are subterranean and so dwarves are not considered surfacers if they visit Tevinter, with some dwarves spending their entire lives within the embassy. All dwarves in the Imperium, even those who have been born there, are considered foreign dignitaries. The Ambassadoria has a body of representatives that acts as a lobby group to advise the Archon and negotiate lyrium trade.
* Par Vollen, now the center of Qunari society in Thedas, does have a native human population who seem to have willingly converted to the Qun. In the island's jungles, there are preserved and mathematically perfect pyramids aligned with the constitutions which have hieroglyphics that featured horned figures, leading some to speculate that these humans may have welcomed the Qunari as gods. This civilization may be the 'Fex' Gaider alluded to in a PAX East interview ages ago.
* Gryphons are native to Seheron, according to Fog Warrior legends.
* Those who die in the service of the chantry in an exalted march are known as 'Exalted' and receive a special place at the side of the maker according to the chantry. The 'Anointed', those who have spent their whole lives in exceptional service to the chantry, are said to be by his hand. The only 'Anointed' mentioned in the book so far is Cordilius Drakon, founder of the Andrastian Chantry and worshiped almost equally with Andraste within Orlais
* According to the book, the templar order is only 'mostly human' and 'mostly male'. With Meredith Stannard providing an obvious exception to the 'male' bit, it stands to reason that there are a handful of Elven Andrastian templars.
* There are both male and female priests in the Imperial Chantry, and they are allowed to wed and have children- though almost all Black Divines have been men, that doesn't rule out female Tevinter Grand Clerics or the like. Religious leadership is informally a family affair, much like Tevinter politics.
* Kal-Sharok does not recognize the king of Orzammar, and its head of state is the elected Paragon Elect, selected from their assembly not for great deeds as Orzammar's paragons, but great promises of what they will do when leading their people. Rather than get monumental statues, Kal-Sharok's paragons are honored with carvings.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1368179071.0,29,True,t3_1e250a,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1e250a/iama_guy_who_has_a_copy_of_world_of_thedas_ama/,
1361992334.0,38,self.dragonage,19cdif,'I've never played Dragon Age, is it worth getting into?',59,21,43,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19cdif/ive_never_played_dragon_age_is_it_worth_getting/,'I'm preaching to the choir here, but I've played Mass Effect and I loved it. I didn't mind the ME3 ending as many people have and actually had a great time playing the trilogy. Is Dragon Age similar in its lore?
Can you tell me some pros and cons of the series? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_19cdif,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19cdif/ive_never_played_dragon_age_is_it_worth_getting/,
1358471648.0,41,self.dragonage,16sdor,'Dragon Age 3' writer voices displeasure with romance elements,49,8,61,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16sdor/dragon_age_3_writer_voices_displeasure_with/,'Gaider talks about one of his irritations with the way some RPGs allow every character to be sexually available for the PC.
1311702047.0,39,self.dragonage,j0c7o,Dragon Age 2: Legacy review,47,8,25,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/j0c7o/dragon_age_2_legacy_review/,'First of all let me say I really liked *Dragon Age: Origins*, and *Dragon Age 2*. I played *2* several times through and got a lot out of it.
Also, I think it's ridiculous but also necessary that I do this: I am in no way affiliated with BioWare/EA and am writing this review completely of my own opinion..
*Legacy* is the first quest based DLC for the widely panned *Dragon Age 2*. Priced at $10, I was able to complete the quest line in about four hours. It's pretty clear from the start that *Legacy* attempts to recapture some of the 'old magic' from *DA:O*. Starting the DLC off is a little shaky.. you approach a large warden statue in your house, they ask if you want to play *Legacy*, you pick your party and are all of the sudden in a desert. The DLC starts off a little slow and plain, seeming much like most quests in *2*. Once I got 'underground', though, I found myself filled with the same awe from first heading into the Deep Roads or finding Andraste's Tomb in *DA:O*. *Legacy* is a bonafide dungeon crawl, and a pretty good one at that. The dungeon aims to shower you in loot, as you find tons of good items for all your classes, along with piles of gold to spend on some of the more pricey items back in Kirkwall. The DLC certainly feels like a reward of sorts.. I played *Legacy* at the very beginning of Act III. It was a great interlude from the main plot to just go kick some ass and get gear. As mentioned before, the setting is a lot of fun, and they litter the place with codex entries that fill you in on what's around you as your party members add flavor dialogue. It should be mentioned that if you're a Grey Warden nut, you'll definitely enjoy some more of this Grey Warden history at the least.The fights are a lot of fun, ranging from land tactics to hordes of monsters to just a few big ones and everything in between. *Legacy* sets the pacing right, allowing you to hack and slash through monsters to get to a point where a tactical pause allows you to make the most of your next move. I played on Hard and only died once. I've got some air tight tactics programmed for my party though, and regardless of not dying, I was definitely sighing a breath of relief after a few fights. It was a decent amount of challenge for veterans, and I'm sure it will help newer players really start to understand the importance of tactics and where they stand.
There's not a lot of character development in this DLC, with my party of Anders, Varric, and Fenris, no one ever gained friendship or rivalry points based on my actions, even though their dialogue made it pretty clear how they felt about situations. I'm glad they don't mess with that actually, because there's plenty of that going on in Kirkwall. It's nice to take whoever you want to go bash some heads without worrying about the moral consequences. The plot has a few side quests that in my opinion sort of fizzle out, but are at the very least interesting for a time. The main plot is just fine, giving you a choice to make between two big things, which I think both end up the same way more or less.
So is *Legacy* worth the $10? Hard to say, really. Some may still be feeling stiffed from the $60 price tag of the original. On the other hand you could look at it as the cost of a movie ticket to get you into a four hour movie.. not bad. I have to say I felt it was worth it, but that opinion will obviously change from person to person.
Will *Legacy* make *DA:O* die hards see the light when it comes to *DA2*? Probably not. The whole point of *Legacy* is to add some spice to the main game, which if you hated in the first place, this isn't going to change.. However, if you played through *DA2* planning to never touch it again, but get a craving for a good old fashioned *DA:O* dungeon crawl, *Legacy* will definitely scratch that itch.
TL,DR: A fun dungeon crawl reminiscent of *Dragon Age: Origins*, but probably not going to make any new fans out of the *Dragon Age 2* naysayers. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_j0c7o,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/j0c7o/dragon_age_2_legacy_review/,
1300640459.0,41,i.imgur.com,g7n4u,(DA2 Endgame spoilers!!!) Scumbag Orsino,41,0,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g7n4u/da2_endgame_spoilers_scumbag_orsino/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_g7n4u,http://i.imgur.com/UUX04.jpg,
1368785463.0,39,ign.com,1eicww,Fascinating article on Dragon Age's first gameplay demo at E3 2004,48,9,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1eicww/fascinating_article_on_dragon_ages_first_gameplay/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/2YYZBKIlBu88ilR2.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,29,False,t3_1eicww,http://www.ign.com/articles/2004/05/13/e3-2004-dragon-age,
1363093603.0,36,i.imgur.com,1a5894,Dragon Age II meets Dead Space.. sort of,59,23,34,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1a5894/dragon_age_ii_meets_dead_space_sort_of/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/ElP7LoGeUhSHsPRp.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1a5894,http://i.imgur.com/BopMw6q.png,
1360360971.0,42,gamefly.com,185o0m,Dragon Age Ultimate Edition + Dragon Age 2 PC: $7.99 for the PC (use GFDFEB20 for 20% off to make it $7.99),44,2,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/185o0m/dragon_age_ultimate_edition_dragon_age_2_pc_799/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/RFcD9sGR0MYjGwXR.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_185o0m,http://www.gamefly.com/Download-Dragon-Age-Bundle/5005392/?adtrackingid=cmju029,
1339604619.0,41,greywardens.com,v00e0,If you truly love DA:Origins read this. Loghain's case and defense I completely agree on.,46,5,26,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/v00e0/if_you_truly_love_daorigins_read_this_loghains/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/uKCsv8iGrtoJpDWZ.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_v00e0,http://greywardens.com/2012/06/loghain-mac-tir-on-trial/,
1316157351.0,40,gametrailers.com,khf5y,Dragon Age II: Mark Of The Assassin DLC Trailer - Starring Felicia Day,45,5,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/khf5y/dragon_age_ii_mark_of_the_assassin_dlc_trailer/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_khf5y.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_khf5y,http://www.gametrailers.com/video/exclusive-debut-dragon-age/720938,
1258360750.0,41,zivity.com,a4t6c,'So, uh.. yeah. Leliana's voice actress is absolutely, insanely hot. (NSFW)',46,5,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a4t6c/so_uh_yeah_lelianas_voice_actress_is_absolutely/,True,nsfw,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a4t6c,http://www.zivity.com/models/alleykatze/photosets/1,
1372458049.0,39,self.dragonage,1h9zl1,'So, how old is Morrigan at start of Dragon age: Origins?',44,5,29,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1h9zl1/so_how_old_is_morrigan_at_start_of_dragon_age/,'So, how old is Morrigan at start of Dragon age: Origins? She visualy looks older, but how she is treated by Flemmeth she comes off quite young. Anywhere written or confirmed how old she is?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1h9zl1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1h9zl1/so_how_old_is_morrigan_at_start_of_dragon_age/,
1338469230.0,35,i.imgur.com,udsgi,Why is Cullen so damned important? He doesn't really do anything. ,42,7,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/udsgi/why_is_cullen_so_damned_important_he_doesnt/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/zAPuqqxb5tpRmbaC.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_udsgi,http://i.imgur.com/2pdTZ.jpg,
1300002631.0,38,i.imgur.com,g30f6,All that gold!,41,3,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g30f6/all_that_gold/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_g30f6.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_g30f6,http://i.imgur.com/769cw.jpg,
1271356626.0,39,self.dragonage,brfcd,OK I just got here using the Random button and I must say this is one of the best decorated subreddits ever.,42,3,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/brfcd/ok_i_just_got_here_using_the_random_button_and_i/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_brfcd,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/brfcd/ok_i_just_got_here_using_the_random_button_and_i/,
1376433337.0,36,youtube.com,1kb5xq,'More info and insight on multiplayer, companions, and the 'Five Game' plan',45,9,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kb5xq/more_info_and_insight_on_multiplayer_companions/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/CCzfn4drzLY_OpID.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,31,False,t3_1kb5xq,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6uG8xPnMx8,
1375503109.0,35,i.imgur.com,1jlym5,'Sten, you so cray-cray. (NSFW language)',79,44,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jlym5/sten_you_so_craycray_nsfw_language/,True,nsfw,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1jlym5,http://i.imgur.com/WFgFH92.png,
1363215947.0,39,self.dragonage,1a8xwr,Regarding a certain Landsmeet Decision (DAO Spoilers),45,6,29,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1a8xwr/regarding_a_certain_landsmeet_decision_dao/,'I'm wondering what everybody else did with Loghain. He's in my opinion the best character Bioware has written. While he's done atrocious things (abandoning his king, selling elves as slaves, poisoning Eamon), he always had Fereldan at heart. Reading the Stolen Throne and talking to a lot of NPC's helped flesh out Loghain a lot as well.
Also, it seems odd that you'd execute your main political rival in front of everybody and his own daughter and not even spare him a trial; make the Warden look bad. Alistair's little rant if you consider making Loghain a Warden doesn't help endear Alistair to me either.
In most of my playthroughs I end up killing him though, because I don't want to lose Alistair and Loghain's trust is at question.
What'd everybody else do with Loghain and why?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1a8xwr,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1a8xwr/regarding_a_certain_landsmeet_decision_dao/,
1359139907.0,41,self.dragonage,179pcp,'Your 'must have' mods for DA:O and DA2?',51,10,31,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/179pcp/your_must_have_mods_for_dao_and_da2/,Post them here!,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,15,True,t3_179pcp,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/179pcp/your_must_have_mods_for_dao_and_da2/,moderator
1337667587.0,36,self.dragonage,tyvvx,'Finished my 100 hour long 'perfect' Dragon Age campaign, tied everything together nicely',38,2,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tyvvx/finished_my_100_hour_long_perfect_dragon_age/,'So as the title says, I spent the past week or so attempting to create a 'perfect' save file for Dragon Age 3 (whenever it comes out). This includes all DLCs relevant to the story of the warden and the champion, so all together it would be: origins, awakening, golems, witch hunt, 2, assassin, and legacy. But the coolest part of my whole Dragon Age experience was reflecting back and wittnessing the complex events I created without realizing it. My entire Dragon age story revolves around one crazy family starting the mage-templar war and plunging Thedas into chaos. Both of my charters were mages, both were part of the same family (Amell), and both are largely responsible for the series of events that started with the warden's harrowing and ended with the explosion of the kirkwall chantry. Starting from the beginning, my warden decided to side with Jowan in his origin because bros before hoes. This lead to my warden witnessing the tyranny of the templars (making Jowan tranquil, enforcing the right of annulment) and the desperation of the mages (Jowan resorting to blood magic, Uldred and his crew summoning demons). After visiting the ashes of Andraste and realizing that she too was simply a mage herself, my Warden began hating what the chantry and templars had become. For his boon, my Warden chose to liberate the Ferelden circle, which could be viewed as an ignition for the events to come. Eventually my warden passes these ideas of independence on to an already resentful Anders in awakening and introduces him to Justice. Seeing as how Wynne was able to form a benevolent pact with a spirit, the warden advises Justice to find a willing human host instead of a dead one. So Anders and Justice merge and create Vengeance. Now onwards to Dragon Age 2, my champion is an apostate on the run from templars and is caught in the middle of a crazy war in an insane, experimental Tervinter city (Band of Three). Witnessing the persecution of his brethren, my champion urges the mages to rebel and encourages Anders to act. Anders blows up the chantry and my champion sides with the templars, becoming a hero and rallying cry in the eyes of all magickers in Thedas. And so the wars begin.. So I did infer a few things like the forming of Vengeance thing, but in the end it becomes one big set of unfortunate events of how a crazy mage family started possibly one of the greatest conflicts ever. I'm hoping I can play as a mage from the Amell family in DA3 and continue my epic, but we'll wait and see. Here's a screenshot of my characters if you're interested: http://i46.tinypic.com/ip137p.png (warden is an arcane warrior, hence the armor). tl;dr: Played dragon age for a week straight, lost my mind and fabricated a story of how the Amell family of mages was the ignition and catalyst of the Mage-Templar war.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_tyvvx,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tyvvx/finished_my_100_hour_long_perfect_dragon_age/,
1334351971.0,36,blog.bioware.com,s8k7g,Follower Customization in Dragon Age BioWare Blog,38,2,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/s8k7g/follower_customization_in_dragon_age_bioware_blog/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/yq9QtNNroNfy-npv.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_s8k7g,http://blog.bioware.com/2012/04/13/dacustomization/,
1325830898.0,32,i.imgur.com,o5401,What I have learned about my companions in DA:O Ultimate Edition.,41,9,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/o5401/what_i_have_learned_about_my_companions_in_dao/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/oZzov2kOZBv7GMbu.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_o5401,http://i.imgur.com/UqiO8.png,
1314555483.0,40,nerdappropriate.com,jx5ss,Dragon Age info from Pax,41,1,29,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/jx5ss/dragon_age_info_from_pax/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_jx5ss.png,t5_2r8lo,False,5,False,t3_jx5ss,http://www.nerdappropriate.com/2011/08/28/pax-prime-2011-dragon-age-panel-secrets-revealed/,
1301089323.0,36,self.dragonage,gbkig,'I made a new header image. Community, what do you think? ',37,1,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gbkig/i_made_a_new_header_image_community_what_do_you/,'If you guys have any ideas or request let me know. I'm not a fan of the one we have now, so I decided to make this guy. I'll be adding text if this one is liked enough.
**EDIT** I've got some request for a Flemeth, so that is what I'll work on next, then you guys can vote on what you like better. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_gbkig,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gbkig/i_made_a_new_header_image_community_what_do_you/,moderator
1376830190.0,37,imgur.com,1klpm3,Anyone else have a name they always use for their dog?,46,9,106,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1klpm3/anyone_else_have_a_name_they_always_use_for_their/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1klpm3,http://imgur.com/wbMxb9c,
1375896153.0,33,youtube.com,1jw8n3,'Breakdown of Game Informer's DAI coverage (trailer + article), insights into lore and more Q's',41,8,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jw8n3/breakdown_of_game_informers_dai_coverage_trailer/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/7xeAby1GvKHhS4qb.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,31,False,t3_1jw8n3,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVRjIkmDqMw,
1375895311.0,39,pbs.twimg.com,1jw7h6,New concept art,48,9,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jw7h6/new_concept_art/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/6iKJ4GH3Moi1U82G.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1jw7h6,https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BRFMElhCAAAuEUs.jpg:large,
1355266871.0,35,self.dragonage,14ow81,So I poured blood in Andraste's ashes.,52,17,32,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/14ow81/so_i_poured_blood_in_andrastes_ashes/,'Leliana! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I then left, rang the bell outside, and died a fiery death from the hands of a big ass dragon because I felt bad.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_14ow81,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/14ow81/so_i_poured_blood_in_andrastes_ashes/,
1359472276.0,37,self.dragonage,17hxr8,Dragon Age 2 DLC on sale on Xbox Live,41,4,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17hxr8/dragon_age_2_dlc_on_sale_on_xbox_live/,'Hey guys. If you're like me and held off on some of the DLC until there was a sale, now is a perfect time to get it for the Xbox 360.
[Legacy 400 MSP](http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Legacy/164cbd88-541d-4761-a9cb-5cb762e964bd)
[Mark of the Assassin 560 MSP](http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Mark-of-the-Assassin/b471cbc1-966a-4f64-84a7-01c473e1728a)
[The Exiled Prince 400 MSP](http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/The-Exiled-Prince/48ea95ca-952a-4ccb-aee2-4a524d7acdac)
Dragon Age Origins DLC is on sale as well if people don't already have the ultimate edition or need a DLC or two to have everything.
On sale from 1/29 to 2/4
1357294003.0,32,self.dragonage,15y0f1,Mages & Golems: A look at pity in DA:O,47,15,23,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15y0f1/mages_golems_a_look_at_pity_in_dao/,'Abominations and golems are pretty damned scary things in the Dragon Age universe. On the one hand, you've got a 10-foot tall stone giant, and on the other you've got a crazed and demon-possessed mage. Yet, according to the poll at the top of /r/dragonage, the majority of respondents not only sided with Caridin in destroying the anvil, but saved the mages from the Right of Annulment.
I am also guilty of this. Really, it's hard to say no to Caridin the sad golem. However, when you think about it, the Anvil of the Void really is worth saving. The dwarves have been caged in a corner since the advent of the Darkspawn, only gaining respite during the relatively short period of time when golems were accessible. Were the Anvil of the Void to be recovered, perhaps the Darkspawn could be hunted down and wiped out, thus preventing another Blight from ever even occurring.
However, the representative for this seemingly worthy cause is Branka, the woman who sacrificed a number of lives, including her lover, Hespith, to find it. Clearly, she is deluded, consumed and corrupted in pursuit of the Anvil.
Opposite her is Caridin, telling a story of how the Anvil was used and abused and turned against him. Truly, this is a sad story of a man (dwarf) who did not realize the magnitude of his actions until it was too late. Between crazy-ass Branka and betrayed-yet noble Caridin, it is easy to come to the conclusion that too many souls have been lost to the Anvil, and no more should be risked.
However, a simple cost-benefit analysis would likely put preserving the Anvil on top. Not only can the dwarves of Orzamar at last recover their ancestral homelands, but the world could be spared any further blights. There is the risk of a despot abusing the golems to eliminate political enemies, yes, but that risk is no greater than, say, sparing the potentially demon-possessed mages at the Circle of Magi.
When Irving tells the templars that the Circle is clear of demons, there is no reason to believe him when Cullen accuses him of being a maleficarum or abomination. Yet we do. By a large margin, respondents chose to spare the Circle. Why do we come to this decision?
Pity. Both the mages and Caridin are parties victimized by circumstance. The mages were attacked by demons, whilst Caridin was forced to become a golem. On the other side of the argument is paranoid and disturbed templar Cullen and amoral Paragon Branka; and while one might pity Cullen's fate, neither of their attitudes is very relatable.
As I said, I understand choosing Caridin and the mages. In nearly all of my playthroughs , I do exactly that. When you truly look at the options, though, they do somewhat oppose each other on an ideological level.
**tl;dr Preserving the anvil is clearly benficial but risky, as it could be abused, much the same as saving the mages, who could be abominations. However, we don't because we pity Caridin and the mages and don't relate to Branka and Cullen. Thoughts?**',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_15y0f1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15y0f1/mages_golems_a_look_at_pity_in_dao/,
1354229008.0,36,self.dragonage,140p0x,'Downloading Dragon Age, never played it before. I am huge fan of KOTOR, and Mass Effect. What does this series offer that the others don't, and if you were to offer tips, what would they be?',42,6,45,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/140p0x/downloading_dragon_age_never_played_it_before_i/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_140p0x,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/140p0x/downloading_dragon_age_never_played_it_before_i/,
1352925909.0,35,self.dragonage,1377dy,'r/DragonAge, I need your insight',39,4,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1377dy/rdragonage_i_need_your_insight/,'I'm writing an article on fan reactions to the Dragon Age series, and I need some responses. I've created a survey to get a basic idea of people's opinions [here](http://freeonlinesurveys.com/s.asp?sid=v4wzkpfppl3zdav150510)
Edit: Thank you all for your responses, they really helped out! You can find the article on my [IGN](http://www.ign.com/blogs/jacklyneven/2012/12/14/dragon-age-past-present-and-future/). I am still working on formatting and making it look a little more appealing, but any other criticisms or critiques are welcome!
Again, thank you guys. It was really fun to read all of your responses! ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1355526373.0,True,t3_1377dy,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1377dy/rdragonage_i_need_your_insight/,
1374883359.0,33,self.dragonage,1j4qwl,Companion predictions for Inquisiton: Getting the band back together (spoilers),39,6,69,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j4qwl/companion_predictions_for_inquisiton_getting_the/,'Bioware have their issues, but one thing they've generally been consistent on is creating memorable party companions. Though there's very little information on Inquisition's party members so far (aside from some concept art which, if Matt Rhodes' recent post is any indication, could just be more for the feel of the game than anything else), I think we can make some pretty reasonable predictions for what the party's going to look like, just based on past Bioware titles:
* You'll have at least six companions
* At least two will be warriors -- one sword-and-shield, one two-handed. You'll probably get the sword-and-shield one first.
* At least two will be rogues -- one dual-wielder, one archer. You'll probably get the archer first.
* At least two will be mages -- one healing-focused, one damage focused. Which one you get first will probably vary.
* At least one will be a dwarf, at least one will be an elf.
* There will probably be one or two redundancies -- you had two two-handed warriors (and Shale) in Origins and two archers in DA2 (plus whichever sibling is still alive).
It's likely that at least a few characters who've already been established will show up as party members in Inquisition, although we can whittle down the list pretty quickly. An awful lot of your companions in the base games can be dead by the end of DA2 (everyone except Varric, Aveline, Isabela, and I think Sebastian for Hawke, and everyone except Sten, Morrigan, Oghren, and Leliana for the Warden), and even though Bioware has brought dead characters back before, I doubt they'd put a formerly-dead character in your party. That'd be a bit too on-the-nose in dispelling the illusion that your choices matter.
Anyway, you can probably dismiss a few of those left alive out of hand:
* **Sten** is busy being the new Arishok (if they stick the comic canon, which I think they will in this case).
* **Morrigan** is probably going to be playing an NPC role, perhaps similar to Flemeth.
* **Leliana** is probably too busy being a Seeker, traipsing about Thedas as a lone wolf. Also she's a former romance option for the Warden, and I can't see them potentially doubling up on that. Too many variables.
* **Oghren** has already been a companion in two games, and there's really nowhere else for his story to go. You want characters who aren't fully explored -- do you really want to hear Oghren telling the same old stories again?
* **Sebastian** might work if he's a Chantry brother, but if he's a Prince of Starkhaven, that job seems a bit too important. He's out.
* **Isabela** is probably out 'cause she's a former romance option for Hawke, but other than that she doesn't have anything specifically preventing them from using her. She feels more like a cameo or sidequest appearance though.
* **Aveline** is secretly one of my favorites from DA2, but her story's pretty much told already.
We know from the trailer that two DA2 characters will show up in Inquisition: Cassandra and Varric.
* **Cassandra** feels like a maybe to me. You could use her for either warrior slot, and she's clearly important, but she might be in a non-party role -- she's pretty high-ranking, so maybe as an allied general.
* **Varric**, I think, is the most likely full party member from either game to make a return as a companion. He gives the Inquisitor a connection to Hawke, we still don't know *that* much about him so there's room for more character development, and he was probably the most well-received character from DA2. He's your rogue archer and possibly one of your first companions.
As for temporary party members or former NPCs, I have a reasonable feeling about two in particular becoming companions:
* **Tallis** had an entire DLC dedicated to her, is played by a well-known (but not prohibitively expensive) actress, could fit as a part of the inevitable Qunari storyline, and aside from a half-assed bit in MOTA is not romantically attached to a previous NPC. Plus, the post-MOTA codex entry on her is explicit about saying that Hawke is 'sure we haven't seen the last of Tallis'.
* **Cullen** is inexplicably a fan favorite (he's OK, I guess?), gives the Inquisitor a connection to the Warden AND Hawke, can probably be easily removed from where we last saw him in Kirkwall, gives the player a Templar perspective, and could be introduced early, which fits perfectly as a sword-and-shield warrior.
* **Finn** seems like a good fit considering he's an expert on Eluvians, which might end up being important to this story, but no one really remembers him.
* **Velanna** never actually died in Awakening, you know -- if you leave her at the keep, a section of the wall falls on her but no one ever finds her body. *Another* Dalish keeper mage seems like overkill at this point, though. EDIT: someone pointed out that you can gank her when you first meet her. Oh well!
The final roster could look like anything, but I feel pretty confident that at least one of Varric, Tallis, or Cullen will be a companion, with possibly more than one. YMMV. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious the rest of y'all will quickly point out.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1374941972.0,2,True,t3_1j4qwl,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j4qwl/companion_predictions_for_inquisiton_getting_the/,
1369711791.0,35,exhaustedapostate.tumblr.com,1f6fqd,Tarot Of Dragon Age,42,7,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1f6fqd/tarot_of_dragon_age/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/hficgDEqgD6YUNa-.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1f6fqd,http://exhaustedapostate.tumblr.com/post/49971063710/emanonix-tarot-of-dragon-age-major-arcana,
1368476350.0,32,gamefanshop.com,1e9lh4,Dragon Age Origins 65% off!,41,9,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1e9lh4/dragon_age_origins_65_off/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Z43wea5cefrkkiQt.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1e9lh4,http://www.gamefanshop.com/partner-ChannelOlli/browse/cc25-Weekly-Deals/gg857-Dragon-Age-Origins/ggnum-1/,
1367390022.0,30,self.dragonage,1dgv7r,Accidentally abused Flemeth's AI,38,8,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dgv7r/accidentally_abused_flemeths_ai/,'I'm doing my first DA playthrough on the 360, playing a human 2-handed warrior. This evening I played through Return to Ostagar, and figured since I was down that way I would go ahead and go after Flemeth for Morrigan. So I took Wynne, Alistair, and Leliana. Alistair is specced for sword and shield tanking, Wynne is a healer, and Leliana is an archer.
At first it was horrible. I kept getting my butt handed to me despite my best efforts at micromanaging. I finally decided to park all three squad mates a reasonable distance from each other so that Flemeth's fire breath would only get them one at a time. And I gave Alistair a bow, figuring I would just slash away with Yusaris.
Well, this worked completely beyond my expectations. Flemeth kept breathing fire at Alistair, Wynne kept healing him and me, I kept slashing, and Leliana kept firing arrows. The thing I didn't realize was, while I had ordered Alistair to Hold Position, I had forgotten to make him switch to his bow. So he was just standing there, shield in hand, drawing all her aggro without actually doing any damage to her. Meanwhile Flemeth wasn't completely ignoring me, but she wasn't doing me much damage either. I whittled her health down to nothing and finally got the climb on top and stab animation.
In the aftermath, I almost felt bad about winning that way.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1dgv7r,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dgv7r/accidentally_abused_flemeths_ai/,
1364423231.0,33,twitter.com,1b50zk,'Dragon Age III: Inquisition to use Frostbite 3 engine, Mike Laidlaw just retweeted',39,6,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b50zk/dragon_age_iii_inquisition_to_use_frostbite_3/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/ec-J-wWt7rsaZt09.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1b50zk,https://twitter.com/AarynFlynn/status/317023662807068672,
1337496924.0,33,i.imgur.com,tvqqh,So I was browsing 4chan. I thought this belonged here. ,45,12,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tvqqh/so_i_was_browsing_4chan_i_thought_this_belonged/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/aRB_gK2GOr80Pcda.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_tvqqh,http://i.imgur.com/jbw2d.png?1,
1337376552.0,34,browse.deviantart.com,tturv,My favorite NPC. Possibly NSFW.,39,5,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tturv/my_favorite_npc_possibly_nsfw/,True,nsfw,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_tturv,http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=witherfang#/d2he2i8,
1315350986.0,32,i.imgur.com,k6xsh,Friend of mine cosplayed as Lelianna at Dragon*Con,45,13,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/k6xsh/friend_of_mine_cosplayed_as_lelianna_at_dragoncon/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_k6xsh.png,t5_2r8lo,False,24,False,t3_k6xsh,http://i.imgur.com/Mr7yf.jpg,
1262710730.0,35,trollitc.com,alur4,Dragon Age: Origins- Awakening expansion announced,37,2,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/alur4/dragon_age_origins_awakening_expansion_announced/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_alur4,http://trollitc.com/2010/01/dragon-age-origins-awakening-expansion-announced/,
1370896369.0,33,self.dragonage,1g2hm2,So lets discuss the just released trailer for Inquisition,41,8,153,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g2hm2/so_lets_discuss_the_just_released_trailer_for/,'EDIT: Found a video, didn't think there would be one so soon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mY-r7_jWVP0',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1370896833.0,7,True,t3_1g2hm2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g2hm2/so_lets_discuss_the_just_released_trailer_for/,
1364224373.0,33,youtu.be,1az5nq,Threw together Leliana's song for my 100 sub special on YouTube. Maybe some of you might like it too : P,43,10,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1az5nq/threw_together_lelianas_song_for_my_100_sub/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Kd-uJ5YyH28_rRhx.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,2,False,t3_1az5nq,http://youtu.be/GW48jyj_MaI,
1363901004.0,33,koobismo.com,1arapi,'In the Workshop with David Gaider - a 75-minute long interview about game writing, Dragon Age, BioWare and more',38,5,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1arapi/in_the_workshop_with_david_gaider_a_75minute_long/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1arapi,http://www.koobismo.com/2013/03/in-the-workshop-with-david-gaider/,
1361913518.0,35,self.dragonage,19a689,'So everyone has played as the main character, but has anyone ever strictly played as a party member?',38,3,37,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19a689/so_everyone_has_played_as_the_main_character_but/,'While playing DA:II last night, I kept thinking how cool some of the special abilities Isabella, Merrill, Fenris, etc etc all have and how much fun they would be to play (not in a 'oh shit Hawke's dead.. I guess Varric has to save the day' sort of panicked way).
Now, obviously, you can't play either game without being the Grey Warden or Hawke for all plot points, but I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to battle as one of the other characters, with the main character set up to automate under his/her tactics. Thoughts?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,1,True,t3_19a689,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19a689/so_everyone_has_played_as_the_main_character_but/,
1360891510.0,31,tabletop.geekandsundry.com,18jydl,Wil Wheaton plays the Dragon Age RPG on Tabletop (2pts),44,13,25,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18jydl/wil_wheaton_plays_the_dragon_age_rpg_on_tabletop/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/-MR3PtZiG0MinT_e.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,1,False,t3_18jydl,http://tabletop.geekandsundry.com/episodes/dragon-age-chris-hardwick-kevin-sussman-chris-pramas-and-sam-witwer-join-wil-on-tabletop-episode-19-pt-1/,
1300916831.0,32,self.dragonage,ga0pl,TIL Hawke is the champion garbageman of Kirkwall,38,6,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ga0pl/til_hawke_is_the_champion_garbageman_of_kirkwall/,'I found the junk selling gameplay rather pointless, but then I realized what Hawke is actually doing!
He's going into a cave, picking up 20-30 pieces of junk, then heading back to Kirkwall, to the Black Emporium (probably a fantasy recycling plant) in the sewers to exchange them for some petty cash. He's the garbageman of Kirkwall!
No wonder they named him Champion. Killing all those littering pirates, spiders, Carta thugs.. if I was living in Kirkwall, I'd be praising his name all day.
Not to mention he killed enough thugs and thieves in Kirkwall so that there was enough space for all the refugees and more. And all the blood cleanup work? Ideal for immigrants. He really helped the situation of his fellow people.
To sum up, I like to roleplay a bit more than the game offers. :o)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_ga0pl,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ga0pl/til_hawke_is_the_champion_garbageman_of_kirkwall/,
1375172522.0,33,self.dragonage,1jc5hy,(DA:O)Anyone else feel like Duncan is the leader of a cult?,46,13,31,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jc5hy/daoanyone_else_feel_like_duncan_is_the_leader_of/,'The way he kills that guy in the joining and whispers, 'I'm sorry' in his ear is so fucking creepy. Whenever I see Duncan I immediately think of this guy http://imgur.com/j14k77u',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,2,True,t3_1jc5hy,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jc5hy/daoanyone_else_feel_like_duncan_is_the_leader_of/,
1374121708.0,33,self.dragonage,1ijeds,What were your thoughts after beating Origins for the first time?,41,8,35,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ijeds/what_were_your_thoughts_after_beating_origins_for/,'Once those credits started rolling and I Am the One started playing I balled my eyes out. Once my warden struck the final blow against the archdemon I was in awe. Branka took me about 30 tries to kill. The High Dragon and Flemith were misery until I finally took them down.
All of my emotions that were built up throughout the entire game came bursting out once I went through those doors at the end of the game.
I really can't describe it any better. How did you feel?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1ijeds,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ijeds/what_were_your_thoughts_after_beating_origins_for/,
1370849624.0,33,youtube.com,1g17gh,'Wanderers of Thedas - 'Loose Dwarves.' Can't stop laughing.',38,5,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g17gh/wanderers_of_thedas_loose_dwarves_cant_stop/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/MLbzmmscRiYskx5f.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,2,False,t3_1g17gh,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LvpakI_qic,
1368742206.0,33,self.dragonage,1eh9fd,If Dragon Age 3 has a new character as the protagonist then what I want to see most is ..,48,15,45,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1eh9fd/if_dragon_age_3_has_a_new_character_as_the/,'.. the Commander of the Grey Wardens, the Champion of Kirkwall and the new character fighting off hundreds of enemies together. It would make me insanely happy to see my first, second, third character all fighting together.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1eh9fd,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1eh9fd/if_dragon_age_3_has_a_new_character_as_the/,
1365825728.0,28,self.dragonage,1c93mv,'Always wanted this as a DLC, Dragon Age: Origins',37,9,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1c93mv/always_wanted_this_as_a_dlc_dragon_age_origins/,'Everytime i have started a new character in DA:O, i have loved the Battle at ostagar, and always hoped that i would be able to actually fight that battle.
The DLC that i always wanted was to create the entire battle at ostagar, just a huge long battle (take over an hour total) with all of your grey warden allies, Duncan, King Cailan and Loghain's men actually fighting and beating the darkspawn horde right there.
this would have no affect on the storyline and would be just for fun (of coarse)
I know that there is absolutely no probability of this happening seeing how they have been done making DA:O DLC for quite some time, i just wanted to share this and see what you guys thought as well',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1c93mv,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1c93mv/always_wanted_this_as_a_dlc_dragon_age_origins/,
1364348796.0,32,self.dragonage,1b30ml,'I just beat Dragon Age Origins on my main playthrough, is the 'Awakening' expansion any good?',39,7,26,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b30ml/i_just_beat_dragon_age_origins_on_my_main/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1b30ml,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b30ml/i_just_beat_dragon_age_origins_on_my_main/,
1360451767.0,29,thenexusnews.com,187tx3,'The Witcher 3 Announcement Intimidates EA, BioWare and Dragon Age III',53,24,62,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/187tx3/the_witcher_3_announcement_intimidates_ea_bioware/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/LF0YNmjum30O4BMy.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,2,False,t3_187tx3,http://thenexusnews.com/the-witcher-3-announcement-intimidates-ea-bioware-and-dragon-age-iii/853568/,
1353166421.0,34,self.dragonage,13cqmz,I think it would be sick as hell if Feynriel was a DA3 companion. What characters would you like to see as future companions?,36,2,85,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13cqmz/i_think_it_would_be_sick_as_hell_if_feynriel_was/,'I mean, come on. Having a mage Dreamer for a companion? Awesome.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_13cqmz,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13cqmz/i_think_it_would_be_sick_as_hell_if_feynriel_was/,
1350586553.0,32,youtube.com,11pc1v,I know you guys don't like youtube links. but check this awesome dance scene out!,37,5,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11pc1v/i_know_you_guys_dont_like_youtube_links_but_check/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/7W9dseFjVP94-2mx.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_11pc1v,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfs8fdCxGmc,
1345551963.0,34,self.dragonage,yks65,'Pre-made main character in DA3, like Hawke?',38,4,37,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/yks65/premade_main_character_in_da3_like_hawke/,'Do you think DA3 will make the same 'mistake' as its predecessor, where you play as a pre-made character (Hawke)? Looking at the recent talk about DA3, I get the impression that the main character will be pre-made, 'the Inquisitor'.
Personally, I really enjoyed choosing my background in DAO, and playing it, at some extent, it gave more depth to the Warden. Much more room for RP, in my opinion.
What do you people think?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_yks65,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/yks65/premade_main_character_in_da3_like_hawke/,
1345255659.0,29,imgur.com,yer44,Pro-mage or Pro-templar? ,34,5,43,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/yer44/promage_or_protemplar/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/BZ-SrJpXeu41f8bo.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_yer44,http://imgur.com/Hu8cP,
1337620304.0,32,browse.deviantart.com,txqx9,'What is this, I don't even..',41,9,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/txqx9/what_is_this_i_dont_even/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/LR1wyAA6k_NjJYTw.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_txqx9,http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=dragon+age+fanfiction#/d2m7zwm,
1320654652.0,31,self.dragonage,m3c4u,Just finished DA2. Can we get a story discussion thread going?,33,2,40,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/m3c4u/just_finished_da2_can_we_get_a_story_discussion/,'First off, I don't understand the shitty rep this game has. Sure, there are some issues, but I'll be damned if I didn't get sucked in- I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing.
Second, can I get some explanations? Is there a canon ending or is it just left open? Who the hell was the red-haired lady in the very last cut scene? How long do we have to wait for DA3? etc',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_m3c4u,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/m3c4u/just_finished_da2_can_we_get_a_story_discussion/,
1375928122.0,28,self.dragonage,1jxftw,'With multiple races confirmed, what will YOUR Inquisitor be?',39,11,88,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jxftw/with_multiple_races_confirmed_what_will_your/,'Personally I'm leaning towards Elf in my first file, Dwarf in my second. Since in Origins I did the reverse, and with Hawke as the Humans that'd mean one of each race per playthrough.
What about YOU?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1jxftw,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jxftw/with_multiple_races_confirmed_what_will_your/,
1372682302.0,35,youtube.com,1hf85i,'Dragon Age Banters, Fan-Made Cutscenes Version',40,5,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hf85i/dragon_age_banters_fanmade_cutscenes_version/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/cfsOXODbBp0BjVG1.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1hf85i,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL1H6WifMh8,
1370309527.0,32,self.dragonage,1fmf7g,'Too Much Black, or, why the Plot of DA II Should Have Featured Cullen vs Anders Instead of Meredith vs Orsino',40,8,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fmf7g/too_much_black_or_why_the_plot_of_da_ii_should/,'I need to get this all out, so bear with me.
I recently finished Dragon Age II for the second time. For all its flaws, I really enjoyed the game, especially when it came to the characters. Rather than in Dragon Age: Origins (Which I do think is the superior game) where I spent my time comparing each companion to a companion in other Bioware games, i felt the companions were (for the most part) very well fleshed out in DA II. There were shades of grey. Take Merrill. Merrill is nice, sweet, working hard toward her goal of restoring her clan and never failing to look out for her friends as well. She doesn't presume much, and is generally very friendly. She's also a blood mage who's convinced dealing with demons is the way to go. So it's hard to easily slip Merrill into the usual good/bad category.
Or, for another example, Cullen. Who would have thought I would sympathize with Cullen. He's very dedicated to his job, and clearly harbors some anti-mage tendencies. But he also, critically, has doubts. The doubts make the characters. Flaws make characters.
Unfortunately, I think Bioware totally dropped the ball on Meredith and Orsino. The ending overall felt like it was trying to hard to 'darker.' Bioware is trying to go against the morally superior ending of DA: Origins and give us a 'no-win scenario.' Except the scenario is this: a mage has blown up the chantry, so Meredith demands all mages in the city must die. Now, even ignoring this is like demanding all Chechnyans in America must die after the Boston bombings, either Hawke is a mage, and it makes no sense to side with Meredith, or Hawke's sister is a mage, and Hawke might in some scenarios be forced to kill his/her sister. I really felt like it wasn't much of a choice.
The writers obviously felt this way too, which is why the truly awful Orsino boss fight was added in with him revealing he sponsored your mother's murder. Now, even if this information was given when the player could still choose to help Orsino or Meredith, I think it made the ending worse. Instead of grey vs grey, you have black vs black. A crazy genocidal maniac vs a crazy genocidal blood mage. I finished the game by going: I hate everyone, so why should I be invested in Meredith vs Orsino? Why should I care about their squabble? They are both awful.
See, I think in trying to create a darker ending, Bioware failed. They gave us so many morally grey characters, but couldn't succeed in their main antagonists. If Cullen was the Knight-Commander, and Anders was the first enchanter, then they would both be GREY characters. And I might have felt that siding with the Templars was sensible, rather than idiotic.
Sorry for the long rant, but I'm disappointed. Bioware got so close, their character creation improved so much, but then they jumped down a ditch and ruined the ending.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,18,True,t3_1fmf7g,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fmf7g/too_much_black_or_why_the_plot_of_da_ii_should/,
1361588288.0,32,self.dragonage,1926zl,Dragon Age 2 Lore Talk (SPOILERS),36,4,57,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1926zl/dragon_age_2_lore_talk_spoilers/,'In Origins it is fairly easy to see and achieve the best possible out come for the game. However, in Da 2 the ending is rather clouded. Most people think siding with the mages is the better 'moral option', but I also think siding with the templars can be a better outcome for Thedas.
I believe that we won't be able to tell which was really the better option until DA3 comes out, but I was wondering your guy's opinions on which were the best choices to make in Da2?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1926zl,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1926zl/dragon_age_2_lore_talk_spoilers/,
1360875867.0,32,self.dragonage,18je26,DAO Favourite Origin? (SPOILERS),37,5,61,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18je26/dao_favourite_origin_spoilers/,'I am wondering which Origin you guys found the most enjoyable. Please tell me why you chose that specific origin. And one more question, do you guys thing they will bring back different origins in da3 or will it be like da2?
I personally liked both of the Dwarf origins, but I preferred the Noble dwarf over the commoner. The noble dwarf makes me feel like I play a huge roll in Orzarmar and Ferelden, and that just makes the story line feel so epic. I also like that fact that you can murder your own brother for power if you want to. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_18je26,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18je26/dao_favourite_origin_spoilers/,
1356749891.0,27,self.dragonage,15lu1a,Why is Dragon Age 2 bad?,52,25,79,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15lu1a/why_is_dragon_age_2_bad/,'I know this is far from popular opinion, but I thoroughly enjoyed Dragon Age 2, and I don't understand all of the hate I hear for it. I'm not saying I thought it was perfect, there were several flaws I would have liked to change, but I thought it was yet another excellent BioWare title. The characters, lore, and plotline interested me in the way only BioWare games can, and the concept of chronicling the story of the champion over a span of years intrigued me.
The combat left much to be desired, and I wasn't a big fan of the inventory system either.
Now, I never played the original Dragon Age. I know, I know, I just missed it and never went back after playing the second one. Is this why I don't see DA 2 as a disappointment? Is it simply because I didn't experience the glory of the original? Or do I actually just enjoy a game that most do not?
TL;DR didn't play DA: Origins, but really liked DA 2, why is the sequel so hated?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_15lu1a,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15lu1a/why_is_dragon_age_2_bad/,
1349470237.0,29,biowareaccordingtomom.tumblr.com,110f1n,I wish my mom played dragon age.,36,7,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/110f1n/i_wish_my_mom_played_dragon_age/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Y8QvwF86uIZJDE4I.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_110f1n,http://biowareaccordingtomom.tumblr.com/tagged/reg%27s-mom-plays-dragon-age/chrono,
1348645014.0,31,gamestop.com,10hwu3,GameStop.com has a KICKA$$ bundle of all the Dragon Age products and their DLC for 9.99!,36,5,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10hwu3/gamestopcom_has_a_kicka_bundle_of_all_the_dragon/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/E-PCNCCTZQ0AFNdg.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_10hwu3,http://www.gamestop.com/pc/games/dragon-age-bundle/93152?utm_source=linkshare&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=deeplink&cid=afl_10000087&affID=77777&sourceID=lw9MynSeamY-GvR3j.iWM53RDyY9xxaNYg,
1258386564.0,31,self.dragonage,a4x1l,'Is there a 'Nonretarded-looking hats' mod for DA:O?',34,3,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a4x1l/is_there_a_nonretardedlooking_hats_mod_for_dao/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a4x1l,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a4x1l/is_there_a_nonretardedlooking_hats_mod_for_dao/,
1370045293.0,26,gamefly.com,1ffqyf,Dragon Age 3: Inquisition momentarily listed on Amazon Italy for Xbox One.,33,7,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ffqyf/dragon_age_3_inquisition_momentarily_listed_on/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/b3MhqAw28762XYZ0.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1ffqyf,http://www.gamefly.com/news/article/219594/dragon-age-3-inquisition-listed-for-xbox-one/,
1369640848.0,29,self.dragonage,1f4lnm,DA:O The Mabari Warhound,39,10,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1f4lnm/dao_the_mabari_warhound/,'So the mabari you can acuire as a companion in Ostagar, by giving the kennel master a flower witch he makes into an ointment. But my idea is, the dog swallowed blood. Darkspawn blood, and thou you personally cure him of the taint, he still swalloed tainted blood. I understand that it is possible to stop the taint but not actually cure it, once you have it you carry it.I mean you can't ointment the archdemon away right? So I like to thing that this cute bugger is a Gray Warden. He wasn't in the official Joining but he did drink darkspawn blood, survive (kind of since you helped him) and now is immune to the taint. May not be lore-wise but I like to think that way because the dog (named him Bandit) is an companion I always have in my party, I like him so. Just sharing an idea with you guys.
Edit: Me fail english? That's unpossible!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_1f4lnm,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1f4lnm/dao_the_mabari_warhound/,
1367373637.0,33,self.dragonage,1dgdmw,I noticed something creating a Mage Warden for another playthrough,40,7,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dgdmw/i_noticed_something_creating_a_mage_warden_for/,'The last name is Amell, the same last name of the Kirkwall nobles Hawke is a part of.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,13,True,t3_1dgdmw,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dgdmw/i_noticed_something_creating_a_mage_warden_for/,
1348600344.0,30,greywardens.com,10gqt8,Interesting Companion Possibilites for DA3 Greywardens.com - Possible Spoilers,34,4,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10gqt8/interesting_companion_possibilites_for_da3/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/P7PyFUxYtttro0lM.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,7,False,t3_10gqt8,http://greywardens.com/2012/09/interesting-companion-possibilities-for-da3/,
1347234484.0,32,self.dragonage,zmj2m,Flair: Take Two.,33,1,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/zmj2m/flair_take_two/,'Since there was nearly a riot the likes of which haven't been seen since Redcliffe, we have added quite a few more flair options. You now have 36 choices, most of which are heraldry for various areas, clans, banns, etc., but some of which are basic DA symbology.
Obviously, there will be requests for more in the future, especially after DA3 comes out (soooooooooooon.. sooooooooooooon..). I figure once we get closer to that, we can do a survey-ish thing to try to figure out who wants what and what's not wanted by anyone.
For now, you can customize your flair image, but not the text. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,1,True,t3_zmj2m,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/zmj2m/flair_take_two/,
1328283424.0,29,self.dragonage,p9bwf,'So, about DA3..',31,2,35,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/p9bwf/so_about_da3/,'(Spoilers, Obv.)
In an attempt to stimulate some discussion in /r/dragonage, I bring up the following point;
It seems we're done with DA2 as of right now. There's no DLC in the future(unless they surprise us with something), there probably won't be an 'Awakening' type expansion, and there's little in the way of information about DA3. With that in mind..
What is it you'd want out of DA3? BW has said they're looking specifically at taking elements out of DA:O and DA2, what do you think those elements are? What things would you love for them to bring over? What *wouldn't* you want? What new, as of now unannounced, things would you be interested in seeing(new class, not gonna happen, but just as an example)?
Note: I'm *really* not interested in *another* 'DA:O was better than DA2! Don't bring *anything* from DA2!' discussion. So please, please, please don't just go on about that.
Secondly, what do you think is going on? We've got some *really* interesting loose ends from DA:O and DA2. Do you think DA3 will cover them all?
Anyway, I'm hoping for more of the tactical elements of DA:O, but still keeping the fast-paced, exciting animation of DA2. And I'd like to have the epic story of DA:O(given how DA2 ended, I think this is pretty much unavoidable though) but keep some of the intimacy of DA2s party members. Oh, I'd also love to see the talent trees from DA2 kept.
As for things added in, I'd really like to see the ability to change my marching order. I mean, when I'm *not* playing a tank, I shouldn't be first into combat. But at the same time, I want to be controlling my dude. It's a small thing, but maybe it could work out.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_p9bwf,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/p9bwf/so_about_da3/,
1313633316.0,30,youtu.be,jma2e,Found another entry for the Bioware Costume Contest: Apostates,34,4,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/jma2e/found_another_entry_for_the_bioware_costume/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_jma2e,http://youtu.be/YQrTSsmjFJs,
1299726227.0,31,self.dragonage,g0wpw,Why does this subreddit look like a massive ad?,33,2,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g0wpw/why_does_this_subreddit_look_like_a_massive_ad/,'I am all for advertising on reddit etc, but i think the level in this subreddit is just over the top. Is there a reason for it? Not to mention it being massively out of date.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_g0wpw,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g0wpw/why_does_this_subreddit_look_like_a_massive_ad/,
1296758062.0,32,dragonage.bioware.com,fenir,Dragon Age 2 Demo to be released Feb 22.,34,2,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fenir/dragon_age_2_demo_to_be_released_feb_22/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_fenir.png,t5_2r8lo,False,5,False,t3_fenir,http://dragonage.bioware.com/da2/demo,
1376966337.0,28,i.imgur.com,1kpirx,Nice face Fenris,39,11,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kpirx/nice_face_fenris/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/liHH_JnbUwp2_k2w.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1kpirx,http://i.imgur.com/ryR4YKr.jpg,
1376872859.0,28,self.dragonage,1kmwvo,'Thoughts on the 'no preset name' in Inquisition.',39,11,32,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kmwvo/thoughts_on_the_no_preset_name_in_inquisition/,'So I was wondering how exactly Bioware will handle the 'no preset name' for the player character.
In Origins, since your character wasn't voiced, you didn't exactly need a preset name. Technically when you were introducing yourself, you used character's first-name, while not actually *saying* it.
But how exactly will this work in Inquisition, considering the player character will be fully voiced? Won't it be awkward? Imagine constantly introducing yourself as just your title, 'The Inquisitor', or simply have like 0 NPC's actually *ask* for your name (which might make it even more awkward) It just.. Seems kinda weird to me.
I looked up if Bioware has addressed this at all, and [the best thing I got was a tweet from Mike Laidlaw.](http://puu.sh/45aUT.png) He states that 'We've handled it in every game up to now', but from what I understand, a 'preset name' means that your character will be given a default name that people will address you as, such as Hawke or Shepard. So, I'm not quite sure what he meant in that tweet.
So I was just wondering your guys' thoughts on this. Do you think I'm overthinking this? Do you think Bioware will handle this well? Do you think they'll change their minds once they start writing the ingame dialogue, and just make a race-friendly last name? Or am I just stupid and not understand what they mean by 'preset name'? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1kmwvo,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kmwvo/thoughts_on_the_no_preset_name_in_inquisition/,
1374079381.0,29,self.dragonage,1ihu4p,For people with Arachnophobia.,40,11,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ihu4p/for_people_with_arachnophobia/,'Are you very afraid of spiders? Can't stand looking at them, let alone fight the [Monstrous Spider](/spoiler) found at certain places and you can't unzoom to tactical view? Then try these mods:
* [No More Spiders](http://dragonage2.nexusmods.com/mods/2166/?) - What this mod does is change the spider models with mabari. They no longer drop from the ceiling, but they still make spider noises and have the same nametags.
* [Disable Spider Models](http://dragonage2.nexusmods.com/mods/2149/?) - This, the same as the previous one, changes the models/animations, but not only with mabari, but with darkspawn and emissaries too. They don't make spider noises, have the same nametags and don't drop from the ceiling, but appear from nowhere.
**But beware!** Check the description for more info and check for any side-effects. The mods **may not be compatible** with other mods.
I have the second one and, as I don't have any other mods for DA2 installed cannot tell you if it messes up, so use at your own risk.
I was struggling with searching a mod that does this, and when I found one, I thought I would search for more, to help others. So, enjoy your spider-free game!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,34,True,t3_1ihu4p,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ihu4p/for_people_with_arachnophobia/,
1364692102.0,28,self.dragonage,1bc0gp,I just beat the high dragon in da2 at level 16..,45,17,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1bc0gp/i_just_beat_the_high_dragon_in_da2_at_level_16/,I shouldn't be alive..,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_1bc0gp,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1bc0gp/i_just_beat_the_high_dragon_in_da2_at_level_16/,
1362166079.0,27,self.dragonage,19h981,If we lived in the Dragon Age world which faction would you want to be apart of and why?,33,6,69,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19h981/if_we_lived_in_the_dragon_age_world_which_faction/,'Some of the factions I can think of are: Qunari, Tal'vasoh, Crows, Tevinter mages, Circle mages, Apostates, templars, surface dwarf, dwarf, city elf, dalish elf, human noble, commoner, and chasind. I may have forgotten some, please let me know If i am missing any.
For me I would love to be a dwarf in Orzamar. Being in the warrior caste fighting darkspawn, and living in a magnificant city. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_19h981,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19h981/if_we_lived_in_the_dragon_age_world_which_faction/,
1360788077.0,30,self.dragonage,18gswt,Is Dragon Age 2 worth it?,45,15,62,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18gswt/is_dragon_age_2_worth_it/,'Here's the thing:
I bought Dragon Age: Origins and loved it. I beat it twice along with several DLCs. I am also nearing the end of Awakening. I love the way the game works and to me, the story goes above all.
I've pretty much spoilt myself the entire story of DA 2 apart from some details since I dont quite know the characters. I felt that it didnt make much sense with the several jumps in time, but that is probably because I never played it.
So I ask, should I buy Dragon Age 2, along with DLC? Is it worth it? I heard a lot of hate regarding the fact that it is much worse than Origin or the recycled dungeons, but I want to know if it is overall an enjoyable experience.
Can the story compensate for these shortcomings?
If someone could go into detail on their reasoning of whether or not I should buy DA 2, I would be very grateful.
Please note, that I want to get ready for Dragon Age 3 and if this game would provide me nice lore and emotional moments. Oh Morrigan..
Thank You
An edit with just some clarification questions:
Does the whole import character feature work over Origin/Steam? Are there big differences between importing and not importing?
Is it better to play this with mouse and keyboard or with a controller? (I use a PC)
Which are the best DLCs?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1360791478.0,2,True,t3_18gswt,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18gswt/is_dragon_age_2_worth_it/,
1358438648.0,30,self.dragonage,16r8xi,Dragon Age 3 Rumours?,34,4,60,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16r8xi/dragon_age_3_rumours/,I was just curious as to what rumours were circulating about Dragon Age III. ,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_16r8xi,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16r8xi/dragon_age_3_rumours/,
1334695735.0,27,self.dragonage,sesr9,Who's up for flair?,33,6,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sesr9/whos_up_for_flair/,'So, I've been thinking we could flair it up a bit over here. I was thinking we could do avatars of Hawke (one male, one female), the usual crew from both games, and maybe a generic Grey Warden and a crest or two.
Thoughts? Ideas? Any suggestions on artists? I could possibly get the some images of the characters and 8-bit them up or something.. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,1,True,t3_sesr9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sesr9/whos_up_for_flair/,
1326068086.0,26,fc03.deviantart.net,o8k5r,Fenris by Sakimichan,33,7,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/o8k5r/fenris_by_sakimichan/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/MqCEHEffAmp3ABAp.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_o8k5r,http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/194/9/7/fenris_dragon_age_ii_by_sakimichan-d3oighs.jpg,
1258987390.0,31,self.dragonage,a7ad6,Let's start a thread with all the must have mods for Dragon Age,33,2,25,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a7ad6/lets_start_a_thread_with_all_the_must_have_mods/,Enhance the Dragon Age experience here with links to the best sites/mods. I'll start with the one must have: [Character Respec](http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14),False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a7ad6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a7ad6/lets_start_a_thread_with_all_the_must_have_mods/,
1376476256.0,28,greenmangaming.com,1kc9pm,Dragon age: Origins Ultimate Edition & Dragon Age 2 80 % off at GreenManGaming (NA Only),35,7,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kc9pm/dragon_age_origins_ultimate_edition_dragon_age_2/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/ndio9IL3QGWfpJtM.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1kc9pm,http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/si/en/pc/games/action/dragon-age-2-dragon-age-origins-ultimate-bundle-na/#item-s5,
1371652085.0,27,whirlygirl9.deviantart.com,1gnn5q,Zevran Smiling (with a little snark on the side),51,24,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gnn5q/zevran_smiling_with_a_little_snark_on_the_side/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/BsNr_lnQzzWBLiqb.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,3,False,t3_1gnn5q,http://whirlygirl9.deviantart.com/art/Zevran-Smiling-379108535,
1369440638.0,28,self.dragonage,1f04vl,'Idle musing on Grey Wardens, dragons, and possibly Flemeth, Witches of the Wilds and the Old God Baby',36,8,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1f04vl/idle_musing_on_grey_wardens_dragons_and_possibly/,'I'm replaying DA:O and doing the bit where one goes into the Wilds for blood, and remember Duncan mentioning that the seals on the grey warden chest can only be opened by a grey warden, and of course, Morrigan was able to get them. Now, she *claims* the magic on the seals wore off, but to be perfectly honest, I don't think there are any examples of magic just 'wearing off' in the franchise: ancient curses, veil tears, runes, etc, have a tendency to stick around.
Now, knowing what we know thanks to the trilogy of comics done by Gaider and also World of Thedas, we know dragons are kind of a big thing in the setting.. fitting, since it *is* called 'dragon age' after all. Most specifically, the blood of dragons is called the 'blood of the earth' by Yavana, a witch of the wilds and one of Flemeth's daughters, and that King Calenhad drank the blood of a dragon during a ritual provided over by Flemeth to become a super-powerful reaver and use that power to unite Fereldan.
Now, while a lot of hullabaloo is made of the Grey Wardens having darkspawn blood/taint in them.. we often gloss over the fact that it is *archdemon* blood that gives them their power, as a drop of blood from an archdemon is used in the joining ritual. And archdemons are.. dragons. Tainted dragons, but dragons nonetheless, and it is this dragon blood which seemingly allows them to keep their wits and not become ghouls immediately (perhaps being related to the ability of Archdemons to maintain their intelligence when tainted and lead blights, and also the self-awareness of Disciples). Grey Wardens, then, are theoretically just as influenced by dragons as they are darkspawn.
Now, let's get to Flemeth. Information from World of Thedas specifies that when an archdemon is slain with no grey warden around, their soul/essence/consciousness/whatever goes into the nearest darkspawn and then shapeshifts that darkspawn into another high dragon. Combined with the fact that Flemeth tells Hawke that she may in fact BE a dragon and that her human form is just a shapeshifted ruse- this has lead a lot of people to theorize that she is one of the remaining old gods. The Witches of the Wilds, if they are Flemeth's biological daughters, could therefore also have the blood of dragons in them, much like how Calenhad's blood was passed down to Cailan, Maric and Alistair. If the seal on the Grey Warden scrolls were somehow set to react to the presence of *dragon blood* in the Wardens, it could be that Flemeth or Morrigan were able to open the seals.
What other similarities could a Witch of the Wilds have to a Grey Warden due to possibly having dragon blood in their system? How would a witch of the wilds react to being tainted, if they could be? There are also two beings in the setting who might have a 'double dose' of dragon blood in them, or actually, one who definitely does and one who could have a *triple* dose. There's Alistair, of the dragon-empowered Theirin bloodline, and also the Old God Baby, who's the son of a potentially dragon-blooded Witch of the Wilds, a dragon-blood enhanced warden, and said warden could potentially be the already double-dragon-blooded (say that three times fast) Alistair.
Some stuff to think about, at least.
EDIT: I just remembered two more things: one, that Alistair's mother may or may not be the Grey Warden mage Fiona, who would logically already have archdemon blood in her system, and two, if the Warden so chose, he could take Kolgrim's offer to drink dragon blood and become a reaver himself, so that could also bring about more implications on the amount of dragon blood in the OGB's system, potentially.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1369441333.0,29,True,t3_1f04vl,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1f04vl/idle_musing_on_grey_wardens_dragons_and_possibly/,
1367099885.0,26,self.dragonage,1d8l75,Solo Nightmare Shapeshifter. No AW. No primal magic. No kiting.,37,11,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d8l75/solo_nightmare_shapeshifter_no_aw_no_primal_magic/,'Hey guys,
Ultimate Edition came out on Steam so I bought it since I had DA only on console and it was one of my favorite games at the time (havent played for a good year and a half though :P)
So I created new character and went on. During Loethering, when I hit lvl 7, I was wondering what to pick and then I got inspired to finally do a full nightmare solo run (I attempted it before on several characters, my best was walking bomb kite build, which I accidently deleted).
I have put on myself couple limitations.
* No primal magic. My first nightmare finish was on mage who just spammed primal spells. Too easy. Too boring.
* No AW. All my mages had first or second spec AW. Even though there is no way to make my character look good in robes, I just have to try it with cloth. **EDIT:** I have picked AW as second spec because it puts Shapeshifter's autoattack on comparable levels with Warrior/Rogue. However, I only use Combat Magic active, **still wearing robes+staff**.
* No kiting. I kited enough. It's time to play like a man.
* Potions allowed. I know many people want to do potionless solo runs, but I dont have patience for that.
And since everybody says that Magic Shapeshifter sucks, I decided to prove the naysayers wrong (although I never played it before :P).
And I have to admit one thing. Shapeshifter is *amazing*.
For the build:
First and foremost, I am mage, not manbearpigbee, so I use magic to kill things. When I face big groups, I have created new cheese.
**Death Magic + Death Cloud + Force Field**
Death Magic is great since it works in Force Field. Death Cloud is freaking badass spell. It feels epic everytime I cast down this blackness. Run into it's centre like I have no fear. And then Force Fielding myself looking at those fools lost in darkness dying. *Slowly*.
This kills every white-level mob and brings under 50% HP yellow ones.
Then it's time for Shapeshifting.
Shapeshifing is incredible in one scenario: dueling. Switching between spider and bear can make fights quite easy even vs strongest opponets (you know the vial guy in Mage Tower? He was my nightmare since he always instakilled my characters. But he didnt instakill bearman). Every form is amazing even before lvl 12. And with Overwhelm. Oh my.
For attributes I just yank everything into Magic (+couple points into cunning. I like to persuade people)
For items:
I have everything I can with +healing effects (currently I have +35%), so Death Magic and Drain Life work great.
Rest it's mostly magic>everything else.
Mage Tower done (f*** templars).
Orzammar halfway done.
Redcliff 1/3 done (yeah I tend to travel)
bunch of dlcs done.
So far nothing was really problematic. My biggest challenge was the bounty hunter fight right when you want to enter Orzammar. Those guys hurt for how long they live. But the kill on them was really spectacular imo.
I casted Deathcloud on top of them right before they engaged me. Then I ran in near the mage. In the second he casted Fireball, I countered with Force Field on myself, knocking him and the rest of his friends down inside the cloud and dying swallowed by burning and darkness. All that was left alive was the yellow guy, who got eaten by spiderman. Whole fight took just few moments, but I reloaded there couple dozen times just to get perfect position on the mage to die within the cloud. If he didnt cast first fireball, the plan wouldnt work, because he would walk out of the cloud and I wouldnt survive.
Well, back to the game ^^',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1367250359.0,True,t3_1d8l75,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d8l75/solo_nightmare_shapeshifter_no_aw_no_primal_magic/,
1366135831.0,27,readcomicbooks.net,1ch4l0,Early review of Dragon Age: World of Thedas hardcover book,33,6,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ch4l0/early_review_of_dragon_age_world_of_thedas/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/YoDu5tkmf5muUDxB.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1ch4l0,http://readcomicbooks.net/home/dragon-age-the-world-of-thedas-hc/,
1363401194.0,26,readcomicbooks.net,1ae0rs,An interview with Dragon Age lead writer David Gaider about the current comic trilogy on Dark Horse Comics,39,13,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ae0rs/an_interview_with_dragon_age_lead_writer_david/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/mSDyR1MGgO9oyrgC.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1ae0rs,http://readcomicbooks.net/home/david-gaider-talks-dragon-age/,
1362708497.0,27,self.dragonage,19vwgf,[DA:O] Is an archer build actually useful in game?,32,5,35,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19vwgf/dao_is_an_archer_build_actually_useful_in_game/,'I've played just about every combination of race, class, and social status. The one I have played is Forrest elf. Instead of going the dual wielding rouge route like I usually would, I figured I'd try something different and make a dedicated archer.
Is that useful? Or will I be constantly dying and doing only minimal damage? I figured I'd put points in poison making to buff my damage',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_19vwgf,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19vwgf/dao_is_an_archer_build_actually_useful_in_game/,
1357541255.0,28,self.dragonage,163wk9,Anders and the Ending,37,9,54,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/163wk9/anders_and_the_ending/,'I just finished the Dragon Age series so far and.. dammit anders!
I think Anders 'terrorist' actions are a bold statement to make about change and revolution and probably one of the more contreversial issues that has been raised in a Bioware game. What fate did you choose for Anders?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_163wk9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/163wk9/anders_and_the_ending/,
1355831879.0,28,imgur.com,151r18,'Starting to play the DA P&P RPG, found the default Charactersheets a bit bleak, so I made my own (in german).',32,4,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/151r18/starting_to_play_the_da_pp_rpg_found_the_default/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/zs_vcNPOgO1Y83zp.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,5,False,t3_151r18,http://imgur.com/uHmXX,
1354133888.0,26,i.imgur.com,13y994,one tough dame (origins),41,15,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13y994/one_tough_dame_origins/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/5_rNYmU8S3iDPYLQ.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_13y994,http://i.imgur.com/rnIKg.jpg,
1348995048.0,28,youtube.com,10pe0f,'Tasteful, Understated Nerdrage: Dragon Age 2 (SPOILERS) - YouTube',38,10,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10pe0f/tasteful_understated_nerdrage_dragon_age_2/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/I9_3Rw4hMQkF9Cpw.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,7,False,t3_10pe0f,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onr_z45NVyI&feature=g-vrec,
1338162100.0,30,imgur.com,u7ww4,So I totally got my Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker five days early.,40,10,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/u7ww4/so_i_totally_got_my_dragon_age_dawn_of_the_seeker/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_u7ww4,http://imgur.com/u8dBn,
1335990756.0,29,self.dragonage,t3v3e,A friend of mine accidentally romanced Zevran. What funny mishaps did you have during your Dragon Age playthroughs?,33,4,66,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/t3v3e/a_friend_of_mine_accidentally_romanced_zevran/,'I suppose he thought 'Antivan massage' was *literally* a massage.
I, for one, was halfway into romancing both Zevran and Alistair before I realized I was romancing either one. I also had several glitches where Wynne decided to stand on things like logs and benches.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_t3v3e,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/t3v3e/a_friend_of_mine_accidentally_romanced_zevran/,
1323356743.0,29,cyberhellmage.blogspot.com,n4vnj,Dragon Age + Anime?!,38,9,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/n4vnj/dragon_age_anime/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_n4vnj,http://cyberhellmage.blogspot.com/2011/12/dragon-age-is-going-anime.html,
1303289298.0,30,i.imgur.com,gubjq,wtf happened to Zevran?,32,2,27,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gubjq/wtf_happened_to_zevran/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_gubjq.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_gubjq,http://i.imgur.com/Q3lSK.jpg,
1300405325.0,28,i.imgur.com,g62d7,Hawke (and Shepard) cosplays from PAX East,38,10,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g62d7/hawke_and_shepard_cosplays_from_pax_east/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_g62d7.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_g62d7,http://i.imgur.com/0bL5B.jpg,
1300040136.0,28,i.imgur.com,g3752,Fenris.. and my husband.,34,6,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g3752/fenris_and_my_husband/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_g3752,http://i.imgur.com/BkL1L.png,
1258147229.0,27,youtube.com,a45vb,The best Dragon Age bug ever: Alistair's head twists off,33,6,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a45vb/the_best_dragon_age_bug_ever_alistairs_head/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a45vb.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a45vb,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDanX-beShQ,
1257349900.0,29,self.dragonage,a0wst,Anyone else REALLY tired today because they are (it turns out) too old to stay up till 3am playing video games??,33,4,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a0wst/anyone_else_really_tired_today_because_they_are/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a0wst,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a0wst/anyone_else_really_tired_today_because_they_are/,
1376022480.0,28,social.bioware.com,1k09i1,Just a little reminder for those who like promotional items that this is still active,31,3,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k09i1/just_a_little_reminder_for_those_who_like/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1k09i1,http://social.bioware.com/da2/dlc_bundle/,
1375976544.0,27,24.media.tumblr.com,1jylzh,I think I've found the new banner for this subreddit,45,18,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jylzh/i_think_ive_found_the_new_banner_for_this/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/_EzVnEMzYuE3Yoq4.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1jylzh,http://24.media.tumblr.com/120434e31aa7f75127807b6e57acb572/tumblr_mr6jtek65F1r3o95ao1_1280.jpg,
1368889434.0,29,self.dragonage,1ekuc0,Are Old Gods inherently evil? (spoilers),35,6,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ekuc0/are_old_gods_inherently_evil_spoilers/,Perhaps you've guessed but I don't know whether to partake in Morrigan's Ritual or not. Is it too much a risk? I feel like it would be out of character for my Grey Warden to partake in the ritual.. ,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1ekuc0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ekuc0/are_old_gods_inherently_evil_spoilers/,
1368360212.0,27,self.dragonage,1e6h4y,What exactly IS Malvernis?,30,3,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1e6h4y/what_exactly_is_malvernis/,'Out of the all the mysteries in Thedas (the Black City, Flemeth, etc), this one intrigues me the most. What is Malvernis?
For those of you not in the know, Malvernis is a secret boss encountered in the Legacy DLC for DA II (see the DA wiki for more info). It is described as ancient, evil, and noxious, and it appears first as a faceless mage and then a spectral high dragon.
But is it a demon? A abomination? A ghost? Or something else entirely? What are you thoughts?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1e6h4y,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1e6h4y/what_exactly_is_malvernis/,
1367793743.0,26,slayersyrena.deviantart.com,1dr8b3,'Here's a digital painting of my Dalish Rogue, Vanidaer. I just started playing Origins last week and now I'm totally hooked ..',46,20,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dr8b3/heres_a_digital_painting_of_my_dalish_rogue/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/zpc8mRmn0iOWEOjK.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1dr8b3,http://slayersyrena.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Age-Vanidaer-369886052,
1363741334.0,28,self.dragonage,1amsh0,'If you could have one Mass Effect character sit down and talk to one Dragon Age character, who would you choose and why? (CrossPosted from r/Mass Effect)',42,14,60,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1amsh0/if_you_could_have_one_mass_effect_character_sit/,'So I don't think it's much of a secret that Bioware has some fallback archetypes as far as character models go. You've the got the gruff warrior from martially focused society (Wrex, Sten, Canderous), the synthetic being with some interesting opinions on its Organic creators (HK-47, Shale, Legion), the cute, naive yet talented girl leaving a close knit sheltered society to venture out on her own (Merill, Leliana, Tali).
There's also some very common themes, particularly between Dragon Age and Mass Effect. The conflict between freedom (particularly of those who could be dangerous) vs. safety for example is everywhere in those games, from the locked up Mages, to the Genophage inflicted Krogans.
It makes me kind of wonder how the characters from the two series would react to the issues, conflicts, and other characters in each other's games. I think it would be fascinating to just sit some of these characters down and let them have a discussion with one another. Shale and Legion talking about their relationships with organics, Tali and Merrill reminiscing about life in their outcast societies..
What do you guys think? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,7,True,t3_1amsh0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1amsh0/if_you_could_have_one_mass_effect_character_sit/,
1360032863.0,27,abc.net.au,17wqtf,Good Game's Bajo recommends revisiting Origins,31,4,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17wqtf/good_games_bajo_recommends_revisiting_origins/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/qg7JsMNCNxrndpqm.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_17wqtf,http://www.abc.net.au/technology/articles/2013/02/05/3683582.htm,
1354149482.0,27,gamefront.com,13yrlw,Dragon Age 3 Likely Out For Next Gen Consoles Only GameFront,37,10,42,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13yrlw/dragon_age_3_likely_out_for_next_gen_consoles/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/e1Qpis4sJtt2Qwg_.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_13yrlw,http://www.gamefront.com/dragon-age-3-likely-out-for-next-gen-consoles-only/,
1346297771.0,27,self.dragonage,z253j,When I wouldn't use a possible party member anymore I stripped them nude and sold all their gear for gold only to find out in the final battle they all participated in underwear. What plans have you done that went terribly wrong?,32,5,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/z253j/when_i_wouldnt_use_a_possible_party_member/,Huge nude fight. List any funny story even other games,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_z253j,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/z253j/when_i_wouldnt_use_a_possible_party_member/,
1341185528.0,27,self.dragonage,vwd1s,Qunari with and without horns?,32,5,29,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vwd1s/qunari_with_and_without_horns/,'This has been bugging me for a while, as most exprienced Dragon Age players may have noticed the Qunari in the Origins games look kind of like regular big and tall people, whereas in the 2nd game they are pale, horned, devil-like 'persons'.
Is there a good explanation for this? I read somewhere that the Qunari born without horns are destined to succeed in the way of the Qun or something like that, which would explain why Sten in Origins has no horns. It also makes sense that the Arishok would send him on the mission to Ferelden since he is born with 'luck'.
And that would have been enough for an explanation if Sten had been the only Qunari in Origins. However he isn't. There are numerous others throughout Origins and Awakening. For example Sten's companions that you meet in the Fade in his nightmare. Sure they could be born the same as him but it really seems odd since that 'born with no horns' thing is from what I've heard very rare. Also there are alot of Mercenaries that are Qunari, or to be exact Tal-Vashoth in Origins. Sure, most Tal-Vashoth remove their horns but do really every single one of them care about that, I mean, they arn't following any of the rules of the Qun anyways, so why not keep the horns? Still these are not all of the Qunari that are encountered throughout the Origins games and is it really just a coincidence that none of them have horns?
However there is another theory, could it be that the Qunari in the Origins and 2 are different 'kinds' of Qunari, just as there are different ethnicities of humans. Even if this is the fact it would seem weird that it just happens to be that there are only one of the two kinds of Qunari in each game.
Honestly I have very little actual facts about this and mostly theories, and that's why I ask you people about any ideas as to why the Qunari look so different in the two games.
Also, my apologies if there are any typos or grammatical errors in this text as my native language is not English and my autocorrect is set to Swedish when typing this. (Yeah I wrote this on my phone, phew..)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,32,True,t3_vwd1s,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vwd1s/qunari_with_and_without_horns/,
1329347851.0,26,self.dragonage,prf64,Should Dragon Age be more like Skyrim?,34,8,33,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/prf64/should_dragon_age_be_more_like_skyrim/,'To say that I enjoy Dragon Age would be like saying that I enjoy breathing, or drinking water. I've played Dragon Age to an almost fanatical level; I regularly surf the official Bioware forums, I've participated in numerous Forum RPGs set in Thedas, I've even got into fights over which companions are best (Leliana and Merrill FTW). So imagine my horror when I read [this article about Dragon Age being 'more like' Skyrim.](http://www.digitalspy.com/gaming/news/a357257/next-dragon-age-could-be-more-like-skyrim-says-bioware.html)
Now, now, don't get riled. I enjoyed the Norway Simulator as much as any other Dragonborn, but it simply isn't in the same realm that the Dragon Age franchise resides in. Skyrim can never scratch the itch that came over me the first time I watched my blood splattered alter ego distribute an industrial grade portion of whup ass on a Darkspawn and it lies in the massive open world that gives the game the amazing accolades it deserves.
Bethesda and Bioware have separate and incredibly unique talents.
Bethesda-with its games like Skyrim and Fallout- know that people buy their games for the massive open worlds they make with such ease, because of this they focus most of their energy on it. It is just this that makes their games successful and they are fun to explore, but the characters they fill their worlds with are so transparent that they break the immersion, at least for me.
Bioware knows that the characters who fill the world are just as important-if not more so- than the world itself. The Jarls, Bandits and innumerable other baddies that assailed me whilst exploring the beautiful land of Skyrim could have just as easily been made of cardboard, they were there for me to kill and loot; nothing more. There was no internal anguish when I cut down a companion, nor when I pillaged villages. There was too much world and not enough substance to it.
This is what I fear Dragon Age becoming.
While Skyrim is broad, Dragon Age is focused. The people in Skyrim give you quests, the inhabitants of Thedas send you on adventures.
I remember well the pain in my companion's eyes as they looked on during my funeral. I wept openly when I made a mistake that made Leliana turn on me as we searched for Andraste's Ashes. I found myself cursing a Knight Commander Meredith as we battled to the death. I laughed at Alistair's dry sarcasm. I felt betrayal when my companions turned on me. When Merrill told me of her incredibly loneliness I cried with her, and grinned when she smiled at me.
I WAS the Warden, I AM Hawke. I can never be Dragonborn. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_prf64,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/prf64/should_dragon_age_be_more_like_skyrim/,
1305718573.0,26,self.dragonage,he4s9,Why doesn't anyone mind when you become a blood mage? (DAO spoilers),30,4,27,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/he4s9/why_doesnt_anyone_mind_when_you_become_a_blood/,'I picked up DAO on a recent steam sale and I'm really enjoying it - definitely a worthy successor to BG2. However, one thing that really bugs me about the game is the disconnect between the storyline attitude towards blood magic and the actual use of blood magic by the player. In the story, the templars and the circle of mages are all about hunting down apostates and dishing out instant death to anyone who even thinks about blood magic. In conversations with your party members they're always talking about how dangerous blood magic is and how it's evil and blah blah blah.
But then, you can learn blood magic yourself and start using it constantly, and no one even comments. I've got a party of 3 mages who all use blood magic (even the peace-and-love Wynne) and Alistair the templar and no one says anything. When you duel Loghain in front of everyone in the realm at the Landsmeet, you can spray blood your everywhere as you mind control him into eating his own face, and nobody says boo about it.
I decided to play the PC as someone who would use blood magic in order to defend innocents and protect the realm, expecting to have a lot of difficult conversations where I'd have to justify my use of blood magic and defend against zealous templar. Instead, no one seems to give a shit even when I possess a popular warlord in the middle of city hall.
I still really enjoy the game, but the lack of consequences for the PC doing blood magic seems like a big omission. It'd be like if Luke Skywalker started using force lightning on Chewbacca during the medal ceremony and nobody said anything.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_he4s9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/he4s9/why_doesnt_anyone_mind_when_you_become_a_blood/,
1303688430.0,27,thepunchlineismachismo.com,gwlg7,Hipster Arishok,34,7,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gwlg7/hipster_arishok/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_gwlg7.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_gwlg7,http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/790,
1259258483.0,27,imgur.com,a8gov,''Mother, where has your head gone off to?' 'Foolish Child, I have no need for a head.' [PIC]',31,4,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a8gov/mother_where_has_your_head_gone_off_to_foolish/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a8gov.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a8gov,http://imgur.com/VUMhz,
1375937899.0,24,imgur.com,1jxqzr,Possible concept art for new companions or faction leaders?,34,10,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jxqzr/possible_concept_art_for_new_companions_or/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/vuI2bpQp9gjmgvsT.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1jxqzr,http://imgur.com/wjvkqGC,
1374858768.0,25,self.dragonage,1j3vt3,'what non-BW, non-Elder Scrolls rpgs do you like?',37,12,72,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j3vt3/what_nonbw_nonelder_scrolls_rpgs_do_you_like/,'Hey all. I'm a Mass Effect and Dragon Age series player.
I tried Skyrim this last weekend. It profoundly bored me. Some fan commented on a piece about Bioware taking inspiration from Skyrim for DAIII that 'DAIII will be copying Skyrim and that is pretty much fresh squeezed AIDS to me.' I tend to agree.
So who besides Bioware makes games that have elements of what you like about Dragon Age?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1j3vt3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j3vt3/what_nonbw_nonelder_scrolls_rpgs_do_you_like/,
1373742772.0,26,self.dragonage,1i8cs7,What If all the Origin Stories were together?,30,4,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1i8cs7/what_if_all_the_origin_stories_were_together/,'Just a thought I had about all the Dragon Age: Origins 'Origin Characters' that you play as to become the Grey Warden. we often see the events between the origins connect to the main storyline, some more than others. I just thought it would be interesting if you came to Ostagar with all the origins together, and you were a party that grew closer with each other.
Sort of an AU where a dwarven commoner, a dwarven prince, a human noble, a dalish elf, a city elf, and a mage from the circle all meet up and survive the battle of Ostagar together. The differences in history and views would make a very interesting band of saviors.
I'm not sure if there would still be the regular band with Morrigan, Alistair, Leliana, etc. to join them but the Origin group would be really cool, at least in my mind.
Any thoughts on this? obviously its not a real thing but it can't hurt to have an awesome imaginary scenario of them working together
Edit: Thank you Frost Falcon for correcting the typo
Edit2: Just to clarify that the only way for most of the origin characters to be saved is because of duncan, but since the events of each origin usually have a bit of time apart from each other it was my thought that perhaps he made a trip through the countryside gathering each recruit in their hour of need and brought them all together. The Noble Origin shows that there was more than just Duncan traveling around the region, so its entirely possible he could have been making house calls to all of his old friends and recruiting Grey Wardens from each location.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1373769885.0,33,True,t3_1i8cs7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1i8cs7/what_if_all_the_origin_stories_were_together/,
1371121505.0,25,youtube.com,1g9er0,'I Covered Lelianas Song from DA:O on the piano, tell me what you think!',32,7,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g9er0/i_covered_lelianas_song_from_dao_on_the_piano/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/IlnFJuur9atSTmDs.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1g9er0,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0Xp_LiL9O8&feature=youtu.be,
1365633937.0,27,walls360.com,1c3gci,Dragon Age Wall Graphics 25% off with discount code EA2013,38,11,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1c3gci/dragon_age_wall_graphics_25_off_with_discount/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/R6D43-BO_PNLWUUx.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_1c3gci,http://www.walls360.com/Dragon-Age-s/2339.htm,
1362825704.0,28,self.dragonage,19yskw,Can you pre-order Dragon Age III?,40,12,80,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19yskw/can_you_preorder_dragon_age_iii/,'I saw [this post](http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/19xu00/if_you_hate_ea_over_the_simcity_debacle_refund/) and, oddly enough, it made me say 'Wait, I can pre-order it already? Where do I get in on that?'
I checked Steam, Origin, and Amazon and can't find it listed. Is it possible to pre-order?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,13,True,t3_19yskw,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19yskw/can_you_preorder_dragon_age_iii/,
1362118393.0,26,unigamesity.com,19g6le,5 Things You Can Expect in Dragon Age III: Inquisition,44,18,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19g6le/5_things_you_can_expect_in_dragon_age_iii/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_19g6le,http://www.unigamesity.com/%EF%BB%BF5-things-you-can-expect-in-dragon-age-iii-inquisition/,
1359396009.0,25,self.dragonage,17fu1r,A question on the darkspawn (Spoilers maybe),29,4,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17fu1r/a_question_on_the_darkspawn_spoilers_maybe/,'Now, from my understanding, the darkspawn are corrupted forms of the other races.
Genlock - Dwarf
Hurlock - Human
Ogre - Qunari
Shriek - Elf
What I found most unusual was on my second play-through of Origins, I noticed I would occasionally run into a Genlock Emissary.. As I understand the darkspawn emissaries are the mages of the darkspawn.. Why I find this odd is that dwarfs can not use magic, but the Genlock (The corrupted dwarven darkspawn) can.. why?
EDIT: Well, thank you for answering my question! You all have been helpful, and I appreciate you all for telling me all this, I now have my answer!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1359464626.0,5,True,t3_17fu1r,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17fu1r/a_question_on_the_darkspawn_spoilers_maybe/,
1346974440.0,26,self.dragonage,zh62f,What I would like to see in Dragon Age 3 and beyond and what I liked in DA2 (Fighting Style) ,33,7,33,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/zh62f/what_i_would_like_to_see_in_dragon_age_3_and/,'I would think that in the next two years Dragon Age 3 would wrap up. So this may be more of a plea for Dragon Age 4.
I loved the fighting style in Dragon Age 2. The expansions started to add in more tactics to it but the quality of the fighting styles got better with DA2. Dragon Age Origins may have had more realism for great sword fighters but let's not beat the realism drum. We are fighting creatures that have been shat out from various fantasy races because we drank blood and a large corrupted dragon is pissed at us.
I will use the Rogue as an example. I didn't mind the tactic of having to get behind and stay behind someone. It added a bit of realism and tactics that I personally hadn't found in a recent rpg. If you went with a bow, you started out barely doing damage. After a while you could make an orge stumble and charge you because you hit for an 1/8 of his health in one shot.
My only problem with fighting with daggers in DA:O was that you basically became a fighter with daggers about 3/4 of the way through. This carried over to the expansions for DA:O as well. Dragon Age 2 offered fast paced fighting that made you keep up with everything and everyone around you. It much harder to do in DA:2 in my own opinion but by far more fun. I felt like a ninja in Dragon Age 2. (fantasy hollywood style ninja mind you) From dropping a smoke bomb and popping up behind someone to stab them to going into stealth and attacking from the shadows. It was fast and fun.
For two handed fighters you took a beating early in DA:O because heaven help you if you missed a swing and you were fighting someone with two weapons. They would get in about four hits before you could come back around for the next swing. It was ponderous and slow but I did build a character and had a ton of fun with it. DA:2 brought fast fighting with this style to. I felt like Conan swinging my sword. Cutting through enemies and leaping through the air to attack the next group. Hitting them all at once and swinging so hard I could hit someone a few steps back. (they had that in both DA:O and DA2).
To me it was an overall improvement on the whole fighting part of the game. My one and only complaint was that they took out two weapon fighters. I looked forward to using the two weapon style but with the updated style of DA2. I was pissed when I didn't find it. I tried the two handed great sword warrior and I was pleased. I still miss the two weapon fighting style. No Drizzt for DA2. Hopefully 3 will have this.
How they can expand on the fighting roles is a mystery to me. I want two weapons to make a come back for DA3. I would love to see the movements and attacks for this style. High damage and lower defense is fine with me. Especially when it would be a room clearer. Killing faster than a two handed fighter would be fun to see.
I want to see more styles added to the current ones. They did this for Mark of the Assassin. I have not played this yet. I did read where Talia had her own fighting style and it was something they would have added in future expansions. Hopefully 3 will bring more styles. I loved the jump in fighting styles. I would hate to see skyrim style fighting. I know they said they wanted to do more of a skyrim style game (without the thousands of glitches and dead pan characters). I do not want the clunking fighting of that game. Sacrificing the fighting style is not good. (i.e. please Bioware don't do go to far Skyrim). I don't know what they will do but I can't wait. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1346974757.0,11,True,t3_zh62f,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/zh62f/what_i_would_like_to_see_in_dragon_age_3_and/,
1345678407.0,26,self.dragonage,ynzbv,'Bioware's Mark Darrah comment on the recent 'leak'',33,7,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ynzbv/biowares_mark_darrah_comment_on_the_recent_leak/,'>I know that a lot of information seems to have surfaced recently and a lot of you have questions. We have not announced anything and, as I have said before, we won't be talking about anything until we have gameplay to back up the words.
>I know it is difficult to be patient but I ask you to do your best to allow us to surprise and delight you when we DO have something to show you.
>In the meantime, keep giving us your feedback at expos, fan conventions, and online. We are listening.
1342668795.0,27,store.steampowered.com,wsrs7,Dragon Age:Origins is on flash sale on Steam for the next 11 hours!,30,3,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wsrs7/dragon_ageorigins_is_on_flash_sale_on_steam_for/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_wsrs7,http://store.steampowered.com/app/17450/,
1333211516.0,27,self.dragonage,rmidg,I just finished Mass Effect 1-3 and loved them. Will I enjoy DA2?,31,4,53,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rmidg/i_just_finished_mass_effect_13_and_loved_them/,'A little background:
I played DA:O before the Mass Effect series. I can't express how much I loved DAO. When I played the DA2 demo I was seriously disappointed because of how different the game was.
A lot of people complained that BioWare had 'mass effected' DA2. I decided to play the Mass Effect series to see what they were saying about the dialogue wheel, etc.
Thing is, I loved Mass Effect. It's not the same as DAO but still a great series.
So. Assuming that I take DA2 as a stand-alone game, does it stack up, story-telling, relationship, and companion-wise, with Mass Effect 2 and 3?
**Edit:** thank you everyone so much for your comments. I'll be looking around for an inexpensive copy so that I can check this game out for myself.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_rmidg,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rmidg/i_just_finished_mass_effect_13_and_loved_them/,
1314303319.0,25,dragonage.wikia.com,judln,I know there is little love for DA2 but.. this might be worth checking out.,26,1,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/judln/i_know_there_is_little_love_for_da2_but_this/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_judln.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_judln,'http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:King_Cousland/Possible_Mounts_in_Future_DLC,_and_More_Information',
1306182588.0,27,pc.ign.com,hibef,IGN: Dragon Age 3 on the way,28,1,31,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/hibef/ign_dragon_age_3_on_the_way/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,19,False,t3_hibef,http://pc.ign.com/articles/116/1169572p1.html,
1302985487.0,26,na.llnet.bioware.cdn.ea.com,grn9u,'Not sure if you guys are aware of this, but one of the writers for DA2 wrote this short story focusing on Anders' Possession',27,1,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/grn9u/not_sure_if_you_guys_are_aware_of_this_but_one_of/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_grn9u,http://na.llnet.bioware.cdn.ea.com/u/f/eagames/bioware/dragonage2/assets/content/world/short_stories/anders.pdf,
1301687527.0,26,self.dragonage,ggn7g,'Thoughts after playing through a couple times. Spoilers, natch! ',28,2,47,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ggn7g/thoughts_after_playing_through_a_couple_times/,'Oh my, this got long.
First off, I liked it. Rather a lot I suppose, since I've played it through a couple of times. I loved--LOVED--Origins and I am enamored with the whole Thedas society, mythology, and world. I won't spend time on the cons (repetitiveness, same maps every freakin' time, bugs up the wahoo, etc.), which have all been discussed in detail elsewhere.
I appreciated having all the romanceable (except for Sebastian) characters available no matter whether I played a male or female Hawke. Of course, if you want to romance a male character, your choices are limited to Broody Elferson or Rage McMage, and your female choices are Weirdo Jitteryelf or Sleazy Nopants.. but I appreciated the effort.
I was bummed that the two most appealing companion characters (Varric and Aveline) were not available romantically. In my mind, Hawke's carrying on a raging affair with Varric the whole time and he's just telling Cassandra all that other stuff to cover. Heh.
They all grew on me. I was a big Alistair fangirl and at first I missed having a sweet goofball in the bunch, but I ended up getting attached to them.
* Fenris. I like playing mages, so his hateon for mages got to me at first. Then I decided it was my personal goal to get him to 100 friendly so I could force him go fight for mage rights, and in the process of getting him there, he grew on me. Partially because I love his voice.
* Anders. Oh, Anders. His story really did break my heart. He was such a fun goofball in Awakening. When he asked for sela petrae and drakestone, I KNEW it. I thought, 'shit, he's got the gaatlok formula and he's gonna blow up the Gallows!' Then when he asked for help distracting the grand cleric, I actually said out loud, 'you dumb fuck!'.
* Merrill. Creeped me out. But her story really is kind of tragic. Definitely was more sympathetic on the second play. Also, she's voiced by Gwen from Torchwood, so there's that.
* Isabela. My least favorite companion. I should try using her more to see if she's got any redeeming qualities. Right now, the only reason I see for getting her friendly is so she comes back with the book. She does make for some funny companion dialogue though.
* Aveline. I looooove Aveline! I think the love began when she said, 'Bit of a tit, your brother.' I was BUMMED that they let you flirt with her but she only has eyes for Donnic.
* Varric. If he was romanceable, Hawke would been all up on that hairy chest before you could say 'Bianca'. 'nuff said.
Templars.. I was under the impression from Origins (and correct me if I'm wrong) that Templars, being a religious order of holy warriors, were either not allowed to marry or at least it was heavily discouraged. My reasons for thinking this being Alistair's chaste upbringing into templar-dom, and the scene in the Circle tower where the templar is being tempted by the desire demon. She doesn't tempt him with money or sex or power, but with a wife and children. A home. Then also there's Cullen's distress over the appearance of the Warden (if you played a female mage warden).
Like I said before, I really like the world/societies/mythologies of Thedas. I'm intrigued by the whole series of 'Enigma of Kirkwall' codex entries. They say that the veil is thin around Kirkwall, that the magisters deliberately thinned it further by massive secret blood sacrifices (thousands of slaves just disappearing, grooves built into the sewers for blood to flow), that the city is laid out in a series of glyphs and signs, and ends by implying some Forgotten One god or demon is behind it all.
Then Hawke ends up delving deeper into the Deep Roads than anyone and discovering a primeval thaig, unknown to dwarven lore. A.. Forgotten thaig, perhaps? With a creepy powerful lyrium idol representing some.. Forgotten Thing?
Then Leliana says the Elthina has to leave because they have intel that outside forces are at work and her life is in danger.
So then is Anders just a mere pawn in some greater game? (Which would only make his story more tragic.) After all, the destruction of the Chantry and everyone in it could definitely qualify as a massive blood sacrifice, of the kind unseen since the days of the magisters..
Speaking of Anders, the timeline for Anders doesn't quite work out. Origins takes place over a year, which in DA2 is the year Hawke works as a mercenary or smuggler. Then Awakening takes place six months after Origins. So.. when did the Wardens make Anders give up his cat (a cat that the Warden-Commander/Hero of Ferelden/king of Ferelden's mistress [who was a freakin' mage in my import, ffs] GAVE to him)? When did he merge with Justice? How did he go from goofy goofball to Ragey Magepants in.. no time at all?
**Superficial shallowness**
The hair.. Oh Maker, the hair. The hair choices for Lady Hawke are abysmal. Why why why can't we use the hair on the default Marian Hawke but change the features? Those lyrium-addict-blue eyes are creepifying. The only hair I halfway like is the short Cassandra Pentaghast style.
The clothing choices for mages are fuuuuug-ly up till you get the Champion robes.
Knight-Captain Cullen. Love. Him. I'd dig a game with him as a companion/romanceable option. Just sayin'.
Okay, **tl:dr:** It's flawed and I'm hoping for bug fixes soon, but I liked it and will play the next one. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_ggn7g,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ggn7g/thoughts_after_playing_through_a_couple_times/,
1301586625.0,27,self.dragonage,gflfg,To the PC gamers..,32,5,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gflfg/to_the_pc_gamers/,Just a reminder that Nvidia released their new beta drivers yesterday (March 30) for a bunch of cards. I used to get 20 fps with my gtx 580 on full high and now get around a solid 60 fps. Enjoy!,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_gflfg,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gflfg/to_the_pc_gamers/,
1260280847.0,25,social.bioware.com,acdmm,Patch 1.02 released! ,29,4,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/acdmm/patch_102_released/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_acdmm,http://social.bioware.com/page/da-patches,
1376945826.0,25,polygon.com,1kosty,A Dragon Age mobile game is coming this fall,32,7,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kosty/a_dragon_age_mobile_game_is_coming_this_fall/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/RWBU3-WMU-9rB-dD.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1kosty,http://www.polygon.com/2013/8/19/4636288/heroes-of-dragon-age-ea-mobile-spinoff,
1375474384.0,24,self.dragonage,1jl3hu,PSA: You can drag the dock on the bottom to add more spaces for abilities/items.,33,9,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jl3hu/psa_you_can_drag_the_dock_on_the_bottom_to_add/,'I'm an idiot and didn't realize you could expand the bar at the bottom to add more abilities/items until about 30 hours into the game. I know nobody else is this stupid, but maybe it will help somebody some day.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1jl3hu,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jl3hu/psa_you_can_drag_the_dock_on_the_bottom_to_add/,
1371132885.0,23,whirlygirl9.deviantart.com,1g9o1l,A little love for our old pal Varric,36,13,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g9o1l/a_little_love_for_our_old_pal_varric/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Y0EevavAqlv-2yoA.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,3,False,t3_1g9o1l,http://whirlygirl9.deviantart.com/art/Varric-377669345,
1370462982.0,27,youtube.com,1fqrqu,Having Fun in Orzammar's Provings,42,15,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fqrqu/having_fun_in_orzammars_provings/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/X7XIhJlaYvFoIfcG.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_1fqrqu,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4kzbODg0jY,
1369105635.0,25,self.dragonage,1eqorv,(Question)The Conclusion to Hawke's Story,32,7,31,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1eqorv/questionthe_conclusion_to_hawkes_story/,'So, I just finished Dragon Age II and I thought it was a pretty good game. I'm just disappointed by the conclusion to Hawke's story. The epilogue was pretty scarce. I sided with the mages, so my name became a rallying cry, but Hawke disappeared and then..nothing? No more info, all we know is that Hawke disappeared out of Kirkwall and can't be found, staying only with his love interest. Furthermore, Dragon Age III will not be a continuation of Hawke's story. My question is, is there any DLC that manages to conclude this story, or any literature? Or does it just..fade away?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,18,True,t3_1eqorv,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1eqorv/questionthe_conclusion_to_hawkes_story/,
1361999049.0,25,i.imgur.com,19cmt8,Dragon Age III Concept Art (x/post from Gaming),27,2,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19cmt8/dragon_age_iii_concept_art_xpost_from_gaming/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/S580y6G4iHND2wUe.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_19cmt8,http://i.imgur.com/QCoBlz0.jpg,
1359866236.0,23,self.dragonage,17sj3o,Dragon Age Origins Lore Talk (Spoilers),30,7,34,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17sj3o/dragon_age_origins_lore_talk_spoilers/,'I would like to know how others played through the game and which choices they made and why. I have completed almost all the endings, I am currently finishing up female human noble (become queen with Alistar). ( I am aware of some spelling mistakes on names; I am to lazy to figure out how to spell them correctly.)
The choices I made on my favourite play through were:
I was a Dwarf Noble Warrior out wanted to join the wardens and then was exiled from my kingdom. A pond leaving Lothering I went to get my Elvish allies. I helped the Eleves, but made Zathrien kill himself to end the curse. The only real reason I did this is because I wanted to have a charismatic good leader and this seemed like the moral choice to make. I then went to the mages tower and saved the circle. Again seemed like the correct moral choice. I also felt like having the support of the mages would be more beneficial to me than having the templars. I then went to Redcliff and killed Connor's demon in the fade. After I had the two thirds of my army ready for war, I proceeded back to Orzamar where I put Bhelen on the throne, even though he had betrayed me. The reason I did this was because Harrowmont would make a poor king. He is too caught up in tradition, where Bhelen would be the more beneficial choice to have for the Dwarven race to survive. I also destroyed the Anvil for the sole reason of it would cause more harm than good to my people. I then went to Denerim and put Alistar on the throne alongside with Anora and made Loghain take the joining. In the final battle I made Loghain take the killing blow against the arch demon to redeem his sins. The only boon I asked for was support against the darkspawn; With Bhelen taking his reforms he already would have pushed the darkspawn back with the support of the Humans, the Dwarfs could finally take back a large chunk of the deep roads.
So that is my favourite play through, please give tell me what you did and why you made each big decision. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_17sj3o,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17sj3o/dragon_age_origins_lore_talk_spoilers/,
1351150990.0,25,self.dragonage,1220xf,But Dwarves Can't Do Magic! (DA:O Spoilers),31,6,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1220xf/but_dwarves_cant_do_magic_dao_spoilers/,'I bought Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition on Steam during the sale. Loved it; played it twice in a row. But something sort of slapped me in the face during my second playthrough when I visited Orzammar:
I (a mage, in case it matters somehow) sided with Harrowmont and when it came time to settle the vote in the assembly, Bhelen attacked and all the deshyrs began to fight. But for some reason most of them were using staves. It struck me as odd when I saw them standing around with them, but assumed they were purely ceremonial until the fighting broke out. Once combat began they started using them, actually attacking with them and firing projectiles and everything. I haven't seen this addressed anywhere, and I'm just wondering if there's any explanation for this apparent contradiction.
(As a side note, I was also wondering why Harrowmont had a staff to pass on to me until I read its funny little description.. good thing I always clean my weapons before I use them.)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,9,True,t3_1220xf,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1220xf/but_dwarves_cant_do_magic_dao_spoilers/,
1342798864.0,25,youtube.com,wvluv,'Wanderers of Thedas, episode 2',28,3,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wvluv/wanderers_of_thedas_episode_2/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/OVlOISPUZjdgF3aA.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_wvluv,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzpTkk8EEvc,
1335627223.0,25,self.dragonage,swupj,'I love Merrill. Who's your favorite romance option, and why did you choose them? Do you prefer romances or rivalmances? ',31,6,42,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/swupj/i_love_merrill_whos_your_favorite_romance_option/,'There's just something about Merrill. She's sweet, caring, funny and naive one minute and the next she's verbally sparring with Fenris and Anders. While she can be naive and awkward at times, it's those times when her true spirit shines through and you know she's a good person. She's such a tragic character at times that it hurts just to be there when everything is going wrong for her and it makes me want to help her. Making a pact with any demon/spirit is a big deal, but Merrill didn't just go for your run-of-the-mill Desire Demon, she went for the second baddest there is, a Pride Demon.
Plus, I have a thing for elves.
I like rivalmances a little more than romances, on the whole, but as far as Merrill's rivalmance goes it's not as good as, say Fenris's rivalmance. So I usually go with her romance instead. At the end of the day it just kinda feels like she's given into Hawke and he/she is just rolling over her. I would turn her rivalmance up 2000% if I could. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,11,True,t3_swupj,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/swupj/i_love_merrill_whos_your_favorite_romance_option/,
1333352675.0,26,self.dragonage,rp8tw,Can someone in their right fucking mind tell me what it is to follow the Qun?,31,5,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rp8tw/can_someone_in_their_right_fucking_mind_tell_me/,'I love DA:O and DA2. One thing I recently found out that the Qunari are not a race but a religion/way of life, with much of it shrouded because 'I cannot possibly begin to understand.' I'm very interested in learning people's take on the Qun, care to indulge me?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_rp8tw,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rp8tw/can_someone_in_their_right_fucking_mind_tell_me/,
1373260255.0,26,self.dragonage,1huhj8,'Just finished an 'Ultimate Sacrifice' play through of Origins and I had some thoughts about DA:I',28,2,49,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1huhj8/just_finished_an_ultimate_sacrifice_play_through/,'Just like the title says I have some thoughts and I'd like some opinions of those thoughts.
During the end credits after you sacrifice yourself to kill the arch demon, if you've romanced Leliana there's a part where she mourns you but has another 'vision' from the maker and tells a maid that 'She will see her love again'. Call me a hopeless optimist but I feel that Bioware didn't want any doors closed for the future and left that one open through potential divine intervention perhaps? Also when you die in the world of Dragon Age apparently you go to the makers side or at least into the fade and in the Inquisition trailer we see the fade ripping open and demons and such come rushing out. Could only demons exit the fade? or could 'Souls of Past Heroes' or something like that come out as well?
Just a thought figured I'd what you guys think.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1huhj8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1huhj8/just_finished_an_ultimate_sacrifice_play_through/,
1371774861.0,22,youtube.com,1griv8,These need to be way more popular. - Wanderers of Thedas: Tumbling Dreamer,28,6,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1griv8/these_need_to_be_way_more_popular_wanderers_of/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/QooEDCp6I6vwZdnQ.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1griv8,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOosbLfAChs,
1371138478.0,25,self.dragonage,1g9v0j,'Created a new Dalish character, and I noticed.. [Discussion]',30,5,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g9v0j/created_a_new_dalish_character_and_i_noticed/,'.. When Tamlen looks at the Eluvian, he says something along the lines of:
*I see a city..underground.. And.. A great blackness.. Oh no! It saw me! Help, I can't look away!*
This is the same Eluvian Morrigan goes through. And Tamlen mentions a **underground city** and **blackness**.. The Black (Golden) city? It is a portal through the Fade after all. Or a destination?
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,34,True,t3_1g9v0j,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g9v0j/created_a_new_dalish_character_and_i_noticed/,
1368890542.0,24,slayersyrena.deviantart.com,1ekvbd,My DA:O Dream Team ..,51,27,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ekvbd/my_dao_dream_team/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/xpovnUiHzfw60QTW.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1ekvbd,http://slayersyrena.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Age-Dream-Team-372212364,
1368560423.0,24,self.dragonage,1ec1dm,Can someone explain Best Served Cold? [Dragon Age II Act 3 spoilers],28,4,29,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ec1dm/can_someone_explain_best_served_cold_dragon_age/,'I am a Mage, and I have pretty openly defied Meredith. To her face, in front of crowds, other than Anders I might be the most anti-Meredith person in existence.
So when I get word of some mages plotting against her, and I go to check them out.. they attack me for being pro Meredith? Then take my brother hostage to try and force me to join them?
All these good people are involved, like that templar with the mage daughter.. why didn't they just ask me? No, let's just assume the magical god-being who hates the templars is going to side with his worst enemies and let's poke him with a stick and threaten his friends with blood magic.
Did I miss a codex entry or a cutscene? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1ec1dm,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ec1dm/can_someone_explain_best_served_cold_dragon_age/,
1364523408.0,24,koobismo.com,1b7uwj,'Fenris time! A massive interview with Gideon Emery, the voice behind Fenris from Dragon Age 2',30,6,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b7uwj/fenris_time_a_massive_interview_with_gideon_emery/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1b7uwj,http://www.koobismo.com/2013/03/in-the-workshop-with-gideon-emery/,
1363037084.0,24,self.dragonage,1a3suv,Quick question about the grey wardens,30,6,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1a3suv/quick_question_about_the_grey_wardens/,'Why (if the Grey Wardens know the locations of the untainted old gods) haven't the wardens led a campaign to slay the old gods before the darkspawn can corrupt them, preventing any future blights from even becoming a problem?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1a3suv,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1a3suv/quick_question_about_the_grey_wardens/,
1362449572.0,25,self.dragonage,19ogwv,The Truth about Dragon Age (x/post from r/ShittyFanTheories),45,20,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19ogwv/the_truth_about_dragon_age_xpost_from/,'In Dragon Age, the darkspawn were created because the mages of the Tevinter Imperium entered the Golden City and were cast out as twisted manifestations of their wickedness.
Actually, the mages weren't evil. It was a misunderstanding.
In the high time of the Tevinter Imperium, the elves were immortal. And as bored, immortal beings, they attempted to become like the Maker in wisdom and power and strength. The Tevinter mages, seeing the pridefulness of the elves, risked everything to reach the Golden City in an effort to warn the Maker that the immortal elves were attempting to recreate themselves in His image.
Unfortunately, the Maker did not give heed to the Tevinter mages, instead casting them down for the hubris that they showed in entering his sacred realm. It was only after casting the Tevinter mages down that the Maker realized his error, but it was too late: the darkspawn had already been let loose upon the world.
The Maker did heed the mages' warning and brought the elves in contact with humanity, the event that would bring about the slow decline of elven civilization. And then the Maker fled, ashamed at his pride and the destruction it would cause in the world.
TLDR: Tevinter mages were good, elves evil, Maker was an idiot and caused darkspawn by accident.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_19ogwv,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19ogwv/the_truth_about_dragon_age_xpost_from/,
1360608648.0,25,zombiebex.tumblr.com,18bn0p,I drew Varric. And Varric's chest hair. ,29,4,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18bn0p/i_drew_varric_and_varrics_chest_hair/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/jVVQ-2zJzzUV6c7I.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,18,False,t3_18bn0p,http://zombiebex.tumblr.com/post/42804344130/forgot-his-necklace,
1359953436.0,24,self.dragonage,17um23,Lore Question,27,3,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17um23/lore_question/,'Right after the joining in the war meeting, Cailan tells you that you and Alistar must light the beacon. There is a convo choice that says 'If it's not dangerous I can do it alone.' Cailan responds with ' No its best that you both go.' Do you think he sent Alistar to the tower on purpose because he knew he was going to die and he wanted Alistar to be king?
In the Return to Ostagar dlc it shows that he was close with a Queen of Orlais, maybe he didn't want Anora to rule his kingdom? Anora also mentions that Cailan knew Alistar was his brother. So what do you guys think?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_17um23,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17um23/lore_question/,
1354306151.0,26,self.dragonage,142g11,New Game Plus,30,4,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/142g11/new_game_plus/,'I'd really love to see New Game Plus included in DA III.
With almost every character I play in an RPG I end up making a new, identical character a while later because I'm not happy with how it turned out.
With New Game Plus, it lets me keep the same face (or, more accurately, saves me the trouble of recreating it) and adds a different way of playing the game (high level gameplay from the start is fun if done well). It also stops my saves folder being cluttered with identical characters.
New Game Plus has always been a big deal in Mass Effect, and I'd love to see it in Dragon Age.
Anybody have any other opinions? Or ideas on how they'd like to see it implemented?
I apologise if this discussion has been had before - I don't visit this subreddit as often as I should. My searches didn't turn up any results, so I'm hoping this is fine.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,23,True,t3_142g11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/142g11/new_game_plus/,
1349279046.0,27,joedemartino.wordpress.com,10vo5e,'I was playing DA2 again, and I realized: we'll know within 10 minutes if BioWare learned their lesson in DA3',63,36,23,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10vo5e/i_was_playing_da2_again_and_i_realized_well_know/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/smnKUst_gd_eu0Vj.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,2,False,t3_10vo5e,https://joedemartino.wordpress.com/2012/09/24/rampant-nerdery-how-dragon-age-ii-stumbled-out-of-the-gate/,
1343142021.0,24,self.dragonage,x2prk,'Lets talk followers, favourite, least favourite and an NPC you wish you could make a follower and who you are hoping to see back in Dragon Age 3.',29,5,60,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/x2prk/lets_talk_followers_favourite_least_favourite_and/,'Across both games and the DLC's included with them:
My favourite was definitely Nathaniel Howe because he is a great warrior and made a fantastic Warden he also has a good friendship with your hero despite circumstances.
My least favourite is Oghren, personally I just found him extremely irritating he took nothing seriously its hard to explain but just how he acted annoyed me greatly and I think it was a pity that he became a Warden.
I would like to see [Maraas](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Maraas) as a follower and I'm hoping we see Sten back in DA:3!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_x2prk,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/x2prk/lets_talk_followers_favourite_least_favourite_and/,
1334635181.0,25,browse.deviantart.com,sdodu,'Hmm, speed griffins, you say?',32,7,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sdodu/hmm_speed_griffins_you_say/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/0s7Jsj_P9KafwKYh.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_sdodu,http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=speed+griffins#/d3ecwr5,
1328537781.0,23,gamingogre.com,pd63a,Relationship: The Extra (Unspoken) R in RPG,25,2,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/pd63a/relationship_the_extra_unspoken_r_in_rpg/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/KlQTINzkbq8oXHVc.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_pd63a,http://www.gamingogre.com/articles/relationship-the-extra-unspoken-r-in-rpg/,
1313159895.0,25,i.imgur.com,jgsg8,I just thought you guys would like this :) Saw it on tumblr,32,7,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/jgsg8/i_just_thought_you_guys_would_like_this_saw_it_on/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_jgsg8.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_jgsg8,http://i.imgur.com/1LNrS.jpg,
1298511395.0,26,i.imgur.com,frgsr,The thing that really stands out to me in the Dragon Age 2 demo..,29,3,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/frgsr/the_thing_that_really_stands_out_to_me_in_the/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_frgsr.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_frgsr,http://i.imgur.com/5JOXg.jpg,
1368938287.0,22,youtube.com,1em6x2,Dragon Age 3 - Follower Customization,41,19,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1em6x2/dragon_age_3_follower_customization/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/-GXmxyOimm4ap1DQ.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1em6x2,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nN8RNNsD9A,
1365451676.0,24,self.dragonage,1bxtjd,Will Dragon age III end the series or will there be a 4th?,31,7,53,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1bxtjd/will_dragon_age_iii_end_the_series_or_will_there/,'Title says it all, just looking for opinions.
Personally I hope they're will be a 4th, there is just so much stuff they can do in Thedas, but anyways what do you guys think',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1bxtjd,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1bxtjd/will_dragon_age_iii_end_the_series_or_will_there/,
1363675826.0,21,guide4games.com,1akwmj,Dragon Age II HD Theme Pack for Windows 7/8,29,8,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1akwmj/dragon_age_ii_hd_theme_pack_for_windows_78/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/7IIMo4wCgDOJaG5E.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1akwmj,http://guide4games.com/win7-themes/dragon-age-ii-hd-theme-pack-for-windows-7/8,
1363393136.0,23,self.dragonage,1adsi9,[WITCH HUNT DLC SPOILERS] Where exactly did the Warden go? ,27,4,26,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1adsi9/witch_hunt_dlc_spoilers_where_exactly_did_the/,I was just wondering that where is it that the Warden goes beyond Thedas. Does he go to the Fade or somewhere even further? Is it specified what dimension he went to? ,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1adsi9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1adsi9/witch_hunt_dlc_spoilers_where_exactly_did_the/,
1358747831.0,23,dgaider.tumblr.com,16z3ri,'R/DragonAge, Please stop linking to articles about what David Gaider has said recently. A lot of these articles seem to take things out of context. Instead link directly to Gaider's blog here.',27,4,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16z3ri/rdragonage_please_stop_linking_to_articles_about/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/GnFi5RnItQNrcOKE.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_16z3ri,http://dgaider.tumblr.com/,
1357079254.0,24,dragonage.nexusmods.com,15sh1g,A mod that reduces the combat lag in Origins. I tested it in the battle of Denerim earlier and it made a big difference. Sorry if this is already well known to people here - I only found it today.,29,5,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15sh1g/a_mod_that_reduces_the_combat_lag_in_origins_i/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,23,False,t3_15sh1g,http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3322,
1354410403.0,22,self.dragonage,144no5,Human Noble or City Elf,26,4,38,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/144no5/human_noble_or_city_elf/,'I am about to start the game as a male rogue, I'm planning on only playing once due to school so i want to get it right. I heard that the Human Noble tied in with the story well but the City Elf had more of an emotional feel to it being outcasts. I really want to know what this means and how it affects my story. Also, please try using a minimal amount of spoilers.
Thanks guys!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_144no5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/144no5/human_noble_or_city_elf/,
1350011737.0,23,self.dragonage,11cj7n,Least Favorite Dragon Age Companion(s). Will contain spoilers. ,27,4,108,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11cj7n/least_favorite_dragon_age_companions_will_contain/,'So, in lieu of an off topic conversation that was had in another post, what's your least favorite character or characters in the DA universe and why? You can rank them from the most annoying to least annoying or simply rant about a particular person.
For me they are (in order of most annoying): DA II Anders, Fenris and
Especially DA II Anders. In fact, I can't help but to always refer to him as FUCKING Anders. We get it Fenris, you had a shitty life at the hands of mages. No Fenris, not every mage wants to inject lyrium into your veins. Morrigan, must you be such a bitch ALL the time? Must you make me look like a push over just because I want to be a decent human/dwarf/elf?! ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_11cj7n,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11cj7n/least_favorite_dragon_age_companions_will_contain/,
1348966775.0,22,self.dragonage,10owd0,So I've seen a lot of complaints about the Mage-Templar War being at the forefront of DA3's plot. So my question is thus: what plotlines from the first two games would you rather be central to the third game's story?,24,2,38,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10owd0/so_ive_seen_a_lot_of_complaints_about_the/,'Personally, my vote goes to making it more about the political intrigue, whether with the Qunari or within Orlais itself.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_10owd0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10owd0/so_ive_seen_a_lot_of_complaints_about_the/,
1346149423.0,22,self.dragonage,yydwd,Dragon*Con 2012,26,4,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/yydwd/dragoncon_2012/,'Is anyone else going to Dragon*Con this year? There's tons of awesome Dragon Age related stuff going on!
I, for one, am pumped to meet David Gaider and hear him talk at the 'Making Video Game Characters' and 'Sex in Video Games' panels. Not to mention that Felicia Day will also be all over the place, too.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_yydwd,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/yydwd/dragoncon_2012/,
1344148599.0,24,self.dragonage,xpfhm,My feelings on why I did not like dragon age 2 as much and my hopes for 3,36,12,45,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xpfhm/my_feelings_on_why_i_did_not_like_dragon_age_2_as/,'Just finished another play through of origins and I just wanted to vent about why the second one let me down, and its not for the usual reasons about reused environments and enemies spawning in endless waves. For me the biggest reason was the plot. In origins you were a badass grey warden trying to save the world against evil darkspawn by rallying whole armies. The second felt more like a guy trying to get rich in one town. And while I thought the chantry v mage story was interesting in both games i was much more interested in the darkspawn. Finally Dragon age started to follow a trend Mass Effect (one of my other favorite series) did, watering down the rpg elements and focusing more on button mashing action. I welcome all feed back and was hoping to get a nice discussion started. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_xpfhm,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xpfhm/my_feelings_on_why_i_did_not_like_dragon_age_2_as/,
1338734489.0,23,self.dragonage,uimaj,UPDATE: Contacting Dragon Age Servers,25,2,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/uimaj/update_contacting_dragon_age_servers/,'[Original Post](http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ts0p0/contacting_dragon_age_servers/)
If you are having issues when trying to log in in game to access your DLC (you get the message 'Contacting the Dragon Age Servers' for a second and nothing happens), the solution is this: Your EA Password is too complicated. That's right.
In an obscure corner of the internet, I discovered that if your EA password contains special characters (#, -, £, $, etc) then you cannot connect to the Dragon Age servers. Simply log into your EA account and change your password. Then, bingo. The damn thing will work again.
Hope this helps anyone who is having trouble.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_uimaj,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/uimaj/update_contacting_dragon_age_servers/,
1299584235.0,23,self.dragonage,fzp5m,A quick reminder/request..,26,3,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fzp5m/a_quick_reminderrequest/,'You lucky Americans/Canadians! Just a reminder to you all that the game doesn't release to the rest of the world until this Friday, the 11th so please, please don't post any spoilers in titles.
I'm sure I don't have to say it but just in case! Thanks all and I hope you're enjoying what looks like an amazing game :D',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_fzp5m,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fzp5m/a_quick_reminderrequest/,
1282057136.0,24,dragonage.bioware.com,d25qu,Dragon Age 2 trailer has been released!,26,2,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/d25qu/dragon_age_2_trailer_has_been_released/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_d25qu.png,t5_2r8lo,False,5,False,t3_d25qu,http://dragonage.bioware.com/da2/,
1374659987.0,22,au.gamespot.com,1iy49g,PaxAus 2013: Dragon Age Panel,29,7,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1iy49g/paxaus_2013_dragon_age_panel/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/K7LEN5tHNv6H5ylv.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1iy49g,http://au.gamespot.com/mass-effect-3/videos/bioware-journeys-down-under-panel-pax-australia-2013-6411947/,
1374403895.0,21,self.dragonage,1iqui5,[DA:O] What are the winged statues in the fade?,23,2,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1iqui5/dao_what_are_the_winged_statues_in_the_fade/,'I often see these in the fade and mage occupied buildings. What are these statues? Have there been any information behind them?
1373342397.0,20,self.dragonage,1hwwc2,First Time in Deep Roads,27,7,54,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hwwc2/first_time_in_deep_roads/,'****LOTS OF SPOILERS ABOUT DA:O JUST SO YOU ALL KNOW
I would like to start off by saying that this is the most frustrating place my mage has ever gone to, partly as my fault because i totally skilled him badly (made him the primary healer and everytime i have to take morrigan, my dps mage, out for someone else for a special event or something such as the deep roads my damage and aoe capabities are nonexistant)
But i am currently on the part where the dwarf woman (i forgot her name) voices over everything and i just want to say: what the fuck?! i did not expect the dwarven arc to be the most brutal and gruesome of them all. i thought the mage tower seemed pretty rough with the massacre of everyone there, or even the elves treatment of the werewolves, but holy crap this is just a crazy place! i no longer regret not having played a dwarf character yet. this seems too much even compared to the infighting in Orzammar
TL;DR Dwarves are scary as hell
Edit3: I can't even do this boss battle this is ridiculious too many anti-magic guys lol
Edit:4 I'm going to try and do the boss battle again later today. also i read up on some things about the decision between saving and destroying the anvil and man the dwarven storyline is so complicated. Elves were a simple dispute to solve, mages just needed some saving, arl needed some silly urn, but dwarves need to have a game for just them or something because their quest line is realllly long.
Edit5: I finished the dwarven coronation awhile ago and wow i don't even know if i chose the right one (I picked Bhelen because he supported the casteless).',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1373400833.0,33,True,t3_1hwwc2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hwwc2/first_time_in_deep_roads/,
1373224168.0,21,self.dragonage,1htdbz,Dragon Age Origins: How to make a rogue effective?,25,4,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1htdbz/dragon_age_origins_how_to_make_a_rogue_effective/,'**EDIT:** Thank you for all your suggestions. The key thing I learnt from the guides was use of the Momentum ability for dual-wield rogues: it was something I overlooked before as the upkeep was huge and it drained constant stamina. However I have started using it and it annihilates like no other! The stamina drainage is completely negligible (either that or broken) and the damage increase is amazing.
I have played DA:O many times but only ever completed it once. I am trying to play it again on the hard difficulty so as to make use of strategic decisions, healing potions and the like. However, every time I make a rogue, either as an Archer or as a Melee I find them completely useless. I find archers do much less damage than a mage and have a fraction of the utility, and the melee variety don't hit as hard as a 2h warrior and also die much faster.
I have run through the game with 2 Warriors 2 Mages and 1 Warrior 3 Mages before due to not being able to use rogues correctly. I would love to employ either a ranged or melee rogue so to make use of the extra skill points, stealthing, and things like that.
Also I want the rogue to be effective early on in the game, not told that 'at level 15+ rogues are good'.
Thanks for all the help',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1373381394.0,True,t3_1htdbz,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1htdbz/dragon_age_origins_how_to_make_a_rogue_effective/,
1372206304.0,24,th02.deviantart.net,1h2po5,Nathaniel Howe,34,10,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1h2po5/nathaniel_howe/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/4GMj6B7OT-O6CiWy.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,3,False,t3_1h2po5,http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/176/5/a/nathaniel_howe_by_whirlygirl9-d6anvt5.jpg,
1370141452.0,23,self.dragonage,1fhzim,Zombie Queen?,24,1,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fhzim/zombie_queen/,'So according to the Dragon Age II codex, my Cousland import died fighting the Archdemon, and subsequently married Alistair and now rules Ferelden.
Is this something that can be fixed? I think I have a save just before the landsmeet if just redoing that would work. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1fhzim,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fhzim/zombie_queen/,
1369571996.0,23,self.dragonage,1f2uio,Dragon age 3 speculation.,36,13,37,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1f2uio/dragon_age_3_speculation/,'I remember there being a some speculation that Inquisition was going to be in Orlais. The main reason for this was the fact that one of the main designers tweeted :
'If we really have to go somewhere urban, let’s not go to Kirkwall, Let’s go somewhere new. Maybe somewhere a little more.. French.'
I was playing through D2 today when I found this gem. In Act 3 Bodhan tells you that he and Sandal is leaving for Orlais (Sandal is going to go serve the emperor.)
In my mind this only solidifies the fact that we will be seeing a 'French' dragon age.
What do you guys think?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1369576717.0,True,t3_1f2uio,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1f2uio/dragon_age_3_speculation/,
1360892515.0,23,self.dragonage,18jzkr,Favorite DA:O/DA2 Quote? ,26,3,42,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18jzkr/favorite_daoda2_quote/,'I love some of the quotes in this game, especially the random dialogue between companions. So what is your favorite quote from the Dragon Age games?
Mine for Dragon Age: Origins - *Leliana: 'You aren't all stone, Shale. There is a person inside of you.'
Shale: 'If so, it is because I ate him.'*
Mine for Dragon Age 2 - *Talkative Man: That man over there. He's been staring at me for an entire hour. I counted.
Varric: Maybe he likes you.
Talkative Man: No. He knows. He knows that I know. But what he does not know is that I know that he knows that I know.
Varric: How do you know that he doesn't know that you know that he knows that you know, you know?
Talkative Man: What?
Varric: Exactly.*
1353371402.0,24,twitter.com,13hazz,Potentially more Dragon Age games in the future?,27,3,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13hazz/potentially_more_dragon_age_games_in_the_future/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/w7H4p3DLnJoSq2wn.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_13hazz,https://twitter.com/Mike_Laidlaw/status/270683817939963904,
1350318657.0,22,self.dragonage,11imxg,Does DA:2 hint gunpowder weopons will appear in DA:3?,25,3,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11imxg/does_da2_hint_gunpowder_weopons_will_appear_in_da3/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_11imxg,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11imxg/does_da2_hint_gunpowder_weopons_will_appear_in_da3/,
1328724049.0,23,self.dragonage,pgiho,Anyone else's subreddit bar take a dump when in /r/dragon age?,24,1,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/pgiho/anyone_elses_subreddit_bar_take_a_dump_when_in/,'Or is it just me?
1324759703.0,22,amazon.com,npgc9,Dragon age origins ultimate edition is $7.50 on Amazon for PC download,24,2,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/npgc9/dragon_age_origins_ultimate_edition_is_750_on/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/grSY-8_dWd2Dp9Wa.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_npgc9,http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=amb_link_359457082_2?t=slicinc-20&tag=slicinc-20&ie=UTF8&docId=1000746611&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=right-1&pf_rd_r=0GDV3RB7E4M13KN8SBAV&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1341225602&pf_rd_i=468642,
1304000084.0,21,self.dragonage,gzbco,DAE feel the Hero could whoop the Champions ass?,26,5,43,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gzbco/dae_feel_the_hero_could_whoop_the_champions_ass/,after finishing da2 i have decided to play dao again for the first time since 09 and run the story up to the end of da2 to refresh my memory of the whole picture. within minutes of starting my rogue elf.. all the memories of epic battles from dao came rushing back to me. and with da2 fresh in my mind all i could think was how much more of a badass the hero is versus the champion. ,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_gzbco,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gzbco/dae_feel_the_hero_could_whoop_the_champions_ass/,
1260723028.0,22,imgur.com,ae7mc,Not sure how this happened; not complaining either (PIC),25,3,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ae7mc/not_sure_how_this_happened_not_complaining_either/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_ae7mc.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_ae7mc,http://imgur.com/YvNaw,
1256314694.0,21,self.dragonage,9x2v0,Which platform should I get this game for?,26,5,24,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9x2v0/which_platform_should_i_get_this_game_for/,'I've been a PC gamer for a long time and I have thoroughly enjoyed all of BioWare's games since the first Baldur's Gate. All the Infinity Engine games are especially close to my heart.
Times have changed since then. Most of the new exciting games are released on consoles and I've long since switched my main gaming platform to Xbox360 and PS3.
Here is my dilemma. I truly don't know which of these three platforms I should get this game for. Judging from what I've seen so far PC seems like the best option - keyboard and mouse just fit these games really well. Then again, Jade Empire and Mass Effect work beautifully on Xbox360. Most of the new games these days are developed for the consoles and their respective PC ports are just that -- ports. I haven't played Mass Effect on PC so I wouldn't know whether BioWare has jumped on this bandwagon yet -- do they still respect PC as a gaming platform, knowing that it makes them very little money compared to the consoles?
I'd be very interested in hearing what reddit has to say regarding this. The official answer will of course be 'they're all equal', but this is rarely the truth. Does any of you know of any major differences between the different versions? Which platform are you going to get it for?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_9x2v0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9x2v0/which_platform_should_i_get_this_game_for/,
1375546087.0,21,self.dragonage,1jmq4n,So I'm finally playing Dragon Age 2 [Spoilers]..,39,18,39,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jmq4n/so_im_finally_playing_dragon_age_2_spoilers/,'Originally I was holding out, since everyone was saying how bad of a game it was. I played, or at least tried to play, Dragon Age: Origins, but it was impossible to me. It's like playing Mass Effect 1 again. I hated the game play, but fell in love with the story and especially the characters. So, I finally decided to play Dragon Age 2 for the first time. At first, I was going to import my half-assed character, but decided against it. Playing even part of DA:O was extremely helpful since I know a lot of things, such as Aveline's name, and I met a few characters, like Flemeth, Alistar, and Zevron, and currently it's extremely fun. I'm not really seeing where all the hate comes, perhaps it's the ending. I know I'm nearing the end since Merrill keeps breaking the 4th wall and pretty much rubbing the fact into my face.
Some things I enjoyed so far:
* The characters. Some I hate, some I love. It's all wonderful, though, I do miss Morrigan.. and my dog Hades.
* Hawke has a voice! I hated not having a voice as the Warden in DA:O, just like in Skyrim. I never really end up caring about my character or anything when I can't hear what they're saying.
* The dialogue wheel was pretty helpful, but I still saved before every conversation just in case I fuck up somewhere.
* The game play is fun. I kinda wrecked my A button on one controller when I got too heated in a battle. What? My sister was in danger. Anyway, the same thing happened to my X button from Mass Effect.
* The length of the game is great. I know I'm nearing the end, but I still love it. I wish it was longer actually. I never buy DLC, but I think I might make an exception.
* Family. I thought that was a great addition. I know I had a family in DA:O, but they all died in 10 mins. Well, like 45 mins for me, I had no idea where to go because the map was so bad. Anyway, I actually grew attached to my sister and mother, but my brother can go eat some shit. I never liked him.
* The map as, previously stated, was just something that bothered me in DA:O. I hated it. I really like the improved map.
* Toggle-able helmets. I have never once seen a cool helmet, not even the Champion's {At least on female rogues.}
* The default faces. I normally love making my characters, but I could never get it right. I've always pictured all of my bad-ass characters with short black hair, like Hawke's, and blue eyes, like Hawke's, and some kind of marking or tattoo on their face, like Hawke's. I love it. I wish more games gave that hair style for girls.
Some things I wish that were changed/different/bothered me:
* For some reason, my party stopped interacting with each other now that I'm at the end. I'm pretty bummed, since I *loved* when they banter. Reminds me of Morrigan and Alistar. Maybe it's because I always carry around the same people. I don't know.
* Like Leliana in DA:O, Isabela and Fenris are never really mentioned as recruit-able, which bothered me a bit. I did get both of them, and Leliana in DA:O by pure luck, and Isabela ended up being a favorite of mine. I'd be pissed if I missed her. I just want some warning, that's all.
* Copy/Paste caves/environments in general. Sure, this ended up helping in the long run, since the same team means the same tactics every battle, but I really hated how it was all just.. the same.
* Gifts. Sure, I only abused them to stop having my friends hate me *Cough* Morrigan *Cough,* but I still miss them. Not like these petty 2 gifts per character, I miss having mounds and mounds of gifts I'd throw at them. Fun.
* One of these battles made me want to chuck my Xbox out the window. I have no idea why that one ass-wipe {Can't remember his name} was so tough, but there were enemies just.. Flooding. The High Dragon was easier then that bullshit.
* 0 sexual preferences. Sure that worked to my favor, but still. When I like characters, I still want them to be human. This goes for that. I know it's a bit nit-picky.
* Armor ratings are so obscure. Isabela wears cloth. Literal cloth. There is one actual armor piece, and she still had a higher armor rating then me for the longest time. We're both the same class doing the same shit, too.
* As far as I know, once you get Champion's Armor, you're good to go. I just killed the High Dragon, and got the chest plate {Final piece I needed, I was holding out on killing the high dragon} and went from 200-300 something AR to 618 AR.
* Losing Bethany. I thought I had it *all* figured out. I thought that I had the best team ever. Then they took Bethany from me and threw her in the Circle. She literally was all I ever wanted in a mage, and there isn't a single good replacement mage. Now, I have Merrill as a replacement, but she's a piss-poor replacement at that. I've seen Beth twice since she got taken, and not a single one had been either and epic reunion or her finally joining me again.
I'll spruce up the list a bit later, but so far this is what I like and dislike.
Edit: Just finished the game, adding to the lists. I'll just add things as I think of them now. I'm also thinking of getting some DLC, which is rare for me.
* The final battles were nice. Like, it was nice to see everyone come and help.
* I had Beth back. It may have been for one battle, but I never lost a single one. I've never been so excited to recruit a character before.
* I forgot to mention this before, but Aveline had some of the *funniest* missions. Like when she's trying to get a date with that guard. It's even more hilarious if you bring along Isabela, who is always on my squad. They have some of the best dialogue together.
* I have no idea what happened to Hawke. Varric just said that all split up, except Isabela stayed with me, and that was that. Horribly confused, kinda disappointed me. Then there was 10 seconds of Leliana it looked and sounded like. I have no idea if there are multiple endings or not, but if there are, I either got the horribly bad ending, or the best ending. Everyone lived, so I guess it's the best?
* 0 time to prep for the final battle. There were no red flags being flared. I was running low on health potions and I thought I was just going to settle an argument, then things spontaneously combusted as I walked to their argument. 0 warning, 0 prep, I was just thrown into battle.
* They never really elaborated on Sandal.. which was a bit disappointing since he.. you know.. killed all those blood-magic things.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1375559141.0,1,True,t3_1jmq4n,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jmq4n/so_im_finally_playing_dragon_age_2_spoilers/,
1370991761.0,22,youtube.com,1g5nr2,Truth about Sandal,29,7,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g5nr2/truth_about_sandal/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/LoTfIBR1Ehq0ACFv.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1g5nr2,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c52DHxPGb8,
1370894755.0,22,self.dragonage,1g2f3k,DA3 just confirmed next-gen?,24,2,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g2f3k/da3_just_confirmed_nextgen/,'Edit: Confirmed Multi-Gen (PC, Xbox360, PS3, XBoxOne, PS4). Changed this post to general information gathered since the E3 press conference.
'*A cataclysmic event has plunged the land of Thedas into turmoil. Dragons now darken the sky, casting a shadow of terror over a once-peaceful kingdom. Mages have broken into an all-out war against the oppressive Templars. Nations rise against one another. It falls to you to restore order as you lead the Inquisition and hunt down the agents of chaos - your choices will forever change the Dragon Age.*'
[**Official Site**](http://www.dragonage.com/) is up for Dragon Age: Inquisition.
[**Official Trailer**](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpEsgxlZqro) 'The Fires Above'
**DA:I is NOT the end of a trilogy** 'Dragon Age was never a trilogy. We never even implied it might be.' David Gaider, [Bioware Forums](http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/371/index/16847139#16847741)
**Trailer is In-Engine, Not CG** 'Did you notice that was in-engine footage? Not CG, that's some in-engine Morrigan right there. Glorious. ' Mike Laidlaw,[Twitter](https://twitter.com/Mike_Laidlaw/status/344194581560168448)
**Open World (Sort of)** 'Not Skyrim style, just larger areas and more openness to them.' Allan Schumacher, [Bioware Forums](http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/371/index/16832520/11#16834750)
**Confirmed Multi-Gen.** 'Dragon Age: Inquisition will be on PC, XBox360, PS3, PS4 and XBox One.' Mike Laidlaw, [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Mike_Laidlaw/status/344190709995302912) (Thanks [/u/rathany](http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g2f3k/da3_just_confirmed_nextgen/cag4aa2))
**Not Confirmed on Mac.** 'We are not confirmed on Mac, and yes previous DA games were on Mac. We'll explore a port, as before.' Mike Laidlaw, [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Mike_Laidlaw/status/344229258589253632)
**No Import Details (Yet)** 'We'll lay out specifics regarding importing later on.' Mike Laidlaw, [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Mike_Laidlaw/status/344230653119823873)
**That was indeed Varric & Morrigan in the trailer.** Chris Priestly, [Bioware Forums](http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/371/index/16836731/1#16837114)
**That was indeed Cassandra in the trailer.** Chris Priestly, [Bioware Forums](http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/371/index/16836270#16836349)
**Release Date is Fall 2014** Chris Priestly, [Bioware Forums](http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/371/index/16832520/16#16835084)
**Later Release = Better Game** 'It wasn't that anything went wrong. The date was changed to make Dragon Age: Inquisition better by giving it the time needed to make it amazing.' Chris Priestly, [Bioware Forums](http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/371/index/16836946/1#16837179)
**(Old News) Dragon Age: Inquisition is the official title.** Not DA3. Chris Priestly, [Bioware Forums](http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/371/index/16835216#16836405)
**(Old News) DA3 to Use a Human Protagonist** [Bioware Forums](http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/371/index/14604410)
**Useful Links:**
[**DA3: Inquisition at E3 Thread**](http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/371/index/16832520) on the Bioware Forums
[**The DA:I Twitter Thread**](http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/371/index/14137082) on the Bioware Forums.
[**@dragonage**](https://twitter.com/dragonage) Official Twitter
[**@bioware**](https://twitter.com/bioware) Official Twitter',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1370991903.0,3,True,t3_1g2f3k,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g2f3k/da3_just_confirmed_nextgen/,
1369098287.0,22,self.dragonage,1eqf3x,Where should I go first in DA:O?,30,8,51,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1eqf3x/where_should_i_go_first_in_dao/,'The game seems to want me to go to redcliff but can I go to the Dwarves or Dalish first?
If any one has an opinion feel free to tell me.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1eqf3x,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1eqf3x/where_should_i_go_first_in_dao/,
1352316448.0,20,social.bioware.com,12t9gi,Saw this on the Bioware forums - release date potentially Autumn of next year. A tad sketchy though.,24,4,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/12t9gi/saw_this_on_the_bioware_forums_release_date/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_12t9gi,http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/371/index/14842970,
1348173752.0,22,imgur.com,107mi7,'Jay Wilson on DA2: We took as much Fenris as we thought necessary, and then we doubled it',25,3,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/107mi7/jay_wilson_on_da2_we_took_as_much_fenris_as_we/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/6ITJtFMIz7h76t6m.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_107mi7,http://imgur.com/AQC8i,
1347984407.0,23,greywardens.com,1031ts,Where Are Our Characters? ~ Greywardens.com,24,1,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1031ts/where_are_our_characters_greywardenscom/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/ZvhlKUL9CZwJw8A9.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,7,False,t3_1031ts,http://greywardens.com/2012/09/where-are-our-characters/,
1338221294.0,21,self.dragonage,u8u9n,I watched the Dragon Age movie! (no spoilers),26,5,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/u8u9n/i_watched_the_dragon_age_movie_no_spoilers/,'And I loved it.
I've seen people on here complain about the animation style, and maybe that particular style isn't for you; that's okay. I think they tried to mix Dragon Age's art with anime, and while I think it turned out well, other people may not agree. While the first few minutes of seeing that style was a bit startling, I got used to it as the movie went on and just enjoyed the story.
The voice acting was really good as well. I admit that I may be biased on this particular point, seeing as I like anime and Funimation. I'm used to hearing Funimation's voice actors, and a few of my favorites were in the movie.
There were a few points where I frowned and audibly said, 'Cassandra, you a dumb-ass bitch,' but characters *are* supposed to have flaws and whatnot. I enjoyed the other characters and wished I could have seen more of them.
I think my biggest complaint was that there were ***not enough elves***. But I'm a weirdo and I really, really like elves, so that might not be a problem for most people.
**TL;DR: Watched the Dragon Age movie. Thought it was good.**',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_u8u9n,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/u8u9n/i_watched_the_dragon_age_movie_no_spoilers/,
1334369007.0,21,youtube.com,s8xmt,Dragon age Warden's Fall by Machinima ,22,1,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/s8xmt/dragon_age_wardens_fall_by_machinima/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/oDqxv2wy-V4Ge3-J.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_s8xmt,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vbs_FaXNyI&feature=g-vrec&context=G2cb56d9RVAAAAAAAAAA,
1332108983.0,21,store.origin.com,r2jmc,Dragon Age 2 is $9.99 on Origin. Guess its time to end my DA2 boycott.,31,10,26,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/r2jmc/dragon_age_2_is_999_on_origin_guess_its_time_to/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/GrR7pdXQYA7lTAVI.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_r2jmc,http://store.origin.com/DRHM/store?Action=DisplayProductDetailsPage&SiteID=ea&Locale=en_US&ThemeID=718200&productID=178651600,
1299332032.0,22,self.dragonage,fxvyl,Dragon Age II is now pre-loading on Steam,22,0,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fxvyl/dragon_age_ii_is_now_preloading_on_steam/,'It Says it 5,228.9 MB Large',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_fxvyl,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fxvyl/dragon_age_ii_is_now_preloading_on_steam/,
1298424451.0,21,self.dragonage,fqp1q,Demo impressions?,23,2,69,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fqp1q/demo_impressions/,'So, what did you think of the small piece of DA2 we've seen?
I'll start (PC):
* loading screens everywhere, even during a dialogue! Is my computer just plain slow or did you notice it, too?
* combat is more chaotic, with more emphasis on say 'immersion' but less on tactics. Without a good overview of the battlefield, it'll be hard to put some tactics from DA:O into good use (like scouting ahead with an invisible rogue and then SotC on the enemy group). I guess it won't be an issue on lower difficulties but I'm worried that either 'hard' will be easier now or it will be much harder because of the action-orientation. That's 'hard' to tell from the demo, though.
* The wheel dialogue is okay for inquries, but I miss having the option of knowing what Hawke is about to say in the other, more 'violent' options. In Origins, you could read the witty response, but say the good thing (because deep down you're the good one). Here, not so much.
* I find the new skill system okay. Interesting twist by needing friendship with Hawke for some skills.
* Hope somebody'll develop Auto-Loot for DA2 soon. The pop-up inventory is less bothersome, but still so.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_fqp1q,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fqp1q/demo_impressions/,
1297756036.0,20,i.imgur.com,flpdy,'[Crossposted from Gaming] A preview of Dragon Age from summer, 2004.',23,3,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/flpdy/crossposted_from_gaming_a_preview_of_dragon_age/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_flpdy.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_flpdy,http://i.imgur.com/6ldCB.jpg,
1295879949.0,19,awkwardzombie.com,f82os,Blood Loss [comic],23,4,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/f82os/blood_loss_comic/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_f82os,http://www.awkwardzombie.com/index.php?comic=012411&page=0,
1261581111.0,19,horrorbound.com,ahve6,Interview with David Gaider on the writing of Dragon Age,23,4,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ahve6/interview_with_david_gaider_on_the_writing_of/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_ahve6.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_ahve6,http://www.horrorbound.com/readarticle.php?article_id=159,
1257847161.0,19,imgur.com,a2sqd,'Anyone else discover the 'female' trans-gender companions yet? :P',24,5,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a2sqd/anyone_else_discover_the_female_transgender/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a2sqd.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a2sqd,http://imgur.com/gTuR6.jpg,
1376164757.0,20,self.dragonage,1k3ski,Multiplayer in Inquisition Idea,25,5,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k3ski/multiplayer_in_inquisition_idea/,'Just my own thought on the possibility of multiplayer, since in the exclusive coverage of it the team, when asked about the possibility, said mass effect 3 did it amazingly well. and i thought that if they do it, will it be a lot like ME 3? four players (or more possibly) playing together in a horde-esque mode? either as members of the Inquisition or perhaps it is set during an old blight and all the playable characters are grey wardens? it seems like a great idea to me, and with how well ME 3 multiplayer is, it'd be silly to not try and cram it in. or if you have a different approach to it, what do you think the best multiplayer mode would be, if there is to be one?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_1k3ski,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k3ski/multiplayer_in_inquisition_idea/,
1375971116.0,21,youtube.com,1jyfft,Do you guys also liked the soundtrack of Dragon Age 2 ?,28,7,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jyfft/do_you_guys_also_liked_the_soundtrack_of_dragon/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/tCIFIBZ3aGXChNUo.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1jyfft,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dB1z_THmbTk,
1370090799.0,20,imgur.com,1fgmw1,I decided to play DA Origins and DA2 over again before Inquisition comes out. My new DAO character! Super excited! I can't wait to hit the Deep Roads.,61,41,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fgmw1/i_decided_to_play_da_origins_and_da2_over_again/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/SHS4iV3-DtUCdWhJ.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1fgmw1,http://imgur.com/CatN3qc,
1362246308.0,22,self.dragonage,19j3uh,Did Legacy settle religious questions?,27,5,24,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19j3uh/did_legacy_settle_religious_questions/,'Not everybody in Thedas believes in the Chant of light. The Dalish have their own religion. I'm not sure about the dwaves but I'm pretty sure there was no Chantry chapter in Orzammar. And you can play a non-believer in DA:O.
But when we play Legacy we actually meet one of those guys the Chant speaks of and he responds to the Chant's description. That's actual, tangible evidence of the Andrastian religion, right?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_19j3uh,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19j3uh/did_legacy_settle_religious_questions/,
1361510902.0,19,self.dragonage,1907xb,'Hi guys. I'm Tiberious, an arcane warrior. I'm having trouble making contact with my enemies. I miss *a lot*. Any tips? What can I do? Should I lift some weights, study more, or what?',27,8,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1907xb/hi_guys_im_tiberious_an_arcane_warrior_im_having/,'Edit: Thanks for all the help. On my next level up, I read over the descriptions of each attribute and realized how trivial a question this is. Thanks for not treating me badly.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1361542169.0,True,t3_1907xb,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1907xb/hi_guys_im_tiberious_an_arcane_warrior_im_having/,
1357760689.0,20,self.dragonage,169klg,'As someone who as already played through Dragon Age 2 twice but hasn't bought any of the DLC, which ones are worth getting? And which should I just skip?',23,3,33,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/169klg/as_someone_who_as_already_played_through_dragon/,'I have heard some decent (and not so decent) things about the DLC, but the thing is I really don't want to spend more than about $20 on all of the the DLC content I get. So I'm looking to the community for answers about what I should spend my money on (and don't give me any 'Ask for a refund because DA2 Suxs!' answers). I've heard Mark of the Assassin is pretty much like the Kasumi DLC from Mass Effect 2, but what other ones would r/dragonage recommend?
**Edit:** Thanks everyone for all of your suggestions! I ended up getting Legacy and Mark of the Assassin.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1357911010.0,True,t3_169klg,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/169klg/as_someone_who_as_already_played_through_dragon/,
1353544674.0,21,store.steampowered.com,13lgoa,Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition for $15 on Steam,24,3,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13lgoa/dragon_age_origins_ultimate_edition_for_15_on/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_13lgoa,http://store.steampowered.com/app/47810/,
1352421343.0,20,self.dragonage,12vy0r,Enjoying DA:O - will DA2 be a let-down?,28,8,69,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/12vy0r/enjoying_dao_will_da2_be_a_letdown/,'I've heard bad things about the game being rushed, with questionable design choices (the combat waves being one, apparently?). This must be a common question, but while I'm sure it's not *that* bad, will DA2 fare too poorly in comparison with DA:O to play back-to-back, or should I not be worried?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_12vy0r,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/12vy0r/enjoying_dao_will_da2_be_a_letdown/,
1342360310.0,20,self.dragonage,wlci2,So.. what happened to adding flair to r/dragonage?,24,4,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wlci2/so_what_happened_to_adding_flair_to_rdragonage/,I remember reading that flair was in the works. Whatever happened to that? I'd really love a Kirkwall seal next to my name.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,13,True,t3_wlci2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wlci2/so_what_happened_to_adding_flair_to_rdragonage/,
1340698440.0,20,joystiq.com,vmcqx,'For those of you on the fence, Amazon has the entire DA series and its DLC on sale!',23,3,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vmcqx/for_those_of_you_on_the_fence_amazon_has_the/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/iAuFwRTtazcqRYpx.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_vmcqx,http://www.joystiq.com/2012/06/25/amazon-digital-sale-goes-medieval-on-dragon-age-series-this-week/,
1336240782.0,18,youtube.com,t8kzz,Walking Brewery - Dragon Age Machinima,20,2,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/t8kzz/walking_brewery_dragon_age_machinima/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/7A4nyUuxGlcCvtUx.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_t8kzz,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz0LJfxwUkc,
1332179805.0,18,social.bioware.com,r3qil,'Mark Darrah on DA2: Sounds like no more DLC after all, guys.',23,5,33,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/r3qil/mark_darrah_on_da2_sounds_like_no_more_dlc_after/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_r3qil,http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/260/index/10245444/1,
1331684196.0,19,self.dragonage,qvdgx,Dragon Age 3 thoughts & suggestions?,23,4,59,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/qvdgx/dragon_age_3_thoughts_suggestions/,'It's been awhile since DA2 has been released and we can safely assume that DA3 is actively being developed.. what would you like to see in DA3?
I'll start:
* Improve the combat system introduced in DA2.
* Bring back tactical encounters from DA1
* Provide a bigger setting that DA2, similar to DA1
* Improve on the evolving city/setting that changes over time.. make your actions have more of an impact than they did in DA2
* Let me see my Gray Warden! I don't have to play him anymore, but I would like to see him (or the Orlesian Gray Warden if yours died) getting down and dirty
What do you guys think?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,1,True,t3_qvdgx,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/qvdgx/dragon_age_3_thoughts_suggestions/,
1322660334.0,20,youtube.com,mup5w,Felicia plays with herself..er.. ,25,5,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/mup5w/felicia_plays_with_herselfer/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/XiehwdlYgfHguVIt.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_mup5w,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DxsVzYUle0,
1321685078.0,21,youtube.com,mhun1,Dragon Age and Mass Effect piano music,21,0,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/mhun1/dragon_age_and_mass_effect_piano_music/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_mhun1,http://www.youtube.com/user/igrayne2001,
1320153270.0,20,self.dragonage,lwdna,Orzammar is so boring and I can't stand playing through it. What areas of the series can't you stand? ,25,5,53,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lwdna/orzammar_is_so_boring_and_i_cant_stand_playing/,'Orzammar is probably the worst area of both games that I absolutely can't stand to play through. I have a general idea why but nothing really concrete in my reasoning. I think it's the politics of the whole thing.
Don't get me wrong. I love getting into political areas of the games and I love the Thaig parts. That area of it is one of my favorites. I have to trudge my way through Orzammar doing their political backstabbing for the Dwarves just to get to go to the Thaig.
The first time I played Origins and stumbled my way through Orzammar was the worst time I had in the whole series.
Dwarves are one of my favorite Tolkien creatures. It feels wrong to be so unexcited about them when in Orzammar. Elsewhere, they are great. I love Oghren. Varric is one of my favorite characters in anything ever. I wish I could get excited about Orzammar.
What are your least inspiring areas of the Dragon Age universe? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_lwdna,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lwdna/orzammar_is_so_boring_and_i_cant_stand_playing/,
1320010513.0,19,i.imgur.com,lufhq,Halloween Costume : Dragon Age 2 : Staff of Violation,25,6,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lufhq/halloween_costume_dragon_age_2_staff_of_violation/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/ijSe0JbKi0VrIMez.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_lufhq,http://i.imgur.com/j5kEf.jpg,
1312089046.0,18,docs.google.com,j4myw,[Spoilers for Legacy] I've been compiling and transcribing party banter from the DLC in a Google Doc. The sheer volume of new dialogue in this DLC is crazy.,23,5,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/j4myw/spoilers_for_legacy_ive_been_compiling_and/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_j4myw,https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iiThOjEApx9LCctKlwiFzu4ENbQhpG5szhJdyCNju6c/edit?hl=en_US,
1302490998.0,19,i.imgur.com,gn3hh,Tell me you saw this too.,29,10,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gn3hh/tell_me_you_saw_this_too/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_gn3hh.png,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_gn3hh,http://i.imgur.com/pQWOc.jpg,
1289610703.0,22,youtube.com,e5ejz,'Dragon Age: Origins..just a servant girl kneeling in front a guard as you walk in..wait, WTF?',22,0,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/e5ejz/dragon_age_originsjust_a_servant_girl_kneeling_in/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_e5ejz.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_e5ejz,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVzT41NyZfM,
1258660364.0,20,kotaku.com,a65ok,New DLC due out in time for the holiday season. ,25,5,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a65ok/new_dlc_due_out_in_time_for_the_holiday_season/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a65ok.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a65ok,http://kotaku.com/5408468/return-to-ostagar-with-new-dragon-age-dlc,
1258566668.0,20,self.dragonage,a5q58,'Beware of introducing your girlfriend to Dragon Age if you actually want to play it at any point, ever.',29,9,23,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a5q58/beware_of_introducing_your_girlfriend_to_dragon/,'I might have to have an intervention if I ever want to use my computer again.
Also I think she's cheating on me with Alistair..',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a5q58,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a5q58/beware_of_introducing_your_girlfriend_to_dragon/,
1258525244.0,21,dragonagenexus.com,a5j6v,The best DAO mod yet: Character Respecialization,25,4,24,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a5j6v/the_best_dao_mod_yet_character_respecialization/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a5j6v.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a5j6v,http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14,
1376590296.0,19,blog.bioware.com,1kflq4,BioWare Coming to PAX Prime (panels and visit the Bioware Base),21,2,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kflq4/bioware_coming_to_pax_prime_panels_and_visit_the/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/f8CTxw7fl2ts5QyE.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,31,False,t3_1kflq4,http://blog.bioware.com/2013/08/15/bioware-coming-to-pax-prime-2013/,
1376327889.0,19,gameinformer.com,1k7ufz,Dragon Age: Inquisition’s Morrigan – Past and Present,33,14,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k7ufz/dragon_age_inquisitions_morrigan_past_and_present/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/SwHpeAPtqT-WtCoA.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1k7ufz,http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2013/08/12/dragon-age-inquisition-s-morrigan-past-and-present.aspx,
1375283237.0,20,self.dragonage,1jfalu,'What things, either stupidly obvious or cool little things, are you still finding after multiple playthroughs? (High Probability of Spoilers)',22,2,55,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jfalu/what_things_either_stupidly_obvious_or_cool/,'I have an example of both. I'm working on my 4th or 5th playthrough of Origins, played both on Xbox and PC. This time through I noticed for the first time that in the battle with the undead and a revenant in the Redcliffe castle courtyard that Ser Perth and some knights were there to help if I opened the gate. I always thought that was a difficult battle for so early in the game.
I also had a neat experience when I went into the fade to deal with Connor's demon. I had no idea that I could convince Irving to go in and it was pretty cool to play as the top mage in Ferelden. He was pretty OP for the area (He was lvl 16 while my party was lvl 10-11). I find it awesome that I'm still discovering things after all of the time I've put into this game.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,8,True,t3_1jfalu,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jfalu/what_things_either_stupidly_obvious_or_cool/,
1372817710.0,19,self.dragonage,1hjgml,Make a bold statement about something that will happen in DA:Inquisition [spoilers],20,1,66,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hjgml/make_a_bold_statement_about_something_that_will/,'Let's all try and come up with a bold statement about something we think will happen in the upcoming DA game, then explain why you think that will happen.
Okay, I'll start:
I think that the king/queen of Ferelden will die before the game starts. This is simply because there are too many possibilities for Bioware to actually continue with.
Also, the fact that they continued on with Alistair's cannon with the comic makes me think that they don't care about the decision.
Okay, NEXT!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1hjgml,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hjgml/make_a_bold_statement_about_something_that_will/,
1366986671.0,17,self.dragonage,1d5lfz,Absolute Favorite Characters?,25,8,44,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d5lfz/absolute_favorite_characters/,'Self-explanatory, and it's Friday, so time for some fluff. Who are your absolute favorite characters in the series? I'm including the comics and books as well as the games.
Fuck-Marry-Kill, would you rather?, however you want to answer the question is acceptable.
My absolute favorite character is Fenris. Stone-cold killer laced with Lyrium tattoos, Fenris reminds me of the Rorshach of Thedas.
Going ahead with my other variation - Fuck/Marry/Kill - The answers are a resounding (Fuck) Morrigan/Leliana/Katriel Sandwich (Marry) Merrill and (Kill) Anders with a cold, cold fury.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_1d5lfz,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d5lfz/absolute_favorite_characters/,
1364920080.0,19,self.dragonage,1biug3,Nightmare playthrough,23,4,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1biug3/nightmare_playthrough/,'I'm plaining on going through on Nightmare and wanted to get some advice on how to spec myself, I wanted to be a Dalish rouge (archer or duel weild don't care which). how do you think I should spend my points?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1biug3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1biug3/nightmare_playthrough/,
1358201399.0,18,self.dragonage,16krzc,Character Arcs.,21,3,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16krzc/character_arcs/,'When playing RPGs, Dragon Age included, I like to roleplay character arcs. By which I mean I like to create a character and gradually have them change over the course of the game due to events that occur in the story.
Do any of you guys like to do this? Tell me about characters arcs that you enjoyed playing and the major events that caused them to change. If you don't do this, I recommend you do - it adds a lot to the roleplaying experience.
My favourite character that I've created was a mage who was wholly against blood magic and willfully followed the templars. Essentially a paragon of mages. Then, due to [Jowan's rebellious actions and use of blood magic](/spoiler) he begins to doubt whether blood magic is inherently bad and whether the circle and chantry may not be as perfect as he believed them to be. After all he knows [Jowan is not a bad person - he's his best friend.](/spoiler)
Later on in the plot, he finally succumbs to temptation when he confronts [the desire demon possessing Connor and he makes a deal with it to learn blood magic.](/spoiler)
This is his fall from grace and he eventually is comfortable enough with 'dark' magics that he does not hesitate to agree to [Morrigan's dark ritual with the Old God baby.](/spoiler)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_16krzc,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16krzc/character_arcs/,
1356745868.0,20,self.dragonage,15lqgz,'Historians of Thedas, what age and/or event in Dragon Age lore would you most like to play through?',23,3,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15lqgz/historians_of_thedas_what_age_andor_event_in/,'I've played through the games a couple times and casually read the lore books and such, but it's been a while and only a few things come to mind.
It'd be really cool to engage in the Orlais-Ferelden war, see the Dales before their destruction, and play through the early days of the Chantry.
I just love how much backstory there is to the world. More and more games are trying it these days but I love the deliberately-similar-but-not-quite-the-same history compared to ours on Earth.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_15lqgz,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15lqgz/historians_of_thedas_what_age_andor_event_in/,
1354893660.0,19,pcgamer.com,14g35t,DA: Origins and DA: 2 Promo Items Now Free,22,3,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/14g35t/da_origins_and_da_2_promo_items_now_free/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Ml0Ai-SVv0fA3nN_.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_14g35t,http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/12/07/dragon-age-origins-and-dragon-age-2-promo-items-now-available-for-free/,
1353545076.0,18,self.dragonage,13lh1h,how the heck do I beat Broodmother? (NEWBIE),21,3,25,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13lh1h/how_the_heck_do_i_beat_broodmother_newbie/,'I posted a few months ago about being stuck in the fade since then I've played a few and so far my favorite parts of the game have been curing the Arl (going back and forward between redcliffe and the circle was pretty cool) and later fighting werewolves! Now I decided to venture Orzammar. I'm not the most experienced player in this field but I keep dying left and right against the horrid beast. Is there a trick to it? I currently have Morrigan, Leliana and Oghren with me. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_13lh1h,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13lh1h/how_the_heck_do_i_beat_broodmother_newbie/,
1350889151.0,18,self.dragonage,11vw65,Complete Party Banter?,22,4,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11vw65/complete_party_banter/,'The party banter in the game is great, but I've heard the complete set takes up to 2 and a half hours worth of audio. Does anyone have any links to said audios? I've gone through 6 playthroughs and I probably still have a lot of party banter to go through. I'd really like to listen to all of them in one go. Anyone?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,22,True,t3_11vw65,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11vw65/complete_party_banter/,
1348654760.0,21,self.dragonage,10i0rp,I think something went wrong,22,1,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10i0rp/i_think_something_went_wrong/,'http://i.imgur.com/GWaGo.jpg
I used the qunari updater from DA2 this is the result lol. Anyone know how to fix this?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_10i0rp,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10i0rp/i_think_something_went_wrong/,
1344885638.0,20,self.dragonage,y5qly,Am I an Idiot..or did Everyone else catch this also..,34,14,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/y5qly/am_i_an_idiotor_did_everyone_else_catch_this_also/,'In DAO, the darkspawn were each race as follows(Genlock-Dwarf, Hurlock-Human, Ogre-Quinari, and Elves-Shades). But in DA2, the Shades were 'demons'... WTF? If there is something I've missed, please let me know!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_y5qly,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/y5qly/am_i_an_idiotor_did_everyone_else_catch_this_also/,
1343282823.0,19,imgur.com,x6doh,Came across this a few months ago..though it would be appropriate here :),30,11,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/x6doh/came_across_this_a_few_months_agothough_it_would/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/uXg9f5ppC9B2msCh.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_x6doh,http://imgur.com/a/y8CZx,
1342631569.0,19,self.dragonage,wrnu1,(Spoilers) Origins: Should one experience it with a male warden?,19,0,39,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wrnu1/spoilers_origins_should_one_experience_it_with_a/,'I played Origins with a human female blood mage my first playthrough. I'm intending to play again and my inclination was to play a female again. (Being female I like it if my character is as well.)
But what of the end of the game and Morrigan? If my warden is male am I correct in assuming she'll ask me to father her child instead of asking me to set her up with Alistair?
I have no strong desire to play as a male warden but if the ending with Morrigan is strongly impacted I will consider it; do you think it's important to play a male warden?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,13,True,t3_wrnu1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wrnu1/spoilers_origins_should_one_experience_it_with_a/,
1342060579.0,20,self.dragonage,wf5qh,Request: Dragon Age alignment chart.,20,0,40,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wf5qh/request_dragon_age_alignment_chart/,'I've seen a couple, like this one: http://agdom.wordpress.com/2010/06/03/game-alignments-dragon-age/ but disregarded it completely when I read what it said about Sten. Anyone have some good DA alignment chart up their sleeves? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_wf5qh,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wf5qh/request_dragon_age_alignment_chart/,
1340591002.0,17,self.dragonage,vjvcb,Should i buy Dragon Age II?,25,8,26,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vjvcb/should_i_buy_dragon_age_ii/,Ive been playing Witcher 2 and Dark souls like a maniac in the latest month. And ive never really gotten into the Dragon Age series. So i was wondering if i should buy it? I played the first one (Origins) on the 360 and didnt like it much (i dont know why it was just to boring to look at) but ive seen a couple of videos of DAII and it seems very different from the first one. More gameplay and combat focused. is this true? ,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_vjvcb,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vjvcb/should_i_buy_dragon_age_ii/,
1337228861.0,19,youtube.com,tr6hz,Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker - Clip 1,24,5,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tr6hz/dragon_age_dawn_of_the_seeker_clip_1/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/it-_UvUNyCF2y19E.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_tr6hz,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxjOV0lmkh4,
1329605832.0,21,self.dragonage,pvr4b,Dragon Age is great at making companions feel like people. Who's your favorite? ,25,4,67,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/pvr4b/dragon_age_is_great_at_making_companions_feel/,'Mine used to be Leliana. She was sweet, red headed and had an accent. Her backstory was compelling and she was a much better choice as far as Romances go-at least as far as I'm concerned.
But now that I've played Dragon Age 2 I can honestly say that - while I still absolutely love her character - I like Merrill a little more.
So if you could only have one companion, who would it be? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_pvr4b,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/pvr4b/dragon_age_is_great_at_making_companions_feel/,
1320251525.0,17,self.dragonage,lxtsm,What's your weirdest/favorite/least favorite approval trigger?,21,4,66,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lxtsm/whats_your_weirdestfavoriteleast_favorite/,'Now and then I take an action and am completely baffled by my companion's reaction to it. Some make sense, when I think about it. Some make sense when I look up the character summary and get it explained (Isabela's hatred of random acts of kindness, for example).
What surprised you most? Or pissed you off?
Me, I'm annoyed with Alistair and his attitude about two things: alcohol and homicide. Get this. First time you give him ale, +5 approval. First time you slaughter an innocent man right in front of him, -5 approval. Reasonable, right?
But then diminishing returns get applied to one and not the other. It gets to where you say 'Alistair, this is one of the four mugs of ale in all of Ferelden, and I'll give it to you because you're my best bro.' And he'll say 'That's nice.' +1 approval. Then we go outside, and keep in mind we've killed a few hundred people at this point in our careers, and I stab some civilian to death for being annoying and Alistair's still shocked. -5 approval. How, I ask you, is that fair? Do you really get that desensitized to a brotherly toast yet remain so delicate in the matter of *the activity we do for a living*, namely killing? Wimp.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_lxtsm,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lxtsm/whats_your_weirdestfavoriteleast_favorite/,
1318322700.0,18,youtube.com,l83gr,First Episode of Dragon Age: Redemption ft. Felicia Day,23,5,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/l83gr/first_episode_of_dragon_age_redemption_ft_felicia/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_l83gr.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_l83gr,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-093SQo9NWM&feature=feedu,
1307469426.0,17,self.dragonage,htwqk,How many of you played Awakening?,21,4,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/htwqk/how_many_of_you_played_awakening/,'Is it worth playing?
Also did it seem to effect your DA2 play through at all?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_htwqk,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/htwqk/how_many_of_you_played_awakening/,
1299845799.0,20,self.dragonage,g1vxx,TIL you can click R to autoloot just by standing close to loot[DA 2],20,0,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g1vxx/til_you_can_click_r_to_autoloot_just_by_standing/,'you can just run past a dead mob and click R to loot it, you don't need to open the loot menu.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_g1vxx,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g1vxx/til_you_can_click_r_to_autoloot_just_by_standing/,
1294779443.0,20,gamespot.com,f0g2o,'After watching this, March can't come fast enough.',21,1,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/f0g2o/after_watching_this_march_cant_come_fast_enough/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_f0g2o.png,t5_2r8lo,False,1,False,t3_f0g2o,http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/unnameddragonageprojectworkingtitle/video/6286136,
1259620699.0,19,imgur.com,a9n49,'I am Leliana, one of the lay sisters of the chantry
here in Lothering..',24,5,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a9n49/i_am_leliana_one_of_the_lay_sisters_of_the/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a9n49.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a9n49,http://imgur.com/fE92u.jpg,
1259515592.0,19,self.dragonage,a97xt,[PC] Does anyone elses game get really slow loading times after playing for a long time?,20,1,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a97xt/pc_does_anyone_elses_game_get_really_slow_loading/,'I don't know about anyone else but it seems like my loading times dramatically increase (i.e. 10 second load time to 40+ seconds).
1376935430.0,18,self.dragonage,1kofgg,Thoughts on importing a save to Inquisition.,22,4,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kofgg/thoughts_on_importing_a_save_to_inquisition/,'One of the greatest things about the Dragon Age saga is the ability to import your save and have your choices matter from previous games. For games like Mass Effect, another Bioware title, this system works well because you play as the same character throughout all three games.
But Dragon Age is different. You play as three different characters in the main games. But you are still you. You have the same morals and ideas about the goings on in Thedas. I personally abhor blood magic and don't use it. I was also merciful in both games. Basically they are how I would act. But they're different people, so why should they have the same morals?
Also, you know the choices you made in DA:O and DA:2. Hawke wouldn't know every choice the Warden made and the Inquisitor wouldn't know what Hawke did.
Now to my thoughts on the issue. Would it be possible to import other peoples save games via the Dragon Age servers? This would open up different quests and surprises waiting for you in DA:I. You could upload your save games and use someone elses saves for your game. This would be a feature you could opt out of if you weren't comfortable with it of course. Is this something any of you would do? Any thoughts to improve the idea?
P.S. Sorry for the longer read, just had to mention where I was coming from with this.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1kofgg,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kofgg/thoughts_on_importing_a_save_to_inquisition/,
1375033422.0,17,self.dragonage,1j83en,Is this supposed to happen?,25,8,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j83en/is_this_supposed_to_happen/,'I recently started playing DA: Origins, and every single time I attack an enemy, my character makes a comment such as 'can I get you a ladder.. etc' It is getting very annoying. I am on PS3, is this supposed to happen?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1j83en,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j83en/is_this_supposed_to_happen/,
1374475742.0,19,self.dragonage,1isr2h,First time playthrough of DA: Origins,25,6,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1isr2h/first_time_playthrough_of_da_origins/,'I'm a huge fan of rpgs and loved both the kotor series and the mass effect series, and after completing my third playthrough of the mass effect trilogy I decided to move on to other rpgs. What should I expect in my first playthrough of DA: Origins? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1isr2h,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1isr2h/first_time_playthrough_of_da_origins/,
1372292289.0,19,self.dragonage,1h58gg,The Sloth Demon (Not the Helicopter),24,5,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1h58gg/the_sloth_demon_not_the_helicopter/,'Hello all. I'll keep this short: I can't beat Dragon Age: Origins's Sloth Demon of the Mage Tower. I've defeated his minibosses and freed my friends (I have Morrigan and Alistair, plus Wynne who must be there), and I can defeat his first few stages easily (though my friends are all dead by then), but when he reverts to his true form, he destroys me. Anyone want to help a mage out?
(Bonus points if you can tell me what other game the title refers to)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1h58gg,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1h58gg/the_sloth_demon_not_the_helicopter/,
1370646251.0,18,self.dragonage,1fw7v4,Looking for a DAO mod that does this.,25,7,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fw7v4/looking_for_a_dao_mod_that_does_this/,'Hey guys, I was wondering if there's a mod that adds more mage-specific dialogue.
For example, [in Redcliffe, when Jowan suggests using the blood magic ritual to send someone into the Fade, you have to wait for him to then suggest the alternate method powered by lyrium. If I was Irving's star pupil, shouldn't I already know about this ritual, and be automatically ready to suggest it instead of having to lead Jowan into it?](/spoiler)
There's also the fact that you can become a blood mage and still have a large amount of dialogue from your followers about the evils of blood magic. Again, [in Redcliffe, when talking to Jowan in the prison cell, Alistair will say something like 'Hey, let's not forget that he's a blood mage!' when attempting to release Jowan. And *again* when Jowan suggests the ritual, Alistair will say something like 'Blood magic. How can more evil be of use to us? Two wrongs don't make a right.'](/spoiler)
Any suggestions?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1fw7v4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fw7v4/looking_for_a_dao_mod_that_does_this/,
1369324307.0,18,self.dragonage,1ewqd4,(Question) Concerning Anders.,24,6,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ewqd4/question_concerning_anders/,'In Dragon Age: Origins, you can 'de-possess' Connor by travelling into the Fade and killing the demon that is possesing him.
Could the same not be done for Anders?
Travelling into the Fade to get rid of Justice/Vengance?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1ewqd4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ewqd4/question_concerning_anders/,
1366291266.0,17,self.dragonage,1clqsk,New Beginnings,20,3,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1clqsk/new_beginnings/,'Hey guys. I've played DA:O before but just recently bought it again (damn you, nostalgia). I was just wondering what builds you guys are running? Whats your favorite build? Hardest build?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1clqsk,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1clqsk/new_beginnings/,
1363651142.0,20,self.dragonage,1ak4wl,Discussion on the Ending of DA:O,23,3,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ak4wl/discussion_on_the_ending_of_dao/,'Hey everyone!
I was reading a discussion on AskReddit and I was wondering: Are they going to work in the ending of Dragon Age Origins if you decide to save yourself and follow through with the dark promise. Because if the hero of ferelden is going to continue in ferelden, its probably best if he survived. Right?
Here was the original thread that I saw earlier:
1359742520.0,20,twitter.com,17pfps,#SprintReviewDay on Twitter: Devs reviewing DA3 progress and torturing fans.,22,2,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17pfps/sprintreviewday_on_twitter_devs_reviewing_da3/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/-aWxQwdikggtamiu.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,18,False,t3_17pfps,https://twitter.com/dragonage/status/297388432198598656,
1348295072.0,16,self.dragonage,10ae8m,'About to play Dragon Age: Origins for the first time, any tips?',23,7,54,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10ae8m/about_to_play_dragon_age_origins_for_the_first/,'Downloading DA:O at the moment, thought it'd be great to have some tips or things I should know before playing. Thanks.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_10ae8m,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10ae8m/about_to_play_dragon_age_origins_for_the_first/,
1347038325.0,18,self.dragonage,zij23,Fabulous Firexcracker Flair!,20,2,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/zij23/fabulous_firexcracker_flair/,'First off, I want to thank firexcracker for providing some lovely flair, as well as even going to the trouble of writing up the necessary code to make it happen.
So now, come on down and flair yourself! To pick yours, just go to the right bar, click edit next to your username, and click on the image of your choice.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,1,True,t3_zij23,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/zij23/fabulous_firexcracker_flair/,
1343948687.0,17,i48.tinypic.com,xl91p,Best Marion Hawke cosplay i have ever seen.,19,2,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xl91p/best_marion_hawke_cosplay_i_have_ever_seen/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/gmW0vnOQjsJdXsVP.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_xl91p,http://i48.tinypic.com/2e0nuk3.jpg,
1343322436.0,16,self.dragonage,x74y9,Downloading the PC version after having spent 200+ hours on PS3-give me your favorite mods!,20,4,30,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/x74y9/downloading_the_pc_version_after_having_spent_200/,'I'm not a PC gamer but I decided to break my PC virginity with my favorite PS3 game. But I'd like to mod the hell out of it. If you lovely people could offer up your favorites to me, that'd be awesome. Anyone have any luck with the fan-created levels (like Return to Castle Cousland, things like that)?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_x74y9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/x74y9/downloading_the_pc_version_after_having_spent_200/,
1337188296.0,19,blog.bioware.com,tq7d7,DA Question of the Month: What kinds of things would you like to discover and learn about the Dragon Age world?,21,2,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tq7d7/da_question_of_the_month_what_kinds_of_things/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/wJWqOUDYaoV_s13-.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_tq7d7,http://blog.bioware.com/2012/05/14/daquestionofthemonth/,
1336129835.0,20,self.dragonage,t6odn,Curious as to what everyone's DA:O character was. possible spoilers!,21,1,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/t6odn/curious_as_to_what_everyones_dao_character_was/,'Just out of personal curiosity what was everyone's Dragon Age Origin's Character? I suppose I'd go with your main?
As for me I can't help but make a Human Female Noble. I really like the origin story and well like I've said in other threads **Spoiler** I just want to live happily ever after with Alistar and I know this is the only way! **End Spoiler** Oh and I love being a rogue even if they are somewhat useless as a main character.
So let me hear it what kind of characters do you guys play as? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,2,True,t3_t6odn,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/t6odn/curious_as_to_what_everyones_dao_character_was/,
1333933095.0,17,self.dragonage,s0128,Videos of the Dragon Age panel at Pax East 2012,20,3,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/s0128/videos_of_the_dragon_age_panel_at_pax_east_2012/,'Hey guys. I haven't seen any videos from the panel at Pax the other day, so I thought I would upload mine.
[Video 1](http://youtu.be/_7UGdtvxlsc?hd=1)
[Video 2](http://youtu.be/LjqOs_wwEq0?hd=1) The first few minutes of the Q&A they held after their presentation. I cut it short because I had to go stand in line for the Mass Effect panel that was immediately afterwards, sorry!
Both in 1080p.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_s0128,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/s0128/videos_of_the_dragon_age_panel_at_pax_east_2012/,
1323469907.0,20,self.dragonage,n6s2v,Just finished Dragon Age 2. Can we get a discussion going? I feel the need to talk about it.,24,4,43,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/n6s2v/just_finished_dragon_age_2_can_we_get_a/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_n6s2v,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/n6s2v/just_finished_dragon_age_2_can_we_get_a/,
1320685492.0,18,self.dragonage,m3nx5,How Relevant Is Romance In Dragon Age? ,24,6,58,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/m3nx5/how_relevant_is_romance_in_dragon_age/,'It seems like any time a game has sex of any kind (Even the tame PG-13 cut scenes in Origins and Mass Effect) it gets slammed by the media and has a black eye forever after as some kind of gory sex simulator.
Anyways, it seemed to me that in the Mass Effect games, that the romance part of it was very childish and came off badly. You pick the right dialogue and you get rewarded with a blue chick banging Shepherd. It was rather corny and wasn't done well at all, in my opinion.
I think Bioware learned a little from Mass Effect, but as far as Romance went, it felt like the childish Mass Effect had grown into a little more mature teenage version of the same.
Non party characters never said anything about it. Wouldn't your Warden being in an intimate relationship with an Apostate Mage, a wanted criminal in Orlais, an Antivan Crow or the man who you support to be king be a great deal of political ammunition to use against you?
It just feels to me like the child laughing at seeing pee pee parts in Mass Effect grew into a pimply teenager in Dragon Age.
My question is: Was it relevant to your Warden's story? Did the romance add anything at all to the overall plot?
1302564286.0,19,ziegedrachen.deviantart.com,gnrod,My Little Ponies.. Dragon Age style!,22,3,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gnrod/my_little_ponies_dragon_age_style/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_gnrod.png,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_gnrod,http://ziegedrachen.deviantart.com/art/My-god-what-have-I-done-204006468,
1301338036.0,18,setwaypoint.com,gdbnp,Arcane Warrior Envy - Poor Alistair,18,0,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gdbnp/arcane_warrior_envy_poor_alistair/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_gdbnp.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_gdbnp,http://www.setwaypoint.com/comic/arcane-warrior-envy/,
1300909118.0,17,self.dragonage,g9xm4,Just Finished DA2..My Final Thoughts [May Contain Spoilers],18,1,33,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g9xm4/just_finished_da2my_final_thoughts_may_contain/,'Let's start with the cons, that way the pros will look that much better!
- The cut and paste levels. It took away from the magic.
- The crazy amount of humans you killed in this game..it felt like I was killing thieves, bandits, and who-knows what every second.
- The *Profanes were pretty neat, I wish they incorporated them more. (Hopefully DA3?)
- The Music really was pretty bad. There was not ONE memorable piece, and a lot of it seemed lazily slapped together. DA1 had some awesome music, like I am the One, and Leillana's song.
- Felt pretty cramped, only staying within Kirkwall, left the whole ADVENTURE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD bit out.
- Graphics were greatly improved, looked more fluid.
- The combat is more involved and fast-paced!
- Hawke can now talk! And he's funny, badass, or serious.
- The companions seemed to have more depth to them, and I liked how you could visit them at their respective houses.
- The minimal and simple look of the menu's really made it easier to navigate.
- The talent trees were pretty cool, as well as the Loyalty bars.
- How some decisions in DA:O were seen in this game.
- The Qunari and Elf redesign.
I really liked it, and spent over 35 hours beating it, and I will most likely try it again. I felt the mage/templar feud was very well thought out, and I had some serious difficulty choosing a side. I had to put my controller down and actually think about it. BioWare definitely is on to something with this series, once the third one come out, I bet they will address all the problems fans have pointed out. Otherwise, I enjoyed it a lot, and I would say it's on the same level as Origins, but for different reasons. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,13,True,t3_g9xm4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g9xm4/just_finished_da2my_final_thoughts_may_contain/,
1300086082.0,19,youtube.com,g3kdz,'Don't take Merril to the Blooming Rose, she'd rather wait outside.',19,0,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g3kdz/dont_take_merril_to_the_blooming_rose_shed_rather/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_g3kdz.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_g3kdz,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiKBae6Dkic,
1299643429.0,18,i.imgur.com,g08iz,Enchantment? (He's back in DA2!),22,4,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g08iz/enchantment_hes_back_in_da2/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_g08iz.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_g08iz,http://i.imgur.com/Ag5KT.jpg,
1271671659.0,18,gamersnexus.net,bt057,Dragon Age Modders working on a remake of Baldur's Gate 2,20,2,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/bt057/dragon_age_modders_working_on_a_remake_of_baldurs/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_bt057.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_bt057,http://www.gamersnexus.net/news/325-bg2redux-dao-podcast,
1375920402.0,16,self.dragonage,1jx68v,DA:I Question,19,3,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jx68v/dai_question/,'In both interviews and trailers we have seen the veil being torn and Demons freely coming across from the Fade without needing a mage as a host, is it possible then inadvertently that spirits of justice, valor etc will come across as well?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1jx68v,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jx68v/dai_question/,
1375872715.0,18,imgur.com,1jvjel,'Hah. The clocks in the BioWare office are set to Redcliffe, Kal-Sharok, Denerim and Val Royeaux.',18,0,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jvjel/hah_the_clocks_in_the_bioware_office_are_set_to/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/juR5pndiOvGXsOjU.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1jvjel,http://imgur.com/GWnfgBw,
1375346686.0,19,self.dragonage,1jheel,First Hours On Dragon Age 2 . Pretty Cool ! (Questions for DA players too),27,8,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jheel/first_hours_on_dragon_age_2_pretty_cool_questions/,'
Hi everyone,
So a couple of days ago i was seeking a RPG game because i never really played one before and wanted to go for a try. I was at the shop, searching first for Fallout 3 but wasn't there, so i brought DA2 (had a cheap price). A lot of people told me before that is wasn't so good and maybe the worst Bioware Game.
**Anyway i tried, and i must say that after 5 hours of game non stop i really like this game ! Maybe it is because i've never played a real RPG before, but anyway i love the gameplay action very agressive, the tactical approach, story etc.**
*So I was wondering why do people really don't like it? I'm I the only one who thinks its a great game ? I've never played DA1 before, so maybe that's why.
Oh and, I don't understand completely the past of Hawke, must i play DA1 to learn more on background ?*',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1jheel,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jheel/first_hours_on_dragon_age_2_pretty_cool_questions/,
1373167513.0,18,self.dragonage,1hs96t,Human Male Face,19,1,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hs96t/human_male_face/,'I have a serious problem making a human male face on the XBox version of DA:O that doesn't look like he's been in a tragic face-to-frying-pan collision. If not that, then I get someone who looks far too old, or doesn't look like a noble .. or looks inbred. The best face I ever made ended up looking like a young Val Kilmer and I had to restart the game because I couldn't play with that face staring at me during dialogue scenes.
Does anyone have a good male human face that they would like to share (along with the XBox slider positions)? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1hs96t,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hs96t/human_male_face/,
1372262761.0,17,self.dragonage,1h45eq,i need soo much help right now!!!! there seems to be no possible way for me to kill the bloody archdemon! help!!,23,6,40,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1h45eq/i_need_soo_much_help_right_now_there_seems_to_be/,'title says it all.. please help, im desperate',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,32,True,t3_1h45eq,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1h45eq/i_need_soo_much_help_right_now_there_seems_to_be/,
1369865024.0,17,self.dragonage,1faoy9,DA3 imports and next gen consoles,26,9,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1faoy9/da3_imports_and_next_gen_consoles/,'Does anyone know.. are the save files interchangeable between Xbox and PS, or are they formatted specifically to the console?
For example, if I get DA3 for the PS4, will I be able to import my characters from the 360, or would that only work with the Xbox One?
There might be better places to ask this. :)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,2,True,t3_1faoy9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1faoy9/da3_imports_and_next_gen_consoles/,
1366245415.0,18,self.dragonage,1ckmyl,What spells do you find the most useful?,23,5,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ckmyl/what_spells_do_you_find_the_most_useful/,'Doing a non-AM solo mage run and *man*, I'm having a hard time picking what spells I want. There's so many good ones! I'm level 18 now and I finally have an idea of where I want to put the rest of my points, but I'm just curious to how everyone else has built their mages.
EDIT: For Origins.. for some reason I keep forgetting that II exists.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1366254893.0,True,t3_1ckmyl,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ckmyl/what_spells_do_you_find_the_most_useful/,
1365802585.0,17,self.dragonage,1c8emm,'Dragon Age Lore Masters, I Need Your Help',19,2,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1c8emm/dragon_age_lore_masters_i_need_your_help/,'Hello,
I am currently making a character for the Dragon Age RPG. I want to ensure my background is all lore appropriate, so I need to ask a few questions to those of you more familiar with the lore:
Is it conceivable that a male noble would deny their own male child born to a duster?
Is it conceivable that a duster woman would hide the fact their son is noble born or would pretty much any duster woman jump at the chance to enter the noble class?
Basically I want a character born from the rape of a casteless woman by a warrior caste but he does not want the son immediately. He later changes his mind after the child is older but the mother has hidden the child and the father kills the child's mother and adoptive father.
His goal in life is to find and kill his birth father (since the DA RPG puts a lot of focus on goals for your character).',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1c8emm,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1c8emm/dragon_age_lore_masters_i_need_your_help/,
1365279701.0,17,self.dragonage,1btaoz,Your opinions on the ethics and consequences of 'hardening'. DA:O,22,5,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1btaoz/your_opinions_on_the_ethics_and_consequences_of/,'This is a difficult moral choice for me during the course of this game. See here for a brief explanation: http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Hardened.
Playing the game a bit of a 'good guy' my first instinct on this one was to leave my friends unhardened. It seemed it was just a way of making them assholes and willing to go along with deviant behaviour.
Now I am undecided based on what I have seen and read. Is hardening bad? One of the things I like about this game is that there is no generic good/evil morality system as in so many Bioware (among others) RPG's. There are actions and consequences. Sometimes there are even no consequences if you don't get caught!
So let's discuss this shall we? Alistair is a sweet and kind of dopey guy with a strong sense of right and wrong that borders on the naive. Yet even he admits when you meet him that the Wardens must do extreme things to stop the Blight. His actions lack conviction though. As I was playing mostly 'good guy' I usually managed to keep him sweet but when I tried to recruit Loghain he let his personal vendetta get in the way. If the PC was actually being morally flexible for the sake of pragmatism that would be one thing, but letting a broken, defeated man live isn't hurting anyone or anything except Alistair's bitter feelings.
I was disappointed. Even in the page linked above it mentions a consequence of 'hardening' to be him being more inclined to put personal feeling ahead of duty, but that's what's already happening! So for those among you who have played this scenario out please give me your opinions. How much of a dick is 'hardened' King Alistair?
As for Leliana I think her faith is touching, but again perhaps misguided. It's clear the Chantry are no bunch of Angels and being committed to such a rigid, often cruel, religion seems more dangerous in the long run than allowing her to embrace her love of adventure and intrigue.
So what say you people? Does 'hardening' have a bad rep? Could it simply be a way of convincing your capable but misguided companions that all is not well with their naive world views? You could argue the cause of opening their minds and setting them free! Or is this just giving them an excuse to be dicks?
Please give in game examples to bolster your arguments if you can think of any. I'd really love to read what you think on this subject!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1btaoz,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1btaoz/your_opinions_on_the_ethics_and_consequences_of/,
1363987551.0,16,self.dragonage,1ato0b,No news about DA3 at PAX?,23,7,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ato0b/no_news_about_da3_at_pax/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1ato0b,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ato0b/no_news_about_da3_at_pax/,
1361918491.0,17,self.dragonage,19ad1v,DAO: How the hell do I defend against Crushing Prison?,20,3,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19ad1v/dao_how_the_hell_do_i_defend_against_crushing/,'I'm playing as an Arcane Warrior. In the Deep Roads I feel like every time I turn the corner, a Genlock Emissary uses Crushing Prison on me and then follows it up with a Curse of Morality which drops me pretty quickly. Those spiders webbing everywhere doesn't help either.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_19ad1v,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19ad1v/dao_how_the_hell_do_i_defend_against_crushing/,
1360413538.0,16,self.dragonage,186ul8,'495 Sovereigns, what to spend them on? (DA:O)',20,4,31,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/186ul8/495_sovereigns_what_to_spend_them_on_dao/,'I'm coming to the end of DA:O (at least I think I am, I have just rescued Anora and am about to start the Alienage quest line) and thanks to my loot whoring and frugal spending ways I have amassed 495 Gold/Sovereigns (I could probably add another ~50 if I sold the contents of my Soldiers Peak stash).
What do I do with it? Is there anything worth buying? Is it worth donating any (all?) to the Redcliffe knights? Does cash carry over to the DLC campaigns and can I use it there?
My team is:
Male Mage Grey Warden (Arcane Warrior, Spirit Healer) wearing Cailens Armour set, The Dark Magisters staff (primary), Spellweaver sword + Redcliffe elite shield (secondary)
Alistair (Templar, Champion) Juggernaught Armour set, Starfang + Howe's shield (primary), some sort of crossbow (secondary)
Leliana (Bard, Duelist) Wades Superior Drakeskin set + Helm of Honnleath, Marjolaines Recurve bow (primary), Maric's blade + Duncan's dagger (secondary)
Wynne (Spirit Healer + Shapeshifter) First Enchanters Robes, Librarians cowl, gloves with 20% nature damage, boots with +6 defence, Enchanters staff (primary), some shitty bow (secondary)
I can't be bothered listing all their accessories, but if there are known awesome accessories that can only be bought, let me hear it.
Any advice would be much appreciated, cheers.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_186ul8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/186ul8/495_sovereigns_what_to_spend_them_on_dao/,
1357486063.0,19,self.dragonage,1629pd,How are traps useful?,23,4,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1629pd/how_are_traps_useful/,'In Dragon Age: Orgins, there a traps. Really, when would I have time to place traps coming into a room with full of angry demons/cultists/mercenaries instantly charging towards me. It's not like I can ask them to wait a second while I run up and place an acid trap in front of their feet. The fact that the Origins characters have a reaction time of like 2 minutes doesn't help either. I've played through this game multiple times but I have never found a useful way to use traps. Has anyone ever found these useful? Because in that case I'd like to learn how to use them correctly. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,32,True,t3_1629pd,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1629pd/how_are_traps_useful/,
1351120561.0,19,gamefront.com,1218u4,Rebuilding The Future: How BioWare Can Bounce Back - ,31,12,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1218u4/rebuilding_the_future_how_bioware_can_bounce_back/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/KXGFOS2MldyMRFlO.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1218u4,http://www.gamefront.com/rebuilding-the-future-how-bioware-can-bounce-back/,
1350001506.0,19,self.dragonage,11c8it,Some fun theory questions for the Dragon Age: Origins world for the imaginative (Please give you opinions and raise other questions!),22,3,36,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11c8it/some_fun_theory_questions_for_the_dragon_age/,'Your* Damnation..
Answer as many as you please! Or leave your own! OR DO BOTH!!
1.) Are the guards of Ozammar on the surface who you talk to before entering now outcasts for being on the surface?
2.) If you were in the circle of Magi which fraternity would you join?
3.) Why do the dwarfs look so down upon going to the surface?
4.) Are those who go to the surface under the seal of the Grey Wardens to fight for Ferelden banished to return?
5.) How did the Templars first get the authority to guard over the Mage's? Wouldn't there be resistance at first? (Such as the magi fraternity that believes the circle should be self-regulated.)
1349559734.0,15,self.dragonage,1125ht,DA3 hopes,21,6,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1125ht/da3_hopes/,So we've all been talking about what's gonna happen in DA3 and what we want to carry over from either game. But the one thing DA2 did that was the worst game balance decision ever is this: Allowing me to name and have a Dog but not bring him along. Fluffufugus will be missed.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1125ht,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1125ht/da3_hopes/,
1348702336.0,16,self.dragonage,10j8w8,Finished the Origins DLC and now I have questions,18,2,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10j8w8/finished_the_origins_dlc_and_now_i_have_questions/,'Hey all! So I only just finished all the DLC for Origins plus Awakenings, (bought last time Amazon offered that 9.99 deal that's been going around) and I have a couple of questions!
First: What do you all think of that Architect's deal and whether that decision is going to have any big consequences later? I wanted ask him so many questions about his goals, but felt like I had so little info to go on. I eventually decided to turn him down since he made no promise to stop experimenting on people or stealing women to make them brood mothers or taking wardens for their blood. I hesitated mostly because while a thinking general can potentially negotiate peace, he never gave me any impression that he would be willing to do so, and was afraid I'd end up with an endless blight led by a smart leader, instead of the normal wave of mindless monsters every few hundred years. But then my companions (Nathanial and Oghren) disapproved my choice and made me doubt my reasoning.
Second: What happened at the end of Witch Hunt? I talked to Morrigan, she told me the book we were looking for was nearby, plus an item I'd find very interesting. Then she went through the mirror and credits. What was the interesting item? Why did the Tevinter statue tell Finn they'd never speak again? He seemed fine in my game, and wanted to go back to the tower. Do we know what happened after the credits?
Those are the big questions, I'd love to know if any of you have more info you can share!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_10j8w8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10j8w8/finished_the_origins_dlc_and_now_i_have_questions/,
1339963948.0,17,self.dragonage,v6v01,Preferred darkspawn design,20,3,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/v6v01/preferred_darkspawn_design/,'Just curious as to which designs for the darkspawn people prefer, the ones from Origins, or the ones from 2. Personally I preferred the ones in origins. I felt like the design change made them less intimidating, especially the ogres.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_v6v01,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/v6v01/preferred_darkspawn_design/,
1338617819.0,16,self.dragonage,ugvh1,'Nub to DA:O, and I gots me some questions',21,5,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ugvh1/nub_to_dao_and_i_gots_me_some_questions/,'I'm bored and wanted to pick up a new RPG, and happened to find this in the PS Store. I think it's safe to assume that most here are fans of the game. I'm considering purchasing it. I have a question or two before I do, however.
1.) As a primarily final fantasy fan, how would this compare? I watched the IGN review and the battle system reminded me of FF12.. a kind of mmo-styled rpg look.
2.) The battle system on there lead me to wonder, is it an mmo or a single-player rpg? (I'd prefer the latter)
EDIT 3.) Also, I'm a hugely story-driven kind of guy. Is it jawsome?
I haven't given the various postings about this game too much of a look for fear of spoilers, so any help would be appreciated. If it's a single-player rpg where I can create my own main character, that seems like it would be pretty neat.
ADDITION: Thank you for your input! I was a little weary even after I bought it last night, but now I'm super excited. I appreciate your comments. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1338657802.0,True,t3_ugvh1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ugvh1/nub_to_dao_and_i_gots_me_some_questions/,
1334162502.0,15,self.dragonage,s4jy4,'Dumb question: Dragon Age Origins, starting the game with the expac.',18,3,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/s4jy4/dumb_question_dragon_age_origins_starting_the/,'A long while back I got the Dragon Age: Origins ultimate edition. Started playing, loved it, but got distracted by Skyrim.
Went to start up a new game this morning but had a bit of a derp moment. When I start a new game I have an option of Origins or Awakening.
I'm under the impression Origins is the base game and Awakening is an expansion, correct? So, is this screen basically asking me 'Would you like to play the base game, or the expansion?'
aka if I want to play the full entire game w/ expansion content I should choose awakening, right?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,13,True,t3_s4jy4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/s4jy4/dumb_question_dragon_age_origins_starting_the/,
1310072873.0,18,dragonage.bioware.com,ijeh0,'Dragon Age: Legacy, DA2 DLC to be released July 26th',22,4,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ijeh0/dragon_age_legacy_da2_dlc_to_be_released_july_26th/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_ijeh0,http://dragonage.bioware.com/da2/addon/legacy/,
1296080629.0,16,eurogamer.net,f9mj8,Dragon Age 2 has 103 mins of cutscenes - Eurogamer.net (xpost from gamingnews),18,2,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/f9mj8/dragon_age_2_has_103_mins_of_cutscenes/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_f9mj8,http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-01-25-dragon-age-2-has-103-mins-of-cutscenes,
1294867735.0,15,ps3.ign.com,f14ue,Dragon Age II: Everything You Need to Know ,18,3,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/f14ue/dragon_age_ii_everything_you_need_to_know/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_f14ue.png,t5_2r8lo,False,1,False,t3_f14ue,http://ps3.ign.com/articles/114/1143565p1.html,
1294784664.0,17,self.dragonage,f0hxx,Free Staff and Belt for Dragon Age 2 when signing up for DA Newsletter,20,3,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/f0hxx/free_staff_and_belt_for_dragon_age_2_when_signing/,'Bioware is giving out a free epic tier staff (Parthalan) and a Penny Arcade belt (Hindsight) for anyone that signs up for the dragon age newsletter. They are for Dragon Age 2. Not sure how long these will be available, but the staff is said to be available 'during the holidays.'
Staff - click on 'Click here' in the text: http://dragonage.bioware.com/da2/info/parthalan/
Belt - click the 'get your DAII Penny Arcade belt' picture on the right side of the screen: http://dragonage.bioware.com/da2/info/pennyarcade/
Click the link, and sign up for the newsletter with your EA account info. You will not get a code, but if under profile > registered game promotions the staff and belt are listed, you will be able to download them once DA2 is released.
*So far the belt is only for PC and 360',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_f0hxx,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/f0hxx/free_staff_and_belt_for_dragon_age_2_when_signing/,
1289935836.0,18,self.dragonage,e742u,'My name is BLR, and I'm a DA:O Addict.',22,4,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/e742u/my_name_is_blr_and_im_a_dao_addict/,'I suppose it COULD be said that I'm an Alistair addict, but that's not entirely correct. I've lost counts of my playthroughs, but I started the month DA:O came out, and I'm at least on my eighth campaign. At least five of those campaigns were done through the human noble storyline.
I started my current playthrough (again, as a Cousland) because I decided to pick up where I'd left off in late Spring with my DA:O narration (a novelization of the entire game - yes, the ENTIRE fucking game - that will be printed, bound, and sent to a friend of mine in prison) when NaNoWriMo started up. I'm about 58,000 words into the story, and haven't really gotten into the meat of the four blight quest arms. Instead, I'm crafting interactions that aren't in the game, and I have to admit that it's fun. Below, I'm including a snippet of a chapter in the Mage arm of the blight quests, while the Warden and her companions are in Sloth's domain in the Fade. I truly hope you enjoy.
My name is BLR, and I am a Dragon Age: Origins addict.
When Anlessa awoke, she found herself in a soft feather bed in a cozy room, lit with radiant light streaming in from tall windows facing East. The morning light was warm and heartening, and she found herself smiling just by looking around the room… her room. A light buzzing from the foot of the bed drew her attention, and she peeked over the footboard to see her Mabari dozing away on the rug, bathing in a pool of sunlight.
Anlessa grinned and slipped out of bed, sneaking up on the hound as stealthily as possible, and pouncing on him in a surprise attack. The hound yelped, then snarled, powerful jaws snapping fruitlessly as she laughed and hid her face behind his great neck, her arms wrapped tightly beneath his forelegs.
“You’re so ferocious!” she mocked, tickling his belly as he struggled to right himself. “Such a ferocious puppy, you are!”
Finally submitting to his mistress, the Mabari whined pitifully and she released him to right himself and bound about the room. “Yes, yes,” she responded to his plaintive barks, “We’ll go get breakfast from Nan shortly. Hold your horses.”
Anlessa threw open her wardrobe to decide what to wear for the day, and was greeted by a multitude of fine brightly-dyed gowns in silks, linens and wools. She considered carefully, trying to ignore an itching at the base of her skull that was making her uneasy, and more than a bit uncomfortable. Something wasn’t quite right – what was it? Sharp barks from her hound drew her out of her reverie, and a commanding knock sounded on her door.
“Anlessa!” cried a voice from the corridor outside, “Please tell me you’re not still sleeping in there at this time of day.”
The voice was familiar, and Anlessa felt her heart jump into her throat when she heard it. Suddenly, she was feeling nauseous; hope and fear warring within her heart as she began to remember why simply waking up in her own room was no longer considered ‘normal.’
The door opened and the matron of the Cousland clan stepped in with every bit of poise and propriety that Anlessa had remembered her bearing. Her steel grey hair was tightly pulled into an intricate and elegantly braided bun at the back of her head, and she gazed upon her daughter with stern but loving eyes. Seeing the shock on her daughter’s face, her countenance softened and she smiled gently. “Oh, dear girl. You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Did you have that nightmare, again?”
Anlessa watched in disbelief as her mother walked to her and put her arms around her, giving her a firm and reassuring embrace. She pulled her only daughter tight to her bosom, pressing her cheek warmly against the girl’s. “My poor dear. I loathe seeing you suffer from these wretched dreams. Even after seeing your father and brother return from Ostagar with your own eyes, you still fear their loss, it seems.”
Anlessa broke her mother’s embrace and sat on her bed in shock, trying desperately to remember the dream she awoke from, clinging to it as she struggled to understand what her mother was saying. The Teyrna shouldn’t be here, and neither should the rest of her family. “They returned? But father never made it – Arl Howe…”
Eleanor sat gently next to her daughter, taking the girl’s hand in hers and patting it reassuringly. “Renden Howe joined your father and brother as planned and took our combined forces to Ostagar, my dear. You know this. You stayed behind and had an altogether uneventful time here at the castle while Lady Landry and I traveled to Denerim together to enjoy the markets. Our men returned triumphant with the fiends defeated just two months later.”
“But the Blight, the Grey Wardens –“
Eleanor shook her head and sighed, as if she’d had to explain this dozens of times before. “There was never any Blight. Our own Ser Gilmore was recruited into the ranks of the Grey Wardens, and joined their forces at Ostagar. They soundly defeated the incursion, which retreated immediately back underground. It was no more than a surface raid, from what your father reported.”
As her mother spoke, Anlessa found it easier to remember this dream – the smell of the castle burning, the pain of the Joining, waking in the Wilds to discover a witch she had once thought was no more than a myth had saved her from certain demise. The more she concentrated, the easier it was to remember, and to recognize where her true reality lay. Looking at her mother sternly, she rose and pronounced, “It is a lie. I am a Grey Warden, I survived Ostagar, I will stop this Blight, and I have a duty that lies before me.”
Eleanor stood in anger and grasped her daughter by the shoulders, shaking her firmly. From the floor, a low pitiful whine sounded from the Mabari. “Stop this! Your duty is here, to Highever, and to your family. Your duty is to serve your father and I, and to marry and continue the Cousland family line. You must stop with this childish game of make-believe in which you aim to be savior of the world, Anlessa!”
Anlessa’s lip jutted forward in defiance as she struggled to hold her emotions in check. “My duty is to protect this country from the Blight, and to take our vengeance on Arl Howe, Mother. You know this. I know you do.”
The woman before her deflated, and she sat slowly on the feather bed as clouds passed overhead and the glorious light in the room dimmed. With sad eyes, she looked to the floor and shook her head. Her skin paled visibly as she replied, “My child, you were always so strong willed. There’s no telling you anything when you have your mind set on your goals.”
Anlessa smiled, and kneeled before her mother, taking the woman’s cold hands in her own. Squeezing gently, she replied, “I learned that from you, Mother. I can’t thank you enough for all that you’ve taught me.”
Dark circles developed slowly under the Teyrna’s eyes. “You won’t stay? Fergus will be here shortly. I know your father would want to see you, as well. We’ve missed you so.”
Tears stung at the back of Anlessa’s eyes, and she blinked them back as she shook her head. “No, Mother. I cannot waste any more time, here – no matter how desperately I may want to.”
Eleanor leaned down, her chilled blue lips pressed to her daughter’s forehead as the girl sighed audibly, holding her emotions in check at the familiar touch. “Then go, my daughter. Take the blessings of your family with you.” She looked down at the young woman and brushed wisps of raven-black hair from the girl’s face. “My beautiful girl. I am so proud of you.”
Anlessa was then completely alone, the room dark as pitch and stained with the soot from a long-dead fire, her bed burned to no more than cinders as she knelt beside it. Hanging her head in anguish and regret, Anlessa wept.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_e742u,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/e742u/my_name_is_blr_and_im_a_dao_addict/,
1288138821.0,17,youtube.com,dwwhz,Dragon Age 2 - Rise to Power [new trailer],18,1,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/dwwhz/dragon_age_2_rise_to_power_new_trailer/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_dwwhz.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_dwwhz,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8mn1rVakZg,
1273158635.0,16,dragonage.bioware.com,c0mc5,New Dragon Age DLC: Darkspawn Chronicles.,18,2,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/c0mc5/new_dragon_age_dlc_darkspawn_chronicles/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_c0mc5,http://dragonage.bioware.com/addon/,
1259776962.0,18,penny-arcade.com,aacsk,[Spoiler] PA about Alister copping your items,24,6,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/aacsk/spoiler_pa_about_alister_copping_your_items/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_aacsk.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_aacsk,http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2009/12/2/,
1258044464.0,15,social.bioware.com,a3owf,Partycamp storage chest addon made by DAO dev,19,4,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a3owf/partycamp_storage_chest_addon_made_by_dao_dev/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a3owf,http://social.bioware.com/project/463/,
1257974168.0,16,self.dragonage,a3ebs,'Lady gamers, am I the only one who has developed a rather unnatural crush on Alistair? Seriously, can he get more adorable? ',21,5,40,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a3ebs/lady_gamers_am_i_the_only_one_who_has_developed_a/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a3ebs,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a3ebs/lady_gamers_am_i_the_only_one_who_has_developed_a/,
1257437743.0,17,youtube.com,a1aox,Since this was a sponsored link... I assume they read it. . . Fix this.,24,7,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a1aox/since_this_was_a_sponsored_link_i_assume_they/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a1aox.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a1aox,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al61HGGraoc,
1256540973.0,18,destructoid.com,9xrju,Dragon Age: Origins arrived in a box of straw,22,4,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9xrju/dragon_age_origins_arrived_in_a_box_of_straw/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_9xrju,http://www.destructoid.com/dragon-age-origins-arrived-in-a-box-of-straw-153008.phtml,
1376056416.0,18,self.dragonage,1k0wzr,'Did anyone ever contact them and find out what the original scene was like, and how it was changed?',23,5,28,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k0wzr/did_anyone_ever_contact_them_and_find_out_what/,http://dgaider.tumblr.com/post/36214913229/the-female-perspective-in-game-development,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1k0wzr,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k0wzr/did_anyone_ever_contact_them_and_find_out_what/,
1375087335.0,15,self.dragonage,1j9lh0,Whats your favorite Flemeth quote?,25,10,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j9lh0/whats_your_favorite_flemeth_quote/,'Mine:
'Men's hearts hold shadows darker than any tainted creature.'',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1j9lh0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j9lh0/whats_your_favorite_flemeth_quote/,
1373942921.0,17,self.dragonage,1idx51,What do we know about the Inquisitor?,30,13,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1idx51/what_do_we_know_about_the_inquisitor/,'Not sure if the PC in Inquisition will actually be called that, but it's too cool not be, so I'm rolling with it.
Anyways, what do we know about the player character in the game? Will he/she be more like Hawke or the Warden? Will we get the chance to pick some form of origin or are we dead set on being raised by the chantry or some such. What is an inquisitor exactly? Basically I'd like to know everything we've been told about the main character. Thanks for any information :)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1idx51,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1idx51/what_do_we_know_about_the_inquisitor/,
1372637814.0,15,self.dragonage,1he7qy,Is there more to Sandal than meets the eye?,24,9,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1he7qy/is_there_more_to_sandal_than_meets_the_eye/,'Is he just some-one that Bodahn found in the Deep Roads, adopted him and is used in the games to enchant weapons? Bodahn claims Sandal may be lyrium addled but is it really that simple?
Or is Sandal going to become a more important figure and have further implications throughout the Dragon Age series?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1he7qy,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1he7qy/is_there_more_to_sandal_than_meets_the_eye/,
1372556887.0,18,self.dragonage,1hcc01,Questions about Dragon Age 2 DLC,22,4,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hcc01/questions_about_dragon_age_2_dlc/,So with the announcement of inquisition I have decided it would be a good idea to replay the first two games just to brush up on the lore and such. I wanted to get the full experience of both games so I purchased DAO Ultimate Edition however I am conflicted as to the DLC of Dragon Age 2 due to the cost. So I am curious as to what DLC I should purchase and not regret.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1hcc01,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hcc01/questions_about_dragon_age_2_dlc/,
1372175286.0,16,imgur.com,1h1kc5,Here's a Fenris I drew.,22,6,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1h1kc5/heres_a_fenris_i_drew/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/mKIOFrR3-G29BOHm.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,18,False,t3_1h1kc5,http://imgur.com/0XarwL3,
1370804221.0,16,self.dragonage,1fztm2,what will be your first DA3 import save,19,3,23,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fztm2/what_will_be_your_first_da3_import_save/,'I was thinking for my origins campaign I would import my noble Cousland warrior. I had Alistar marry Anora and Loghain killing the Arch demon. I took Loghains lands and remained in the capital. I also helped the Mages Elves and Bhelen. I still have yet to decided which import for Da2, but what will you guys do? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1fztm2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fztm2/what_will_be_your_first_da3_import_save/,
1368104699.0,16,self.dragonage,1dzy6a,Map exploration,18,2,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dzy6a/map_exploration/,I'm a Dragon Age veteran. I've played through origins countless times. My question is: what am I missing? In the statistics page it says through all playthroughs I've only visited 64% of the map. Thats a pretty big chunk I'm missing. I do almost every side quest and get almost every item when I do a game. So what is the 36% I haven't been to?,False,self,t5_2r8lo,1368105307.0,True,t3_1dzy6a,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dzy6a/map_exploration/,
1367701406.0,15,self.dragonage,1dp41t,What other interesting groups builds have you seen?,20,5,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dp41t/what_other_interesting_groups_builds_have_you_seen/,'I watched a youtube clip of a group that had Sten, your character, Alistair all using two handed weapons. Leliana was a rogue using two daggers instead of a bow. This group tore through [the two or 3 orges and the hurlock mage that you fight right before you fight the archdemon](/spoiler). The fight was not even close. Leliana did a great job of getting behind each opponent. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_1dp41t,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dp41t/what_other_interesting_groups_builds_have_you_seen/,
1366750141.0,17,self.dragonage,1cylum,Considering buying Dragon Age: Origins,22,5,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1cylum/considering_buying_dragon_age_origins/,'It's only a fiver in the Steam midweek madness sale so I'm considering it. I've always been interested by the premise as it seems to be a roleplaying game akin to The Elder Scrolls games which I love, but how similar is it? Is it effectively a more mature Skyrim with better plot? Any info on similarities / differences would be appreciated so I can get a feel for the game.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1cylum,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1cylum/considering_buying_dragon_age_origins/,
1366010671.0,17,self.dragonage,1cdljz,whats your play type?,24,7,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1cdljz/whats_your_play_type/,'Hello everyone. i recently decided to go back and play DA:O. the first time i played through i stuck to my character i created, i never controlled my companions as i like the idea of just playing my guy. but now that i am going through it again i have really noticed how much there is to the dragon age games that i missed the first time round and was wondering how you guys played them. am i missing a huge part of the game? am i even playing the game the way it was meant to be played? do you stick to one character or do you bounce around and make sure everyone is doing what you want them to do? also any advice would be helpful since i will be playing at a harder difficulty this time through. cheers!
Edit: Thanks to everyone who replied, a lot of useful information that helps me as i go through the game again.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1366164011.0,13,True,t3_1cdljz,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1cdljz/whats_your_play_type/,
1356514166.0,16,self.dragonage,15gne6,''Forgotten magics' and Hawke.',19,3,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15gne6/forgotten_magics_and_hawke/,'So, during the Fade quest, the demon that wants to bargain with you makes a curious remark; something to the effect of 'Well it's rare to see *two* forgotten magics in one day', plainly referring to Feynriel being a 'Dreamer', and supposedly some quality Hawke possesses?
I've searched this topic before, but nobody seems to mention it. Any thoughts or theories on this?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_15gne6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15gne6/forgotten_magics_and_hawke/,
1353886788.0,15,self.dragonage,13s6lk,Is Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker Good?,18,3,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13s6lk/is_dragon_age_dawn_of_the_seeker_good/,'I saw Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker at Fry's Electronics but I didn't buy it because I had a feeling it it might suck due to the whole 'films based on games sucks' thing. What do you guys think? Is it worth the $20 USD for the blu-ray/DVD combo? I enitrely enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins myself (only played it once due to hard drive failure) and haven't started on Dragon Age II yet.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_13s6lk,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13s6lk/is_dragon_age_dawn_of_the_seeker_good/,
1350224578.0,17,self.dragonage,11glig,Question about Dragon Age 2 ending (spoilers),20,3,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11glig/question_about_dragon_age_2_ending_spoilers/,'Hi guys, I'm hoping you can answer my question. I've just finished Dragon Age 2 with my imported save of Dragon Age Origins - in which I romanced Leliana. Is it always Leliana who appears at the end of DA2 cut scene, or does it depend on who you romanced in DA1?
Thanks guys!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_11glig,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11glig/question_about_dragon_age_2_ending_spoilers/,
1347834373.0,16,self.dragonage,zzpfd,I just got on DA:O and got an update. Anybody know what they did?,18,2,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/zzpfd/i_just_got_on_dao_and_got_an_update_anybody_know/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,8,True,t3_zzpfd,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/zzpfd/i_just_got_on_dao_and_got_an_update_anybody_know/,
1347463884.0,17,self.dragonage,zrpoa,Thoughts on the future?,17,0,33,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/zrpoa/thoughts_on_the_future/,'So we're in the middle of a dry period, basically waiting for anything hinting at DA:3. What are your expectations to a possible DA:3? Are you expecting a new Origins kind of game, or an 'established' character like Hawke. Have you given up on the series? If so, do you have any ideas to what a new series could give us that a new DA game couldn't?
I'll share my opinions. I loved Origins, and I thought DA:2 was a fine game. A disappointment, even though it was a good game. I do believe that the series is much alive and if they make a magnificent 3 they could give the series a rebirth and maybe even start a trilogy, with a character following through (like Shepard in Mass Effect). I would like to choose my background like in Origins, race would be cool as well but it's not a must. I liked Hawke, but I think too much was decided beforehand. You might disagree, and that's fine. But please elaborate on it, then.
I would love a voiced character following through to the next game, making the many choices of the series much more important, if they decide that this won't be the last game (which we all hope for, I think). I didn't feel too much of my choices in DA:2 as I had hoped, and it could be fixed with a character being imported into the next game in the series.
I think it's safe and unquestionable to say that another DA game is inevitable, there's so much lore yet to explore (I've unpurposely become great lyricist just now). I want to hear your opinion(s).
**TL;DR: What are your thoughts on the future of the series, and what (realistic) ideas do you have for the next DA game? What do you want, and what kind of story? :)**',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,13,True,t3_zrpoa,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/zrpoa/thoughts_on_the_future/,
1345881234.0,16,self.dragonage,ysroy,Any point at all to being a caster Arcane Warrior? (DA:O),18,2,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ysroy/any_point_at_all_to_being_a_caster_arcane_warrior/,'I've noticed some heavy sets have really nice stats, which got me thinking. Most builds I know of run AWs as aura tanks. A caster could work, in theory. Nice armor, higher survivability,look cooler..
Is this a reasonable idea? If so, how should I try to maximize my potential?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_ysroy,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ysroy/any_point_at_all_to_being_a_caster_arcane_warrior/,
1344100553.0,14,self.dragonage,xodjk,I Just Beat The Arishok Group Thanks To Reddit!,21,7,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xodjk/i_just_beat_the_arishok_group_thanks_to_reddit/,'I did it!
After your suggestions, I got closer on my first three tries, but still got hammered. This time, I did something different. I let the large group of Arishok's people run by me down the stairs and then shot an Ice spell at them. Merrill did too and most got frozen. We then proceeded to kill 6-8 of them real fast. Anders took off up the stairs with Aveline.
Merrill got killed, but took out a lot of the floor enemies, which I as Hawke finished off. By the time I got up the stairs it was Arishok and one of his people versus Anders, Aveline, and Hawke. Someone (Anders?) froze him and by the time I got up there with Hawke, he was pretty much done for.
Wow! Thank you for the help Reddit. I am going to get started on chapter three tonight! ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_xodjk,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xodjk/i_just_beat_the_arishok_group_thanks_to_reddit/,
1343450674.0,16,youtube.com,xaayg,I'm just going to put this here.,25,9,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xaayg/im_just_going_to_put_this_here/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/vV08H7MMIjG8iFl5.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_xaayg,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDVkHkXpcqI,
1341954401.0,18,self.dragonage,wcjr3,Dragon Age Pen and Paper. (Story Inside),18,0,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wcjr3/dragon_age_pen_and_paper_story_inside/,'So I've been GMing the pen and paper version of Dragon Age. For anyone that has never tried a pen and paper game, this is a good, simplified start in a universe that I adore. I thought I'd offer one of my more..interesting experiences with the game. Note that I'm not going to describe every roll and check that occurred.
*Setup: I GM a group of 4 adventurers. A human apostate (Jericho), elf circle mage (Elora), human warrior (Rylin), and elf rogue (Achima). They are quite an obnoxious bunch and had been causing a lot of trouble for people.*
*Key Facts: Only Rylin wears steel armor; the rest wear leather or none.*
I had the group meet a female elf seeking safe passage and they offered to take her through part of the Bannorn to get to her home. The group traveled on with her and eventually nighttime game and so they made camp in an abandoned tower.
The elf offered everyone in the group some wine and jerky. Elora and Jericho both drank some of the wine without reservations. Achima and Rylin declined. Immediately after, Achima stayed up to guard while the rest of the group went to sleep. The elf stayed up with her.
After some time the elf came up to Achima who then failed both a perception and dex test to see a hidden blade and to dodge it. The elf stabbed Achima with a poison blade who then immediately went limp and fell to the group paralyzed but awake.
Rylin heard the noise and stood up yelling. Both Elora and Jericho woke up but were also paralyzed and failed constitution tests on the poison. Only Rylin stood between this elf and her killing the entire group.
The elf threw a hidden vile of a green substance as Rylin charged her. It hit him directly in the chest and the vile burst on his armor. It was at this point that the liquid starting burning through his armor and some of it managed to fall onto Achima, burning through her armor as well.
Rylin 'stunted' or 'critted' the elf and lopped her in half. He immediately ripped all the clothes and armor off Achima to prevent any damage to her. He then searched the dead elf women but rolled horribly. He found a file of white swirling liquid and a vile of green liquid, similar to that which was thrown at him. He also found a crow tattooed on her arm as well as an assortment of scars.
Rylin thought that one of them was the antidote so he poured some of both of them on the ground. Each of the substances fizzed and bubbled on the dirt. Rylin, not thinking very much, poured some of the white liquid into Jericho's mouth (a little bit of bad blood exists between the two) at which point Jericho failed a constitution check and he begin vomiting uncontrollably.
Rylin panicked because Jericho started vomiting blood. Rylin proceeded to try and force some of the green liquid down the throat of the vomiting Jericho. This failed miserably as Jericho just vomited it back onto Rylin's armor which started to burn and melt like earlier.
Rylin proceeded to take off his arm and run around the room in a panic. He then re-searched the dead elf's lower half where he rolled well enough to notice a compartment on the elf's boots. Instead of searching for a means to open the compartment he bashed it in with his sword and a loud crack was heard.
Immediately after bashing it in with his sword, a purple liquid started seeping from the compartment (he had broken the vile inside). Knowing that Jericho was in immediate danger, Rylin ripped the boot off and ran over to Jericho who was still failing constitution checks and had began taking damage.
Here's where it gets ridiculous: Rylin decided the only way he could save Jericho was to get this purple liquid (which was the antidote) into Jericho by any means possible. Rylin took off his gauntlets and rubbed the purple liquid all over his hands, ripped off Jericho's pants, and shoved his hand up Jericho's anus. I had Rylin roll to see if any damage was done, Rylin rolled so high on both attack and damage that he rendered Jericho unconscious.
The day ended up being saved but at the Jericho's cost. Many jokes were made after that point and a new 'bromance' was formed.
I could not stop laughing throughout this entire encounter. It was not how I saw the situation going at all. But yeah, that's one of my most *interesting* moments in the Pen and Paper game. Sorry for the length.
**TLDR: Group gets poisoned. Mage is vomiting and on verge of death. Warrior decides best way to administer antidote is to cover his hand in the antidote and ANALY FIST the Mage, rendering him unconscious but cured.**
1340487985.0,16,self.dragonage,vhyh3,Where do you think DA3 will and what would you like to be in it?,17,1,30,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vhyh3/where_do_you_think_da3_will_and_what_would_you/,'There's a lot of heat building up. You've got the Qunari who, if I recall correctly, are already at war with the Tevinter Imperium plus, as stated by Sten, plan on invading Ferelden eventually. You also have the Mage/Templar war going on, thanks to Anders, with the Seekers of the Chantry apparently looking for both Hawke and the Hero of Ferelden. Then there's the issue of Morrigan's child and where they're going to with that. To top it all off you still have the Darkspawn with two remaining Archdemons. Do you guys think they'll have DA3 be a shit storm that you alone have to fix or do you feel like putting all of that into one game will feel like they're trying to rush through the series? What if the last two Archdemons are found around the same time? Would that be an interesting new fight or would it be lame and feel rushed? What about characters to play as and teammates? I thought it might be interesting if they had 4 Dragon Age games and you could play as four of your main characters. So you have the Hero of Ferelden (or Savior, as stated in the epilogue of DA:Awakening), Hawke, Morrigan's child (I believe that they'll make the child a playable character) and then a fourth main character (I don't know who could fit that role. Commander Shepard, I guess lol :P) But anyway, playing as all four of your customized characters I think could be cool.
Those are just some of my thoughts. Any other opinions on what could/should be in the third one? I've been replaying through the series and have been trying to read through all the lore and getting more involved with the series and I've realized that Dragon Age is truly one freaking amazing game and I'm ecstatic for the next installation :)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_vhyh3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vhyh3/where_do_you_think_da3_will_and_what_would_you/,
1340385517.0,18,self.dragonage,vfzbu,Is there a trick to DA:O's combat? Or is it simply supposed to be hard?,21,3,33,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vfzbu/is_there_a_trick_to_daos_combat_or_is_it_simply/,'I picked up DA:O (1) during a recent sale and started my first playthrough on Normal difficulty. And I find the combat to be excessively hard at times.
Mind you, I didn't stumble into this unprepared. I consider myself somewhat of a cRPG veteran, having played pretty much all of Bioware's RPGs, the various Fallouts, Arcanum, Sacred etc. I don't mind a challenge and I enjoy a well done difficulty curve (solo-playthrough of BG2/ToB on a higher difficulty with a Fighter/Mage/Thief was highly entertaining), and I usually prepare my party for combat - synnergies, decent balance of melee/ranged and the likes.
Yet in most fights in DA:O, I'll have to start using Heals mere seconds into the fight. I'm currently running with Alistair, Morrigan, my dog and a Rogue as my PC, all of them around lvl 8. I just had to drop the difficulty to 'Easy' because I really wasn't in the mood to slough out the fight against that elven assassin; Alistair had barely connected with the first few enemies and he was half dead already. Or that fight in Redcliffe before you enter the castle; the Revenant took my half a dozen tries and even on the successful attempt, I blew through at least a dozen healing poultices. With Alistair using Threaten, he gets demolished even quicker; if I'm not using it, the rest of my party gets smashed.
I try using the terrain, flanking the enemies, buying and equipping better weapons and armor whenever I run across a new merchant but all of that usually devolves into frantically hitting heals and hoping to drop the baddies before they drop me. Combat really isn't fun like that.
So am I making some fundamental mistake there, have I missed something? Or is the game simply supposed to be that hard even on Normal?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_vfzbu,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vfzbu/is_there_a_trick_to_daos_combat_or_is_it_simply/,
1340129976.0,16,self.dragonage,vabdk,A potential inspiration for the Qun?,16,0,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vabdk/a_potential_inspiration_for_the_qun/,'So I was listening to [this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq2xIv4TUqU&feature=related) audiobook of Miyamoto Musashi's 'The Book of Five Rings' and I realized that a lot of the content sounds like it could be coming from Sten. The more I listen to it, the more it sounds like the content could easily have inspired the Qun, though I'm sure that the bassy voice of the reader helps. About 3m in when he starts talking about 'the Way' I think.
Edit: Ahh.. And at 20:00. 'These things cannot be explained in detail. From one thing, know ten thousand things. When you attain the Way of Strategy, there will not be one thing you cannot see.' That sounds an awful lot like the trademark Qunari's 'You would not understand.'',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1340131354.0,True,t3_vabdk,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vabdk/a_potential_inspiration_for_the_qun/,
1338072490.0,16,youtube.com,u6jkd,The saddest moment in Dragon Age 2,17,1,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/u6jkd/the_saddest_moment_in_dragon_age_2/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/An3-IFAr6JUk-OAU.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_u6jkd,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXNbxO12irM,
1334642824.0,16,youtube.com,sdtzx,A video about Dragon Age 2.,17,1,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sdtzx/a_video_about_dragon_age_2/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/i1YyP03_ZqLxkpaL.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_sdtzx,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onr_z45NVyI,
1325035965.0,17,self.dragonage,nszuz,what order should i play the dragon age: origins dlc in?,21,4,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/nszuz/what_order_should_i_play_the_dragon_age_origins/,'i just finished the main game (origins) and wondered if i should do leliana's song, darkspawn chronicles, witch hunt, etc. next. i have the ultimate edition, so i have all of them',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_nszuz,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/nszuz/what_order_should_i_play_the_dragon_age_origins/,
1301338573.0,16,imdb.com,gdbwg,'TIL the actor who voices Fenris voiced a ton of minor DA:O characters. Also, he's a cutie.',16,0,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gdbwg/til_the_actor_who_voices_fenris_voiced_a_ton_of/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_gdbwg.png,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_gdbwg,http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0256297/,
1300723675.0,17,self.dragonage,g89he,Did anyone else accidentally all the elves?,20,3,48,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g89he/did_anyone_else_accidentally_all_the_elves/,'I thought that was obscure enough not to give any spoilers while there's still some debate going on. So, did you?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_g89he,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g89he/did_anyone_else_accidentally_all_the_elves/,
1300151726.0,16,self.dragonage,g41x0,Dragon Age 2 Friendly Fire,18,2,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g41x0/dragon_age_2_friendly_fire/,'I want to play on Nightmare my second run through and am going through initial planning stages. Does anyone know which abilities will inflict friendly fire and which will not?
For example: Fireball says it does damage in a certain area. Clearly it will do friendly fire. In contrast, spells like Hemorrhage and Gravitic Ring say they only affect 'Foes' and 'Enemies' respectively, so I assume they do not. Similarly, Hail of Arrows refers to 'enemy ranks.' I'd be surprised if Hail didn't cause friendly fire, but that's what the language suggests.
Anyone have a definitive list?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_g41x0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g41x0/dragon_age_2_friendly_fire/,
1299642964.0,16,self.dragonage,g08d3,I just have to get something off my chest..,22,6,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g08d3/i_just_have_to_get_something_off_my_chest/,'..my sister is hot. Way hotter than fake boob Isabelle.
It makes me uncomfortable. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_g08d3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g08d3/i_just_have_to_get_something_off_my_chest/,
1298072779.0,17,self.dragonage,fo7ok,'For anyone that missed the other thread, here all all of the Confirmed Dragon Age 2 Party Members',17,0,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fo7ok/for_anyone_that_missed_the_other_thread_here_all/,'Some minor spoilers ahead.
**[1) Aveline](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Aveline) Human Warrior (f)**
Aveline Vallen is a soldier, a master of sword and shield, and a tireless guardian.. to a point. The daughter of an exiled chevalier, Aveline is not the knight her father wished her to be. Although fully trained in chivalrous combat, she was raised in the shadow of a lost life and will not lose another for the sake of honor. Protecting her adopted home of Kirkwall becomes a chosen duty, not a privileged calling. The people she stands for will not be wasted on lost causes or protecting the foolish from themselves. Pride can be bandaged like any other wound—when threats are dead and everyone is safely home.
**[2) Fenris](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Fenris) Elf Warrior (m)**
Once slave to a Tevinter magister, Fenris was altered: lyrium was burned into his flesh, its magic both stripping his memory as well as changing him forever. He became a living weapon, and eventually used his power to escape his chains. Now he finds himself in a strange land with no friends—and a former master that refuses to let him be.
**[3) Isabella](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Isabela) Human Rogue (f)**
Isabela is the pirate scourge of two coastlines, four nations, and countless tavern floors. She's equally skilled with dagger and insult, and it's hard to know which cuts deeper. It's rare to see her in one place for long, but with her ship reduced to timbers, Isabela's had to content herself with whatever bounty Kirkwall has to offer. And that means no end of headaches for the rich and foolish, and no end of amusement for her. She's as desired as she is feared, which is to say, a lot and often. Fall on her blade, or at her feet—a win is a win, in her book. Shipwrecked, hounded, Isabela hasn't decided if she's cornered yet. She's having too much fun.
Also, she was in Dragon Age: Origins - she teaches the *dueling* specialization in the Denerim tavern.
**[4) Merrill](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Merrill) Elf Mage (f)**
Merrill is the apprentice of the clan's Keeper, Marethari. She is interested in recovering the elves' lost lore and possesses some knowledge of the elves' old magic.
She was also involved in the Daelish Elf origin in Dragon Age: Origins.
**[5) Varric](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Varric) Dwarf Rogue (m)**
Words are his trade, exaggeration his specialty—Varric can make or break a legend without lifting a finger. Born into a merchant guild, Varric never knew a dwarven homeland, and has never worked the Stone. He prefers a warm tavern fire, a mug that never empties, a willing audience, and an unwilling subject. He can spin a grand story of Ancestors and Paragons—or anything you like—but it’s not out of reverence. Truth is just another commodity. History is written by the victors, but it can also be written by Varric, who then decides the victors. If you want profit, look to his brother, Bartrand, a scoundrel with a true head for business. But if you want to be remembered, Varric is your man.
Varric also serves as the game narrator. (I already like this guy)
**[6) Anders](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Anders) [{Featuring Justice?}](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Justice) Human Mage (m), Spirit of the Fade**
Anders, the light-hearted rebel mage from Dragon Age: Origins, Awakening, has changed. Urged by his friend Justice to fight the Circle of Magi more actively, Anders agreed to become Justice's human host… only to find that his anger at the Circle warped Justice into the demonic spirit of Vengeance. Now Anders must struggle mentally and physically to maintain his control over the demon within.. at least long enough to see the Circle of Magi overturned forever.
Despite the various epilogues of Awakening, Anders left the Wardens to live in Kirkwall, where he uses his healing abilities to aid refugees in the city.
Justice at some point urged his friend Anders to fight the Circle of Magi more actively, and Anders agreed to become Justice's human host… only to find that his anger at the Circle turned Justice into a demon.
**[7) Sebastian Vael](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Sebastian_Vael) Human Rogue (m)**
Sworn to the priesthood as a boy, Sebastian is forced to re-enter the viper's nest of princely politics when his family is brutally murdered, leaving him as the sole surviving heir.
Sebastian is a downloadable content character.
**[8a) Bethany Hawke](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Bethany) Human Mage (f)**
Bethany Hawke is Hawke's younger sister and Carver's fraternal twin. Bethany is an apostate mage; she received her magical training from her father, who was also an apostate. Bethany will have one of several facial structures, depending on which preset the player starts character creation with for their Hawke. Furthermore her skin tone will also be matched with Hawke's while her hair will always be black to prevent clash of dark skin and fair hair. The same applies for Carver and Leandra.
If the player is a mage, Bethany will die in place of Carver.
**[8b) Carver Hawke](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Carver) Human Warrior (m)**
Carver Hawke is Hawke's younger brother, and Bethany's fraternal twin. Carver is a warrior. Carver will have one of several facial structures, depending on which preset the player starts character creation with for their Hawke.
Carver can be killed during the attack on Lothering when an Ogre smashes his head. However, if Hawke is a mage, then Bethany will die in Carver's place
[Relevant Links can be found here](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Portal:Dragon_Age_II)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_fo7ok,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fo7ok/for_anyone_that_missed_the_other_thread_here_all/,
1297697461.0,15,awkwardzombie.com,fl5s5,Watch your step,19,4,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fl5s5/watch_your_step/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,32,False,t3_fl5s5,http://www.awkwardzombie.com/index.php?page=0&comic=021411,
1266417506.0,15,self.dragonage,b35e6,'This subreddit seems dead for the moment, but I just finished the game yesterday. Did anybody else turn the difficulty down to get through a single battle, then realize that they played through a quarter of the game on the easier difficulty?',18,3,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/b35e6/this_subreddit_seems_dead_for_the_moment_but_i/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_b35e6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/b35e6/this_subreddit_seems_dead_for_the_moment_but_i/,
1260466875.0,16,dragonagemodding.wordpress.com,ad9rl,New utility DAModder: Everything DAUpdater should have been.,18,2,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ad9rl/new_utility_damodder_everything_daupdater_should/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_ad9rl,http://dragonagemodding.wordpress.com/damodder/,
1258059239.0,17,self.dragonage,a3rr8,DA:O - Rogues are under appreciated,20,3,30,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a3rr8/dao_rogues_are_under_appreciated/,'I see a lot of people who talk about 'worthless' rogues. My experience has been the exact opposite.
My part is Main (Wizard), Alistair, Wynn and Liliana. Aside from the obvious chest benefits, Liliana is my primary anti-mage weapon. She quickly crosses the line and goes into the backfield, stuns the target and proceeds to chain-backstab them.
I've added paralysis runes to her weapons and this helps generate those backstab's as well. Right now I'm getting backstab's in the 40-50 point range, and with double daggers she attacks like lightning.
I'm level 15 or 16 and I'm almost tempted to go with a double rogue party because they just pour out the single target dps. I can shatter 2, 3 and sometimes 4 enemies off a single cone of cold, and the ability to stop a mage from casting Chain Lightning or Fireball has really made a difference.
Am I the only person that thinks the rogue's are under appreciated ?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a3rr8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a3rr8/dao_rogues_are_under_appreciated/,
1257729517.0,17,self.dragonage,a2b0s,'Tactics settings are huge in this game - anyone
have some great tips on how to set those?',17,0,29,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a2b0s/tactics_settings_are_huge_in_this_game_anyone/,'Playing this it took me a while to realize just how huge a role the tactics options have in this game. Usually you get to to set how aggressive a character will be (and you do in DA:O too) but in addition there are all those rules you can set up for behavior.
Personally, I think specifying the appropriate aggression setting plus setting up a rule where the character heals itself with a potion or spell if it gets sufficiently hurt will make a huge difference especially in boss battles, and you can set up your warrior or dog to go after anything that tries to melee your wizard, too, but there are still a lot of leeway there to get an optimal setup. Anyone have some great setups going?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_a2b0s,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a2b0s/tactics_settings_are_huge_in_this_game_anyone/,
1256213169.0,16,self.dragonage,9wmfd,'So who else besides me has the game pre-ordered, on Steam or elsewhere?',22,6,24,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9wmfd/so_who_else_besides_me_has_the_game_preordered_on/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_9wmfd,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9wmfd/so_who_else_besides_me_has_the_game_preordered_on/,
1376577586.0,17,imgur.com,1kf59t,'Played these games originally on the Xbox, now replaying on the PC, I love modding community so much.',19,2,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kf59t/played_these_games_originally_on_the_xbox_now/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/cAaIkWIMTRKrnWKd.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1kf59t,http://imgur.com/a/Jjicy,
1375653348.0,16,self.dragonage,1jpacq,Can anyone explain to me when/why I should ever use medium and/or heavy armor?,21,5,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jpacq/can_anyone_explain_to_me_whenwhy_i_should_ever/,'I get that lighter armor leads to less stamina consumption, but it just seems to me that a Warrior should nearly always wear massive armor, especially if you have Mage support with Rejuvenate. And, as for medium armor, I nearly always have my Rogues wear light armor, since the bonuses coincide with most Rogue builds.
Are there certain builds or situations in which this is *not* the case? I can't really seem to think of any.. maybe some crazy DPS 2h Warrior build?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1jpacq,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jpacq/can_anyone_explain_to_me_whenwhy_i_should_ever/,
1374576941.0,14,self.dragonage,1ivle2,Best cut scene and romance mods for DA: O?,19,5,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ivle2/best_cut_scene_and_romance_mods_for_da_o/,'Hey guys, just got round to buying Dragon Age Origins for PC. I have played through the game on console before and was just looking for some mods to enhance some of the romance aspects of the game.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1ivle2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ivle2/best_cut_scene_and_romance_mods_for_da_o/,
1373857751.0,13,self.dragonage,1ibdd6,Dragon Age Inquisition and the Forbidden Ones,21,8,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ibdd6/dragon_age_inquisition_and_the_forbidden_ones/,'*“The first of the magus cast themselves deep in the Fade in search of answers and power, always power. They found the forbidden ones – Xebenkeck, Imshael, Gaxkang the Unbound, and The Formless One. Many conversations were had and much of the fabric of the world revealed. And thus the magic of blood was born.” ―Unknown mage*
We fight Gaxkang the Unbound in origins, defeat Xbenkeck the Undying in DA2, will we finish off the last two in Inquisition? What do you guys think?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,7,True,t3_1ibdd6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ibdd6/dragon_age_inquisition_and_the_forbidden_ones/,
1371641064.0,16,self.dragonage,1gndjf,DA:I prep!,23,7,38,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gndjf/dai_prep/,I am just curious at what everyone is doing with their characters prepping for DA:I. (:,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1gndjf,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gndjf/dai_prep/,
1371613543.0,15,self.dragonage,1gmstw,Ultimate version of DA2,20,5,24,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gmstw/ultimate_version_of_da2/,Has there been any word about an Ultimate edition for DA2 yet? I'm going back to replay DA:0 with all the DLC from the Ultimate Edition in preparation for DA:I.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1gmstw,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gmstw/ultimate_version_of_da2/,
1368768488.0,15,self.dragonage,1ei2zd,What if the DA companions were modern day students?,25,10,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ei2zd/what_if_the_da_companions_were_modern_day_students/,'Being a college student who spends a great deal of time playing DA, I had this strange thought: what if the companions were college students? What do you think your companions (from Origins or DA II) would study?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,24,True,t3_1ei2zd,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ei2zd/what_if_the_da_companions_were_modern_day_students/,
1367373642.0,16,self.dragonage,1dgdn3,Dragon Age 3 companions,20,4,61,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dgdn3/dragon_age_3_companions/,'I'm just curious as to what companions from previous games (if any), you guys think/want to be in Dragon age 3 (sorry if this or something like this has been posted before)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,1,True,t3_1dgdn3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dgdn3/dragon_age_3_companions/,
1364196429.0,16,self.dragonage,1aynxi,What are some intersetong/funny but easily missable things in DA:O,23,7,35,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1aynxi/what_are_some_intersetongfunny_but_easily/,'I'm currently doing a let'splay and I'm wondering if there are any coll, interesting or funny items or encounters that are easily missable that I should look out for?
(also while I'm here, I might as well [shamelessly plug my channel](http://www.youtube.com/TheZombieLemon), but be warned I am actually quite bad at the game, I just enjoy it a great deal.)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1aynxi,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1aynxi/what_are_some_intersetongfunny_but_easily/,
1363299949.0,17,self.dragonage,1aba3z,'A question about the placement of the Witch Hunt DLC. (PLEASE, NO SPOILERS)',20,3,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1aba3z/a_question_about_the_placement_of_the_witch_hunt/,'Hey, guys. I'm in the middle of my first playthrough of Origins and have a question about the Morrigan 'Witch Hunt' DLC.
I just finished getting support from everyone, I believe. ( Men, Mage's (Magi?), Dwarve's, and the Dalish Elves ) and the next thing is to set up a meeting in Denerim. anyway, my question is, does Witch Hunt take place at a certain point in the story, and, if so, have I already passed that point ? if I download it will I be able to play it or will it be unavailable to me ?
And, of course, no spoilers please. ;)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1aba3z,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1aba3z/a_question_about_the_placement_of_the_witch_hunt/,
1362602225.0,14,self.dragonage,19sp2d,DA2 DLC opinions?,21,7,24,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19sp2d/da2_dlc_opinions/,'The only on I've played is Exiled Prince, wondering if they're worth buying or if I should just look at playthroughs on Youtube. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_19sp2d,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19sp2d/da2_dlc_opinions/,
1362153527.0,15,self.dragonage,19gtya,A question about genlock mages..,20,5,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19gtya/a_question_about_genlock_mages/,'We're aware that the darkspawn are the corrupted races of Thedas, with genlocks being the dwarves. So how are there genlock mages when the dwarves have been said to be cut off from the fade, and thus magic?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_19gtya,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19gtya/a_question_about_genlock_mages/,
1362152976.0,14,zombiebex.tumblr.com,19gtd6,'For those who liked my Varric art, here's Cullen!',24,10,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19gtd6/for_those_who_liked_my_varric_art_heres_cullen/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/kVTxvuZmA2csp43M.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,18,False,t3_19gtd6,http://zombiebex.tumblr.com/image/42390302070,
1359759335.0,13,i.imgur.com,17q0qz,List of Chris Priestly's #sprintreviewday tweets on DA3,22,9,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17q0qz/list_of_chris_priestlys_sprintreviewday_tweets_on/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/HcJXg5Hijg6tnorG.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,31,False,t3_17q0qz,http://i.imgur.com/9ITHaWT.jpg,
1358414399.0,14,youtube.com,16qsyv,An oldie but a goodie.. the animated version of Alistair's Rose scene,18,4,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16qsyv/an_oldie_but_a_goodie_the_animated_version_of/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/M89vSmsFat-fe6E-.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_16qsyv,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRdWwzO7c0Y&NR=1,
1357388024.0,15,self.dragonage,1606zv,Templar Magic?,21,6,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1606zv/templar_magic/,'So I was wondering about the Templar abilities, how is it that the Templars can use abilities that are extremely similair to magic without having any magic talent.
The Templar order likes to say the abilities come from the lyrium the Templars take, but that's not possible since the Warden and any other warrior companion from Origins can learn it from Alistair, and Alistair himself didn't even get to take lyrium, as he never took his vows.
And I find it hard believing that a normal person could just based on sheer willpower evoke an explosion of blue anti-mage fire. So where does this Templar-not-magic come from? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,32,True,t3_1606zv,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1606zv/templar_magic/,
1353457123.0,16,self.dragonage,13jed2,What are some fun play styles for DA:O?,20,4,32,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13jed2/what_are_some_fun_play_styles_for_dao/,'I want to play it again but I don't know what to play as. I have beaten it as an arcane warrior/spirit healer, and an archer rouge.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_13jed2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13jed2/what_are_some_fun_play_styles_for_dao/,
1351254358.0,16,self.dragonage,124c4q,DA:O - Help with the final fight of the Deep Roads on Nightmare: SPOILERS,18,2,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/124c4q/dao_help_with_the_final_fight_of_the_deep_roads/,'I swear, this is the hardest fight in the game so far. I dispatched the Broodmother without failing once, but Branka and her golems are giving far more trouble. Anyone on here completed nightmare and have any advice?
My party is me (a mage focussed on battlefield control - healing and paralysis), Oghren, Shale as the tank and Morrigan for more damaging spells. I'm restricted to two health poultices, and can't go back to an older save because I'm stupid.
The Golems seem almost impossible to kill, but I've done it (once). Thing is, by the time I'm there, I've expended all my resources and half the party are dead. Branka then just steamrolls through everyone I have. I figure if I could kill the golems faster, I'd be able to deal with her better (hopefully), but those guys are pretty powerful on their own.
Any strategies here for winning, or have I got myself into an impossible corner?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_124c4q,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/124c4q/dao_help_with_the_final_fight_of_the_deep_roads/,
1350718627.0,14,self.dragonage,11sgj8,A question and a theory.,18,4,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11sgj8/a_question_and_a_theory/,'Okay so I have been doing another play though of DA:O,DA:A,DA2 and have a couple things bugging me. First is Connor at the end DA:O when talking to Arl Eamon he asks if the warden noticed Connor behaving strangely. So I was wondering if anyone had any clue what was up with that. Side note I got the lyrium and sent Jowain in to kill the demon no talking just attacked.
The other is a bit of a odd theory. The short version Flemeth is Andraste. There's not a lot of substantial evidence but a lot of coincidental/anecdotal evidence. First is there is some hints in DA:O that Andraste is a mage (the book you can give Wynne along with some dialog). Using her magic we know she can create more then one of herself and she can abandon her body and poses a new one allowing the urn of sacred ashes to exist. We also know that a fragment of the original guardians believe the dragon is Andraste reborn and that dragon is the same type of dragon that Flemeth can change into. The dalish have a unique title for her and have respect for her although she is a human (or at least looks like one most of the time) so it is possible that they remember to respect/fear her but not know she is Andraste because of lost records and stories. Lastly we know stories have been changed and fabricated and even though they are old dose not mean they are true given Morigan's claim that the stories about he mother are mostly false.
So dose any one else have a kinda odd theorys to share? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_11sgj8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11sgj8/a_question_and_a_theory/,
1338486767.0,16,self.dragonage,ue6si,considering buying dragon age II; is it worth it?,17,1,28,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ue6si/considering_buying_dragon_age_ii_is_it_worth_it/,'I picked up DAO collectors edition (with all dlc) for $10 about a month ago. i put around 43 hours into the main story alone, and finally beat it last night. i have just begun Awaking, so i have a bunch of DLC left. I loved the KOTOR style of play. i have been looking at reviews on DA2 and its quite mixed. I really loved DAO's style and i hear that DA2 is nothing like it. I hear its a lot like Mass effect 2 which i loved also. DA2 is going for about $10 on amazon (used copies). my first question is should i buy a copy? my second question is, if i buy a used copy will i be missing anything, like a pass code?
**TL;DR- should i buy DA2 for $10 used?**',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_ue6si,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ue6si/considering_buying_dragon_age_ii_is_it_worth_it/,
1334776139.0,15,dragonagemovie.com,sggq6,Bioware sneak peek,20,5,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sggq6/bioware_sneak_peek/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_sggq6,http://dragonagemovie.com/blog/bioware_sneak_peek.php,
1332774885.0,17,self.dragonage,re9yn,'Reddit, please help my stinky combat.',17,0,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/re9yn/reddit_please_help_my_stinky_combat/,'I just bought da:o from GamersGate a couple of days ago. I am about three hours in and I don't think six bucks of mine has ever been better spent.
But I kind of stink at the combat. I know that other party members have AI that you can assign, but do I need to micro manage them after that? Are they okay to find targets on their own or do I have to keep doing it for them?
In BG2, it was a little easier for me because you could set the game to auto-pause when a monster died or when that character's turn was over. This is a little different and I find myself burning through health potions faster than I think was intended.
I am open to suggestions (and no spoilers, please, because I am loving this game so far - except for my feeble fighting).',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_re9yn,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/re9yn/reddit_please_help_my_stinky_combat/,
1332100991.0,15,twinfinite.net,r2di7,Spoilery preview of Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker's first 20 minutes from SXSW,16,1,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/r2di7/spoilery_preview_of_dragon_age_dawn_of_the/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/j7mYrZJFOy0hFY25.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_r2di7,http://twinfinite.net/blog/2012/03/18/preview-dragon-age-dawn-of-the-seeker/,
1328309479.0,15,self.dragonage,p9war,Naming your bow,15,0,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/p9war/naming_your_bow/,'Merrill: Does your bow have a name? Varric's bow has a name.
Sebastian: I'm afraid I can't compete with our dear dwarf's.. relationship to his weapon.
Merrill: You could call it Philomela!
Sebastian: Why would I do that?
Merrill: Because it reminds me of a woman in the alienage. Skinny, pointed, and always throwing things at people.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_p9war,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/p9war/naming_your_bow/,
1320331441.0,14,self.dragonage,lz0ku,Favorite Play-Through?,17,3,30,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lz0ku/favorite_playthrough/,'Which play-through number was it, what race/class, general character personality, why was it your favorite, and any regrets?
Play through number: 3
Race/Class: Human Warrior, shield spec
I went into the play-through with the mentality of becoming King. I also wanted to keep as many people alive as possible. I knew I wanted to romance Morrigan because I feel with how the end plays out it would be perfect for who I wanted my character to be.
Witch Hunt kinda brought closure to my characters story, but I was still sad that I couldn't keep my Warden through DA2. I really wanted to keep the story of my hero and Morrigan going.
My one regret is that Alistair is a pansy and couldn't see the best outcome from the Landsmeet.
Edit: Morrigan, not Morgana..',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_lz0ku,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lz0ku/favorite_playthrough/,
1301495386.0,15,arstechnica.com,gepuh,'Dragon Age 2's gay character controversial with straight, gay gamers',16,1,30,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gepuh/dragon_age_2s_gay_character_controversial_with/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_gepuh.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_gepuh,http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2011/03/dragon-age-2s-gay-character-offends-just-about-everyone.ars,
1284881026.0,15,self.dragonage,dfvyc,'The Warden Commander. Bested dragons, ogres, undead, thousands of darkspawn..',15,0,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/dfvyc/the_warden_commander_bested_dragons_ogres_undead/,but* he dare not wade through a pool of water. : /,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_dfvyc,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/dfvyc/the_warden_commander_bested_dragons_ogres_undead/,
1280246004.0,16,feedthegamer.info,cu9kh,BioWare: Dragon Age 2 will have more than three dialogue choices,18,2,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/cu9kh/bioware_dragon_age_2_will_have_more_than_three/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_cu9kh.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_cu9kh,http://feedthegamer.info/2010-07-27/bioware-dragon-age-2-will-have-more-than-three-dialogue-choices/,
1259784857.0,16,youtube.com,aaecc,Taking down a High Dragon in Nightmare difficulty - good advice (VIDEO),20,4,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/aaecc/taking_down_a_high_dragon_in_nightmare_difficulty/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_aaecc.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_aaecc,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WC50fVgvUj0,
1258364082.0,14,dragonagenexus.com,a4tmd,Dragon Age Nexus launches,17,3,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a4tmd/dragon_age_nexus_launches/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a4tmd.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a4tmd,http://www.dragonagenexus.com/index.php,
1258133042.0,15,self.dragonage,a436s,Anyone else here absolutely in love with the soundtrack?,18,3,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a436s/anyone_else_here_absolutely_in_love_with_the/,'I have been listening to it, even the remix is awesome. This soundtrack is going to strike memories in the future, just like the bg2 one',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_a436s,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a436s/anyone_else_here_absolutely_in_love_with_the/,
1257162368.0,14,xbox360.ign.com,a046q,IGN: Dragon Age: Origins Review,16,2,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a046q/ign_dragon_age_origins_review/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a046q.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a046q,http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/104/1040929p1.html,
1376960272.0,15,self.dragonage,1kpbb3,Four Bears.. has anyone tried?,17,2,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kpbb3/four_bears_has_anyone_tried/,'I figured that if i rolled a mage to be a shapeshifter and made Wynne a shapeshifter (unfortunately, not til lvl 14) and leveled up Morrigan, I'd have three. I could add Leilana as a hunter and bang! four bears! I'd be able to maximize their bear badassness by figuring out what makes the best bears. Has anyone tried this? I don't want to get to level 14 to find out this was a bad idea. It seems like fun to me.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1kpbb3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kpbb3/four_bears_has_anyone_tried/,
1376862160.0,14,youtube.com,1kml5m,'Weekly Inquisition - Races, Combat and Concept art in Dragon Age: Inquisition',20,6,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kml5m/weekly_inquisition_races_combat_and_concept_art/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/MjksdQCWbo2GH1Jt.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1kml5m,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qolHcaBk8Pg,
1376434701.0,13,self.dragonage,1kb7om,Weisshaupt Fortress ruled out of DA:I?,15,2,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kb7om/weisshaupt_fortress_ruled_out_of_dai/,In the various videos and articles I haven't seen anything said about Weisshaupt. One of the videos said that DA:I will span from Ferelden to West Orlais. I don't have a super sharp eye but I didn't see anything in the video that game informer put on last week that looked like Weisshaupt. Has anyone else caught anything? What do you all think?,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1kb7om,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kb7om/weisshaupt_fortress_ruled_out_of_dai/,
1376400374.0,14,self.dragonage,1k9y8w,Them qunari,25,11,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k9y8w/them_qunari/,Is there any chance they could be playable in Dragon Age: Inquisition?,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1k9y8w,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k9y8w/them_qunari/,
1374208421.0,14,self.dragonage,1im1h0,How does one get the taint? Is it just a plot device?,25,11,40,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1im1h0/how_does_one_get_the_taint_is_it_just_a_plot/,'So I just got to Act II in DA2 and Carver became a Grey Warden to survive. But shouldn't this affliction be much more common? Especially in DA:O when non warden party members are constantly fighting Dark Spawn, not to mention when the big battle happens in Origins as well. Shouldn't Sten or Morrigan or Zev has also gotten the taint at one point or another? My lore expertise is solely having played Origins and I didn't read any codex entries, not that I wouldn't enjoy them it's just that I can barely read the dialogue options to begin with so if I am ignorant to some detail please pardon me, but I just feel that the taint is used as an excuse to either kill a character or give the Grey Wardens some screen time.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1im1h0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1im1h0/how_does_one_get_the_taint_is_it_just_a_plot/,
1373406624.0,12,youtube.com,1hypfx,Dragon Age Lore - Dwarves,26,14,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hypfx/dragon_age_lore_dwarves/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/ltd6VlVWYzHEURKa.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1hypfx,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRZwQnlzGX0,
1373319016.0,14,self.dragonage,1hw37h,Triple Romance and a foursome?,25,11,23,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hw37h/triple_romance_and_a_foursome/,'Well, I am currently playing through Origins as an evil Blood Mage and I thought I might as well pick up a few achievements along the way as well as do some other stuff I haven't done before.
So my plan for the playthrough is this:
Romance Leliana and get the 'Wine, Woman and Song' achievement (which I for some reason don't have although I have romanced her before, possible bug?), romance Morrigan and break it off with Leliana (already have 'Witch Gone Wild' but Morrigan's fun so whatever), romance Zevran, get the 'Easy Lover' achievement and break it off with Morrigan, have a foursome at the Pearl, kill Leliana at the Urn and perform the Ultimate Sacrifice to go out with a boom.
In that order.
So, first things first, is it possible at all to romance three people in one playthrough? Also, can I have the foursome at the Pearl even if I have already dumped Leliana when I go there, is the hardening and approval the only criteria for her to accept?
We all know DA:O has its bugs when it comes to approval and romances so if there are any that might mess with my evil mastermind plan I'd love to be informed of them.
Thanks in advance.
Oh and please excuse any typos and/or grammatical errors in this text, I wrote it in a rush on my phone so there are bound to be imperfections here and there.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,32,True,t3_1hw37h,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hw37h/triple_romance_and_a_foursome/,
1373017751.0,12,youtube.com,1homim,'Weekly Inquisition - Five Rings of Dragon Age Inquisition (Factions, Origin stories)',21,9,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1homim/weekly_inquisition_five_rings_of_dragon_age/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/KQuxAck4SwuGSlPg.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1homim,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=net4817R-CY,
1372462576.0,15,self.dragonage,1ha4st,What are your character hooks?,18,3,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ha4st/what_are_your_character_hooks/,'When I'm making a new character, I often use achievements as a starting point for their personality. For example, the Great Minds Think Alike achievement, where you have to be friends or rivals with 4 characters, is really good for this. These kinds of achievements can double as combat challenges, since I can't always default to the party I'm most comfortable with.
I thought it might be fun to come up with our own 'achievements'/challenges. Some examples might be:
**Bloody Hypocrite:** rise to power in Kirkwall and Starkhaven as a blood mage (I want to do this one after my current playthrough)
**All Spirits Are Dangerous:** neither you nor your companions may take skills in the Spirit Healer or Blood Magic trees when leveling up, nor may they take the specialization bonus from either school
**Chantry Boy/Girl:** chests in buildings may not be looted, because stealing is wrong
**Protective:** unless they are required, the player's LI may not participate in any combat - if this results in them not having enough of a relationship with the PC, then the PC has an unrequited crush or a broken heart
I'm looking for more ideas for future playthroughs of DAO and DA2 - do you have any character hooks you're fond of? Share them here!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,3,True,t3_1ha4st,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ha4st/what_are_your_character_hooks/,
1371731818.0,14,youtube.com,1gq1v2,Dragon Age Lore - Elves,23,9,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gq1v2/dragon_age_lore_elves/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Z4UnlEEymXWnH8Vu.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1gq1v2,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpDQs7WmpKw,
1370990481.0,13,self.dragonage,1g5m0n,Dragon Age FanFiction Stories and Roleplay,23,10,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g5m0n/dragon_age_fanfiction_stories_and_roleplay/,'With another year of waiting until the release of DA:I I got a few ideas on how to help the time move a bit faster.
First of all; Fanfiction stories. I continue to come across a ton of people on this subreddit with a lot of amazing stories about their characters and I am wondering how many actually want to make real stories out of them? I only recently found a subreddit for Dragon Age Fanfiction which . needs some dusting off and I hope that others would help me do so by adding more content there (:
The Subreddit it called /r/dragonagefics if any of you would be interested.
**The Roleplay Part**
I really love taking up a role as a specific character inbetween other like-minded individuals. I would suggest written roleplay through either a forum or something similar.
Story, Year, Setting, Location . Everything will be decided on a later date but I would love to hear ideas.
It'd require somewhat maturity to be able to work as it takes a lot of effort to actually become succesful and fun for **everyone**. I'll slowly start this group and if you're interested contact me through a PM with ideas or just a wish to joining something that will hopefully end in a lot of fun.
I thank everyone who took their time to read it all and I wish you a good day. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,4,True,t3_1g5m0n,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g5m0n/dragon_age_fanfiction_stories_and_roleplay/,
1367420114.0,14,self.dragonage,1dhf81,'Whoa, I'm stuck in prologue of DA2 Nightmare',17,3,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dhf81/whoa_im_stuck_in_prologue_of_da2_nightmare/,'Since I just finished Nightmare solo Mage on DA:O, I decided to run DA2 Nightmare solo mage too. But I can't even get thru Prologue. I know how to kite+autoattack down melee mobs, but whenever I get to range of a single bolter, Im locked in pushbacks and die.
Wat do?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1dhf81,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dhf81/whoa_im_stuck_in_prologue_of_da2_nightmare/,
1365258751.0,13,self.dragonage,1bsp15,'In DA2, has anyone here ever been a mage and sided with Templars?',18,5,25,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1bsp15/in_da2_has_anyone_here_ever_been_a_mage_and_sided/,'I'm curious, if anyone has done this. It would probably be hilariously hypocritical. I'm not planning on doing this, cause I want my game to make a little sense, but I would love to hear some stories about someone who has done this.
Edit: Make that a bloodmage*',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1365264557.0,True,t3_1bsp15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1bsp15/in_da2_has_anyone_here_ever_been_a_mage_and_sided/,
1365202105.0,14,self.dragonage,1brj3s,So what was supposedly wrong with DA2?,34,20,78,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1brj3s/so_what_was_supposedly_wrong_with_da2/,'I haven't played Origins, but apparently there was quite the backlash over DA2 when it came out. What were people's problems with it? Personally I found it quite enjoyable, but let's hear some opinions.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,13,True,t3_1brj3s,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1brj3s/so_what_was_supposedly_wrong_with_da2/,
1364328118.0,14,self.dragonage,1b28sl,What is the weirdest or funniest glitch you have seen while playing? (Possible Spoilers),14,0,27,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b28sl/what_is_the_weirdest_or_funniest_glitch_you_have/,'Title says it all.
For me it would probably be in DAO. Right after Ostagar I encountered the bandits and easily killed them. I kept walking and had the dialogue that pops up, but then I remember I had forgotten to loot that templar or w/e was there so I go back and see the bandit I had previously decapitated due to my kill scene come back to life and he tried to kill me. When ever I hit him I would do 0 damage and I was stuck in combat; had to reload, but still found it funny fighting a immortal headless bandit. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1b28sl,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b28sl/what_is_the_weirdest_or_funniest_glitch_you_have/,
1363041686.0,13,self.dragonage,1a3yz2,How is Goldanna related to Alistair?,18,5,24,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1a3yz2/how_is_goldanna_related_to_alistair/,'I just finished reading The Calling, and she is never once mentioned. In Origins (spoilers ahead, typing from mobile and can't figure out how to blackout spoiler text) Alistair says his mother was human and died during childbirth, but The Calling proves that to be a lie. His mother was actually an elven grey warden.
Maric isn't ever mentioned to have fathered another bastard that I know of, so I'm a little confused.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1a3yz2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1a3yz2/how_is_goldanna_related_to_alistair/,
1361151812.0,14,self.dragonage,18q2pq,Mage shapeshifter build,19,5,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18q2pq/mage_shapeshifter_build/,'I have never done a shapeshifter build so I thought I would try one. I was wondering if any of you guys found a reliable shape shifting build?
I would like to try and play on nm. Also on xbox so can't get the shape shifting mod. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_18q2pq,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18q2pq/mage_shapeshifter_build/,
1359762991.0,12,self.dragonage,17q516,Dragon Age comics on sale - $0.99,15,3,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17q516/dragon_age_comics_on_sale_099/,'Just saw that the Dragon Age comics as well as others are on sale on the Dark Horse website and am just wondering if they are worth it?
I have read most of the Mass Effect ones and enjoyed them.
[Sale here](https://digital.darkhorse.com/genre/95/)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_17q516,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17q516/dragon_age_comics_on_sale_099/,
1355962158.0,15,self.dragonage,154zjx,'The coolest thing that I found when I bought Dragon Age: Origins, was the cloth map that came with the limited edition.',19,4,27,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/154zjx/the_coolest_thing_that_i_found_when_i_bought/,'I wish that they do the same with Dragon Age 3, because I will buy the limited edition for a cloth map just like the one that came with Origins. It still is pinned up on my wall and I love to take it down jsut to feel the quality of the map.
EDIT: Wow how did this turn into a DA:2 love/hate fest?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1356051554.0,True,t3_154zjx,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/154zjx/the_coolest_thing_that_i_found_when_i_bought/,
1352506354.0,13,self.dragonage,12xvug,Should I bother watching this?,16,3,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/12xvug/should_i_bother_watching_this/,'So, I've never really played a DA game up until a month ago when I found both 1 (ultimate edition) and 2 in a bargain bin. I breezed through them fairly quickly and enjoyed them enough to end up playing them again and again to get every possible ending and achievement.
I came home from work today to find that my SO had bought some things at the local gamer store.
One of them was a Dawn of the Seeker Blu-ray. The art style on the back of the box is a bit. uh.. well not the style of something I would watch without getting a headache.
Would I miss out on any kind of important story line between the games or the like? Or is it just an attempt to cash in on DA with an anime?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,13,True,t3_12xvug,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/12xvug/should_i_bother_watching_this/,
1350614551.0,15,self.dragonage,11q6wt,Viability of a Strength Based Rogue in Origins?,18,3,27,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11q6wt/viability_of_a_strength_based_rogue_in_origins/,'After playing both a DW warrior and a DW cunning based rogue, I've found that the rogue far out classes the DW warrior in pure DPS due in no small part to the back-stab multiplier. On the other hand, the warrior had significantly higher survivability do to high grade armor. Which got me thinking: what if you were to combine the survivability of a warrior with the back-stab potential of a rogue.
Attributes: First, points in dex to get the DW talents (min 36). Minimum 38 strength to wear Evon the Great's Mail with Wade's Superior gloves & boots which will give you a low fatigue rating. The remainder in cunning to get IV coercion and added armor penetration.
Specializations: Duelist & Bard up until distraction.
Talents: Obviously all of the DW tree. Almost all in the Dirty Fighting tree except Feign Death. All but one skill in the Dirty Fighting Tree could be used effectively since only Lethality is cunning dependent.
Result: Dirty Fighting, Riposte and Distraction will set up your Coup de Grace passive scoring an instant back-stab. Suppose the enemy doesn't get stunned, which is the case of most elite bosses. No worries! You're strength based rogue can go toe to toe with that Revenant until your tank takes the aggro so you can swoop behind for the back-stab.
Of course this is all theoretical but, it seems somewhat viable. Has anyone tried this? If so, how effective were you at dispatching things?
1350093385.0,13,self.dragonage,11eam6,Question: DA:O - I kissed morrigan in public in Orzammar and Wynne's approval rating went up +2... Why?,17,4,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11eam6/question_dao_i_kissed_morrigan_in_public_in/,'I thought she didn't like that shit. Ya, I know, I'm a pervert.
Any ideas?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_11eam6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11eam6/question_dao_i_kissed_morrigan_in_public_in/,
1345607483.0,13,self.dragonage,ymbmb,Something I wrote after thinking about the Circle of Magi..,24,11,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ymbmb/something_i_wrote_after_thinking_about_the_circle/,'I press my fingers to my chest and feel the magic thrumming. It is an unnatural high, but not dangerous. How could they know? They look at us like monsters, not people with hearts. To their eyes we are all potential monsters. I know I am not a monster, but sometimes I wonder. I have been in the Circle for only ten years. I was not taken in till I was 10. I know that magic can hurt people, but cannot a sword do the same? I hear of mages who rebel against our overlords, use blood magic to get their ways. I would never do that, could never do that. I can’t help but sometimes imagine it though, but only in private. Those eyes….they can see into your very thoughts, and I don’t want the next rite of tranquility done just because I thought of it. I sometimes wonder if I could ever run away. I wouldn’t resort to blood magic to do it, not that our watchers care. Where would I go? Somewhere away from circles perhaps. I have read about the Tevinter Imperium, about how terrible and wild it is there. No, they may admire mages there, but not even a mage could escape the evil they infested themselves with. See, I am getting stared at because I lost myself in daydreams. Why are they in the Library anyway? Do they think we will pick up and book and just start turning into an abomination? My mentor wouldn’t be pleased that I’m not studying, but what does she care? She’s under their thumbs like an insect. If she doesn’t obey them, she will be squashed. Maybe if I go to my room instead? I will tell them I have a headache. Although they won’t actually ask me what’s wrong- it’s hard not to answer their hard stares. Why is the First Enchanter coming over to me? Have I done something wrong? He can’t know that I was the one who froze the privy stalls in the dormitory, on a dare. He wants me to come with him, he looks sad. I’m starting to panic; Templars are everywhere, why am I going to the Harrowing Chamber? I’m not ready for that! No….everything is wrong. Why are the Tranquil here? The atmosphere is stifling. The First Enchanter says only two words, and I know what is wrong. He’s sorry? I know now what is happening, it is the Rite of Tranquility. No! I won’t do it. I haven’t done anything wrong, but they won’t listen to my pleas. I ask them, over and over again, why they are doing this. They draw their swords because I resist. My blood rushes, I can hear it in my ears. It carries so much magic in it. I know what I have to do. With great ferocity I bite down on my arm, causing blood to spill out. I will kill them, the ones who have pushed me to this evil. I will kill the Templars.
1343502559.0,14,self.dragonage,xb3zt,'Got the Ultimate Edition from the Steam sale, what is Reddit's opinion on the DLC?',15,1,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xb3zt/got_the_ultimate_edition_from_the_steam_sale_what/,'I played DA:O around the time Awakening came out on a friend's console. Now I have a laptop capable of running modern games so I grabbed what was one of the most satisfying gaming experiences of my life when I saw it on sale. Previously, I started the awakening expansion with excitement right after finishing the main game, psyched that my time as the Grey Warden was not over. However, that enthusiasm soon turned to boredom. I can't remember why exactly but something about it just didn't feel right to me, it was not the same. I stopped and never looked back after about an hour or two. A few months later I played Witch Hunt when it came out, which I found to pretty much suck but was worth it to see Morrigan at the end.. I guess. So anyways, now that I have the ultimate edition I was wondering if y'all thought it was worth it to play any of the other DLC I now own or if they will only lead to disappointment as well. And also is Awakening actually good? Was I just too quick to discard it when it didn't live up to the euphoric high of kicking some Arch Demon ass?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1343504753.0,True,t3_xb3zt,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xb3zt/got_the_ultimate_edition_from_the_steam_sale_what/,
1339168533.0,14,self.dragonage,urnwd,DA2 vs DA:O,28,14,48,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/urnwd/da2_vs_dao/,'I played DA2 frequently and thoroughly the past six months, and very much enjoyed the game. I played the whole campaign as a Mage, Rogue, 2H Warrior and Sword and Board Warrior. I bought all the DLC. Then I read some threads in here that Origins was even better, so a few days ago I bought the DA:O Ultimate edition.
I was shocked at my gameplay experience. I've made it through about an hour of gameplay, and I'm ready to quit. I'm bored. I'm posting this to solicit your opinion as to whether I should keep trying, or quit based on what I like in a game. Here are the things that are bugging me:
* The immersiveness of the dialogue/story is lost for me, mostly because my character just stares, mute at the character with whom I'm interacting.
* There seems to be no purpose to the dialogue. Often there are five or more options, and no consequences or difference in picking any of the choices.
* The dialogue is LONG. I was listening to characters' entire speeches on my 3rd run through with DA2, and now I'm skipping portions of dialogue on my 1st run.
* I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with the tradeskills - am I really going to be setting traps at some point?
I don't know, the speed of the story is just not compelling to me (I started as a mage), like DA:2 is, where you're grabbed by the throat and sent down raging rapids along the storyline. This feels more like poling a raft through a swamp.
Thoughts? I should mention that I'm a casual gamer with two kids and can't play for more than an hour or two (max) at a time.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_urnwd,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/urnwd/da2_vs_dao/,
1338775418.0,13,self.dragonage,ujhfs,UPDATE: Nub to DA:O,19,6,30,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ujhfs/update_nub_to_dao/,'I have to say, I made a great decision purchasing this game. Someone suggested I give my newbie impressions of the game, so I shall!
First off, I'm only a few hours in the Human Warrior storyline, just leaving the area where I acquire Sten. The story is engaging. I'm enjoying it greatly. It's a little difficult for me to keep track of the universe, given that I'm so familiar with the Final Fantasy universe, but the Codex makes it easy to check to cure my confusion. The characters certainly are a draw and I appreciate the focus on character development. The casual commentary as I run around is fantastic. Alistair in particular is probably my favorite at this point.
I do like the mmo style battle system. As I referenced on the other thread, it reminds me of FF12. I still prefer FF12 battling because I feel it looks cleaner, but that could be due to the fact that I'm playing on a ps3 and cannot quite get a high enough camera angle. I also prefer FF12's gambit system more, but that may be due to the fact that I'm not as familiar with the Tactics system at this point. (Admittedly, I'm playing on Casual mode simply so I can enjoy the story, so take that into consideration)
I'm not a fan of the excessive blood splatter, not because I frown upon it, as I actually prefer blood be shown, but because it's more akin to a Japanese splatter film. It seems a little ridiculous to cut a wolf once, and suddenly my entire party has blood everywhere. It does add some comical value in the heart felt scenes after a battle. I look deeply into Liliana's eyes, as she speaks with blood draped across her mouth. I guess she got her red wings, eh? :P
Another lighter grievance is when I'm purchasing gear, I can only check it against the character I'm currently controlling. Granted, that may be because I haven't thought about hitting R1 or something (which I just thought of), so that could be little more than newbie bitching on my part.
It's been suggested that I try each race's initial story line before I move one, but I can't do it. I'm too engaged. I can already tell that I will absolutely be replaying this, so I'll wait until then.
Thanks fellows! ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_ujhfs,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ujhfs/update_nub_to_dao/,
1334967502.0,14,brownpapertickets.com,skl8a,Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker tickets on sale,16,2,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/skl8a/dragon_age_dawn_of_the_seeker_tickets_on_sale/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/ui6h0VJn8J8x0KaX.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_skl8a,http://www.brownpapertickets.com/browse.html?keywords=dragon+age&sortby=name,
1334444534.0,13,self.dragonage,sa2xb,'The Dragon Age books, worth it? ',14,1,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sa2xb/the_dragon_age_books_worth_it/,'I love Dragon Age and want to know if the books are worth a read and if so, which ones. I really like the Mass Effect books, well all but the last since I haven't read it due to hearing how bad it is. So if anyone has read it any recommendation would be great. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_sa2xb,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sa2xb/the_dragon_age_books_worth_it/,
1333035043.0,14,self.dragonage,rjc6s,Tevinter Statue,17,3,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rjc6s/tevinter_statue/,'Maybe I missed something, but what is the importance of the tevinter statue you speak to in the basement during the Mage origin story in Dragon Age:Origins? It seemed like it was supposed to be important but was never spoken of again. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_rjc6s,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rjc6s/tevinter_statue/,
1332711596.0,14,self.dragonage,rd75h,Antivan Garrote Download Code,16,2,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rd75h/antivan_garrote_download_code/,'I just bought the Art of Mass Effect book off the BioWare store online and in my confirmation email they gave me this:
Dragon Age Code for the Antivan Garrote: 3QQG-TTZN-H7AN-6S8P
I don't play Dragon Age and don't know anybody firsthand who does, so I have no use for this. As such, I figured I'd post this here, and the first person to see it can have the code.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_rd75h,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rd75h/antivan_garrote_download_code/,
1329972024.0,14,youtu.be,q222t,Anders tries out a new way of healing in his clinic!,17,3,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/q222t/anders_tries_out_a_new_way_of_healing_in_his/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/5z8z-fKvWVmNrH_8.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_q222t,http://youtu.be/DEdhqg61gX0,
1328331617.0,13,self.dragonage,paapj,Best mods for DAO and DA2?,14,1,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/paapj/best_mods_for_dao_and_da2/,'I just picked up the DAO ultimate edition and DA2 deal from amazon, and most of the threads/websites suggesting mods are at least 6 months old. So does anyone have an updated list of mods they feel are must haves?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_paapj,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/paapj/best_mods_for_dao_and_da2/,
1326621267.0,15,self.dragonage,ohuxo,'Having finished DA2, I have to ask.. [spoilers]',17,2,25,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ohuxo/having_finished_da2_i_have_to_ask_spoilers/,..my Warden's *alive*? What? Is this ever explained? Pretty sure I saw his funeral. Leliana shouldn't be looking too hard for him; she was there. Is there any cannon explanation for this?,False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_ohuxo,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ohuxo/having_finished_da2_i_have_to_ask_spoilers/,
1309108106.0,10,self.dragonage,i9mui,Dragon Age 2: What a gigantic failure,44,34,35,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/i9mui/dragon_age_2_what_a_gigantic_failure/,'I've never uninstalled a game as fast as I uninstalled Dragon Age 2. Mostly it's because I like to keep games on my harddisk whether I'm playing them or not, but this time I felt the need to really **erase** the game.
Dragon Age: Origins is one of my favorite games of all time. One which I've replayed almost an endless amount of times, possibly more than any other game I've played. And Dragon Age 2 felt like a slap in the face. A brutal one. Restraint is necessary to keep me from throwing cursewords at it.
I was quite sure that this subreddit was going to be flourishing and bringing in all sorts of new monumental threads - but it's been weeks/months since I've seen a thread appear on my frontpage. Are most people sharing my sentiment on DA2? Is everyone else utterly disappointed and disconnected from the game by now?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_i9mui,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/i9mui/dragon_age_2_what_a_gigantic_failure/,
1297830220.0,12,tv.ign.com,fmbbc,Felicia Day Making Dragon Age Web Series,22,10,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fmbbc/felicia_day_making_dragon_age_web_series/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_fmbbc.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_fmbbc,http://tv.ign.com/articles/115/1150344p1.html,
1282859396.0,16,youtube.com,d5w07,Dragon Age 2 - Official Destiny Trailer Directors Cut,16,0,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/d5w07/dragon_age_2_official_destiny_trailer_directors/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_d5w07,http://www.youtube.com/embed/KjStXhzIfPw,
1278989190.0,15,gameinformer.com,covnt,First Dragon Age II Screenshots,17,2,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/covnt/first_dragon_age_ii_screenshots/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_covnt,http://gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2010/07/12/dragon-age-ii-first-screenshots.aspx,
1260965594.0,14,imgur.com,afadg,'At least Morrigan will be happy. [pic] [not really, but kind of a spoiler]',16,2,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/afadg/at_least_morrigan_will_be_happy_pic_not_really/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_afadg.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_afadg,http://imgur.com/VkWvX.jpg,
1257872624.0,15,self.dragonage,a2x9z,Revenants are tough,15,0,30,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a2x9z/revenants_are_tough/,Whats the protip for defeated the 3 'gravesites' that you have to disturb in the forest during the werewolf quest. I want the rest of that armor. Its sooooo badass!! ,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a2x9z,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a2x9z/revenants_are_tough/,
1257538182.0,14,self.dragonage,a1qv5,I like keeping Morrigan in my party so I can run around town as a spider.,15,1,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a1qv5/i_like_keeping_morrigan_in_my_party_so_i_can_run/,The bear is fun too.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a1qv5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a1qv5/i_like_keeping_morrigan_in_my_party_so_i_can_run/,
1256325877.0,13,trollitc.com,9x4wo,A (quick) look at the DOA toolset for modding. (Video),15,2,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9x4wo/a_quick_look_at_the_doa_toolset_for_modding_video/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_9x4wo,http://trollitc.com/2009/10/dragon-age-origins-looks-like-a-modders-paradise-the-video-to-prove-it/,
1376702352.0,13,self.dragonage,1kix1u,Let's talk about a potential Qunari Inquisitor,21,8,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kix1u/lets_talk_about_a_potential_qunari_inquisitor/,'So as we know, Qunari are a potential, but not confirmed, race option. It's been slightly hinted at but not talked about.
What I want to discuss is, how would a Qunari Inquisitor fit into the story? Qunari are very strictly governed and follow the qun, exiles and defectors are hunted and killed. I hardly think Par Vollen would respect the authority of the Inquisition, so how would that work with a Qunari as the main character?
1374816217.0,14,self.dragonage,1j2wkq,In The Fade..,16,2,25,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j2wkq/in_the_fade/,'And so far, it seems to be incredibly over-hyped. I've gotten the powers and whatnot and completed 2 interior and 1 exterior areas (islands?). Is there anything important that I should be aware of so that I don't miss it?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,32,True,t3_1j2wkq,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j2wkq/in_the_fade/,
1374528656.0,11,self.dragonage,1iu9pm,Skipping ahead in DAO?,15,4,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1iu9pm/skipping_ahead_in_dao/,'I started playing DAO Ultimate Edition on my 360 a few weeks ago, but the disc broke. I bought it for my PC since it was a lot cheaper, and I was wondering if there were any console commands/mods that I could use to skip ahead. I'm pretty far in- past the fade part, and really don't want to start all over again. Thanks!~',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1iu9pm,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1iu9pm/skipping_ahead_in_dao/,
1372898830.0,13,youtu.be,1hlrk0,Looks like Alistair and Morrigan found new professions! [Uncharted 2 - no spoilers],20,7,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hlrk0/looks_like_alistair_and_morrigan_found_new/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/sWdsK5P-4CtlNtMe.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1hlrk0,http://youtu.be/H4krw01mEqE?t=5m,
1372447265.0,13,self.dragonage,1h9m74,Ending with currently Romancing leliana and morrigan,17,4,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1h9m74/ending_with_currently_romancing_leliana_and/,What does this do to affect the game? Do you still get the cameo in dragon age 2 with leliana saying the warden is dear to her heart even if you leave with morrigan in witch hunt?,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1h9m74,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1h9m74/ending_with_currently_romancing_leliana_and/,
1371944746.0,15,self.dragonage,1gvr8e,Male vs Female Hawke,17,2,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gvr8e/male_vs_female_hawke/,'I've found something very curious while playing Dragon Age II. I've played it through as both a male and female Hawke, played with many of the same dialogue choices to see a comparison, and yet, female Hawke came off as a stronger character. I think the voice actor was stronger for a female Hawke, and gave more of a sense of character, even though male and female Hawke spoke the same lines. Or maybe its because I am male, and thus distanced myself from female Hawke and saw her as character rather than an extension of myself, allowing me to appreciate the character rather than get annoyed that male Hawke wasn't doing what I would do.
Thoughts? Does anyone else have the same problem/opposite opinion?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,18,True,t3_1gvr8e,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gvr8e/male_vs_female_hawke/,
1371025394.0,13,reddit.com,1g6nq9,Submit questions for Bioware at E3,19,6,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g6nq9/submit_questions_for_bioware_at_e3/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1g6nq9,http://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1g5wsy/next_round_of_questions_ask_away/,
1370892656.0,14,self.dragonage,1g2c36,Which order should I play DA:O's post-game DLCs?,15,1,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g2c36/which_order_should_i_play_daos_postgame_dlcs/,'So I used to own DA:O on the 360, but never bought the DLCs like Witch Hunt and Golems of Amgarrak, although I have played Awakening. However, a while ago I bought the Ultimate edition when it was on sale and I plan on buying the second one as well so I'm all ready for DA3. So my question is this, do the events of GoA and WH transfer over to Dragon Age 2, and if so which order do I play them and Awakening? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1g2c36,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g2c36/which_order_should_i_play_daos_postgame_dlcs/,
1368893955.0,14,self.dragonage,1ekyew,DAO Ultimate+DA2 Digital Bundle for $9.99,20,6,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ekyew/dao_ultimateda2_digital_bundle_for_999/,'Edit: **Currently Unavailable** as of May 25th.
DA:O Ultimate Edition and DA2 on sale as a digital bundle at [Amazon](http://www.amazon.com/Electronic-Arts-40899on-Age-Pack7/dp/B006P28VBM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1368893645&sr=8-1&keywords=dragon+age+bundle), for $9.99.
There's no 3rd party 'game client' or anything like that. Just download from Amazon, then register on the [Bioware](http://social.bioware.com/user_bw_games_register.php) site. Don't forget to download the latest patch [(1.05)](http://social.bioware.com/page/da-patches), so that the DLC with be correctly authorized.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1369494033.0,3,True,t3_1ekyew,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ekyew/dao_ultimateda2_digital_bundle_for_999/,
1367768987.0,14,self.dragonage,1dqh5d,Pro-Mage or Pro-Templar,18,4,37,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dqh5d/promage_or_protemplar/,Alright guys lets have a discussion on this. I see points on both sides I really do. The mages want their freedom just like everyone should. But the templars want to keep everyone save no matter what. So take in account the events in Dragon Age Origins with the mage's tower and all the events inn Dragon Age 2,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1dqh5d,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dqh5d/promage_or_protemplar/,
1367191289.0,15,self.dragonage,1dau7m,Dragon Age Origin: Confused about combat (PS3),17,2,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dau7m/dragon_age_origin_confused_about_combat_ps3/,'Hey guys!
My friend, Mike, turned me onto DA:O saying it was a great RPG. So I picked it up from GameStop today and popped it in. I've been playing for about an hour or two and have been struggling a bit to understand how exactly the combat works.
I'm sorry if I'm a bit confusing, but the tutorial didn't really explain things all that much for me.
* I understand [these](http://i.imgur.com/xwqpYe8.png) sorta represent skills and are quick commands to get them. - But when I active some of them, I don't know if they're working or not.
* I know that I can [switch in between characters](http://i.imgur.com/fdJ5SJk.png), like to my dog, but what's the point? And is it necessary or can I just play as my character the entire game?
* Things are a bit hectic when playing on the console. I believe because it might be in real-time? (correct me if I'm wrong), can I make it turn based or something like on the PC? -- Also combat seems a bit slow, is it suppose to be?
Again, I'm so sorry for my stupidity, I have played Bioware RPGs in the past, but it's been 7 years and I'm a bit clueless. Please help.
**Basically** could someone either provide me a guide / video that explains the console combat or at least explain it to me. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1dau7m,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dau7m/dragon_age_origin_confused_about_combat_ps3/,
1361221620.0,12,self.dragonage,18rudk,Dragon Age: Origin -> Dragon Age 2 Import Questions,15,3,43,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18rudk/dragon_age_origin_dragon_age_2_import_questions/,'I'm looking to get into the Dragon Age series of games, after playing Mass Effect 1-3, and have a few questions I hope everyone here can help me with.
- Is there a requirement to complete Dragon Age: Origins before starting Dragon Age 2?
- If I start Dragon Age 2 without an import character/background from Origins, am I missing anything?
- I tried getting into Dragon Age: Origins from a game play perspective, and found myself struggling due to the combat mechanism. I know it has changed with DA2, so is it worth playing all of DA:O just to import the character?
- What do I gain from importing a character/background vs. starting a new game with DA2?
Thank you in advance! ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_18rudk,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18rudk/dragon_age_origin_dragon_age_2_import_questions/,
1357595064.0,13,self.dragonage,1655a7,Who was the first bound of Kirkwall?,16,3,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1655a7/who_was_the_first_bound_of_kirkwall/,'Who was Kirkwall built to bind? Xebenkeck, Hybris, Malvernis, something else?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1655a7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1655a7/who_was_the_first_bound_of_kirkwall/,
1356126674.0,12,self.dragonage,158z8b,Specialisations in DA III: How should they work? Which ones would you like to see back?,16,4,25,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/158z8b/specialisations_in_da_iii_how_should_they_work/,'I don't mind how specialisations work in DA III. The only big deal to me is Arcane Warrior. I love playing Magic Knights in RPGs. I've done it in every single one that will allow me to do so. For that reason, I'd love to see that specialisation brought back for DA III.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,23,True,t3_158z8b,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/158z8b/specialisations_in_da_iii_how_should_they_work/,
1353617812.0,13,self.dragonage,13mwqp,Newbie question ,17,4,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13mwqp/newbie_question/,'I just got dragon age origins two days ago. I've been searching for something that tells me a little more about the combat. I keep reading 'strategy' 'strategy' 'strategy' everywhere but no where does it give me any tips or breakdowns of strategies to use to fight various enemies. I was wondering if you, reddit, could help me out with this.
Anything helpful you can offer will be appreciated. Thank you.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1354121452.0,True,t3_13mwqp,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13mwqp/newbie_question/,
1353430455.0,11,self.dragonage,13ikwk,Skip the bloody Deep Roads.,21,10,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13ikwk/skip_the_bloody_deep_roads/,'Does anyone know how you can skip the Deep Roads? I don't care if I don't get the EXP, items or nothing; I just want to get it the f* over with.
I found a two-year old forum thread stating that a mod was in development, but nothing ever came out. So, after some time miserably googling, I turn to you guys. Do you know?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_13ikwk,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13ikwk/skip_the_bloody_deep_roads/,
1352390709.0,13,self.dragonage,12v0lc,Dragon Age Table Top RPG experience,18,5,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/12v0lc/dragon_age_table_top_rpg_experience/,'So a little while back I picked up the Dragon Age RPG published by green ronin. I really liked the look of the game, but unfortunately haven't been able to get a campaign going.
I was wondering if anyone has tried it out and if they could relate their experience as a DM or player? Is it a game I should push my gaming group to try, or was it a waste of money?
1349367717.0,12,self.dragonage,10xxdg,'I'm playing Dragon Age for the first time, is the Sloth Demon fade sequence supposed to be confusing?',16,4,36,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10xxdg/im_playing_dragon_age_for_the_first_time_is_the/,'I'm currently flying blind here and I'm a little overwhelmed with so many mouse holes and fade portals on 'Templar's Nightmare' (IIRC?)
EDIT: Took me awhile (slow gamer) but I finally beat the whole Fade sequence and the inner circle portion. I really thought I was going to hate the level but I ended up having a good time. I loved the stone solemn transformation but I hate facing off against ogres (?) they freak me out @_@. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1350712304.0,True,t3_10xxdg,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/10xxdg/im_playing_dragon_age_for_the_first_time_is_the/,
1342335404.0,12,self.dragonage,wl2n3,Playing Dragon Age: Origins with all the DLC for the first time.,14,2,23,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wl2n3/playing_dragon_age_origins_with_all_the_dlc_for/,In what order should I play the campaigns for maximum fun/consistency?,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_wl2n3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wl2n3/playing_dragon_age_origins_with_all_the_dlc_for/,
1335492450.0,12,self.dragonage,sumep,Good DA:O/DA2 mods?,17,5,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sumep/good_daoda2_mods/,'I was looking to play through both DA:O and DA2 again and was wondering which mods everyone here likes to use (if any).
1329778907.0,14,self.dragonage,pyg52,Will there be any more Dragon Age 2 DLC?,16,2,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/pyg52/will_there_be_any_more_dragon_age_2_dlc/,'I've been searching for news, rumors or hints that there is more DA2 DLC in the works. I can find talk of DA3 development, the movie (*Dawn of the Seeker*), books, comics, et cetera; but nothing for new DLC content.
Has anyone else found anything?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_pyg52,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/pyg52/will_there_be_any_more_dragon_age_2_dlc/,
1328307549.0,12,self.dragonage,p9uvc,The tedious topic of frolicking,13,1,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/p9uvc/the_tedious_topic_of_frolicking/,'Merrill: I've never met a dwarf before.
Varric: That's because you spend too much time frolicking in the woods, Daisy. Dwarves don't frolic.
Merrill: Dalish don't really frolic, either. Not in the woods anyway.
Varric: You have sanctioned frolicking areas?
Merrill: No, just not in the woods. The trees get jealous.
Varric: But you do frolic?
Merrill: Of course we do! We wouldn't be elves, otherwise.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_p9uvc,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/p9uvc/the_tedious_topic_of_frolicking/,
1322344500.0,15,self.dragonage,mq7i2,'So, I just finished Witch Hunt.',17,2,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/mq7i2/so_i_just_finished_witch_hunt/,'I know, I'm behind. I've played DA:O, DA2, DA:O:A, and WH, in that order. Am I missing something here?
What the eff is Morrigan doing? I know, not-demon baby and whatnot. She's preparing him for something. But do we have any idea what that something is? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_mq7i2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/mq7i2/so_i_just_finished_witch_hunt/,
1302712359.0,12,behemothgaming.com,gp5yi,I made a short write-up about making Aveline an effective tank. Thoughts or opinions would be nice.,17,5,27,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gp5yi/i_made_a_short_writeup_about_making_aveline_an/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_gp5yi,http://www.behemothgaming.com/2011/04/13/dragon-age-2-tank-tactics/,
1301138477.0,12,self.dragonage,gbw5j,Templars (Spoilers),13,1,39,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gbw5j/templars_spoilers/,'I lurk the Bioware forums frequently. There are quite a few posts that are great to read through, getting different interpretations of characters and story events is always refreshing. Anyways, the past couple of days i've noticed that there is not a lot of Templar support on the forums. This is understandable of course, as the Templars are seen as oppressors and tyrants by most of your party in DA2. I've always respected the Templar order for what it is.
Like any large organization there are bad seeds, this is unavoidable, but at it's core the Templar Order exists to protect the magi from themselves and from demons. Cullen is an example of a 'good' Templar, seen very clearly if you side with the [Templars](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcikSLufaHg&feature=related) at the end of the game. Many of the Templars you face in DA2 are the evil and sadistic ones that are too afraid of mages to understand what their primary goal really is, to protect.
I suppose this post is to discuss what /r/da thinks of the Templar Order, it'd be interesting to find out. I've always thought of them as a necessary force that is as imperfect as the world it is in. My buddy who is a DA fan as well labels them as brutal and evil beings hellbent on the destruction of all magi in Thedas.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_gbw5j,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gbw5j/templars_spoilers/,
1300719050.0,14,self.dragonage,g87rn,Welcome to 2 new /r/DragonAge moderators! fattehboi and MasterWizard,16,2,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g87rn/welcome_to_2_new_rdragonage_moderators_fattehboi/,'I just added 2 new moderators here. Hopefully that will help you guys pep up the community some. :)
To those who didn't get to be a moderator this time, sorry.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_g87rn,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g87rn/welcome_to_2_new_rdragonage_moderators_fattehboi/,
1282807232.0,13,dragonage.bioware.com,d5m23,'New DLC announced: 'Witch Hunt'. Follows Morrigan a year after the end of Origins.',14,1,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/d5m23/new_dlc_announced_witch_hunt_follows_morrigan_a/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_d5m23.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_d5m23,http://dragonage.bioware.com/dao/witch_hunt/,
1257817009.0,11,dragonage.gulbsoft.org,a2ofz,Dragon Age Manual replacement,14,3,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a2ofz/dragon_age_manual_replacement/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a2ofz.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a2ofz,http://dragonage.gulbsoft.org/doku.php,
1257651623.0,13,self.dragonage,a23fm,'Enjoying this game so much, it's a shame I start a new job Monday. Bioware, why do you do this to me?',16,3,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a23fm/enjoying_this_game_so_much_its_a_shame_i_start_a/,'This is the best RPG I've played in a long time. I liked it so much, I decided to grab Mass Effect off of Steam for $9.99 this weekend. Yeah I played all the classics from Baldur's Gate up to and including Jade Empire and KOTOR. Then they release the dev kit?
This is how gaming needs to be done.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a23fm,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a23fm/enjoying_this_game_so_much_its_a_shame_i_start_a/,
1257522871.0,12,self.dragonage,a1nxz,What race / class are you playing? How are you liking it so far?,15,3,49,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a1nxz/what_race_class_are_you_playing_how_are_you/,'I'm playing an elf mage. The AoE is kinda fun but friendly fire knock-down is kind of a pain and sometimes I find characters in my group tend to die really suddenly at times and heal spells aren't nearly as fast as potions. Sometimes I'll just rotate through each group member and use potions as the AI sometimes forgets to do so.
Overall I'm enjoying stuff. Unfortunately fighting a lot of fire mobs right now so my aoe is hit and miss (knock down seems to still work even if they're fire immune though).
Boss fights tend to get really tough too. Gotta either just stand back and heal slave or toggle and use potions non-stop (luckily I'm an ex-wow player so I'm into the habit of picking up all the plants I see and making potions nonstop).',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a1nxz,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a1nxz/what_race_class_are_you_playing_how_are_you/,
1257262620.0,14,self.dragonage,a0inw,Dragon Age launches and I'm stuck at work,17,3,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a0inw/dragon_age_launches_and_im_stuck_at_work/,Anyone else find themselves in this predicament. ,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a0inw,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a0inw/dragon_age_launches_and_im_stuck_at_work/,
1257101576.0,12,self.dragonage,9zxc7,DAO is preloading on D2D and Steam right now,14,2,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9zxc7/dao_is_preloading_on_d2d_and_steam_right_now/,Dunno about other direct to drive services.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_9zxc7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9zxc7/dao_is_preloading_on_d2d_and_steam_right_now/,
1256324002.0,12,pcworld.com,9x4jy,'In the following interview, Dragon Age lead designer Mike Laidlaw explains why the story in Dragon Age Origins won't [suck].',14,2,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9x4jy/in_the_following_interview_dragon_age_lead/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_9x4jy.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_9x4jy,http://www.pcworld.com/article/173329/why_storytelling_in_dragon_age_origins_might_not_suck.html,
1376891661.0,12,self.dragonage,1kngm2,A little easter egg,12,0,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kngm2/a_little_easter_egg/,'Was looking at old dragon age videos, http://youtu.be/IkbJVNaa_DA?t=22s , and new morrigan http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/0/2487/2499484-dragon_age_inquisition_morrigan_e3_2013.png',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1kngm2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kngm2/a_little_easter_egg/,
1376750458.0,12,self.dragonage,1kju8i,Dragon Age books question.,14,2,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kju8i/dragon_age_books_question/,'I'm about 75% done with my first playthrough of Dragon Age Origins. And I'm totally in love with it and the world it's created. Are the books (and comics) any good?
And should I rent DA2? I've heard mixed things about it. And don't really know if it's worth a play or not.
Thanks guys! ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1kju8i,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kju8i/dragon_age_books_question/,
1374020193.0,12,self.dragonage,1ig9hf,Alistair and Blood Magi DA:O,14,2,27,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ig9hf/alistair_and_blood_magi_dao/,'Say I want Morrigan to be a Blood Mage (I feel that it fits with the Entropy spells and that's where I'm going with her), will that cause Alistair to leave? I have a feeling it *should* but I don't want to try.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,32,True,t3_1ig9hf,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ig9hf/alistair_and_blood_magi_dao/,
1373893859.0,12,self.dragonage,1ic5cz,'I just finished DA:O and Awakening. Now I'm getting DA2, should I import my origins save or not?',22,10,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ic5cz/i_just_finished_dao_and_awakening_now_im_getting/,'Hello guys! I just finished DA:O and Awakening couple of days ago and it's awesome! But is it good to import my save my DA:O to DA2? Will it affect greatly on DA2 storyline? There are things that I might need to ask to you, guys and fans of DA before I jump to DA2, and soon DA3.
I just killed Zevran early in DA:O and I never knew that he was a potential party member and a character in DA2. Upon watching some of his videos, he is so damn hilarious like Anders and I think I made my mistake by killing him early on. And the epilogue on my save file was Alistair is the king of Ferelden, my Warden agreed the Morrigan's Ritual, then sided with the Architect. The warden killed The Mother and left the vigil with Leliana and never seen again. I haven't played any DLC yet, but I have no plans to get or play any of them (DLC's are really hard to get here on my region).
My warden was a 2H Warrior (Berserker/Templar/Spirit Warrior) offtank. Will I ever play like this kind of build in DA2?
Sorry for my English and this wall of text. I will appreciate any comments, good or not.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1ic5cz,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ic5cz/i_just_finished_dao_and_awakening_now_im_getting/,
1373689644.0,13,self.dragonage,1i79t8,Dragon Age 3 on current and next gen consoles?,17,4,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1i79t8/dragon_age_3_on_current_and_next_gen_consoles/,'So this might be a retarded question, but hear me out, i have no idea if they have said anything about this because honestly i have not been keeping up with the news as i should have been. However, since Dragon Age 3 is going to be on all 4 of the consoles, and the the systems are obviously going to be more powerful. Does that mean that the people playing on current gen consoles instead of next gen consoles going to miss out on enhanced graphics or added story bits and pieces. Would it make more sense, instead, to put the current gen DA3 on multiple discs. Is there any word on the difference between the console versions and anything the current gen owners might be missing by not immediately springing 400 dollars on new systems?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1i79t8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1i79t8/dragon_age_3_on_current_and_next_gen_consoles/,
1370986484.0,14,youtube.com,1g5g9n,Dragon Age: Inquisition Trailer Analysis (E3 2013 Trailer),17,3,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g5g9n/dragon_age_inquisition_trailer_analysis_e3_2013/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/4rb4AEm--6-CoipC.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1g5g9n,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ftV7-DIHHo,
1369425553.0,14,self.dragonage,1ezo8r,Does Bethany die if.. (spoilers for DAII),18,4,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ezo8r/does_bethany_die_if_spoilers_for_daii/,'I'm thinking of doing a second playthrough for DA2 where I'll play a templar supporter, and I'll also leave bethany in kirkwall to join the circle. Now at the end of DAII the templars invoke the right of annulment, so I was wondering if Bethany gets killed along with the rest of the mages at that time.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,29,True,t3_1ezo8r,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ezo8r/does_bethany_die_if_spoilers_for_daii/,
1367515949.0,10,self.dragonage,1dk9nc,Starting to read the books,14,4,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dk9nc/starting_to_read_the_books/,'I'm planning on reading the books but I'm having trouble figuring out the order they go in, can someone help me out?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1dk9nc,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dk9nc/starting_to_read_the_books/,
1364106768.0,12,self.dragonage,1awjch,I am starting dragon age and i want to know if i need to know anything before starting. NO SPOILER,14,2,27,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1awjch/i_am_starting_dragon_age_and_i_want_to_know_if_i/,NO SPOILER please.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1awjch,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1awjch/i_am_starting_dragon_age_and_i_want_to_know_if_i/,
1363964496.0,10,self.dragonage,1asv5w,What do you think will transfer over from DA2 to DA3?,15,5,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1asv5w/what_do_you_think_will_transfer_over_from_da2_to/,'I've been replaying DA2 and this is what I've come up with so far.
* Which sibling survived and their fate.
* Fates of companions.
* Siding with mages/templars.
* Giving Varric the shard of the idol.
* Helping Merrill repair the mirror/fate of the Dalish.
Also not really transfer, but I expect we'll see Flemeth again, and Bodahn and Sandal, as Bodahn mentions they may be going to Orlais, which has been heavily hinted to be a location in 3.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1asv5w,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1asv5w/what_do_you_think_will_transfer_over_from_da2_to/,
1362936291.0,13,self.dragonage,1a1422,'Dragon Age bundle (1,2,DLC, and Awakenings) Deals',14,1,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1a1422/dragon_age_bundle_12dlc_and_awakenings_deals/,'I have recently started PC gaming and loved the games while on my Xbox, so i have been looking around for a cheap deal to get the bundles without having to pay tons of money. I looked it up and there were many $8 deals for the entire bundle but that has since expired. So Grey Wardens of Reddit can anybody direct me to a good deal on all of the games?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,1,True,t3_1a1422,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1a1422/dragon_age_bundle_12dlc_and_awakenings_deals/,
1362469110.0,12,self.dragonage,19p2tb,Having just finished the books.,16,4,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19p2tb/having_just_finished_the_books/,'I have just now finished the The Lost Throne, The Calling, and Asunder.. Are there other books that I might need to read that is very relevent to the world of Dragon Age? If there are, are they worth reading?
I am trying to get a better understanding of what is going on, and getting a lot of backstory and lore to help. I actually am all ready theorizing about a few possible people we are going to see in DA3, but I want to be sure that I am not missing out on any information.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,5,True,t3_19p2tb,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19p2tb/having_just_finished_the_books/,
1361374172.0,14,self.dragonage,18w13t,Dragon Age Origins Toolset,16,2,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18w13t/dragon_age_origins_toolset/,'Replaying Dragon Age Origins, this time on PC, and decided to try my hand at some modding.
I know, perhaps this isn't the best place for a 'modding' question, but I'm not sure where else to turn. I'm having a lot of trouble with the DAO toolset - specifically, the grid window. It's nonexistent.
So I'm sitting here trying to make a morph and I can't see anything. The object inspector tab is still up, but no grid, so no preview. How can I open the grid window? Every tutorial video on morphs seems to open the grid by default as they make a new morph, but mine does not. Anyone here familiar enough with the toolset to give a PC recruit some advice?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_18w13t,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18w13t/dragon_age_origins_toolset/,
1360020966.0,11,self.dragonage,17wbkk,Is there a way to use Mabari War Hounds in DA1 the way they're used in DA2?,18,7,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17wbkk/is_there_a_way_to_use_mabari_war_hounds_in_da1/,'Just what the question says. I've just started a replay of DA1, and I feel the way DA2 handled your faithful hound has spoiled me. I'd love to bring her along on my travels in Ferelden, but don't want to have to give up a party position and skimp on all the delicious banter.
Are there any mods that allow you to summon your fully painted Mabari the same way DA2 allowed for?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_17wbkk,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17wbkk/is_there_a_way_to_use_mabari_war_hounds_in_da1/,
1359846739.0,12,self.dragonage,17rzmi,Is Dragon Age supposed to look like this?,13,1,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17rzmi/is_dragon_age_supposed_to_look_like_this/,'I installed the JB3 texture pack or what have you and [I'm not so sure it's working, but I don't know how it compares to how Dragon Age looks for other people.](http://i.imgur.com/YmWbFIE.jpg) That's at the very start of Ostagar.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_17rzmi,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17rzmi/is_dragon_age_supposed_to_look_like_this/,
1359829358.0,14,self.dragonage,17rgwd,Help for building an archer in Origins?,15,1,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17rgwd/help_for_building_an_archer_in_origins/,'I am playing as a rogue elf, and these are my talents so far
Melee Archer
Pinning Shot
Crippling Shot
Rapid Fire
Shattering Shot
Right now, my dexterity is a 21, and I'm using a longbow. Any tips for skills or in game combat?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_17rgwd,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17rgwd/help_for_building_an_archer_in_origins/,
1359236875.0,11,self.dragonage,17c2kw,Question about consequences of save importing,13,2,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17c2kw/question_about_consequences_of_save_importing/,'I just recently got around to picking up on this series. I played through Origins and really enjoyed it, and I have Awakenings and DA2. When I went to start up Awakenings, I saw that there was the option to import my warden from origins. At the end of Origins, [Alistair became king, my warden rejected Morrigan's proposition, he got it on with all available but stayed in a relationship with Zevran, and sacrificed himself to destroy the Archdemon.](/spoiler)
My question is, do these conditions at the end remain as part of the story in Awakenings, and eventually 2? I did start off with importing and played for about five minutes, but didn't like [that no one seemed to be reacting to my apparently resurrected/zombie warden.](/spoiler) I imagine that if I simply start with a new warden for Awakenings, they will just give me some standardized version of the history in Origins. I'd really like to have the best of both worlds and [leave my warden dead while still importing my other storyline points](/spoiler), but I imagine that's not a possibility.
So does anything I've mentioned even matter as far as the story in the subsequent games? Or am I trying too hard to leave my own storyline as-is when it won't end up mattering that much? I'm a huge fan of the Mass Effect series, so I was assuming that the decision making in this game is as important as it was in Mass Effect. Any clarification/advice would be much appreciated.
EDIT: punctuation',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_17c2kw,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17c2kw/question_about_consequences_of_save_importing/,
1358040209.0,12,self.dragonage,16gtsx,Just bought DA:O and DA2 and just wondering if there's anything I need to know before starting.,16,4,33,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16gtsx/just_bought_dao_and_da2_and_just_wondering_if/,'I loved the Mass Effect series and after playing it someone suggested that I play Dragon Age because the two are (at least somewhat) similar. So I saw a nice deal on Amazon and decided to take advantage of it, and now I'm wondering if there's anything that I should know, any advice to take before I start. I'll likely start out as some kind of basic warrior, just to get the feel of the game.
Some other, basic questions:
How close is it to Mass Effect (especially in the gameplay and choices departments)?
What should I look out for as I'm beginning the game?
I've heard some pretty bad things about the sequel, is it worth playing?
Thanks in advance!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_16gtsx,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16gtsx/just_bought_dao_and_da2_and_just_wondering_if/,
1354647063.0,13,self.dragonage,149vjn,'With Dragon Age 3 being developed for next gen consoles, does that mean it will be ported from the PC version, rather than the opposite? ',27,14,52,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/149vjn/with_dragon_age_3_being_developed_for_next_gen/,'Dragon age 2 was a PC port from consoles, with Dragon age 3 being developed for consoles that arn't even out, does that mean it will likely be developed for PC initially then ported to consoles? this would be a great thing indeed.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_149vjn,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/149vjn/with_dragon_age_3_being_developed_for_next_gen/,
1352763286.0,12,self.dragonage,1339ys,Will DA3 be moddable?,16,4,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1339ys/will_da3_be_moddable/,'Any word yet on this? I haven't played 2, but the mods for DAO were really awesome. I already loved the vanilla game but after recently replaying it with mods, I realized how much more depth fans can add with just a few tweaks to the environment (and pretty hair..and pretty armor..and improved romance Alistair mods..ahem).
I hope 3 doesn't go the way of Mass Effect and be unmoddable. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1339ys,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1339ys/will_da3_be_moddable/,
1351617154.0,13,self.dragonage,12chal,So.. DA:O Wynne-free playthrough. Anybody done this?,23,10,42,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/12chal/so_dao_wynnefree_playthrough_anybody_done_this/,'So there I am in the Circle Tower with Alistar, Morrigan and Leliana by my side and we run into some lady mage blabbering about 'the children' and how to save the mages.
Morrigan, bless her black heart, says her usual Randroid bit about the mages getting themselves into this mess, and while I try to argue with her, I talk my way into a corner of either agreeing with her or basically calling her cruel and horrible. And that just doesn't scan for my female Human Noble, who likes Morrigan's style after seeing her family slaughtered.
So I agree with her.. and it clicks for Wynne that Morrigan's a rogue mage and she goes off on me. *Women*. Five minutes later, my party's standing in a pool of mage blood. That was awkward.
Anyone have any tips for combat without Wynne? I've always used her quite heavily for healing, conserving potions. I'm planning to make Morrigan a Spirit Healer (Warden's a Tank) to compensate, though I hate splitting her off from lovely lovely destruction, but I'm not sure what else can be done. Is there some place to get infinite Health Poultice ingredients? How should I adjust my playstyle?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_12chal,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/12chal/so_dao_wynnefree_playthrough_anybody_done_this/,
1345734754.0,14,self.dragonage,yp5rd,'Anyone reading 'Those Who Speak' from Dark Horse?',20,6,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/yp5rd/anyone_reading_those_who_speak_from_dark_horse/,'I got issue #1 last night and after a couple decent DA comic stories, I was very, *very* pleased with how this one's coming along.
Without giving many spoilers, this is the sequel to 'The Silent Grove', the Dark Horse digital-only comic from last year. Issue #1 follows Alistair, Varric, and Isabela as they journey to Tevinter to find Magister Aurelian Titus, who has connections to Maric's demise.
I loved it. As it was written by David Gaider, the characterization was spot-on, the setting reminded me vaguely of Kirkwall (being that Kirkwall was a slave trade city for Tevinter), and the overall feel was like I'd stepped out of DA2 and directly into this story.
Can't wait for issue #2 and beyond.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_yp5rd,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/yp5rd/anyone_reading_those_who_speak_from_dark_horse/,
1343437978.0,12,self.dragonage,xa0ey,What was your favorite player character build?,14,2,31,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xa0ey/what_was_your_favorite_player_character_build/,'In origins I played as a human Mage, focusing on the primal skill tree. Eventually got the Bloodmage and Arcane Warrior specializations, and in awakening I added Battle Mage. Eventually I got into healing as well. It was always fun knowing I could switch from being a tank to a DPS to a healer in like ten seconds depending on what spells I choose.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_xa0ey,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xa0ey/what_was_your_favorite_player_character_build/,
1342679167.0,12,self.dragonage,wt0ge,Favorite and Least Favorite Characters,14,2,33,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wt0ge/favorite_and_least_favorite_characters/,'My favorite characters are Morrigan for her complexity, Sigrun just for being blunt, Isabella for her lack of restraint in appropriateness, and Varric for being relentlessly loyal almost to a fault. Velanna, on the other hand, is just evil. Who are you favorite and least favorite characters?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,13,True,t3_wt0ge,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wt0ge/favorite_and_least_favorite_characters/,
1341285860.0,10,self.dragonage,vyl6a,Advice first time play through DAO.,13,3,47,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vyl6a/advice_first_time_play_through_dao/,'I purchased DAO today and am about to play through for my first time. Which character combination should I pick to have the most fun? I have never played a game like this before and am really excited to begin. Also, any helpful hints to make the game experience more enjoyable would be appreciated.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_vyl6a,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vyl6a/advice_first_time_play_through_dao/,
1340680357.0,11,self.dragonage,vlyxm,Best character / team ever compiled?,14,3,29,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vlyxm/best_character_team_ever_compiled/,'I've played through DA2 three times and DA:O about 6, all different characters and while most of them turn out pretty well, my arcane warrior was BY FAR the best.
He was a human noble arcane mage / blood mage (though I didn't focus on blood magic too much). I did every side quest possible and saved up money until the very end, had 4 coercion (meaning I could do the dust town smuggled lyrium quest that almost accumulates 100 sovereigns by the end of it) so I could afford stuff like the Lifegiver ring and a couple other pieces of armor / jewelry that makes your character nigh invincible.
My group was me, Wynne, Alistair, and Oghren and we decimated the Arch Demon. With all my jewelry / shields, I literally was borderline untouchable. I think I could take on the final boss single handedly or at least with just me and Wynne.
Idk, just curious if anyone else ever made a ridiculous team',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_vlyxm,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vlyxm/best_character_team_ever_compiled/,
1339913176.0,10,self.dragonage,v64uo,I have an idea for a gameplay mode for DA3.. hear me out.,13,3,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/v64uo/i_have_an_idea_for_a_gameplay_mode_for_da3_hear/,'This was inspired by the 'Warden Calling' trailer for Dragon Age: Origins. We will all hear our calling one day right? And we'll go to the Deep Roads to kill as many darkspawn as we can before they kill us right? Well, why not a survival mode? The more darkspawn you kill, the higher your score. This can maybe be multiplayer, I don't know it's just an idea.
Warden Calling Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnXX4DZOH7Y&feature=fvwrel',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_v64uo,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/v64uo/i_have_an_idea_for_a_gameplay_mode_for_da3_hear/,
1339628315.0,12,self.dragonage,v0ngd,Character creation tips (physical appearance),13,1,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/v0ngd/character_creation_tips_physical_appearance/,'I don't want to see what people put online and copy those faces, but rather figure out how to do it myself. I tried three different times for a City Elf Female Rogue, but all faces look pretty much the same.
Are there any tips or a guide I can look at to figure what the different meters do and how to use them best to my advantage.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_v0ngd,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/v0ngd/character_creation_tips_physical_appearance/,
1339257387.0,11,squeakingovergames.tumblr.com,ut9q0,''This fat cow is your lover?'',12,1,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ut9q0/this_fat_cow_is_your_lover/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Mgp4fvxibvs4Xj20.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_ut9q0,http://squeakingovergames.tumblr.com/post/24749302694/after-i-completed-mass-effect-3-last-night-i,
1337455371.0,13,self.dragonage,tv15o,Playing Dragon Age in a different language,15,2,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tv15o/playing_dragon_age_in_a_different_language/,'I'm planning on playing Dragon Age 2 in French to help improve my French vocabulary.
Has anyone else played the games in a different language, and how did it change your overall perception of the game, the story, the characters?
How different did it make things for you?
If you want to install the game in a different language;
Regular PC: It should be available at setup.
Steam: Right-click, go to options >> Language
Xbox/PS3: Changes depending on the system language',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_tv15o,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tv15o/playing_dragon_age_in_a_different_language/,
1335843171.0,13,self.dragonage,t0zm1,'DA:O, Shapeshifters, dog, and ranger party?',15,2,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/t0zm1/dao_shapeshifters_dog_and_ranger_party/,'I started a new game and was going to try solo a strength rogue, but then I released i never really used the dog in any of my playthroughs and got the idea to have my rogue ranger, dog, and morgan and wynne as shapeshifters for the lolz. I'm not going for the best party members, but a challenge and hilarity. What are your guys thoughts/suggestions?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_t0zm1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/t0zm1/dao_shapeshifters_dog_and_ranger_party/,
1329843191.0,12,greenronin.com,pzhr1,Dragon Age RPG Set 3 hits open playtest!,15,3,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/pzhr1/dragon_age_rpg_set_3_hits_open_playtest/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/TVU7cQOKzkMbuzRM.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_pzhr1,http://greenronin.com/2012/02/dragon-age-set-3-playtest.php,
1329361253.0,13,self.dragonage,prq6r,What was your favorite starting class in Dragon Age Origins?,13,0,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/prq6r/what_was_your_favorite_starting_class_in_dragon/,'I'm starting up a Mage so it got me wondering, what were your favorite story? I've been a fan of the Dwarven Noble.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_prq6r,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/prq6r/what_was_your_favorite_starting_class_in_dragon/,
1319736847.0,11,self.dragonage,lr67o,'What is your favorite party banter? (Spoilers all games, all DLC, all hidden companion, etc.)',16,5,35,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lr67o/what_is_your_favorite_party_banter_spoilers_all/,'See above. Frivolous question, but I just completed a back-to-back DA:O and DA2 run and had a blast with the party banter.
My all time favorite remains the exchange between [Zevran](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Zevran/Dialogue) and Loghain:
> Zevran: So, err..is it Lord Loghain?
> Loghain: I am no longer a teyrn, nor even a knight. Address me without a title, as you would any other Grey Warden.
> Zevran: So just Loghain, then?
> Loghain: Correct. What's on your mind?
> Zevran: You know who I am, yes? I was one of the Crows you hired to kill the Grey Wardens.
> Loghain: I thought you looked familiar.
> Zevran: Well, I just wanted to report that I failed my mission, Loghain.
> Loghain: You don't say.
> Zevran: I'm terribly broken up over it.
> Loghain: Hmm. Well thank you kindly for informing me.
Loghain: Gracious as you please. Drier than dust.
And for DA2, the bitterness-o-rama of following a Fenris romance with an [Anders](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Anders/Dialogue#Anders_and_Fenris) one. I just love how it so perfectly sets up..let's see..Fenris hating mages and Fenris shredding people to work through his frustrations.
> Anders: You were an idiot to leave Hawke.
> Fenris: And you were fast enough to replace me.
> Anders: I love her. You can't even imagine what that is.
> Fenris: Do not bare your heart to me, mage, unless you would have me rip it out.
What are your favorites?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_lr67o,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lr67o/what_is_your_favorite_party_banter_spoilers_all/,
1315697350.0,13,self.dragonage,kbk6m,Just bought DA:O for PC and I'm completely new to this game. Any sage advice before I really get into the game?,13,0,47,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/kbk6m/just_bought_dao_for_pc_and_im_completely_new_to/,'Title says it all. I'm a noob to DA:O but not to bioware games (ME 1&2, KOTOR, etc). Any good advice for me before I start this bad boy?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_kbk6m,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/kbk6m/just_bought_dao_for_pc_and_im_completely_new_to/,
1313374104.0,12,self.dragonage,jixvw,References in DA:O,16,4,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/jixvw/references_in_dao/,'I'm replaying Origins and came upon a random map encounter where a meteor and a child crashed to the earth and were found by an old man and his wife Martha. The Superman reference made me then think of the Monty Python encounter where an axe in a tree stump is given the speech about not voting for the king. Additionally there is the dwarf shouting 'Epic fail' in Orzammar.
Where there any other major references? It's a 100+ hour game, they certainly could cram it full. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,19,True,t3_jixvw,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/jixvw/references_in_dao/,
1311873693.0,11,self.dragonage,j2cga,Wishing Your Origins Ending Had More Impact..,14,3,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/j2cga/wishing_your_origins_ending_had_more_impact/,'So who else really, really hopes that EA will have the decency to make your origins file actually relevant to future sequels? I had a human noble rogue who was a complete Machiavellian sociopath, but who fell in love with Morrigan utterly. She was the first and only thing that ever elicited emotion in him. He was otherwise just concerned with ruthless efficiency and obtaining max power. I was extremely satisfied to see them go into the Black City together to raise their demon child together, and I want to know what is going on with that.. The idea of Morrigan and my Warden overcoming their natures (for want of a better phrase) and finally trusting and accepting another soul seems so poetic, if not also devastating, potentially, to the DA story line. Who knows what they would do with an arch demon baby, in the Black City, no less.. It just seems like a love story, in a dark, macabre way..
So I suppose what I am asking is this: How do you think EA will implement (read:fuck up) the story-import mechanic.. Do you think your origins and da2 files will actually shape the larger gameworld we will hopefully see in future games, or are they just going to determine small references to things.. Because Morrigan going into the Black City seems very, very important to me. I wonder if Flemeth even knows shes doing this.. and with my Warden, no less..
EDIT: I mean, you can either kill Leliana outright or pretty much lead her to kill herself due to a broken heart in certain outcomes, but when you import such a file form origins OH LOOK, THERE SHE IS IN DA2! SURPRISE! She even had such a personality as to suggest that the hardening/softening RP decision you make for her in origins didn't even occur. This is just carelessness and lack of consideration for lore, in my opinion, and I'm hoping future games have more of a spirit of epic and emotive story telling and not just 'BUTTON-AWESOME!' (see below video)
1306969274.0,13,self.dragonage,hpgfg,What party members did you like most? Were they also your most commonly used? ,15,2,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/hpgfg/what_party_members_did_you_like_most_were_they/,'Both games have had great characters and those who I forget about easily. I still only barely remember the name Fenris, though others like Sten and Merrill, while not essential to the plot, ended up being some of the most memorable characters in any game I've played. I found that I started using them a lot in combat, favoring them even if their skills weren't necessary for the particular mission. Shale is another example of this, I saw her as a continuation of HK-47, and she was a fantastic warrior.
Did other people become particularly attached to certain characters? If so, was it because of skill, dialog in the open world, or specific conversations with them? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,19,True,t3_hpgfg,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/hpgfg/what_party_members_did_you_like_most_were_they/,
1303627981.0,12,self.dragonage,gw6t7,How do I keep Losing this battle?,12,0,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gw6t7/how_do_i_keep_losing_this_battle/,'I keep getting obliterated on the battle with Arishok. I'm playing for the first time through the game and I was on Normal but had to drop down to casual and the battle is still difficult. The entire battle last a total of about 2 minutes and all of my party members are destroyed.
I re-stated all of my party members twice, I'm a level 15 Rouge and I have Merril, Aveline, and Varric with me in my party. (I can post all of the abilities being used as well.)
I use a bow and arrow and I have my archery tree maxed out and I invested the rest of my ability points into the Assassin tree.
~I will post the others later today~
The battle isn't the one-on-one, I don't have that option to do so (Although I hear that fighting him one-on-one is harder). Like I said the battles are quick (around 2 mins). It's the Qunari mages that get the most of me.
By the time I kill the mages I'm almost dead, use a health potion, Arishok attacks, I'm half dead again, can't heal, start running around to waste time to heal again, mage spawns from nowhere, kills me.
I just need some tips or a way to do this battle. I'm almost on the edge of putting it back on the shelf if I can't get through this. I just don't understand how it can be this difficult on Casual.
EDIT: Wow. Thank You for all the great ideas! I can't thank you all enough. I'm going to put Anders in my party and re-stat (I have the Black Emporium DLC) to be a duel wield rogue and put Merril on buffs and Anders on Group Healing and Varric be the range. Wish me luck!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_gw6t7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gw6t7/how_do_i_keep_losing_this_battle/,
1301480820.0,13,i.imgur.com,gemi6,They took my friend Karl,17,4,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gemi6/they_took_my_friend_karl/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_gemi6.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_gemi6,http://i.imgur.com/IHg3n.jpg,
1300296223.0,11,self.dragonage,g59vc,Off-comment about Sandal --> DA3 in Orlais?,13,2,27,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g59vc/offcomment_about_sandal_da3_in_orlais/,'So at the end of the game, right before going on the final quest, I spoke to Bodahn on a lark. He said he might have to leave soon, he has to be looking out for Sandal's future. I offered to help Sandal, and he said that wasn't necessary because the Empress in Orlais had gotten hold of one of Sandal's enchantments and was impressed, so Sandal had been offered a position there. It's my guess that Bodahn and Sandal will keep showing up in DA games, so I wonder if DA3 won't have us in Orlais? Ferelden, then Kirkwall, then Orlais; I could see it happening. Any thoughts? Anyone else pick up on other details that might hint at the location of DA3?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_g59vc,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g59vc/offcomment_about_sandal_da3_in_orlais/,
1299271475.0,14,gaygamer.net,fxibe,Queer Characters: Leliana,17,3,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fxibe/queer_characters_leliana/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_fxibe.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_fxibe,http://gaygamer.net/2011/03/queer_characters_leliana.html,
1296165736.0,12,imdb.com,fab6u,TIL Bodahn Feddic in DA:O is voiced by the same actor who played Barclay on ST:TNG and Murdock on The A-Team.,13,1,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fab6u/til_bodahn_feddic_in_dao_is_voiced_by_the_same/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_fab6u.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_fab6u,http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0776239/,
1291944573.0,11,ign.com,ej9to,The Making of Dragon Age 2 - Part 1,12,1,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ej9to/the_making_of_dragon_age_2_part_1/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_ej9to.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_ej9to,http://www.ign.com/videos/2010/12/09/dragon-age-2-making-of-video,
1376204980.0,15,i.imgur.com,1k4u6m,And I thought mounts were new for DA3 ..,47,32,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k4u6m/and_i_thought_mounts_were_new_for_da3/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/oLn1i38JroH9IR7x.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1k4u6m,http://i.imgur.com/IuXCVgB.jpg,
1375468607.0,9,self.dragonage,1jkvqx,(DA:O) Anyone else surprised at how much better they have got at the game over time?,15,6,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jkvqx/dao_anyone_else_surprised_at_how_much_better_they/,'I remember when I first got the game and had to complete my first playthrough on easy because I found the game so hard.
Then I tried to do the game on hard many, many times but kept abandoning the character as I would get stuck at certain points (bandit fights in Denerim especially)
But now I completed a character through all of DA:O and awakening on Nightmare and hardly found it a challenge! I remember back when it was much harder.
Has anyone else felt this? Please share your thoughts',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1jkvqx,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jkvqx/dao_anyone_else_surprised_at_how_much_better_they/,
1375151671.0,11,self.dragonage,1jblu2,New to the series-- just beat Origins. How are the DLCs? How does the sequel fare?,16,5,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jblu2/new_to_the_series_just_beat_origins_how_are_the/,'Picked this game up on a whim, but found it highly enjoyable. Don't care much for the combat, but the characters and setting are highly enjoyable. Only parts I hated were the Fade puzzle, and a glitch that prevented me from romancing Liliana.
But there's a lot of DLC to choose from. How much of it is good? I prefer things that present new scenarios, but probably won't like any 'arena'-type content.
Also, what's the deal with DA2? It has some pretty good reviews on Metacritic, but the fanbase is split 50-50 between Goddamn awesome and literally Hitler.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1jblu2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jblu2/new_to_the_series_just_beat_origins_how_are_the/,
1375124290.0,11,youtube.com,1jalnx,'Weekly Inquisition - New Concept Art, Combat Information, Save Importing (Dragon Age Inquisition)',19,8,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jalnx/weekly_inquisition_new_concept_art_combat/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/0--nXSMrL94gi_7Z.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1jalnx,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1i18ImknkU,
1375043175.0,11,self.dragonage,1j8e24,Creating a new character for Awakening?,16,5,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j8e24/creating_a_new_character_for_awakening/,'So I recently bought Origins ultimate edition, and I'm currently replaying through the game (though I never did actually finish my first playthrough, I got 80-90% of it done, but it was also a while ago, so no spoilers please!) and this time I also have all of the dlc. So I saw you are able to import your warden into awakening, OR reroll a new higher level character and was curious how much of a difference there is between the 2 options, if your warden's choices through the game really affect what happens in awakening or if either way it was about the same? If my choices really matter I want to keep the same character, but if not I think I might take the chance to play a different class without having to replay the main campaign.
Thanks for any input!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1j8e24,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j8e24/creating_a_new_character_for_awakening/,
1374722870.0,11,self.dragonage,1j065s,'What do your Wardens/Hawkes look like, and what did you name them?',14,3,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j065s/what_do_your_wardenshawkes_look_like_and_what_did/,'I'll start.
Elgorath Aeducan:
Ermara Tabris:
Omicron Cousland:
Brand Kader:
Eireann Hawke:
1374300053.0,13,self.dragonage,1iokg6,Post-game question?(Dragon Age: Origins),14,1,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1iokg6/postgame_questiondragon_age_origins/,'So now that i finished Dragon age origins, i would like to go back and do some things but i just revert to my last save witch is before i head out to see the crow and etc. is there i way i can continue and do some things to prepare for awakening?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1iokg6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1iokg6/postgame_questiondragon_age_origins/,
1372205375.0,12,self.dragonage,1h2ol7,What is the most canon warden/Hawks?,15,3,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1h2ol7/what_is_the_most_canon_wardenhawks/,'For the warden I'm talking about everything from race, class, origin, build, and decision like who you sided with, who died, act. Same with Hawks. You can also share your personal warden/Hawks as well.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1h2ol7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1h2ol7/what_is_the_most_canon_wardenhawks/,
1371171897.0,12,self.dragonage,1gb435,Aaryn Flynn IGN Interview,16,4,28,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gb435/aaryn_flynn_ign_interview/,'While I was reading the article a part really stood out to me and I was wondering what your guys opinions were on it.
'As the Chantry’s oppression of the mages comes to a head in the opening of Inquisition, a Fade tear splits the sky, leading dragons and other monsters into the fray, “and that kicks off the events.' Following that, nations plunge into war, and “the decision is made to bring back an inquisition to find out what’s going on and stop this,”
The 'Nations' part intrigues me obviously it is most likely going to be set in Orlais but I have seen some people say that from the trailer it looks like the Anderfels as well and obviously we also see the Qunari in the trailer also. Now if the Qunari are in it is there then a possibility of involvement from Tevinter? Maybe even Rivain which has a Qunari settlement (even though they have a peace treaty there may still be some of the population of Rivain that want the Qunari gone).
1370990638.0,11,self.dragonage,1g5m9b,DA3 Open World thoughts?,21,10,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g5m9b/da3_open_world_thoughts/,'So, at E3 it was revealed that Dragon Age Inquisition will as opposed to earlier games in the series be a free-roaming open world RPG. This opens up a lot of possibilities and gives the player a bigger sense of freedom when it comes to traveling.
That said, I do **not** approve of this. I believe it was stated some time ago that Ferelden is supposed to be (don't quote me on this) about the size of England. Orlais, the country Inquisition will take place in (along with possibly other regions as well?) is a lot bigger, but even if its size was equal to that of Ferelden it would be nearly impossible to create a game world as big as England. Considering every inch of it would need detail as well, it's not very likely BioWare have succeded in creating such a vast open world.
So what do you think of this? I personally think this decision will completely shatter the 'logic' of the universe (yeah it's a fantasy game, but that does not mean it can't be true to *its own* universe), being able to walk from one edge of the map to the other in an hour will in my opinion sort of ruin the feel of traveling with your party miles after miles to get to whatever abandoned ruin you're headed for and again, more importantly it does not make sense that Orlais would be that small to being with. Now I'm not claiming it's going to be small fom gameplay point of view, to be fair we don't even know exactly how big this open world will be, but the fact that it will be one open world just sort of ruined the hype for me. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,32,True,t3_1g5m9b,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g5m9b/da3_open_world_thoughts/,
1370900918.0,8,twitter.com,1g2ol6,Dragon Age Inquisition confirmed for both current-gen and next-gen,11,3,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g2ol6/dragon_age_inquisition_confirmed_for_both/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/BJNxZcdOIVBgLBZQ.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1g2ol6,http://twitter.com/Mike_Laidlaw/status/344190709995302912,
1370639350.0,9,self.dragonage,1fvze6,Dragon Age 3 for next gen consoles?,17,8,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fvze6/dragon_age_3_for_next_gen_consoles/,'I just wanted to start a discussion on this and read everyone's opinion. I personally feel that it will be released on the next generation gaming consoles.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I had heard that EA will be releasing a number of Xbox One exclusive games. If this is true, do you think that Dragon Age 3 may be one of those games?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,5,True,t3_1fvze6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fvze6/dragon_age_3_for_next_gen_consoles/,
1370554620.0,11,self.dragonage,1ftilv,How much machine will I need to run Frostbite 3?,19,8,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ftilv/how_much_machine_will_i_need_to_run_frostbite_3/,Does anyone have any idea on what the specs will be for PCs? I am considering upgrading to a real gaming machine (my current one ran DA2 but on lower quality settings) I want to buy a little more machine than the specs require so I can safely run it in higher quality settings but I will not be able to afford the super top of the line. Any ideas?,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,3,True,t3_1ftilv,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ftilv/how_much_machine_will_i_need_to_run_frostbite_3/,
1368661503.0,12,self.dragonage,1ef131,'Do i have to be a mage to do the 'Nature of the beast' quest line?',16,4,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ef131/do_i_have_to_be_a_mage_to_do_the_nature_of_the/,'Also, can i do the quest if im already past redcliffe? From what i've read you can do it right after the tower.
1367172339.0,11,self.dragonage,1da7aa,Dragon Age 2 DLC worth it?,16,5,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1da7aa/dragon_age_2_dlc_worth_it/,'Finally got round to fiishing DA:O Ultimate and I thought the DLC, especially Awakening and Witch Hunt made the game a much much better experience.
So I'm going to start Dragon Age 2 now. I don't know anything about it so no spoilers please, all I know is a lot of people hate it, I have pretty low standards so I'm sure I'm going to enjoy the game either way, as long as it isn't over in like, <10 hours.
So my question is mainly directed at people who enjoyed DA2. Does the DLC enhance the experience, anywhere even close to the DLC on DA:O?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1da7aa,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1da7aa/dragon_age_2_dlc_worth_it/,
1366820233.0,11,self.dragonage,1d0mkw,Will Using Mods Affect Importing Saves into Dragon Age 2?,15,4,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d0mkw/will_using_mods_affect_importing_saves_into/,'I have never played DA2 before, but I did play vanilla DA:O a long time ago. Having just purchased the Ultimate Edition, I am interested in playing it again with mods.
I'm just curious about whether the heavy use of mods will have any effect on importing one's saves into DA2.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1d0mkw,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d0mkw/will_using_mods_affect_importing_saves_into/,
1366724044.0,10,self.dragonage,1cxmxm,The Antivan accent..,14,4,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1cxmxm/the_antivan_accent/,'Is it supposed to sound like a Spanish one, an italian accent, a portuguese accent or something else?
Also, what about Antiva as a country? What country do you think the devs/David Gaider/whoever came up with it was influenced by the most when creating it?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,32,True,t3_1cxmxm,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1cxmxm/the_antivan_accent/,
1366426860.0,11,self.dragonage,1cpxni,Is DLC for Origins transferrable?,17,6,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1cpxni/is_dlc_for_origins_transferrable/,'I've had Origins for PS3 since it came out, and I've thoroughly enjoyed all of my playthroughs. Recently, I bought the Ultimate Edition (never played the DLC on PS3, just the stock version) on Amazon for the Mac. One slight problem: it's horribly laggy, and borderline unplayable as a result. I'm going back home from college soon, so I was wondering if all the DLC available with the Ultimate Edition can tranfer to the PS3 game using my EA account.
Thanks for any help you guys can provide.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1cpxni,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1cpxni/is_dlc_for_origins_transferrable/,
1366151148.0,12,self.dragonage,1chpl2,First time Dragon Age player,15,3,38,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1chpl2/first_time_dragon_age_player/,'Hey guys, I just recently started Dragon Age: Origins for the first time. Is there anything you guys wish you knew before you started playing? Or even some obvious things I might not have picked up on? Thanks!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1chpl2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1chpl2/first_time_dragon_age_player/,
1365888816.0,12,examiner.com,1cagr3,‘Dragon Age 3’ developer talks competing with ‘Dark Souls 2’ and ‘The Witcher 3’,22,10,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1cagr3/dragon_age_3_developer_talks_competing_with_dark/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/lNXZ5ehHToncwACw.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1cagr3,http://www.examiner.com/article/dragon-age-3-developer-talks-competing-with-dark-souls-2-and-the-witcher-3,
1365576334.0,11,self.dragonage,1c1rul,Tips for New DA2 Player,15,4,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1c1rul/tips_for_new_da2_player/,'So I just got DA 2 today as a gift from my tax refund and was wondering if there was anything I needed to know before I started. I have played Origins to completion once (but had to delete the file to make room for ME3 when it came out and I only had 4 GB of memory, then I upgraded) I'm playing through again with Shale and trying to complete the whole story with Leiliana & F!Warden. I bought Awakening as well, should I finish that before I embark on DA2?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1c1rul,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1c1rul/tips_for_new_da2_player/,
1363876985.0,13,nthornborrow.deviantart.com,1aqfil,Dragon Age: World of Thedas,17,4,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1aqfil/dragon_age_world_of_thedas/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/BBDhBALuQH-Ar6hW.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1aqfil,http://nthornborrow.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Age-World-of-Thedas-360562320,
1362791814.0,11,self.dragonage,19y44d,Cosplay staff,14,3,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19y44d/cosplay_staff/,'Hey /r/dragonage, I'm doing a cosplay of a male mage Hawke and I was wondering what staff would be good to compliment the Champion armor.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_19y44d,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19y44d/cosplay_staff/,
1361926726.0,12,self.dragonage,19anwv,'Started DA2 with Origins import, but no Awakening. Mistake?',14,2,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19anwv/started_da2_with_origins_import_but_no_awakening/,'Like the title says, I just started a new play through of DA2 with an import directly from Origins, not from Awakening. I'm now near the end of Act 1 and wondering if that was a mistake.
It's been quite a while since the last time I played DA2, so I'm not sure what dialogue or storyline I'm missing by skipping Awakening, or if it makes very little difference.
I'd be okay with starting over again if there's anything cool to be had.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,2,True,t3_19anwv,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19anwv/started_da2_with_origins_import_but_no_awakening/,
1361479582.0,10,25.media.tumblr.com,18z4yv,'Orlais from Dragon Age: The World of Thedas
1360687372.0,11,self.dragonage,18dukc,Hardening Alistair?,14,3,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18dukc/hardening_alistair/,'I did the Goldanna mission, told him everyone was out for themselves, and then gave him Duncan's shield. But I can't get him to initiate the conversation in camp. Eamon has not left for the landsmeet yet.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_18dukc,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18dukc/hardening_alistair/,
1357702706.0,12,self.dragonage,16876w,Should I get DA:2? What are the main differences between the two games. What are its poor and good qualities? Thanks.,21,9,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16876w/should_i_get_da2_what_are_the_main_differences/,'I have Origins Ultimate Edition and I wanted to get the second one but I heard that isn't nearly as good. I don't know if its due to nostalgia that people bash it or if its actually that bad. I love Bioware's games and I love RPGs. Ive had ultimate edition for a while and im recently replaying it and I was wondering whats good and bad about DA:2. How are the two games different? Also, is it worth the money? I found a PC download version for $15 on Amazon. Thank you for your time.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_16876w,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16876w/should_i_get_da2_what_are_the_main_differences/,
1357531675.0,10,youtube.com,163mq8,I'm calling it. Flemeth is the dread wolf.,16,6,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/163mq8/im_calling_it_flemeth_is_the_dread_wolf/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/dlq0W05mHNCtYfOM.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_163mq8,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3wS6Ha_ehs,
1357224974.0,11,self.dragonage,15w1l6,I just bought Dragon Age Origins and have no idea what I'm doing - where can I read a tutorial aimed at someone who has never played this type of game before and is hopelessly lost,15,4,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15w1l6/i_just_bought_dragon_age_origins_and_have_no_idea/,'I just bought this game from Steam, but have never played anything like it.. other than Summoner.. years and years ago. And I've just discovered that things have moved on since summoner. I've been trying to find some basic tutorials, but everything I find seems to be aimed at people that already know what they are going.
Can anyone point me at something to get me started, that assumes zero prior knowledge for the user. As an example, at the start of the game I had no idea I needed to click the portrait of other characters to control them and couldn't work out why that character I was supposed to escort wasn't following me..
1352081317.0,10,self.dragonage,12n7he,'Never played any DA before, want to get the most out of all of the games. What do?',19,9,40,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/12n7he/never_played_any_da_before_want_to_get_the_most/,'I'm a big Mass Effect fan and people have been telling me to play the Dragon Age series as well, but I have no experience with any DA stuff at all, other than I might have heard someone say that DA2 is rather mediocre. What should a noob like myself know before playing the DA series (I have intent to play them all)?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_12n7he,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/12n7he/never_played_any_da_before_want_to_get_the_most/,
1350948533.0,11,self.dragonage,11wrpw,DA:O - Please justify my failure/frustration by agreeing with me,15,4,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11wrpw/dao_please_justify_my_failurefrustration_by/,'So I'm doing the mage tower, there's a fire demon you can summon on the bottom floor if you follow some quest. I summon it, and have my party attack it.
The friendly mage NPCs spam fireball at it - it's a fire demon let me remind you. Due to playing on hard(friendly AoEs hurt friendlies), they nearly wipe out my party doing this since fireball does a ton of damage then CCs you and does the same amount of damage for a duration.
I manage to pull through it due to my Wynne surviving and reviving/healing us up while we got out of the way of the IDIOT NPC mages. :/
So later in the same area(mage tower), there's a bunch of fade areas you go through solo. I'm going through it fine and then I get to two hostile mages that run out a door and attack me. One of them starts to cast fireball and I try to stop him with crushing prison, but he resists. So I run around a corner..and the fireball follows me around the corner, and kills me while I'm knocked down by it with its burn damage.
I just want people to agree with me that fireball is a stupid spell and it's not my fault so I can move on with my game reminding myself that it's just horribly imbalanced so I shouldn't expect not to randomly die on occasion(I was trying to go through the game w/out ever 'wiping' and this was my first death).
If there's some build I could viably expect to go through w/out ever wiping, please share - though I haven't unlocked many specializations like arcane warrior or blood mage yet.
**TLDR: Just nod along in agreement okay thank you.**
1350153568.0,12,redd.it,11fa2q,'Free Origin Game with coupon code, both Dragon Age games included in the deal US AND CA ONLY! [x-post r/freebies]',13,1,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11fa2q/free_origin_game_with_coupon_code_both_dragon_age/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_11fa2q,http://redd.it/11f3tu,
1344580490.0,12,self.dragonage,xzhfc,I have Origins on Xbox. Is it one million times better on PC?,17,5,28,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xzhfc/i_have_origins_on_xbox_is_it_one_million_times/,'Like the title says, I bought DA:O after several glowing recommendations, but so far I'm not really blown away. Is the interface better on PC or am I just doing it wrong?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_xzhfc,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xzhfc/i_have_origins_on_xbox_is_it_one_million_times/,
1342326871.0,11,self.dragonage,wkwyt,What's so special about Hawke?,18,7,24,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wkwyt/whats_so_special_about_hawke/,What makes him so special? Sure he's the champion and all but Anders is the one that blew up the church and started the war. All Hawke did was pick a side. ,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_wkwyt,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wkwyt/whats_so_special_about_hawke/,
1341869563.0,10,self.dragonage,wait7,What do i do with the anvil of the void.,12,2,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wait7/what_do_i_do_with_the_anvil_of_the_void/,'this is my end all be all playthrough and this is the only choice im stuck on im for sure making bhelen king but i honestly have no idea what to do with the anvil. i know im gonna get the legion of the dead support and im also going to use my royal boon to get support for orzamar at the end. but i still have no idea what to do with the anvil. help?
EDIT:i changed my mind. human and dwarvs can push the damn darkspawn back',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1341875398.0,23,True,t3_wait7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wait7/what_do_i_do_with_the_anvil_of_the_void/,
1339452723.0,12,self.dragonage,uwv1l,Can someone clarify these questions?,18,6,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/uwv1l/can_someone_clarify_these_questions/,'Alright, I have a couple questions for the upcoming title Dragon Age 3, maybe you guys can help out? Will origin stories come back? I enjoyed these and so did many others but will this return, since it did give personality to your Warden. And they apparently are taking things people enjoyed from the first two games and putting it in the 3rd, anyone have any idea on what these are? Also I am wondering what they are taking from Dragon Age 2, since they had nothing really that good in the second title.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_uwv1l,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/uwv1l/can_someone_clarify_these_questions/,
1337188498.0,11,self.dragonage,tq7iu,Are there difficulty spikes throughout the entire game? (DA:O),11,0,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tq7iu/are_there_difficulty_spikes_throughout_the_entire/,'Hey everyone, this is my first time playing any Dragon Age. I picked up Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition for Xbox pretty cheaply a couple of days ago and have been playing it nonstop, but I've recently come into some problems.
It seems that, every once in a while, there is a crazy spike in difficulty - things just get too tough. I constantly keep switching my difficulty down to 'casual' in the place I'm in right now, Haven, in the are you open up with a medallion in search for the Urn of Sacred Ashes.
I'm using myself, an elf mage, Morrigan, Zevran, and Shale (from DLC). I am constantly getting obliterated.
Anyway, any tips? Any ideas? Is this a constant/reoccurring thing? Or is this particular dungeon just a little tough? Should I switch my characters, even though they're a little bit lower leveled?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_tq7iu,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tq7iu/are_there_difficulty_spikes_throughout_the_entire/,
1335393197.0,11,youtube.com,ssj9t,'An amazing tribute video to a game that, despite its numerous flaws, was still amazing. Do you think Dragon Age 2 did anything better than Origins did? ',12,1,24,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ssj9t/an_amazing_tribute_video_to_a_game_that_despite/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Fy_F7B7Go-6-nPhk.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_ssj9t,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TULTz6Cuy4,
1334681690.0,10,self.dragonage,sefkx,If I may make a suggestion to the mods..,15,5,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sefkx/if_i_may_make_a_suggestion_to_the_mods/,'Where it says 'readers' on the right side next to the subscribe button, you (the mods) think you could change that to 'Wardens' instead? Just a thought.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,11,True,t3_sefkx,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sefkx/if_i_may_make_a_suggestion_to_the_mods/,
1323020775.0,12,self.dragonage,mzwc8,DA2 DLC Worth Buying?,12,0,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/mzwc8/da2_dlc_worth_buying/,'I'm playing through DA2, on the 360, for the first time and was looking at the DLC. Are any of these worth buying? Do they add $10 worth of content? I noticed all 3 would be over $25 to buy. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_mzwc8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/mzwc8/da2_dlc_worth_buying/,
1320671620.0,11,self.dragonage,m3gqo,'First Time player, what's the best character route to start with?',12,1,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/m3gqo/first_time_player_whats_the_best_character_route/,'I picked up DA:O ultimate edition in a steam sale ages ago and i wanted to play it but when i got to the character select/creation screen i just didnt have the time to commit to thinking about a character, i just wanted to jump into a game. i have way more time now and want to be able to play this game to its full extent. Can any of you give me pointers as to what character is best to start off with? I'm not new to bioware or rpgs but i wouldn't mind a start as if im new to everything',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_m3gqo,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/m3gqo/first_time_player_whats_the_best_character_route/,
1320184575.0,10,self.dragonage,lwx7w,[Help]I don't understand how to use my Mage's skills properly. ,11,1,28,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lwx7w/helpi_dont_understand_how_to_use_my_mages_skills/,'I got DA:O about a week ago, being a person who has never really liked RPGs, I'm surprised by how much I love this game. I've played a few MMOs over the years, and always find myself really bored of the Warrior melee classes, so I decided to choose a Mage thinking it would be the most fun I could have.
I'm was really enjoying the Mage I created, but I'm having a really hard time using the AoE skills, such as Blizzard. No matter how I try to cast them, or where I call them, I usually kill my squad mates.
With the large cast time, my teammates are usually already up in their faces fighting, but if I set their tactics to stay with me, the enemy archers just pick them down. I really don't know how to tactically take advantage of my skills.
Any advice would be great, keep in mind though that I'm only a level 7 mage, and I'm not entirely familiar with this game. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_lwx7w,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lwx7w/helpi_dont_understand_how_to_use_my_mages_skills/,
1319375033.0,11,self.dragonage,llzg3,My theory about the qunari,16,5,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/llzg3/my_theory_about_the_qunari/,'I'm currently playing Dragon Age 2 and no matter what you say about the game, I loved to learn more about the qunari. They are fascinating indeed, but their origin is largely unknown.
And my hypothesis is this: they are aliens who crash-landed on the planet, several hundred years ago.
Why do I think so? Let me tell:
1. They appeared rather recently - four centuries ago. Before that no one has any information about them. It's hard to imagine someone like them could hide for long. So the best guess is that they did not live on the planet before that
2. While the whole world is very familiar with magic, the qunari appear to be on the opposite side. Whatever few mages they have, they distrust and even those mages themselves are incomparably weaker than their human/elven counterparts. It would suggest that qunari only recently found out about it. I assume that lyrium is a mineral, that is responsible for magic abilities of some humans. While it's abundant on this planet, it was probably non-existent on their homeworld. When they arrived the contact with the mineral caused some individuals to develop abilities unknown to the qunari. Possibly creating a lot of abominations in the process. And so the qunari deemed magic to be extremely dangerous, even more so than the other races.
3. They appear to be more technologically advanced than other races. They have access to gunpowder, advanced poisons, cannons, navy and so on. While it's not exactly space age technology we must consider that without the worldwide industry to support them, that is about the best a technologically advanced race could do.
4. Lower population. As little as 4 centuries had hard time to increase their population to a size the other races enjoy.
So I assume this is what happened:
At least 4-5 centuries ago a qunari spaceship crashed and they were stranded, with no hope to repair it with resources available to them and with morale declining among the crew, highest ranking officer Ashkaari Koslun saw that without a purpose his crew would scatter in all directions, never to return. And the purpose is clear of course, to push forward technology and industry of the local population so some future descendants could return home. It was obvious that this task would take more than a single generation and with their technology and any evidence gone any future generations would have hard time believing their origins, it would at best turn into myths if not disappear completely. So he created a religion - The Qun. Any society that could send them into space soon, needed to be unquestioning and with single goal. Religion is an obvious choice to achieve it.
So time passed and they began their war to unite the world, it didn't go as planned though, they didn't expect mages, which were a match even to their great technological advantage. With time passing their origins were forgotten as it was predicted and now even with core principles of their mission intact no one knows their true purpose even though they still strive to achieve it. A master plan indeed.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_llzg3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/llzg3/my_theory_about_the_qunari/,
1319048710.0,9,self.dragonage,lhqts,'[Mark of the Assassin] How do we feel about it? (Naturally, there may be spoilers ahead.)',12,3,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lhqts/mark_of_the_assassin_how_do_we_feel_about_it/,'Played through it twice and it blew me away. A chance to socialize at a party, a chance to sneak around and *avoid* combat, some *optional* puzzle-solving, fun new banter between party members. It just feels right for *Dragon Age 2*.
**Because I still can't seem to figure out how spoiler tags work in this subreddit, please beware the following:** I thought it was fun to see Sister Nightingale at the party; the first time I went into the party was before I had finished the game but after I had already met the Sister. The second time I played it was after finishing the game and the NPCs at the party recognized me and commented on my being the Champion.
I enjoyed that I could choose between abandoning your new temporary party member, or going with her to the final fight. I like the two new kinds of creatures you can fight, and I like that there are no darkspawn in this DLC at all.
I'm the tinest little bit disappoint, however, that femHawke wears the same outfit to the party as manHawke; would loved to have seen her in a tasteful gown. I thought manHawke in that outfit was all kinds of delish.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_lhqts,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lhqts/mark_of_the_assassin_how_do_we_feel_about_it/,
1317220446.0,11,surveymonkey.com,ku3z1,'Doing a computer games course in college, would you mind filling this out?',15,4,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ku3z1/doing_a_computer_games_course_in_college_would/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_ku3z1,http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/23JK5VF,
1313008723.0,12,gadgetbuzzer.com,jeyir,'love interest, just curious on who picked what romance lines and why.',15,3,30,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/jeyir/love_interest_just_curious_on_who_picked_what/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_jeyir.png,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_jeyir,http://www.gadgetbuzzer.com/images/dragon_age_origins_2.jpg,
1311181518.0,11,self.dragonage,iuz33,Choosing the templars as a mage [spoilers],12,1,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/iuz33/choosing_the_templars_as_a_mage_spoilers/,'So, I'm just curious if anybody had a similar thought process.
I played a mage and went against the templars every step of the way, and uncovered all of Meredith's bulshit, up until the final battle, where I sided with the templars. Why ? Even though it was unjust, it was by far the lesser evil.
Go with the templars, and you doom (almost) all the mages, even ones who were absolutely innocent, but you have to admit that the vast majority of them is corrupted, and you know that even Orsino is not clean at all, he is just more subtle than Meredith. Agreed, they were forced into this state by the templars, but they are too many blood mages/abominations.
Side with the mages, you wipe out the templars, and after everything that went down, topped by what Anders did, you will only get the people against you, seems logical that more and more templars from other lands will come to end the situation and mages everywhere will suffer more from this act; not to mention all the abominations that run free.
I was actually extremely happy that Meredith betrayed me in the end, I was hoping for some extremist templars to side with her too. Either way, this was an extremely complex moral choice (which I probably took too serious), but I'd just like to find out what you guys thought when choosing.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_iuz33,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/iuz33/choosing_the_templars_as_a_mage_spoilers/,
1310173625.0,9,self.dragonage,ikjdl,DA2 Legacy Gameplay Demo,12,3,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ikjdl/da2_legacy_gameplay_demo/,'I don't care about the karma for it. The map looks different that what I've seen but we can't really know until it is released.
1303107585.0,11,self.dragonage,gskf4,Finally! Scored the DA:O platinum (PS3 version).,13,2,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gskf4/finally_scored_the_dao_platinum_ps3_version/,'The one that I struggled with, was that Harvester 'hard-/nightmare-mode' victory trophy. Every strategy I've read on that battle, urges either a battlemage or some kind of mage tank. They always spoke ill of rogues. And how do I march into battle? As a damn rogue.
My golem was the first to fall, but the Harvester was weakened enough to begin the second phase of the battle; I accidentally inflicted friendly fire when I used Dworkin's explosives (carried over from my character's misadventures during the Awakening expansion), which knocked out my dwarven allies. (At this point, I figure it's futile to struggle, but something tells me to see if I can't turn the tide. I humor this seemingly foolhardy thought.) So, it's me, a group a skeletons, and the Harvester, all running after me (with Harvey in its lesser form). I dropped what grenades I had, spammed regular health poultices, and spammed the 'Strength of Stone' mode (earned via the Legionnaire Scout specialization). I gulped down stamina vials (I forget the correct name of the item) and unloaded that one attack that enables a constant flurry of strokes, each of which draining from your stamina reserve. (Again, with the names and the forgetting; at the end of my day.)
Finally, it's down me the Harvester which seemed to only want to jump around one area away from me, and the one boss-level skeleton that was in 'red mode,' stronger than me by a few points, harder to hit, and constantly snapping at my heels as I try to evade him. Seeing a moment to turn the tide, I attacked this 'harvested skeleton' and eat away at his health bar. Five minutes and 20+ standard health poultices later, I could then finally devote all of my attention on Harvey. And I did. He was caught in a loop of leaping around the room in the same pattern for a few minutes. I attacked him with one or two swings as he approaches me, and repeat until he has a sliver of life left. He suddenly abandoned that pattern, and rushed into my sword. As if to end this dance in acceptance of his fate.
That trophy award sound made my evening. If you read up to this point, thanks for taking the time. Now, I can move on to DA2.. (except, there's the one trophy left in that Darkspawn Chronicles DLC that doesn't count toward the platinum, apparently. Time enough for another day.)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_gskf4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gskf4/finally_scored_the_dao_platinum_ps3_version/,
1301946749.0,11,self.dragonage,gik20,Flemeth Question,12,1,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gik20/flemeth_question/,'How is it that I can kill flemeth in dao, load that save into da2 and her be apart of the story alive? Isn't this game suppose to take place after the events of dao?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_gik20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gik20/flemeth_question/,
1300086543.0,11,self.dragonage,g3kh6,What do you guys think of the Qun?,14,3,31,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g3kh6/what_do_you_guys_think_of_the_qun/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_g3kh6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g3kh6/what_do_you_guys_think_of_the_qun/,
1299807168.0,11,imgur.com,g1lpg,I love when bugs make me laugh. There is so many places this looks funny. I figured i would share one.,14,3,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g1lpg/i_love_when_bugs_make_me_laugh_there_is_so_many/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_g1lpg.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_g1lpg,http://imgur.com/1F8BS,
1299582336.0,12,self.dragonage,fzosc,Play Dragon Age 2 right now.,13,1,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fzosc/play_dragon_age_2_right_now/,'This is something that I did when Civ 5 came out, and it's worked again with Dragon Age 2.
First, set Steam to offline mode.
Download the FlyVPN software from [here](http://www.flyvpn.com/download.php). I personally grabbed the standalone version, but I don't think it matters.
Fire up FlyVPN, enter the details for the Free US VPN [from here](http://www.flyvpn.com/freetrial.php). Set Steam back to online mode. Dragon Age 2 is now 'Ready to play'.
Right click, View CD keys and copy them to a txt file somewhere. I'm not usre if you can get them when offline, so this is just a precaution.
Run Dragon Age 2 and it'll start decrypting. Once it's done it should launch, so quit and set Steam to offline mode again.
You can now disconnect FlyVPN and delete it or whatever. As long as you leave Steam in offline mode then DA2 will work just fine. Reconnecting Steam from a non-US IP will relock it until your local release date.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_fzosc,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fzosc/play_dragon_age_2_right_now/,
1297132621.0,11,joystiq.com,fh8lu,Anders returns in DA2,13,2,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fh8lu/anders_returns_in_da2/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_fh8lu.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_fh8lu,http://www.joystiq.com/2011/02/07/dragon-age-2-anders/,
1292559729.0,11,dragonage.bioware.com,en823,The new hurlocks look like skeletor,12,1,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/en823/the_new_hurlocks_look_like_skeletor/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_en823.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_en823,http://dragonage.bioware.com/da2/world/creatures/hurlock/,
1283071717.0,13,feedthegamer.info,d6t1r,'Dragon Age 2: “A lot of other choices” make up for
single player race, says Dr Ray',13,0,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/d6t1r/dragon_age_2_a_lot_of_other_choices_make_up_for/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_d6t1r.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_d6t1r,http://feedthegamer.info/2010-08-29/dragon-age-2-%e2%80%9ca-lot-of-other-choices%e2%80%9d-make-up-for-single-player-race-says-dr-ray/,
1268767316.0,9,store.steampowered.com,be6tu,Dragon Age: Origins Awakening Now Available in North America!,12,3,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/be6tu/dragon_age_origins_awakening_now_available_in/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_be6tu.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_be6tu,http://store.steampowered.com/news/3604/,
1258609777.0,12,self.dragonage,a5xcs,Does anybody use poisons?,15,3,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a5xcs/does_anybody_use_poisons/,I used them a bit in the Korcari wilds but it turned out to be too much effort reapplying them for every fight so I ended up just selling all my poisons. I might occasionally make a poison for any tough guys I happen to meet (revenants mostly) but that's just about it.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a5xcs,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a5xcs/does_anybody_use_poisons/,
1258389273.0,9,self.dragonage,a4xkj,*Spoiler Thread* - List of gifts that trigger an event.. who to give them to,14,5,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a4xkj/spoiler_thread_list_of_gifts_that_trigger_an/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a4xkj,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a4xkj/spoiler_thread_list_of_gifts_that_trigger_an/,
1257909331.0,11,self.dragonage,a33b8,Anyone beat the flash game journeys? was it worth it?,11,0,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a33b8/anyone_beat_the_flash_game_journeys_was_it_worth/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a33b8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a33b8/anyone_beat_the_flash_game_journeys_was_it_worth/,
1257339776.0,10,self.dragonage,a0uus,How far did you get in Dragon Age yesterday?,14,4,26,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a0uus/how_far_did_you_get_in_dragon_age_yesterday/,'I got to the spot where Morrigan joins the party, and then I had to sleep. Really like the game so far. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a0uus,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a0uus/how_far_did_you_get_in_dragon_age_yesterday/,
1256323772.0,10,escapistmagazine.com,9x4if,'Dragon Age Flash Game Released, Unlocks Items in Dragon Age: Origins',13,3,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9x4if/dragon_age_flash_game_released_unlocks_items_in/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_9x4if.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_9x4if,http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/95654-Dragon-Age-Flash-Game-Released-Unlocks-Items-in-Dragon-Age-Origins,
1256195510.0,11,examiner.com,9wjyn,Early reviews are in and Dragon Age: Origins is a winner,15,4,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9wjyn/early_reviews_are_in_and_dragon_age_origins_is_a/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_9wjyn.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_9wjyn,http://www.examiner.com/x-544-Games-Examiner~y2009m10d21-Early-reviews-are-in-and-Dragon-Age-Origins-is-a-winner,
1256194595.0,12,dragonagejourneys.com,9wjtg,Dragon Age Journeys - flash game revealed,14,2,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9wjtg/dragon_age_journeys_flash_game_revealed/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_9wjtg.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_9wjtg,http://www.dragonagejourneys.com/,
1376353453.0,9,self.dragonage,1k8t3w,What are the Grey Wardens up to?,12,3,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k8t3w/what_are_the_grey_wardens_up_to/,'What are your guys theory about what they have been doing, something that is to important to stop to help Kirkwall with the Qunari, delving into the deep roads to see what the Red Lyrium was about.
Are they perhaps looking for cure to the taint?
Are there other magisters like Corypheus that are trapped that they are trying to deal with?
1375375728.0,8,self.dragonage,1ji5bx,'Dragon Age RPG - Need a little help with 'Expedition' quest inspiration. [Crosspost to /r/RPG]',13,5,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ji5bx/dragon_age_rpg_need_a_little_help_with_expedition/,'I'm running the Dragon Age RPG, I've got the group together running a fetch-quest as an intro to the setting. After they're done, I'd love to run a game where they escort a likeable NPC from their starting country to all other major countries, allowing them to interact with a huge swathe of lore. It worked very well for a D&D game I ran, and everyone started enjoying the little things they learned, and the new people they met.
Everyone in the game has distinct goals, however. One wants to slay a dragon, another wants to free their family from slavery, two are mages searching for objects of power.
Any chance I could get some hints, brainstorm, and inspiration as to a reason for escorting this NPC that would fit (even obliquely) with their goals? Money will also be offered, but I don't think I want that to be their main reason.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1ji5bx,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ji5bx/dragon_age_rpg_need_a_little_help_with_expedition/,
1375297530.0,10,imgur.com,1jfu9q,Probably the last time I will buy a strategy guide. Worth it.,12,2,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jfu9q/probably_the_last_time_i_will_buy_a_strategy/,False,http://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/KGXR_ri2libn23Xl.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1jfu9q,http://imgur.com/n3bjqZH,
1374590193.0,10,self.dragonage,1ivwl1,A few things I don't want to see.,26,16,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ivwl1/a_few_things_i_dont_want_to_see/,'I was trying to get through Act 1 and it struck me how senseless almost everything related to the combat is. The most glaring problems for me:
- **Mindless trash mobs**. Dungeon Keeper implemented fear for trash mobs ages ago. Even SWTOR many times make people non-hostile when you beat them. They have no excuse. You don't get to present yourself as a story-based game studios if you make the protagonist kill fifteen citizens because of an argument (Before you find Anders, a group of Fereldans try to stop you. So you just kill them all. They all fight until their last breath. You suffer no consequences). DA2 is supposed to be about the rise to power of a citizen living in a politically complex situation. You can't say your story tries to approach city life if you allow the protagonist to kill hundreds of people over the years with no consequence. That's why orcs, goblins and darkspawn exist in the first place: what works for mindless beasts doesn't work for humans. Every human death outside of warzones has to mean something.
- **Loot**. It works for nobodies like the Lone Wanderer or the Spirit Monk. It doesn't work for Commander Shepard or for the Inquisitor, who have large, wealthy organizations backing them up. Buying your own thing is ok. Looting an assassin you just defended yourself from to look for clues is ok. Looting people as a general mechanism for trash like a cabbage and 2 copper coins isn't.
- **Isabela's tits**. Or anyone's for that matter outside of intimate scenes. I don't care if David Gaider says it's 'her personality' (which is bull anyway - it's the personality the art dude, Shane Whathisname, decided to bestow upon her. She's a character from a videogame. The people who write and draw her decide those things—not 'her'. Don't even start with the 'it's her choice' bullshit). I'm wearing shorts and flip flops right now. Doesn't mean I would wear that if my friend the Inquisitor asked if I could help killing demons. What's this, a fashion magazine? Design adequate gear that fits her personality instead. **EDIT:** Look at [the concept art in this post](http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1iwdlq/matt_rhodes_dragon_age_and_mass_effect_concept/).
The problem is following tradition is easier. Programmers know how to program combat, loot etc. Classic RPG stuff. Writers know how to pace scenes with filler combat in-between. Everyone is used to killing trash as simply the thing the player does between conversations. If combat has to make sense storywise, you have to come up with something else for the player to do. What would that be?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1374633552.0,True,t3_1ivwl1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ivwl1/a_few_things_i_dont_want_to_see/,
1374369934.0,9,infobarrel.com,1iq6aj,Playing Dragon Age: Origins once more while awaiting for Inquisition! A guide to complete every unique item set in the game.,11,2,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1iq6aj/playing_dragon_age_origins_once_more_while/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/jIUYlCIYP6yHhzw2.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1iq6aj,http://www.infobarrel.com/Dragon_Age_Origins_-_How_To_Get_Every_Unique_Armor_Set,
1374032505.0,10,self.dragonage,1igofb,For those of you who bought Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.,15,5,30,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1igofb/for_those_of_you_who_bought_dragon_age_origins/,'What kind of Warden did you create? What team are you using?
Just wondering.
I started a Dalish Hunter/(soon to be) Bard rogue. My party consists of Shale, Sten, Morrigan, my Warden, and my dog, Elijah. (This is only possible because of a Mod)
At first I wasn't sure about starting a rogue. I am a sucker for mages. But it is growing on me and I can't wait to start growing into the new style of play.
Happy Darkspawn hunting!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1igofb,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1igofb/for_those_of_you_who_bought_dragon_age_origins/,
1373634305.0,11,youtube.com,1i5f7f,Weekly Inquisition - Returning Characters in Dragon Age Inquisition,22,11,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1i5f7f/weekly_inquisition_returning_characters_in_dragon/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/1b5nHWL61DjGHSBG.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1i5f7f,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8MXkSD7M-w,
1373060543.0,9,twitter.com,1hpq9a,Sprint Review Day for DA:I,14,5,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hpq9a/sprint_review_day_for_dai/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,8,False,t3_1hpq9a,http://twitter.com/search?q=%23SprintReviewDay,
1371514462.0,9,greenronin.com,1gjwdz,Does anyone else play? Lets talk about it in the thread :),21,12,20,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gjwdz/does_anyone_else_play_lets_talk_about_it_in_the/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/GCrNisObC8hE0-IW.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,11,False,t3_1gjwdz,http://greenronin.com/dragon_age/,
1370926107.0,9,self.dragonage,1g3n8d,How are the dragon age books?,11,2,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g3n8d/how_are_the_dragon_age_books/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1g3n8d,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g3n8d/how_are_the_dragon_age_books/,
1370537116.0,12,self.dragonage,1fssy7,Dragon Age on Mac: FAQs & How-Tos,16,4,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fssy7/dragon_age_on_mac_faqs_howtos/,'* To enable console on DA:O
Open ~/Library/Preferences/Dragon Age Origins Preferences
and open the config file on Text Edit. Scroll to the very bottom and paste this code:
'cmdlineadd' = ' -enabledeveloperconsole'
*note the space before -enabledeveloperconsole*
* To install mods, use [ModWrangler](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/2785/?) or [Modazipin](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/594/?). Drag and drop .dazip files into either of these programs to install.
* Some mods come in .zip files. Dump these mods into Documents/Bioware/Dragon Age/Packages/core/override
(If there is no override folder, just create one)
* For mods that end are packaged as .override files, simply change them into .zip files, unzip, and copy contents to override folder.
* Some mods will be a bit more difficult to install, such as [Dragon Age Redesigned](http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/686/?). For mods like this, either you install the file on a windows computer and just copy the .erf files to put into your mac's override folder, OR you install an emulator such as [winebottler](http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/33367/winebottler). (Note, if you're using Mountain Lion then you'll have to install [X11](http://xquartz.macosforge.org)
I made this post because I've never found a mac community for dragon age other than on bioware social which is kind of hassle to navigate ifi you need to figure shit out. So, yeah. As of now that's all I can think of that you'll need when playing dragon age origins on a mac. I'll be updating this as soon as i start playing Dragon Age 2 (on my 3rd play through now, just got DA:O dlcs lol). If you have any questions, shoot!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1fssy7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fssy7/dragon_age_on_mac_faqs_howtos/,
1368882309.0,10,self.dragonage,1ekp1u,Quick DA2 Mage Chat,14,4,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ekp1u/quick_da2_mage_chat/,'I've played a lot of Dragon Age, and while I agree mages in DAO were overpowered I've got the opposite issue in DA2.
I find Rogues > Warriors > Mages - and a mage is tons of fun to play - maybe the most fun - but on the hardest level of difficult it seems almost useless.
Rogue/Warrior chews through while lategame your damage just does not scale at all as a DPS mage.
I've tried several times but been disappointed - on normal/hard it's fine but past that it just doesn't cut it?
Is it me ?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1ekp1u,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ekp1u/quick_da2_mage_chat/,
1368193483.0,10,self.dragonage,1e2gat,Easter egg?,13,3,26,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1e2gat/easter_egg/,'Playing through DA:O again to pick up a few more trophies. I got to Gaxkang the Unbound and I thought his name sounded familiar. After thinking about it some more, I realized I was thinking of Kangaxx the demi-lich from Baldur's Gate II. He also was a pretty tough customer. Possibly an homage?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1e2gat,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1e2gat/easter_egg/,
1367142221.0,8,self.dragonage,1d9kax,''Can I get you a ladder, so you can get off my back?' - How do I turn off this sort of response speech from my main character in DA:O?',11,3,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d9kax/can_i_get_you_a_ladder_so_you_can_get_off_my_back/,What the title says.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1d9kax,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d9kax/can_i_get_you_a_ladder_so_you_can_get_off_my_back/,
1366907213.0,9,self.dragonage,1d3ad5,Happy little surprise!,14,5,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d3ad5/happy_little_surprise/,'Just purchased DA Ult. Edition during the steam sale and downloaded it the other day. After reactivating the online account, having not logged in since the original Mass Effect came out, I was pleasantly surprised to see the Blood Dragon Mass Effect pre-order code sitting there waiting for me that I never had used.
Just reached enough STR last night to finally equip it. Looks sick! A gift I held on to/forgot about since 2007, shows up and says 'HEY, LISTEN' I'm still here!! USE ME!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1d3ad5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d3ad5/happy_little_surprise/,
1365943893.0,11,self.dragonage,1cbn10,Fade issues,15,4,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1cbn10/fade_issues/,'So, a month or so back I started a new playthrough of Dragon Age: Origins, and to mix it up I installed the 'Ser Gilmore' mod along with a bunch of other things, and yesterday I decided to go ahead and continue that story.
I picked up where I left off and went right ahead into the Circle, eventually I got to the Fade. Since I don't like that part of the game very much, I had the 'Skip the Fade' mod installed since some time back to not have to endure the hours it takes to get though all those puzzles.
The thing is that I brought Ser Gilmore with me into the fade, with 'Skip the Fade' loaded, and what I did not know was that those two have a tendency to conflict, so now I'm stuck in Leliana's Nightmare, I can't use the Fade Pedestal( nothing happens when I interact with it), my autosaves only reach as far back as to Morrigan's Nightmare which in my case is right before that, it doesn't work simply unloading Rory and/or Skip the Fade, as that only allows me to get to the first 'room' of the Fade where you meet Niall, and I can not use the console to teleport myself anywhere since the console does not work at all for me.
I am completely clueless as to what I should do, I have no idea how to untangle myself out of this situation. So if anyone has any idea at all as to what I can do, that'd be greatly appreciated. Below I'll provide a list of all the mods I have loaded that I know of, in case it is in fact not a conflict between 'Ser Gilmore' and 'Skip the Fade' but between other mods.
Armor of the Black Fox
Skip the Fade
Jojjo Weapons
Fenod Weapon Pack V1
Morrigan Restoration Patch
Classic Week
Character Respec Addon V1.6
The Icons Project V0.24
Companion Compatibility Core
Ser Gilmore Joinable NPC
Dance Party
Universal Dye Kit
Devout Armor
Dahlia Lynn's Sleep Until Dawn',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,32,True,t3_1cbn10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1cbn10/fade_issues/,
1364478040.0,11,self.dragonage,1b6cao,Mark Darrah - Update from twitter,14,3,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b6cao/mark_darrah_update_from_twitter/,'Mark Darrah ‏@BioMarkDarrah:
Ok I'm posting actual #DA3 news for once. Dragon Age 3 will be on Frostbite 3.
Not huge news but with the fact Frostbite 3 has only just been announced really with BF4 do you guys think this means that Dragon Age 3 will be pushed back? In my opinion I would rather have a polished game in 2014 than a rushed one in 2013.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1364486605.0,True,t3_1b6cao,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b6cao/mark_darrah_update_from_twitter/,
1363766493.0,12,self.dragonage,1ani2s,Should I buy the Dragon Age 2 DLC?,21,9,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ani2s/should_i_buy_the_dragon_age_2_dlc/,'When the game first came out, I just kind of ignored any information about it for a while and missed all the DLC. Now that Inquisition is coming closer to being released I'm wondering, is the DLC worth playing for story/gameplay?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1ani2s,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ani2s/should_i_buy_the_dragon_age_2_dlc/,
1359166548.0,11,self.dragonage,17alk3,The silly things we do!,13,2,23,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17alk3/the_silly_things_we_do/,'I'm so glad I play on normal. I like to charge head first into battle all the time, completely forgetting I'm a mage.
Anything silly you guys do? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_17alk3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17alk3/the_silly_things_we_do/,
1357157025.0,10,self.dragonage,15uc4v,'Was gonna pick up Dragon Age Origins and all DLC, just got a simple question.',13,3,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15uc4v/was_gonna_pick_up_dragon_age_origins_and_all_dlc/,'Question: Is there DLC items, like ones you can get at start/early, and are they very OP that they make the game have no challenge?
Also is there a difficulty, what would you recommend if so? I generally play games on Hard if there are 3 settings, or 2nd hardest if there are 5 settings..unless the game is insane hard to begin with such as Ninja Gaiden etc
Thanks guys!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_15uc4v,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15uc4v/was_gonna_pick_up_dragon_age_origins_and_all_dlc/,
1355409238.0,11,self.dragonage,14saxm,Question about Soldier's Peak gear. DA:O - Spoilers,12,1,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/14saxm/question_about_soldiers_peak_gear_dao_spoilers/,'I decided to kill Sophia and spare Avernus but I am playing a mage character which I have not decided whether I want to delve into blood magic yet. I was curious if Avernus dropped any gear and I looked it up this morning and he drops a robe that improves blood magic.
Does anyone know if I will be able to come back and kill him at a later date?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_14saxm,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/14saxm/question_about_soldiers_peak_gear_dao_spoilers/,
1345556134.0,8,self.dragonage,ykuvm,If I Like Dragon Age II and Valkyria Chronicles What Other Games Will I Like?,14,6,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ykuvm/if_i_like_dragon_age_ii_and_valkyria_chronicles/,'After beating DAII last week, I want to get into some other games. The two games I have loved in the past few years were DAII and VC. What other games are similar? Thanks!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_ykuvm,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ykuvm/if_i_like_dragon_age_ii_and_valkyria_chronicles/,
1343323911.0,9,self.dragonage,x76ql,Help Me Defeat The Arishok Group,11,2,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/x76ql/help_me_defeat_the_arishok_group/,'I am stuck at the end of the second chapter where you battle the Arishok Group. Every time I enter the fight, I get creamed by them. I LOVE this game, especially because it allows queer romances and all, so I really want to finish it.
A few questions:
*What level should I be at? I DO have older saves (going back about 3-4 game hours) I can return to do to some leveling up if that will help.
*What weapons/armor should I be using at this point? I am using Hawke (Female Mage), Aveline, Merrill
*Is Arishok susceptible to any specific magic?
1342916658.0,11,self.dragonage,wy265,PC version of DA:O harder than console?,13,2,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wy265/pc_version_of_dao_harder_than_console/,'I just recently repurchased DA:O for the PC (gotta love $5 sales on Steam) after having beaten it on the PS3.
It seems harder! I've been slain more times than usual, even on the same difficulty.
So I dunno, it just seems harder.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_wy265,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wy265/pc_version_of_dao_harder_than_console/,
1342880750.0,9,self.dragonage,wx9ru,Help with 'Return to Ostagar' quest,11,2,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wx9ru/help_with_return_to_ostagar_quest/,'I tried googling this issue to no avail.
I'm currently playing DAO and I'm at the quest where I have to collect King Cailan's armor set. I only have 1 left but I don't know where to find it. I'm at the castle now and there's a barricaded door which I cannot open and there are no darkspawns left to slay.
How do I get the final piece of armor?
And is there a mod out there that would make the quests easier to follow?
1342741437.0,10,self.dragonage,wuft1,Mages overpowered in Awakening?,11,1,25,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wuft1/mages_overpowered_in_awakening/,'I played through Dragon Age as a mage on normal (my first time going all the way through it), and I found it a decently hard game a lot of the time (especially before getting Wynne, because the awesome damage-dealing spells were always too tempting for me to invest in healing).
But now that I'm in Awakening, I feel like my mage is just goddamn untouchable! With Draining Aura I can just invest a ton in deepening my mana pool and bosses can never really hurt me all that much, and things like Hand of Winter and Repulsion Field make large numbers of weak enemies total jokes. I think the only time I've died so far was when I tried to take down the lightning-dragon in the Blackmarsh. I actually don't even bother trying to heal my party since they just get in the way of all my awesome AoE spells.
Has this been everyone else's experience? How about with other classes, does Awakening's faster leveling just make everyone's life easier? Should I try ramping up the difficulty? I kind of enjoy from a story perspective, after ending the blight and killing the Archdemon, that my Warden is all over-powered and arrogant (I've noticed I'm picking much more dickish dialogue options than back when I felt like I was totally at the mercy of the game).',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_wuft1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wuft1/mages_overpowered_in_awakening/,
1342586861.0,10,self.dragonage,wqsfq,Ultra-Low Settings for Dragon Age 2?,11,1,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wqsfq/ultralow_settings_for_dragon_age_2/,'My computer sort of sucks (runs DA2 at >10 fps most of the time), so I was wondering if anybody knew of a way to lower the settings by changing a text file or something. I've looked, but I can't seem to find the right things to search for.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,13,True,t3_wqsfq,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wqsfq/ultralow_settings_for_dragon_age_2/,
1341814157.0,10,self.dragonage,w9bvr,Hello great people of r/dragonage! (DA:O SPOILERS),11,1,23,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/w9bvr/hello_great_people_of_rdragonage_dao_spoilers/,'NOTE: i have not played dragon age 2 so please no spoilers. da:o however is open to as many as you please
i basically want to know what you guys did in your game im currently on my first pc play though (beaten twice on ps3 got plat trophy). this is what i plan on doing
note my origin was a dwarf noble warrior
MAGI:saved the mages
DWARFS:make bahlen king and preserve the anvil
open human church and get dwarf girl to go to circle
ELVES: cure wolfs and recruit elves
ASHES: preserve them kill dragon and open it for torists
KING/QUEEN: harden Alister married to anora
LOGHAIN: let live and have him slay arch demon
ROMANCE:Liliana <3
REDCLIFFE: save child with help of circle :D
if there is anything BIG i missed just let me know but ya thats what i plan on doing :D ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,23,True,t3_w9bvr,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/w9bvr/hello_great_people_of_rdragonage_dao_spoilers/,
1341256108.0,11,phoenix091.deviantart.com,vxrbz,Fenris chibi a friend made,19,8,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vxrbz/fenris_chibi_a_friend_made/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Swba-Cli8HsCBhDW.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_vxrbz,http://phoenix091.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d53zja6,
1340757308.0,10,self.dragonage,vnqro,Question. Had to lower Leliana approval to get Spies convo after I had already hit on her. Will I be able to keep the relationship? ,10,0,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vnqro/question_had_to_lower_leliana_approval_to_get/,'So apparently I rose Leliana's approval too fast and skipped right over her Orlais spies dialogue. I had to use some of that gift coal to lower it a bit to get the codex entry.
The problem is, I had already started a relationship with Leliana. Will I be able to resume the relationship once I get her approval back?
I already used the fat lute on her so I will have to work at it. I am trying to get her hardened before any of the other quests so I am still at a point where it won't hurt too bad to restart. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_vnqro,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/vnqro/question_had_to_lower_leliana_approval_to_get/,
1337443753.0,12,baroque-tragedy.livejournal.com,tutdu,'Dragon Age: Casting Call, who would you like to play the characters in a Dragon Age movie?',13,1,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tutdu/dragon_age_casting_call_who_would_you_like_to/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_tutdu,http://baroque-tragedy.livejournal.com/10477.html#cutid1,
1336575663.0,9,vg247.com,terlm,“a significant portion” Dragon Age 3 team “was reassigned” to SWTOR,26,17,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/terlm/a_significant_portion_dragon_age_3_team_was/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_terlm,http://www.vg247.com/2012/05/08/pachter-believes-a-significant-portion-dragon-age-3-team-was-reassigned-to-swtor/comment-page-1/,
1336173772.0,11,self.dragonage,t7mdk,Spoiler tags have been added.,16,5,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/t7mdk/spoiler_tags_have_been_added/,'Even though I think we all know that [stuff](/spoiler) or that [stuff](/spoiler), nevertheless there is now the option to add spoiler redaction.
Super simple code:
[spoiler text to be hidden](/spoiler)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,1,True,t3_t7mdk,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/t7mdk/spoiler_tags_have_been_added/,
1332879520.0,10,self.dragonage,rgczl,CSS has been fixed!,12,2,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rgczl/css_has_been_fixed/,'The CSS has been updated and fixed. You can now view /r/dragonage without your reddits pooping all over the place.
I may do some more changes in the future, and if you have any suggestions, please feel free to send 'em over.
I will also take thank you gifts in the form of cash. And karma. :)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,1,True,t3_rgczl,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rgczl/css_has_been_fixed/,
1330606116.0,10,self.dragonage,qcunp,Dragon Age: Origins 'lets play' series,23,13,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/qcunp/dragon_age_origins_lets_play_series/,'Hello everyone, I am doing a Dragon Age 'lets play' series on my YouTube channel.
My friend said I should try posting to Reddit to get more exposure.
I have only just started playing the game so any tips/hints would be much appreciated! Criticism on the videos would be helpful too as I don't get a lot of views so I don't know if people like what they see.
Anyway here is the playlist link: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4081975390FDDB39&feature=mh_lolz
New episodes every Tuesday & Thursday at the moment.
Thanks for reading, hope I can bring something to the Dragon Age community here.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_qcunp,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/qcunp/dragon_age_origins_lets_play_series/,
1321967993.0,10,youtube.com,mlezt,'Dragon Age: Redemption - Gag Reel -- 'The cast and crew of Dragon Age share lighter moments while filming the Redemption web series.'',11,1,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/mlezt/dragon_age_redemption_gag_reel_the_cast_and_crew/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_mlezt,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzYPftaFr8E,
1320424304.0,9,self.dragonage,m0fi3,Reconciling Roleplaying wants with Min/Maxing needs on Nightmare Mode,10,1,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/m0fi3/reconciling_roleplaying_wants_with_minmaxing/,'Hi everyone, I recently got back into Dragon Age: Origins after playing DA2 and am having some difficulties creating my character. Let me preface by saying that the most important part of the game for me is roleplaying and my favourite character archetype to play is the wise wizard. When I played Neverwinter I made an intelligent, wise, well spoken but psychically frail Wizard/Cleric and I'd like to do something similar in Dragon Age. The problem arises when choosing where to place attributes. Ideally, I'd like to have a mage with maxed out cunning but the only character who would do that would be a rouge. I don't just want my character to be smart I want him to be wise and interested in the mysteries of magic and the fade. Normally I would just gimp my character but I want to challenge myself on nightmare mode so my questions are thus: How much cunning do I need to unlock all the hidden dialogue options? Would a healing mage keeping cunning, magic and willpower at a 1:1:1 ratio be viable in nightmare mode?
edit: Also, I imagine I'll want to do the same thing in Dragon Age 2 so if I could get the answers for both games that would be extra helpful
edit 2: Not sure if anybody is still reading this thread but I have to say I thankful for everybody for helping. I've made it up to 30 cunning and have discovered a few new hidden parts of the game and am really enjoying it.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_m0fi3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/m0fi3/reconciling_roleplaying_wants_with_minmaxing/,
1317763264.0,10,youtube.com,l0y5a,Dragon Age: Redemption web series trailer (starring Felicia Day),12,2,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/l0y5a/dragon_age_redemption_web_series_trailer_starring/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_l0y5a.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_l0y5a,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0knzIkqq-lk,
1316357637.0,10,biowarefans.com,kjj77,'Transcript and videos of the Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassin Developer Chat (September 16, 2011)',14,4,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/kjj77/transcript_and_videos_of_the_dragon_age_2_mark_of/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_kjj77.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_kjj77,http://biowarefans.com/2011/09/dragon-age-2-developer-chat-september-16-2011/,
1316034776.0,10,self.dragonage,kfry4,I have to give my useless opinion on DA:O and DA2.,22,12,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/kfry4/i_have_to_give_my_useless_opinion_on_dao_and_da2/,'I like both games. But origins is much better. i'll break it down for you.
Story: While 2 has a more complex and paralleled story, i prefer Origins. Origins had choices change the world, as well as it being simple, but ultimately engaged.
Pacing: 2 fails at this with immense flair. the first 12 hours are grinding for damn money so you can go on a quest so you can GET ON WITH THE STORY.
Characters: i never got Wynne or Lelianne. ever. i had Morrigan, Alistair, Zevran, Sten, and the dog. a dysfunctional party that suited my every need. and i liked them all. 2 had Varric, Fenris, and Merril. i liked only those three. anders is a shitlock and Aveline was never engaging. and carver was annoying as well.
Combat: now we have the meat of both games. 2 is faster, origins is much more flexible. all through 2 i was forced to wield a staff and wear a robe, until i got the champion's armor. But the combat simply pleased me more. Origins was a bit more muddled, but i loved my tank-mage that could wield spellweaver and wore heavy armor. I just couldn't tell if i was doing any damage. oh well.
final: Origins: 8.84
2: 7.0',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_kfry4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/kfry4/i_have_to_give_my_useless_opinion_on_dao_and_da2/,
1301559005.0,11,self.dragonage,gfe01,Anyone else not find much use for all your gold?,13,2,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gfe01/anyone_else_not_find_much_use_for_all_your_gold/,'Just finished my first play-through, and I before I went to the Gallows for the last time I was sitting on over 200g. I went around and bought up all the '+stats' potions etc and spammed some potions/poisons at my estate, but still had like 160g. Is there anything worth spending it on in previous acts or something?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_gfe01,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gfe01/anyone_else_not_find_much_use_for_all_your_gold/,
1299885769.0,9,shacknews.com,g29kh,Auto Attack patch in the works for Dragon Age II.,10,1,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g29kh/auto_attack_patch_in_the_works_for_dragon_age_ii/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_g29kh,http://www.shacknews.com/article/67790/dragon-age-2-bug-fixes,
1299832034.0,10,imgur.com,g1t48,Shale's presence is noted in DA2 (not quite a spoiler),11,1,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g1t48/shales_presence_is_noted_in_da2_not_quite_a/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_g1t48.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_g1t48,http://imgur.com/p03WB,
1298069437.0,11,blog.fileplanet.com,fo6oi,'I always wished Wynne was hotter, now she is. ',13,2,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fo6oi/i_always_wished_wynne_was_hotter_now_she_is/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_fo6oi.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_fo6oi,http://blog.fileplanet.com/2011/02/18/dragon-age-old-friends-anew/,
1278841203.0,10,greywardens.com,co9zm,A summary of what's known about Dragon Age II,14,4,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/co9zm/a_summary_of_whats_known_about_dragon_age_ii/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_co9zm.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_co9zm,http://greywardens.com/dragon-age-2-facts/,
1264398353.0,11,self.dragonage,atrho,Anyone else got their ass kicked by ...? (spoilers),16,5,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/atrho/anyone_else_got_their_ass_kicked_by_spoilers/,'**Ser Cauthrien**, right after you rescue Anora and try to leave Howe's Estate.
I have finished DA twice. I have fought :
1. The Archdemon in Denerim
2. The High Dragon during the quest for the Ashes.
3. Flemeth at the request of Morrigan.
4. Arcane Horror
5. Revenant
etc etc.
But out of all these foes nobody has kicked my ass, no wait, my entire party's ass like Ser Cauthrien. I manage to kill her entire entourage, only to be killed by her. Force Field doesn't hold her for long, Cone of Cold is resisted most of the time, when it does work, it freezes her for a couple of seconds at best. She resists Horror, Waking Nightmare stuns her for a second or two. I hit her with everything but still end up dead with the rest of my party. Anyone else have a similar experience or did someone manage to kill her and how?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_atrho,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/atrho/anyone_else_got_their_ass_kicked_by_spoilers/,
1262220839.0,11,self.dragonage,ak2yx,'I always hear the developers say that Dragon Age is influenced by George RR Martin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. How so?',13,2,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ak2yx/i_always_hear_the_developers_say_that_dragon_age/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_ak2yx,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ak2yx/i_always_hear_the_developers_say_that_dragon_age/,
1258415881.0,10,self.dragonage,a523k,'How many Characters did you roll before finding, 'The One' that suited you best?',12,2,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a523k/how_many_characters_did_you_roll_before_finding/,'It took me three tries before I found the character that I absolutley loved. I went through an Elvish Rogee, and a Human warrior, before settling on a Dwarven Commoner Rogue, and Im having a blast with him.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a523k,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a523k/how_many_characters_did_you_roll_before_finding/,
1258290801.0,10,self.dragonage,a4kuf,4 Characters in party? What am I missing here?,14,4,24,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a4kuf/4_characters_in_party_what_am_i_missing_here/,'Ok, It seems I'm missing something here. I've played a decent chunk of the start of the game (up to finishing Redcliffe) with 3 chars which to me made the game in hard difficulty almost impossible at points and normal difficulty was challenging, but now I check around here and see that everyone's been playing with 4 chars in their party (ie 3 more after the main char). I'm not at home right now to check but I think in the party selection I only saw slots for 3 chars in the party. I can't believe I just missed clicking an extra character in the party selection (I'm certain I did). So is there anything I need to do to have 4 chars in the party or have I been simply stupid?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_a4kuf,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a4kuf/4_characters_in_party_what_am_i_missing_here/,
1258167257.0,10,self.dragonage,a48g4,Is there any way to not have to micromanage your party yet have them act like semi-reasonable people?,11,1,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a48g4/is_there_any_way_to_not_have_to_micromanage_your/,'For example, in combat, if I cast a Tempest (**huge** area-of-effect lightning spell) and have my party set to 'Move Freely' they more often than not run directly into the Tempest to attack enemies, getting killed in the process.
I do enjoy micromanaging some battles, but it seems really damn lame that on the minor battles that I prefer to just control one character, the rest of my party act like idiots.
Edit: Also, if someone trips a fire trap, they sit there in the flames baking if they have no other reason to move. I just lost Alistair on the Blood Mage hunt level in Denerim because he sorta enjoyed the feeling of his skin turning to toast.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_a48g4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a48g4/is_there_any_way_to_not_have_to_micromanage_your/,
1258151116.0,10,self.dragonage,a46gr,Manual?,11,1,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a46gr/manual/,'I bought the Steam version and cannot find the manual, anyone know where it is located? I'm trying to figure out why some tactics have red text and some don't. Also how the attributes are used to calculate various bonuses (e.g. should a warrior only focus on strength, or also dex?)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a46gr,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a46gr/manual/,
1258130296.0,11,self.dragonage,a42mc,Spoilers in title?,14,3,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a42mc/spoilers_in_title/,'Some posts seem to give away more than they should in the title. Asking people to kindly keep stuff that could even remotely be considered spoiler to the comments or text space.
*Edit: When I wrote this up, there were two posts I thought had spoilers/slight spoilers in them. The one about a dog, a kid, and Denerim (I still haven't looked at this thread); and the one about a witch being Captain Janeway.. well, I looked at that one and realized it was talking about voice acting, so.. heh; whoops.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_a42mc,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a42mc/spoilers_in_title/,
1257889015.0,10,self.dragonage,a30gb,What do you think of Dragon Age's difficulty scaling? I'm finding it to be rather inconsistent.,10,0,23,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a30gb/what_do_you_think_of_dragon_ages_difficulty/,'The difference between easy and normal is just ridiculous. On 'Easy' it's way too easy and battles are over in seconds. On 'Normal' the average battle is not that hard, but then the occasional battle will just be wtfpwnomgimdead many times over. It's just not consistent at all. For example I'm about 20 hours into the game, and just reached the top of the mages tower and am entering into the battle with the desire demon, and on normal I get absolutely destroyed because of insta death for one party member at the beginning, and then you're just overwhelmed, so I'm forced to put it on Easy to avoid frustration, but then the battle is over in literally 15 seconds.
Anyway, that's my one big gripe with the game, because this is happening quite often. Most of the time I'm playing on Normal, but sometimes I just encounter something that forces me to put it on easy mode because it's just too insane.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a30gb,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a30gb/what_do_you_think_of_dragon_ages_difficulty/,
1257825222.0,11,imgur.com,a2pke,Piggyback ride. Yay!,13,2,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a2pke/piggyback_ride_yay/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a2pke.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a2pke,http://imgur.com/wbP9c.jpg,
1257537192.0,9,self.dragonage,a1qpc,Anyone else think this game is hard as shit?,11,2,54,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a1qpc/anyone_else_think_this_game_is_hard_as_shit/,'I played my way through most of BGII (shitty Mac port), and crushed KOTOR and Mass Effect. This didn't help me from getting annihilated by crowds of mobs in random rooms in the first 3 hours of DA:O. Anyone else feel the same way?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a1qpc,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a1qpc/anyone_else_think_this_game_is_hard_as_shit/,
1257240220.0,9,self.dragonage,a0g9u,So.. pirates are playing right now. Why aren't I?,16,7,34,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a0g9u/so_pirates_are_playing_right_now_why_arent_i/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a0g9u,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a0g9u/so_pirates_are_playing_right_now_why_arent_i/,
1257235784.0,10,dragonage.bioware.com,a0fpr,Reminder: Dragon Age:Origins releases today,12,2,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a0fpr/reminder_dragon_ageorigins_releases_today/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a0fpr.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a0fpr,http://dragonage.bioware.com/?,
1256763509.0,11,bitmob.com,9yrg7,Sex and the Single Dragon Age Hero,12,1,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9yrg7/sex_and_the_single_dragon_age_hero/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_9yrg7.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_9yrg7,http://bitmob.com/index.php/mobfeed/sex-and-the-single-dragon-age-hero.html,
1256275319.0,12,content.usatoday.com,9wwlr,An actress at the helm of 'Dragon Age: Origins',15,3,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9wwlr/an_actress_at_the_helm_of_dragon_age_origins/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_9wwlr,http://content.usatoday.com/communities/gamehunters/post/2009/09/an-actress-at-the-helm-of-dragon-age-origins/1,
1376599338.0,9,self.dragonage,1kfy9j,DA2 import help.,11,2,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kfy9j/da2_import_help/,'I have completed my DAO Origins and Awakening and ended with Witch Hunt, in just over 50 hours played. So I am a bit dismayed right now to find out that in my imported save to DA2 they refer to my Warden as female, even though I was male. So, what's up with that? Is there anything I can do about it?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1kfy9j,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kfy9j/da2_import_help/,
1376433518.0,9,self.dragonage,1kb66p,Why are there no dwarf mages?,13,4,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kb66p/why_are_there_no_dwarf_mages/,'Can someone please explain why there are no dwarf mages? does it have something to do with living underground, lyrium or is it purely racial?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1kb66p,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kb66p/why_are_there_no_dwarf_mages/,
1376412942.0,9,youtube.com,1kadal,'Weekly Inquisition - Dragon Age: Inquisition News Overload (Gameplay, Screenshots, News)',16,7,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kadal/weekly_inquisition_dragon_age_inquisition_news/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/BKczwRW0a4Ba6exi.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1kadal,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LR5od5Ds0kU,
1376229394.0,10,self.dragonage,1k56db,Does DAO: Awakening alter the original campaign's gameplay at all?,14,4,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k56db/does_dao_awakening_alter_the_original_campaigns/,'I got both on the summer sale and just started playing, but because of a bug Awakening wasn't installed when I started playing. Now I reinstalled it and 'other campaigns' lights up so I'm guessing it works, but then I'm wondering if I should start over now that Awakening is installed, since I didn't get very far anyway.
So basically, does Awakening alter the original campaign, or all it does is add another campaign after the original one is over?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1k56db,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k56db/does_dao_awakening_alter_the_original_campaigns/,
1375941245.0,9,self.dragonage,1jxu87,So I started playing Origins for the first time. Can someone answer a beginner question?,10,1,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jxu87/so_i_started_playing_origins_for_the_first_time/,'So, I noticed there was an approval/disapproval system in the game. I understand that gift giving is a way to gain approval, along with personal quests. What my question concerns is this: is there a way to pick up on what type of dialogue your group member likes/dislikes? Especially with Allistair? He seems to be a good-intentioned smart aleck. I tried to joke around with him, but he didn't take it well. What's your advice?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1jxu87,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jxu87/so_i_started_playing_origins_for_the_first_time/,
1375759149.0,10,self.dragonage,1jsdds,importing back story to Dragon Age II,17,7,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jsdds/importing_back_story_to_dragon_age_ii/,'I know that you can import your back story into dragon age II from origins, but do the DLC's also transition into origins? I know there are some characters that are in DA:II that are in awakening, so i was just wondering.
1375154554.0,10,self.dragonage,1jbpav,Anyone here want Varric and Oghren meet at DA: Inquisition?,13,3,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jbpav/anyone_here_want_varric_and_oghren_meet_at_da/,Imagine them ranting each other about Sandal.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1jbpav,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jbpav/anyone_here_want_varric_and_oghren_meet_at_da/,
1374875149.0,8,self.dragonage,1j4hew,Question about Finn and Ariane (spoilers for Witch Hunt DLC),11,3,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j4hew/question_about_finn_and_ariane_spoilers_for_witch/,'I just finished my third (complete with DLC) playthrough, and I just wonder if anybody knows what happened to those two? After you either kill Morrigan or follow her through the Eluvian, the game just ends. Are they mentioned in the codex in DA2 or in one of the novels?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1j4hew,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j4hew/question_about_finn_and_ariane_spoilers_for_witch/,
1374870361.0,9,self.dragonage,1j4bbb,Dragon Age 2 Nightmare Help.,11,2,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j4bbb/dragon_age_2_nightmare_help/,'I'm going to be starting a new playthrough of the game on Nightmare difficulty from start to finish. Is there anything important I should know, so I'm not smashing the controller against the ground in fits of rage. I played through the game 4 times already, all on normal difficulty. I'm going to be a rogue, probably going to DW unless archery is better.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1j4bbb,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j4bbb/dragon_age_2_nightmare_help/,
1374413048.0,8,self.dragonage,1iqyyy,'Haven't played Dragon Age 2, should I?',12,4,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1iqyyy/havent_played_dragon_age_2_should_i/,'I have been debating whether or not I want to buy DA2 before Inquisition comes out, and one question I have is: should I buy it? Will I be lost (story line wise) while playing Inquisition if I don't play it? Thanks for reading.
Thanks for the comments guys, decided I'm going to get it next time I'm at gamestop :-)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1374667238.0,True,t3_1iqyyy,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1iqyyy/havent_played_dragon_age_2_should_i/,
1373989827.0,10,self.dragonage,1if3zh,King Cailan's 2-Handed sword.,15,5,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1if3zh/king_cailans_2handed_sword/,Is it possible to get his sword?? because ive made a dwarf thats focus is on 2 handed weapons. Ive seen some you tube video's where someone has a blade that look like it but I would love to know if I can actually get it.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,32,True,t3_1if3zh,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1if3zh/king_cailans_2handed_sword/,
1373768396.0,9,self.dragonage,1i942a,Should I move on to DA:2 or DA:O DLC?,11,2,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1i942a/should_i_move_on_to_da2_or_dao_dlc/,'I bought DA:O on the XBLA summer sale (for 4.99 how can you go wrong!) and loved it, I'm on my second play through now and today after some consideration I also bought DA:2 for the low low price of 8.99 at GameStop. Now, my question is should I get and complete the DA:O DLC's so my story is more 'personal' or should I just move on to DA2? If it's better to play the DLC's, which ones besides awakening should I get to have the greatest impact on the story?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1i942a,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1i942a/should_i_move_on_to_da2_or_dao_dlc/,
1372045616.0,9,self.dragonage,1gy4s5,DA2 (Spoiler),16,7,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gy4s5/da2_spoiler/,'so, I enjoyed the story line. but in the end, when Cassandra is speaking to Leliana? they say that Hawke has Disappeared just like the Warden. but because of my Import, Bann Teagan says earlier 'The Warden commander is probably in Denerim now' because she is Queen. so she didn't disappear? and with my Hawke, I became Viscount in the end, yet I disappear so quick. :S just wondering if there is an explanation for this, or if I am just being silly.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,13,True,t3_1gy4s5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1gy4s5/da2_spoiler/,
1368888722.0,9,self.dragonage,1ektpq,In DA3 do you think we will be able to meet our character the Warden from DA1?,17,8,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ektpq/in_da3_do_you_think_we_will_be_able_to_meet_our/,'I am having a bit of a conflict.. I would love to meet my Grey Warden character from DA1 but to do this AND have Alastair as king I need to partake in Morrigan's ritual. However I don't think my character would be so selfish as to unleash an Old God just for the sake of her life..
Any thoughts?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1ektpq,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ektpq/in_da3_do_you_think_we_will_be_able_to_meet_our/,
1367530552.0,9,self.dragonage,1dktia,Is there anything out there in Dragon Age Origins that I could have possibly missed?,12,3,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dktia/is_there_anything_out_there_in_dragon_age_origins/,I've played dragon age to completion at least 15 times and I don't think I've gone through all possible dialouge. Has anyone else played this many times and what were some rare things you only came across after multiple playthroughs?,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1dktia,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dktia/is_there_anything_out_there_in_dragon_age_origins/,
1366848793.0,10,self.dragonage,1d1q97,Dualwield Warrior/Wynne/Morrigan/Shale,12,2,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d1q97/dualwield_warriorwynnemorriganshale/,'It seems having Wynne as a ranged healer, Morrigan as a ranged DPS/debilitator (also casting vuln hex's and marks), Shale as a tank/stun machine with Threaten always up and my dual wield warrior (pure DPS, rips through arcane horrors with last dual wield abilities) works really really well in my game.
Thoughts? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1d1q97,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d1q97/dualwield_warriorwynnemorriganshale/,
1366808191.0,9,self.dragonage,1d08kd,Order to play?,10,1,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d08kd/order_to_play/,'Just got ultimate edition on the steam sale. Whats the best order to play all the dlc? i am speaking about the 'other campaign' section. On my phone so forgive my transgressions.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1d08kd,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1d08kd/order_to_play/,
1365432296.0,11,imgur.com,1bx40y,Found a fellow DA 2 fan in New Hampshire on Saturday.,34,23,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1bx40y/found_a_fellow_da_2_fan_in_new_hampshire_on/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/yeATR6V02MgHSPZ9.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1bx40y,http://imgur.com/EGdnhSp,
1364409058.0,8,self.dragonage,1b4i5x,Tattered note in DA:O,9,1,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b4i5x/tattered_note_in_dao/,'I just got a tattered note in DA:O and I have no idea what to do with it. It's a quest item, but I didn't get a new quest, so what does it do?
I got it during a random encounter, where I had to fight 4-6 Shades.
The dragonage wiki didn't help and neither did Google, so does anybody here know?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1b4i5x,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b4i5x/tattered_note_in_dao/,
1363952581.0,9,self.dragonage,1aslbj,Does anyone have a list of great DA:O mods or can name some of them?,14,5,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1aslbj/does_anyone_have_a_list_of_great_dao_mods_or_can/,'Hey guys!
I'd like to replay DA:O and get a save game, but also mix the experience up a bit with extra content etc. What are some of the great mods that enhance experience in one or another way? Please add some explanations too, if possible.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1aslbj,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1aslbj/does_anyone_have_a_list_of_great_dao_mods_or_can/,
1363572218.0,11,self.dragonage,1ai02u,Soooo confused. Spoilers for Dragon Age II Fenris Romance. Please Help,13,2,31,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ai02u/soooo_confused_spoilers_for_dragon_age_ii_fenris/,'So silly me, I thought it might be funny to romance the broody mage hater as a mage. I get all the way to ACT III, do his final companion quest, and well it looks like we get back together, sharing a long kiss and all that. But then Fenris tells Anders that they broke up in one of their side conversations, and there's an option when Anders confronts Hawke about Fenris to say that Fenris left him/her..
Did I do something wrong? I'm kinda at the point in the game where it's Fenris or forever alone, and I dunno, I feel the forever alone option would leave a bit of a sour note. Is this just the game being weird?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,7,True,t3_1ai02u,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1ai02u/soooo_confused_spoilers_for_dragon_age_ii_fenris/,
1363161958.0,9,self.dragonage,1a7eci,Can someone please explain Cullen's appeal?,13,4,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1a7eci/can_someone_please_explain_cullens_appeal/,'I'm honestly baffled by the following this minor character has. He's one step above being totally bland: milquetoast, maybe. He's literally seen like twice in DAO and then three times in DAII and yet he has this rabid fanbase clamoring for his inclusion as a party member and a romance.. why? Was he in a book I didn't read?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,29,True,t3_1a7eci,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1a7eci/can_someone_please_explain_cullens_appeal/,
1363066292.0,10,self.dragonage,1a4skq,DA:O Mods that allow Lock Picking for all/every class?,13,3,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1a4skq/dao_mods_that_allow_lock_picking_for_allevery/,'Hey guys, I recently posted a question asking about everyone's favorite mods and all. I did a play through with a Dual Wield rogue, and now I'm wanting to do another run with a Warrior. As everyone knows, warriors can't lock pick.
So, my question is; **Does anyone know of any Mods that allow any class to Lock Pick, including both locked Chests and locked Doors?**
I checked out the Nexus and found one about Lock Bashing, but after reading the comments, it doesn't seem like it works.
Anyone know of any other Lock Picking Mods?
Thanks for any help!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1a4skq,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1a4skq/dao_mods_that_allow_lock_picking_for_allevery/,
1360731392.0,11,self.dragonage,18fena,Lore question about the raise dead spell.,12,1,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18fena/lore_question_about_the_raise_dead_spell/,'I've recently started a new play-through in origins as a Mage, and I started wondering about the raise dead spell. What are the mechanics of the spell lore-wise? I was under the impression that the only way to animate corpses was through the use of fade creatures, but that wouldn't that require blood magic? Is there a lore justification for how this spell works or why the chantry allows it?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_18fena,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18fena/lore_question_about_the_raise_dead_spell/,
1359490262.0,9,self.dragonage,17ij0g,DA Modder or DAModManager?,11,2,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17ij0g/da_modder_or_damodmanager/,'So I'm trying to get back into DAO and a playthrough/utter beatdown before I go back to DA2. However, I was using the 'must-have' thread as a guide to what mods to get when I noticed some mods say to use one, others the other and then some to use the provided importer.
Is there a mod manager than handles all of it? Or am I stuck using all three until everything is installed? Just getting tired-head trying to organize all of it.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_17ij0g,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17ij0g/da_modder_or_damodmanager/,
1359216616.0,9,self.dragonage,17bhhu,'If there is save importing in DA III, which game will you import from?',13,4,29,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17bhhu/if_there_is_save_importing_in_da_iii_which_game/,'I'm pretty sure that save imports will be in DA III, but I thought I'd hedge my bets with that title.
I'll probably import from DA II. Checking the import state in DA II it looks like everything with my import is basically in order, so I don't feel like I need to import from Origins to be on the safe side.
Of course, this means I'll need to play through DA II at least once more so I have a save (my current one isn't quite right).',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1359218908.0,23,True,t3_17bhhu,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17bhhu/if_there_is_save_importing_in_da_iii_which_game/,
1358927412.0,10,self.dragonage,1742cn,2 questions from a vet,16,6,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1742cn/2_questions_from_a_vet/,'Firstly having played a number of hours of the original that's saddening I come to you with 2 questions.
1) is the golems or arkham (don't know the name) any good, I have all but that and Lilliana's song dlc
2) is there a mod that adds all the advancements ( the extra specialization. The crest system that kinda thing) in the dlc's and awakening to the origins story?
Thanks in advance for any answers. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1742cn,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1742cn/2_questions_from_a_vet/,
1358081992.0,9,self.dragonage,16hn32,Where Can I get Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate Edition for cheap?,15,6,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16hn32/where_can_i_get_dragon_age_origins_ultimate/,'I LOVE Dragon Age Origins, when I first got it I sat up every night until the mornings playing it.
I really want the Ultimate Edition as it has all that DLC but everytime I look for it on ebay or similar stores it's still so expensive!
Does anyone know somewhere that has in stock for a reasonable price? (30 usd or less preferably)
EDIT: Should've mentioned, I meant on PS3! D'oh',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1358086206.0,True,t3_16hn32,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/16hn32/where_can_i_get_dragon_age_origins_ultimate/,
1357753462.0,8,self.dragonage,169bo3,Need Help with Origins!,11,3,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/169bo3/need_help_with_origins/,'Okay doing a first playthrough and I like spoilers as I don't want to get a crap ending.
Just 2 questions.
1) Can you accept Morrigan's offer and Romance someone else?
2) Can the Warden become king and Romance someone else?(not the queen)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_169bo3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/169bo3/need_help_with_origins/,
1356982866.0,7,self.dragonage,15qk4j,New player questions,11,4,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15qk4j/new_player_questions/,'So I'm thinking of buying dao in the steam sale (I mean, such a critically acclaimed game for $15, what a steal!). However, I wanted to make sure it was the game for me. How steep is the learning curve? This is coming from someone where the most complex fantasy game I've played is skyrim. Is the gameplay fun? It looked really boring on YouTube, but I do know that with these kinds of games, just watching ruins all the enjoyment. Thanks!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_15qk4j,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15qk4j/new_player_questions/,
1356806243.0,9,self.dragonage,15mt8r,Who have you introduced to Dragon Age?,19,10,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15mt8r/who_have_you_introduced_to_dragon_age/,'I found my brother playing old Advanced Dungeons and Dragons games from the 80s and 90s, so I introduced him to Dragon Age. Now he calls me periodically with questions like 'I have a thousand gifts, who wants these?', 'can I save the possessed kid?', and 'do I get to kill the shambly thing that took me to the Fade?'. I'm tickled that I introduced him to the game and he's enjoying it so much. Do you have any stories of introducing the series to family or friends?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_15mt8r,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15mt8r/who_have_you_introduced_to_dragon_age/,
1354121863.0,10,self.dragonage,13xvfx,Another newbie question,12,2,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13xvfx/another_newbie_question/,'What are some popular class builds, some fun ones, and some easy ones.
Any input will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_13xvfx,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13xvfx/another_newbie_question/,
1353650357.0,9,self.dragonage,13nmw4,Shield Rogue (Awakening),11,2,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13nmw4/shield_rogue_awakening/,'Hello, Dragon Age fans.
I haven't played Dragon Age in a while, but just found this subreddit, and thought I'd share with you (what I think is) a very interesting build I did for my Awakening playthrough.
I can't remember the specifics, but I noticed that the rogue was very poorly built as a class. It seemed to rely on the backstab mechanic to deal a lot of critical damage, but its two weapon trees (and combat in DA:O is very reliant on weapon trees), Two-weapon Fighting and Archery both cannot use backstab at all (or at least you can't while using dual striking, which seemed to be a talent one would always want on).
So I decided to forgo both of the weapon trees and focus only on the non-weapon talent trees, and it was sort of awesome. I could stun easily, and use my allies to hold enemies in place so I could backstab and do huge piles of critical damage.
In the end, I discovered you had enough talent points to *just* fill all of the Rogue trees, including Heartseeker. I picked the Assassin, Duelist, Shadow, and maybe legionnaire scout (I can't remember how many specialization points you get), all of which gave me great active and passive abilities.
I was able to use a shield with the Legion of the Dead Heraldry, pick some badass light armor (I could even use heavy armor if I wanted; I had enough strength), and I believe Vigilance.
I know I could have picked a fighter, but this seemed (and was) much more fun than playing a straight shield-fighter.
**tl;dr** Played a shield rogue in Awakening. It was awesome.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_13nmw4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13nmw4/shield_rogue_awakening/,
1352656670.0,10,self.dragonage,130mtt,Witch Hunt Ending,14,4,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/130mtt/witch_hunt_ending/,'Does anyone know what morrigan left with the book? I just replayed the dlc for the second time and didn't go with her through the mirror, and I am REALLY curious. Because depending on what it is might be why the warden is in hiding in DA2, not to mention that it may have to do with what Flemeth is planning for DA3',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,9,True,t3_130mtt,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/130mtt/witch_hunt_ending/,
1350946501.0,8,self.dragonage,11wnwl,Question about DAO,9,1,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11wnwl/question_about_dao/,I just finished Dragon Age: Origins and during the fight with the arch-demon Arl Eamon popped up out of nowhere and started to punch the arch-demon. I thought it was hilarious but I'm curious as to whether that was supposed to happen or if it was some weird glitch,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_11wnwl,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11wnwl/question_about_dao/,
1350825461.0,8,reddit.com,11uc7d,'DragonAgeFics, a subreddit for DA fanfiction. If you're interested, please join and make some submissions. All content welcome.',11,3,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11uc7d/dragonagefics_a_subreddit_for_da_fanfiction_if/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_11uc7d,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonagefics,
1348244153.0,8,self.dragonage,109558,Does the DA2 DLC ever go on sale for the 360?,10,2,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/109558/does_the_da2_dlc_ever_go_on_sale_for_the_360/,'Hey guys. I was wondering if the DA2 DLC ever goes on sale for the 360. I've been holding off on the DLC for months now. I have 800 MSP sitting on my xbox live account and i've wanted to play both Legacy and Mark of the Assassin for a while now, but they always seem to be regular price. Do they ever go on sale? Thanks.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_109558,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/109558/does_the_da2_dlc_ever_go_on_sale_for_the_360/,
1347300646.0,8,self.dragonage,znwg4,Playing origins( minus the Dlc) and loving it. Is the Dlc and dragonage 2 worth my time? ,9,1,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/znwg4/playing_origins_minus_the_dlc_and_loving_it_is/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_znwg4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/znwg4/playing_origins_minus_the_dlc_and_loving_it_is/,
1346040356.0,9,self.dragonage,yvyv1,Helmets won't stay equipped on any character.,14,5,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/yvyv1/helmets_wont_stay_equipped_on_any_character/,'I almost couldn't complete dwarf commoner origin lol (managed to be quicker than it unequipping)
So pretty much, as soon as I equip a helmet and then leave the inventory the helmet then removes itself.
Any help?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_yvyv1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/yvyv1/helmets_wont_stay_equipped_on_any_character/,
1345049699.0,9,youtube.com,y9p2b,BioWare and Dragon Age 2 Presents: The State of the Game Industry ,20,11,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/y9p2b/bioware_and_dragon_age_2_presents_the_state_of/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/ovvp69tUAM0_DwvU.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_y9p2b,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMcVZQI6ybw,
1344490047.0,8,self.dragonage,xxc2h,Isabela Romance Bug Help,11,3,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xxc2h/isabela_romance_bug_help/,'First of all, I saved right before Merrill came to me the Hawke estate, but my Hawke slept with her and turned her down. Five hours later people keep acknowledging their romance, which I rejected, and never mentioning Isabela. Varric's Friendly Concern quest had him question a Fenris romance even though my Hawke didn't even sleep with him. Should I revert to the pre-Merrill rejection save and just flat out reject her entirely, or will my romance be fine?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,13,True,t3_xxc2h,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xxc2h/isabela_romance_bug_help/,
1343732512.0,9,i.imgur.com,xfzd7,This is totally not implying anything not-so innocent at all!,11,2,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/xfzd7/this_is_totally_not_implying_anything_notso/,False,http://e.thumbs.redditmedia.com/9Dp9huMIx4u7q2AR.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_xfzd7,http://i.imgur.com/yV9R2.jpg,
1341900930.0,10,self.dragonage,wbdpz,Quality of the DAII themed amulets on biowarestore.com?,11,1,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wbdpz/quality_of_the_daii_themed_amulets_on/,'I'm shopping around for either Mass Effect or Dragon Age themed pendants, and the DAII Seeker/Qunari/Kirkwall/Templar amulets on the biowarestore websiteare all I'm seeing that are metal and quality in appearance. I'm just wondering if anyone has purchased any of them and if they are as quality as they appear. I don't want something flimsy or will tarnish easily.
Thanks to anyone with advice!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_wbdpz,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/wbdpz/quality_of_the_daii_themed_amulets_on/,
1340551895.0,9,self.dragonage,viyy6,Can you buy Origins and Awakening from two different sellers?,9,0,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/viyy6/can_you_buy_origins_and_awakening_from_two/,I bought Origins on Steam and right now Amazon has a sale on Awakening. I'm wondering if Awakening will work with the Steam Origins.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_viyy6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/viyy6/can_you_buy_origins_and_awakening_from_two/,
1340078852.0,9,self.dragonage,v9e8n,'Going from 360 to PC. Tips, tricks, useful console commands, and mods welcome. ',11,2,27,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/v9e8n/going_from_360_to_pc_tips_tricks_useful_console/,'So I've played the game over and over on the 360 and have had a blast but I have had a copy of Ultimate Edition on Steam for over a year now and finally have a PC that I want to play it on.
PC specs can run it at highest settings in 1920 x 1080.
I had looked through old posts here in search of mods and will want to know of more that you enjoy and I want to ask questions about some.
Of course the first item up for business was to get everyone naked. Done and done. Also got a real skin mod that makes people look more real and then got a sexy Wynne mod that makes Wynne a sexier older lady.
Anyways, getting past my childish temptations, I was wondering if there are any mods out there that make the game a bit easier or look better.
I also have an issue with a More Hair mod that has all these new hairstyles showing up invisible and I have 30 or so bright white hair colors.
As for controls, I am having issues coming from the ease of use that is the 360 controller to the cumbersome keyboard. I know I know, don't have a heart attack now. Yes I can do more with the keyboard. My issue comes in where I am not a fan of having to click on an enemy or item to attack or pick it up. On the 360, you just had to look in the general direction, the item or enemy name you wanted to interact with had to have a health bar or name pop up and all you had to do was press the action button. Much less time consuming than having to position my cursor over the object. I know it's probably something I have to get used to and will come to be comfortable with. I guess my problems more with the mouse than the keyboard. I'm fine with the movement, I just can't get used to lining up perfectly Everytime to issue an action.
My second issue I hold with contempt, having to press tab to see where books and such are. On the 360, these items are glowing just like any pile of loot. Is there a mod to make the pc do the same?
Yes I have seen the mod for the auto loot. I have also heard it has issues but that was in a 900 day old post. Are these issues worked out? How easy is auto-loot to use? Is there a console command that loots the area you are in?
Character Respec. I have seen this but I was curious how it works. Does it allow you to redistribute attribute and talent points? Is there a console command that does this for you?
I already have the Skip the Fade mod installed.
What tips can you give me with the PC version? Anything would help. Thank you ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_v9e8n,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/v9e8n/going_from_360_to_pc_tips_tricks_useful_console/,
1339857459.0,11,self.dragonage,v511a,Romancing Morrigan and doing Witch Hunt afterwards. Will I still be able to import my Warden for Awakening? ,12,1,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/v511a/romancing_morrigan_and_doing_witch_hunt/,'Pretty much explanatory. I have already played Witch Hunt and romanced Morrigan a long time ago and I followed her at the end. I was curious if I do another playthrough with the same choices, if I could import my Witch Hunt Warden into Awakening or will I have to import my Origins Warden? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_v511a,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/v511a/romancing_morrigan_and_doing_witch_hunt/,
1338620352.0,9,self.dragonage,ugwqg,What was your favorite non-story related moment?,11,2,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ugwqg/what_was_your_favorite_nonstory_related_moment/,'Mine is definitely when you're at the tavern in Redcliffe and you offer the serving girl a chance to leave the tavern and start a new life. As a reward, she gives you a kiss. As she does so, all activity in the tavern stops and several people drop their drinks as they see her making out with you. Oh god.. the look on their faces. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Oghren says, '..hot.'',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_ugwqg,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ugwqg/what_was_your_favorite_nonstory_related_moment/,
1338587721.0,10,i.imgur.com,uga52,Anyone looking forward to Cassandra as a companion?,12,2,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/uga52/anyone_looking_forward_to_cassandra_as_a_companion/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/cQn_QKuxI3sv1RMV.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_uga52,http://i.imgur.com/rgU1a.jpg,
1338263222.0,9,self.dragonage,u9sam,Help with Sloth Demon?,10,1,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/u9sam/help_with_sloth_demon/,'I can get him down to his last form, but by that time, it's only my rouge left and I can't do anything against him. I don't have a single potion for the whole fight, so I'm kind of screwed there.
Does anyone have any tips on beating him without having a health potion available?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_u9sam,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/u9sam/help_with_sloth_demon/,
1338016160.0,8,self.dragonage,u5qc6,Just got Dragon Age: Ultimate Edition. Should I wait for DA2 to drop more?,11,3,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/u5qc6/just_got_dragon_age_ultimate_edition_should_i/,'Haven't really been a huge follower of the game, but I decided that it was time that I started a play through of the game because I can get all the DLC on one disc.
Anyway, I've heard that DA2 has flopped big time and was just wondering what those of you at this subreddit think about the game. I want to have at least one play through of the first game and all the DLC, but should I also pick up the second one?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_u5qc6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/u5qc6/just_got_dragon_age_ultimate_edition_should_i/,
1335245330.0,10,self.dragonage,spjgq,Dragon Age Origins [Ultimate Edition][PC] Help,12,2,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/spjgq/dragon_age_origins_ultimate_editionpc_help/,'Hello! Hope this is an acceptable place for this post, I purchased the amazing deal from Amazon that included both Dragon Age Origins [UE] and Dragon Age 2 but I'm unable to access Awakening from the 'Other Campaigns' tab on the main menu. Also, some of the DLC is failing to install. Anyone experience this or have any tips?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_spjgq,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/spjgq/dragon_age_origins_ultimate_editionpc_help/,
1334804513.0,10,self.dragonage,sh7lz,Is there a way for the mods to clean up this subreddit?,18,8,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sh7lz/is_there_a_way_for_the_mods_to_clean_up_this/,'I'm no expert, but shouldn't there be a way to clean up this subreddit? I've noticed several times people complaining about the top bar obscuring the page, and I'm no different.
[Notice the top bar covering the top link?] (http://i.imgur.com/qi5e6.jpg)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_sh7lz,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sh7lz/is_there_a_way_for_the_mods_to_clean_up_this/,
1333322331.0,10,self.dragonage,ronv4,Kind of Fucked up by getting DA2 first (help),12,2,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ronv4/kind_of_fucked_up_by_getting_da2_first_help/,'I really enjoy the game, I know there's alot of hate on it, but I find it incredibly fun, rewarding, and emotional. But I would really like if some could explain to me the story of the previous games like I'm five. I have no idea why it slipped my mind to get DA2 first, so thanks. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_ronv4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ronv4/kind_of_fucked_up_by_getting_da2_first_help/,
1328498693.0,9,greenronin.com,pco0y,Dragon Age Tabletop Set 3 Cover Art,9,0,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/pco0y/dragon_age_tabletop_set_3_cover_art/,False,http://c.thumbs.redditmedia.com/LOwYywrbrSKzjfGJ.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_pco0y,http://greenronin.com/images/DA3_box_front_450.jpg,
1327061102.0,9,self.dragonage,ooquk,Giving away Dead Space armor for Dragon Age 2 (xbox360),11,2,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ooquk/giving_away_dead_space_armor_for_dragon_age_2/,'I don't know if I'm allowed to do giveaways here but I've got a redeem code for an Isaac Clarke-Inspired armor for Dragon Age 2. The Code expires in march 31, 2012 so I might as well give it to a random person on the internet.
I'm thinking of a number between 1-10, what is it? I'll send you a message with the code if you can guess the right number.
**Edit:**The Winner is Drachorian. The number was 6.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_ooquk,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ooquk/giving_away_dead_space_armor_for_dragon_age_2/,
1319214486.0,8,self.dragonage,lk26u,Bioware has kept the tradition of hilariously ugly hats alive in DA II,13,5,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lk26u/bioware_has_kept_the_tradition_of_hilariously/,'Don't get me wrong, it's not a criticism. I played as a mage for DA:O and got used to, and eventually started to be fond of my character with what looked like a chicken's backside on his head. When i saw Olivia (http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Olivia) I laughed my ass off. So yeah, it's apropos of nothing but i just had to share my glee. Do you think it's becoming a bit of an inside-joke, what with Finn from witch hunt's ghastly hat?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_lk26u,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/lk26u/bioware_has_kept_the_tradition_of_hilariously/,
1315990235.0,9,self.dragonage,kf6td,How easy do you figure Awakening would be with a four archer party?,9,0,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/kf6td/how_easy_do_you_figure_awakening_would_be_with_a/,'Maybe even throw in a mage archer for spirit healing..but I don't really see that being necessary, with how many survival talents rogues have.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_kf6td,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/kf6td/how_easy_do_you_figure_awakening_would_be_with_a/,
1313538788.0,9,youtube.com,jl0rf,Found an Entry for Bioware's Dragon Age Cosplay Contest,10,1,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/jl0rf/found_an_entry_for_biowares_dragon_age_cosplay/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_jl0rf.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_jl0rf,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbkBnczs8X4&feature=related,
1312919420.0,8,self.dragonage,jdt7c,How is Quests and Legends mod not mentioned on this sub yet?,9,1,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/jdt7c/how_is_quests_and_legends_mod_not_mentioned_on/,'If you haven't tried it yet I highly recommend it for a second playthrough. Just finished mine and they added a LOT of content. Voice acting, new towns, dungeons, characters. Made my second playthrough much more enjoyable.
I went through my screenshots folder to take [these shots](http://candorhavoc.imgur.com/dragonage_qnl#BQZF4) that show off some of the new areas and the mod itself can be found at [DANexus](http://dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2040).
My one warning is that if you for some reason haven't played through DAO yet, you might want to hold off since they go off lore in a couple of places and by the time you finish the new content your characters will be so overpowered the final battle will be a cakewalk. Also, while some of the voice acting seems quite professional, most of it is pretty bad.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_jdt7c,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/jdt7c/how_is_quests_and_legends_mod_not_mentioned_on/,
1312810142.0,8,self.dragonage,jcdda,Is the Architect right?,11,3,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/jcdda/is_the_architect_right/,'Throughout Awakening and the novel The Calling we see the Architect as the mastermind behind a potential long term race solution between Darkspawn and the rest of the world. Are his plans actually plausible? If they could come to fruition, would it be something that would be morally justified? Obviously this is a leading question and will be more based on personal beliefs than a pure 'right' answer.
I find it hard to get behind the Architect myself. I recognize that it may be the only way for peaceful cohabitation with the Darkspawn, but it seems to come at the cost not only of many lives, but deep cultural losses as well. I believe the Architect believes in what he is doing, and that he ultimately means no ill will, but I wonder if there are anyore choices than eradication or surrendering of the human spirit. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,19,True,t3_jcdda,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/jcdda/is_the_architect_right/,
1309757200.0,10,self.dragonage,ig607,Theory for future DA games [Spoiler Alert],11,1,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ig607/theory_for_future_da_games_spoiler_alert/,'My friend and I were discussing the future of Dragon Age and we came to an interesting idea. At the end of DA2, the Seeker mentions that the 'Champion' has disappeared 'just like the Warden'. I thought it was interesting and that they mentioned that it can't be coincidence. So here's our theory: what do you think of DA 4 having the possibility of importing each hero from 1 to 3 as your party members to fight alongside a new hero you are playing as in the fourth game? There are a lot of pros and cons of this and we would like to hear some ideas and get a discussion going.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_ig607,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ig607/theory_for_future_da_games_spoiler_alert/,
1301049909.0,8,nomorelost.org,gb6pn,'Straight Male Gamer told to 'get over it' by Bioware',10,2,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gb6pn/straight_male_gamer_told_to_get_over_it_by_bioware/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_gb6pn.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_gb6pn,http://www.nomorelost.org/2011/03/25/straight-male-gamer-told-to-get-over-it-by-bioware/,
1300528195.0,9,self.dragonage,g6znk,New Mods- Looking for Volunteers,10,1,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g6znk/new_mods_looking_for_volunteers/,'Essentially, tritelife has agreed to appoint some new mods to replace inactive ones. If you'd like to be considered for a spot, leave a reason(s) why you should be chosen. New mods will be picked in 2 days' time.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,5,True,t3_g6znk,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g6znk/new_mods_looking_for_volunteers/,
1300242632.0,8,self.dragonage,g4uky,I can't swing a dagger in this damn game without hitting three apostates. I was under the impression that mages were somewhat of a rarity in the world of Dragon Age.,10,2,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g4uky/i_cant_swing_a_dagger_in_this_damn_game_without/,Every other character is an apostate in this game and there are only four dwarfs. Grumble,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_g4uky,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g4uky/i_cant_swing_a_dagger_in_this_damn_game_without/,
1299946635.0,9,self.dragonage,g2mqn,What are some annoyances that you've noticed? (Possible Spoilers),9,0,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g2mqn/what_are_some_annoyances_that_youve_noticed/,'I have a few of my own, some are intentionally, while others aren't.
1. The conversation wheel has been somewhat annoying. I'd really prefer to know exactly what I choose, rather than a paraphrase.
2. The waves of enemies. That has to be the worst. Massive amounts of enemies are fine, so long as they come at once where at least my aoe talents and spells can hit them. I was constantly uncertain if I should use this aoe talent as I'm unsure if there will be any more. This was especially annoying during boss fights.
3. The game is still a little buggy, but nothing too bad. There is a bug that allows companions to be essentially invincible, but they stop attacking after a short time.
1299846233.0,9,cloud.steampowered.com,g1w1t,The Champion of Kirkwall: a prep school brat.,10,1,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g1w1t/the_champion_of_kirkwall_a_prep_school_brat/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_g1w1t.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_g1w1t,http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/594679697001507482/15D5F75216DC2A115CFFF48CC9984ED36D856153/,
1299833354.0,9,self.dragonage,g1tfl,Anders,10,1,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g1tfl/anders/,Does anyone else think that he's less anders-y than when he was in awakenings? I basically think of him as Alistair in mage form. In Dragon Age 2 he seems more serious.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_g1tfl,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g1tfl/anders/,
1299698438.0,8,self.dragonage,g0mjy,Love the game but.. (maybe spoilers),12,4,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g0mjy/love_the_game_but_maybe_spoilers/,'Disappointed in a few things.
1) I really wish the armor I received cold be used on anyone. I dont care if they have a 'style'.
2) I miss having conversations on the road with my companions.
3) I dont have to talk to merchants, just go go their stand? Really?
4) I have to 'summon' dog? Hows about he is just there, all the time.
5) Killing things, and then getting the loot stolen by idioticly placed cut scenes. Hows about letting me control when cut scenes start.
I like the game, but it feels more and more like Bioware games are getting dumbed down. It's starting to play more and more like bad Japanese games.
Thoughts? Counter-arguments?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_g0mjy,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g0mjy/love_the_game_but_maybe_spoilers/,
1299609332.0,10,pc.ign.com,fzwne,IGN's DA2 Review is up,11,1,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fzwne/igns_da2_review_is_up/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_fzwne,http://pc.ign.com/articles/115/1154261p1.html,
1299117959.0,10,self.dragonage,fw856,What do you think about the possibilities of the Arishok in Dragon Age 2 being a secret companion?,10,0,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fw856/what_do_you_think_about_the_possibilities_of_the/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_fw856,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fw856/what_do_you_think_about_the_possibilities_of_the/,
1294422694.0,9,dragonage.bioware.com,ey0az,Add ons Revealed!!,9,0,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ey0az/add_ons_revealed/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_ey0az.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_ey0az,http://dragonage.bioware.com/da2/addon/,
1292406771.0,10,youtube.com,em5an,He makes some a lot of valid points,11,1,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/em5an/he_makes_some_a_lot_of_valid_points/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_em5an.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_em5an,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep_OTLZOQsU&feature=related,
1291563116.0,8,self.dragonage,egke0,What are your favorite Dragon Age mods?,11,3,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/egke0/what_are_your_favorite_dragon_age_mods/,'I saw the 18 essential mods that got linked here a week or so ago, but I'm curious as to what redditors' favorite mods are. I'm going to be playing through Origins and into Awakening a second time, and I'm wondering what y'all always add to make your playthroughs more fun, to see if there's anything I'd like to spice up mine.
I'm not interested in graphical tweaks, personally, I'm looking more for content mods, like new areas, new quests, etc. Even new spells or talents! Also, respec mods would be awesome, as Origins doesn't have a Manual of Focus :(
So what mods does everyone kit out their DA install with?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_egke0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/egke0/what_are_your_favorite_dragon_age_mods/,
1276751389.0,8,gamerzines.com,cfvz0,'New DA:O DLC announced - 'Leliana's Song'',10,2,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/cfvz0/new_dao_dlc_announced_lelianas_song/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_cfvz0.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_cfvz0,http://www.gamerzines.com/xbox-360/news/dao-lelianas-song.html,
1261090775.0,9,self.dragonage,afwtm,PC Gamer DLC Link,13,4,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/afwtm/pc_gamer_dlc_link/,'I saw that PC Gamer had a little DAO exclusive, so I did a quick search and found this link. Haven't installed it yet.
Apparently it's about an hour of content from what I have read.
Edit: ahh crap. here's the [link](http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BSH8FZIM)
Edit #2: Played through the module. Not too bad. Worth the 25MB download IMHO.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_afwtm,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/afwtm/pc_gamer_dlc_link/,
1259041177.0,10,self.dragonage,a7jnu,I'm considering starting a solo nightmare adventure,12,2,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a7jnu/im_considering_starting_a_solo_nightmare_adventure/,'I have to admit I have a whole lot of trepidation. I will only use the base game + DLC with no exp or money glitch cheating. My biggest worries are large mobs in Denerim and any boss fights.
I'll be rolling an arcane warrior/blood mage as that seems to be the only sane choice. Any advice? I'm thinking I have to play as a tank that can cast spells to kill rather than melee with my main spells being fireball, cone of cold, crushing prison, and stonefist with some AoE spells as just in casers.
Looking for advice and experience using certain spells. Animate dead seems interesting but I haven't been able to get it to work. How about using animate dead with spell might? Is it worth it to spend the 3 points on spell might? Haven't really used the glyphs much either, are they useful enough?
Tl;dr nightmare solo mage arcane warrior/blood mage looking for advice.
edit: using the respec mod to get rid of crappy starting skills (combat tactics bleh). ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_a7jnu,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a7jnu/im_considering_starting_a_solo_nightmare_adventure/,
1258988720.0,10,self.dragonage,a7amb,Emissaries.. (I don't think this is spoiler worthy),10,0,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a7amb/emissaries_i_dont_think_this_is_spoiler_worthy/,'So if you give them the stuff they ask for, what's the point? I haven't really interacted with them in camp because I didn't have any spare runes for the mages. Is there any point to doing this? Try to keep answers spoiler free if possible.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a7amb,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a7amb/emissaries_i_dont_think_this_is_spoiler_worthy/,
1258659279.0,8,amazon.com,a65ib,Apparently there are already two novels set in the Dragon Age world. And several people on Amazon are adamant that they don't suck.,11,3,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a65ib/apparently_there_are_already_two_novels_set_in/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a65ib.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a65ib,http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0765324083/ref=s9_simz_gw_s0_p14_t1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1MP9MJBET1J4AVFW2NRC&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846,
1258486348.0,11,trollitc.com,a5dax,DAO in depth review: Part 1,18,7,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a5dax/dao_in_depth_review_part_1/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a5dax,http://trollitc.com/2009/11/dragon-age-origins-in-depth-review-part-1/,
1258223820.0,10,self.dragonage,a4et4,'I want to enjoy DA, I really do.',13,3,37,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a4et4/i_want_to_enjoy_da_i_really_do/,'Granted, I'm only level 5 or 6. I'm just at the part where we have to light the bonfire in the tower. I get inside the tower and near instantly get mowed down by all the archers and mage in the room. And there in lies my problem with the game. The inability for my party to stay alive. Regardless of how I micromanage them, or let them run free, or setup combat tactics. Everyone just gets destroyed.
So it's unbelievably frustrating to fight the same fight 4 or 5 times, for every fight. I can understand a boss fight taking a few tries to get the tactics right.. but every fight!? Just starts to feel like it's all random and you just have to hope for the numbers of hits to roll in your favor.
I'm playing a mage. I didn't want to be the classic Evocation Pew Pew mage. But rather do stuff like Entropy with the fun Drain Life, Horror spells and eventually spec Blood Mage. But it seems like the game would rather push me to using Fire Balls and Healing spells. Maybe I should have named my character Fizban and had at it. Bleh.
**tl:dr;** My party always dies quickly on every fight, no matter how much I micromanage.
Edit: Took everyone's advice. Loaded everyone down with tactics to drink Pots when their health was low and really started focusing on choosing my cohorts actions for them, rather than letting the AI. The game has gotten loads more fun and now I can actually move through the story at a much better pace, and now seeing how awesome it is. The ogre fight at the top of the tower was amazing. Allistair got the killing blow and did some wicked cool finishing move. I think I'll be stuck on this game for a long time now. For good or bad.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_a4et4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a4et4/i_want_to_enjoy_da_i_really_do/,
1258141519.0,10,self.dragonage,a44vc,Spoiler within: When you first arrive at the Gray Warden camp after your origin story..,12,2,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a44vc/spoiler_within_when_you_first_arrive_at_the_gray/,'If you talk to the Quartermaster, he will complain about an elf not being around to run an errand for him. After that, if you go to the kings tent, there will be an elf there, if you talk with him and can persuade him, he will give you a very nice long sword meant for Ser Gerwain or something (at work so I cant see my inv.)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a44vc,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a44vc/spoiler_within_when_you_first_arrive_at_the_gray/,
1258002070.0,9,self.dragonage,a3i8p,Your Glitches: Name me them,9,0,37,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a3i8p/your_glitches_name_me_them/,'I'll start. This one's tiny but bugs the hell out of me in cinematics:
There's a halo around characters' hair that cuts through any of the filters. Blurring, smoke, lighting, it doesn't matter the filter, surrounding the characters' hair is a window into the pure, unfiltered geometry and textures behind.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_a3i8p,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a3i8p/your_glitches_name_me_them/,
1257979253.0,9,self.dragonage,a3f4h,Does anyone use Shale? Any opinions on his 'forms'?,10,1,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a3f4h/does_anyone_use_shale_any_opinions_on_his_forms/,'I've never seen anyone mention using Shale in their party.. I never take him out! I'm curious, which form do you use with him? I mainly leave him in his attack form so I can use the aoe ground pound. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a3f4h,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a3f4h/does_anyone_use_shale_any_opinions_on_his_forms/,
1257804050.0,9,self.dragonage,a2ml1,Does anyone know why you pay tax on bioware points?,12,3,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a2ml1/does_anyone_know_why_you_pay_tax_on_bioware_points/,'I was buying some bioware points(TM) to download warden's keep, when I noticed they charged me tax on the purchase. I'm pretty sure neither Bioware nor EA have a physical presence in my state, and we also don't have one of those NY style laws that still require them to collect tax, so it doesn't seem to make sense. A quick ctrl-F of the 'digital licensing agreement' notes that I am agreeing upon purchase to allow 'EA to assess taxes' which sounds a lot like I am paying a tax straight to the good ol' state of Electronic Arts.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a2ml1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a2ml1/does_anyone_know_why_you_pay_tax_on_bioware_points/,
1257781518.0,9,self.dragonage,a2i86,Has anyone played through any of the DLC's? I'm just trying to gauge what is included with them.,11,2,28,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a2i86/has_anyone_played_through_any_of_the_dlcs_im_just/,'I've heard a lot of speculation about their length only being an hour or two. I find this hard to believe considering how long I've been in the dwarven Deep Roads.
The main game is keeping me plenty busy, but I'm curious as to what these DLC's really offer.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a2i86,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a2i86/has_anyone_played_through_any_of_the_dlcs_im_just/,
1257577130.0,10,self.dragonage,a1vkv,What do people think about paying for DLC at launch?,11,1,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a1vkv/what_do_people_think_about_paying_for_dlc_at/,'I kind of agree with Tyco, http://tinyurl.com/yjt3bvm . If I purchase a 'complete' product, why do I have to pay more if I *really* want the complete product, at launch time.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a1vkv,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a1vkv/what_do_people_think_about_paying_for_dlc_at/,
1257547560.0,9,self.dragonage,a1sbe,What'd you name your dog?,10,1,75,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a1sbe/whatd_you_name_your_dog/,'Do you actually use him in party still? I named mine after my puppy, champ.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a1sbe,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a1sbe/whatd_you_name_your_dog/,
1256913270.0,10,ve3d.ign.com,9zdew,'The Dragon Age Toolset will allow you to produce your own content including dungeons crawls , full-length campaigns, and even cut-scenes you can share with friends and the BioWare community',11,1,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9zdew/the_dragon_age_toolset_will_allow_you_to_produce/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_9zdew.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_9zdew,http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/news/51007/More-Info-On-Dragon-Age-Origins-Toolset,
1256060207.0,10,pcworld.com,9vyqo,'Is Bioware's Dragon Age the last of its kind? . or is it actually the next step in what Spore designer Will Wright calls the 'massively single player' experience?',14,4,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9vyqo/is_biowares_dragon_age_the_last_of_its_kind_or_is/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_9vyqo.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_9vyqo,http://www.pcworld.com/article/173396/are_singleplayer_games_like_dragon_age_doomed.html,
1376848705.0,9,self.dragonage,1km5z3,'Question: I'm a new player, but my party members don't die',13,4,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1km5z3/question_im_a_new_player_but_my_party_members/,'Hi all, I've started playing DA:O recently, as I picked it up ages ago but haven't had time to play it yet!
But I've discovered that none of my party members die in fights. They sometimes get 'knocked unconscious' and then stand up once the fight is over. This makes the game quite easy, and really breaks the immersion for me. Is there a setting or something which changes this so your characters actually die when they are stabbed/burnt/killed? Because having immortal characters just seems quite boring.. unless I'm missing something.
**Edit**: thanks to all who have replied! It seems that since the characters are central to the plot, they cannot die. I will make the game harder by changing the difficulty. :) The last RPG I played was BG, so things have changed a bit since then! ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1376850339.0,True,t3_1km5z3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1km5z3/question_im_a_new_player_but_my_party_members/,
1376591641.0,10,self.dragonage,1kfniv,I just killed the High Dragon on nightmare. What's something cool in game you accomplished?,16,6,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kfniv/i_just_killed_the_high_dragon_on_nightmare_whats/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1kfniv,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kfniv/i_just_killed_the_high_dragon_on_nightmare_whats/,
1376079729.0,8,self.dragonage,1k1qrx,'They're called 'Qunari'',19,11,24,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k1qrx/theyre_called_qunari/,'You can call this my attempt at becoming the king of the nerds.
I've heard a few times people refer to the race of ox-men who invaded Kirkwall 'Kossith', most recently in the 'what race are you going to play?' thread. The idea is that Qunari is only the religion and 'Kossith' is the name of the species. Here's why it's a bad idea.
Qunari is a bit like 'Elven'. When you ask the Dalish guarding their camp who they are, they say they're 'the last of the Elven'. You point out you've seen lots of other elves in the city. She replies that those have given up their identity to live among shemlen, so they're 'Elven' no more. It's a cultural identity firmly tied to a species.
Likewise, the oxmen are Qunari. (Only difference is they accept every species into the Qun, whereas ''Elven' is elf-exclusive). Qunari that are not followers of the Qun are exactly that: Qunari that don't follow the Qun, just like we have atheist Jews here on planet Earth. Simple as that. As for Qunari from other species, we can specify that if we want to avoid confusion. Qunari elf, Qunari human. When we say 'Qunari' in general, it is a safe bet to think that we're talking about their species. And we can always tell one meaning from the other from the context. For example, [here is Sten comparing the strength of human teeth and Qunari teeth](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UB8Og8ZzuA#t=24m50s). That shows the term Qunari is also used to refer to them, not only to their beliefs.
What is 'Kossith' then? Honestly, I have no idea. I have never heard the word in the game, never read a codex entry that included it. Qunari definitely don't call themselves that (they call themselves Qunari), nor do the denizens of Ferelden and the Free Marches (who call them Qunari). Knowledgeable people, is it from one of the books or guides? Why is it sometimes assumed as a matter of course that this is the term to use?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1k1qrx,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1k1qrx/theyre_called_qunari/,
1375578831.0,8,self.dragonage,1jnn5f,Should I buy and play Dragon Age 2 before DA:I?,10,2,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jnn5f/should_i_buy_and_play_dragon_age_2_before_dai/,I've never had an interest in playing DA2 before because I had always heard it was bad compared to Origins but now that I see people talk about it here on this subreddit I might consider it.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,2,True,t3_1jnn5f,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jnn5f/should_i_buy_and_play_dragon_age_2_before_dai/,
1375326862.0,7,self.dragonage,1jgwpo,(DA:O) Need help with archer build,9,2,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jgwpo/dao_need_help_with_archer_build/,'Hi, so I am a new time player to the Dragon Age series and I need some help with a build. I am following a build I found (I will link soon, I am on mobile at the moment) however I would like your input and opinions. For example, will I only need 26 dexterity then rest in cunning? I heard talents like shattering shot, lethality, scattershot are a must, so how early should I get them? I heard I should probably take bard. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
EDIT: Here is the build I am following (look for 'bigdaddyjug') http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/950916-dragon-age-origins/53454714
Extra things I should add: What is 'fade'? Apparently that gives you +4 Dex? And I should add I have most of the DLC and Awakening.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1375327190.0,True,t3_1jgwpo,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jgwpo/dao_need_help_with_archer_build/,
1375319482.0,8,self.dragonage,1jgnom,The Music,10,2,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jgnom/the_music/,'I don'r know if this theory's been dicussed before but during my playthroughs of both dragon age origins and the second opus it came to my mind. In Dragon Age awakening we learned that a certain 'music' was behind this eternal quest lead by the darkspawns to uncover the old gods, the matriarch also seemed quite angry at the fact she couldn't hear it anymore. In Dragon Age II we saw that Bartrand became mad as well because of his contact with the idole. In act II he also complained about the fact he couldn't hear the music anymore. This also seemed to interest the grey wardens, at least enough so they would send a secret expedition to the deeproads in act 3. So, do you think there is any link between the darkspawns and pure lyrium or am I jsut making links where there's none?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1jgnom,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jgnom/the_music/,
1374794584.0,10,self.dragonage,1j28b4,Duel Wielding and Archery information needed. (DA:O),13,3,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j28b4/duel_wielding_and_archery_information_needed_dao/,'I dug up my Dragon Age: Origins recently, and began a new character. I am using a Elf Warrior. Basically, what stats would you recommend I put points into for these particular talents. So far I am level 4, with 18 strength, 22 dex and 15 constitution. Thank you in advance!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1j28b4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1j28b4/duel_wielding_and_archery_information_needed_dao/,
1373922815.0,8,self.dragonage,1id777,Blood Dragon Plate,14,6,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1id777/blood_dragon_plate/,'Hey guys,
I bought DAO Ultimate during the Steam Sale after having not played this game in years. LOVE this game btw. Soooo good.
Anyway, I ended up getting a Blood Dragon Plate armor piece right off the bat. Is this some kind of reward for buying the Ultimate edition? It's worth like 4 gold (A lot for the beginning of the game) required 38 Strength. I figure I'll throw it on to Alistair when he gets the Strength.
What's up with this item?
EDIT: Thanks for the info guys. I thought it must have been some kind of DLC bonus or something.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1373926554.0,True,t3_1id777,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1id777/blood_dragon_plate/,
1372529050.0,9,youtube.com,1hbjuk,'Weekly Inquisition: World of Dragon Age Inquisition (Orlais, Conflict, Cities, Map, Factions)',17,8,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hbjuk/weekly_inquisition_world_of_dragon_age/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,13,False,t3_1hbjuk,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89KNBvD3CWM,
1370898422.0,9,i.imgur.com,1g2ks0,Nothing comes between a dwarf and his crossbow.,14,5,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g2ks0/nothing_comes_between_a_dwarf_and_his_crossbow/,False,http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/gbk6HFkhOSanVk3i.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,5,False,t3_1g2ks0,http://i.imgur.com/Qo0hUC3.jpg,
1370201160.0,7,youtube.com,1fj85g,Dragon Age / Clash of the Titans Trailer!,17,10,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fj85g/dragon_age_clash_of_the_titans_trailer/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Wg1kJApSzjDHIfqg.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1fj85g,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaOKv4UETyA,
1370020471.0,8,self.dragonage,1fexa1,Dragon Age 3 Release Date?,12,4,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fexa1/dragon_age_3_release_date/,Since it has been reported in the past that the new game will be released sometime in Fall 2013 why has there been no news of it lately with all the new console buzz? I was wondering if anyone had heard anything new such as it being a launch title or anything new really.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1fexa1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1fexa1/dragon_age_3_release_date/,
1367987633.0,8,self.dragonage,1dwwff,Leliana's Song vs Leliana's backstory in Origins (Spoilers),10,2,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dwwff/lelianas_song_vs_lelianas_backstory_in_origins/,'I recently re-played Leliana's Song, which made me remember the differences to the story that had previously been established in Origins. For example Leliana told (in Origins) that she was captured in Orlais and tortured (after Marjolaine's betrayal), but in this DLC she is already in Ferelden and she isn't captured by orlesian soldiers.
So what I keep wondering is: Did Leliana lie in Origins (she has no reason to do so?) or is this a mistake on the producer's part, putting such inconsistencies in without intent? ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1dwwff,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dwwff/lelianas_song_vs_lelianas_backstory_in_origins/,
1367466481.0,8,dragonaging.tumblr.com,1dj43w,Could we being see a trailer for Dragon Age 3 this June?,10,2,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dj43w/could_we_being_see_a_trailer_for_dragon_age_3/,False,http://f.thumbs.redditmedia.com/tLl6Kjjnt3VeOCYG.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1dj43w,http://dragonaging.tumblr.com/,
1365125843.0,10,self.dragonage,1bpd92,Unhelpful guides make me rage! Show mercy give me the info I need?,16,6,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1bpd92/unhelpful_guides_make_me_rage_show_mercy_give_me/,'I'm sure this has been hashed over a fair few times but the info is always contradicted elsewhere.
The bloody Landsmeet! I just need to know if it is possible for these requirements to be met.
1, Alistair unhardened
2, Alistair and Anora marry
3, Recruit Loghain
Is this too much to ask?! Why is everyone being such an ass about it! Yet when I killed Loghain so as not to risk the marriage they didn't marry anyway! The fuck, guys?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1bpd92,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1bpd92/unhelpful_guides_make_me_rage_show_mercy_give_me/,
1364508413.0,9,reddit.com,1b7czl,Chris Pramas is running an IAMA right now. He designed the Dragon Age Tabletop RPG.,10,1,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b7czl/chris_pramas_is_running_an_iama_right_now_he/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1b7czl,http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1b7ckf/i_am_chris_pramas_president_of_green_ronin/,
1364493022.0,8,self.dragonage,1b6tx8,[PC gamers] Will You Upgrade for DA3?,11,3,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b6tx8/pc_gamers_will_you_upgrade_for_da3/,'As we all know, with the new Frostbite 3, DA3 will likely require some rather impressive technology to run on maximum. Are you planning on buying a new GPU for the game, or are you ready with SLI GTX690s already? :)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1b6tx8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1b6tx8/pc_gamers_will_you_upgrade_for_da3/,
1364234378.0,6,self.dragonage,1azi1i,A few questions about Dragon Age 2 (no spoilers please!),11,5,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1azi1i/a_few_questions_about_dragon_age_2_no_spoilers/,'Hi guys,
I picked up and installed DA2 a while ago, played for a few hours and then kind of forgot about it. Mainly because I kept hearing about how it wasn't nearly as good as DA:O, which I love to bits. But I just decided to play it anyway, especially since many people were also slamming Mass Effect 2 and I ended up loving it nearly as much as ME1.
So I just restarted DA2 and feel a little lost. I'm worried about Googling for answers and getting spoilers so I thought I'd ask here.
**Side Quests and Secondary Quests**
There are about a gajillion 'side quests', 'secondary quests' 'premium quests' etc showing up on my Journal. What I want to know is, are any of these critical for the main story? I know by definition a 'side quest' usually isn't, but what about secondary quests? I kind of want to make sure all the companions are recruited and their stories fleshed out, and to complete the main story as thoroughly as possible. I don't want to get bogged down in too many fetch/kill errands if the only payoff will be loot or XP. But having been burned a few times in Mass Effect by either not getting to a quest on time or ignoring a seemingly minor request (Wrex's family armor..), I don't want to have that experience ever again.
**Conversation Wheel Options**
It appears that Hawke's responses are similar to Mass Effect's Paragon-Neutral-Renegade options, with little icons that tell you which is which--very helpful! What I want to know is, can I mix and match responses without negative repercussions? Or do I have to max out one or the other? Of course with companions I know I should try to have a consistent relationship (if for no other reason than to unlock special skills), but with NPCs I would really like to role-play more naturally, responding as appropriate to victims and villains. But would this affects Hawke's main story arc, or makes a particular ending difficult to achieve?
**Selling Loot**
I know I must be overlooking the obvious, but where are the merchants I can sell all my junk to? The ones in town just talk when I right click on them.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1azi1i,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1azi1i/a_few_questions_about_dragon_age_2_no_spoilers/,
1363480771.0,8,self.dragonage,1afsn7,Question about Dragon Age: Origins on Steam,9,1,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1afsn7/question_about_dragon_age_origins_on_steam/,'Basically, I played the game a couple of years ago (borrowed from a friend) and fell in love with it. I consider it my favourite game and now I'm thinking about dipping into my savings and buying the Ultimate Edition from Steam as an early birthday present to cheer myself up.
But before I do that I just wanted to ask about some of the system requirements. My PC is pretty crappy but it can run the game on low to medium settings (which I'm OK with, I love the story) but the problem is that I'm low on space on my Hard Drive.
I have a 500Gb HDD with 3 partitions - C (50Gb), D, and E - I have 56Gb free on E (the partition where my Steam folder is), but my C partition only has 2.5Gb to spare (possibly part of the reason my PC is slow). I've heard that the game creates C:UsersUserDocumentsBioWare and that it stores quite a bit in there (didn't really pay attention when I had it installed and I didn't have the DLCs).
So I'm asking for some help, could you check how large the BioWare folder is (if you have the game installed at the moment) and let me know. Also, on a totally unrelated note, is there some way to rearrange HDD partitions without formatting and reinstalling Windows?
Thanks in advance for your help.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_1afsn7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1afsn7/question_about_dragon_age_origins_on_steam/,
1362529189.0,9,self.dragonage,19qq41,Content that carries over (potential spoilers),17,8,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19qq41/content_that_carries_over_potential_spoilers/,'I am on my first playthrough of DAO and am curious as to what gets carried over into DA2 (or Awakening, I supposed) as it seems that I have killed or buggered off 2 major characters: Leliana and Wynne. I hear everyone talk about Leliana in DA2, but since she left my party (didn't like what I did with the Urn/ashes), will she be in 2? And Wynne.. I had no idea who she was or that she could be a companion when I met her in the tower. ~~I am playing as a rogue and recently figured having at least 2 mages in the group would be good, but I killed both before realising they could join me..~~
It is hard enough for me to slog through 1 game given my limited time so I don't want the answer to be yet another playthrough. I have quite the backlog of games and a short attention span when it comes to a particular game. I have a habit of jumping ship mid game.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1362533650.0,True,t3_19qq41,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19qq41/content_that_carries_over_potential_spoilers/,
1362027484.0,9,self.dragonage,19dnkn,Questions about game mods for Dragon Age: Origins.,13,4,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19dnkn/questions_about_game_mods_for_dragon_age_origins/,'I finally decided to get Dragon Age: Origins for the PC (will get Awakening + other add-ons later).
I have a few questions about game modding;
- Where do most of you get your Mods? What website?
- How do you install the Mods? Is there a program I can download that automatically downloads and installs the mods for me?
- What are some of the better mods that majorly improve game play experience?
- Any Mods you all would recommend? You favorite mods, one's you can't play without?
- Anything else I should know about modding?
Thanks for any help, info, and advice.
1361994410.0,8,self.dragonage,19cgig,Order in which to enjoy all Dragon Age Media?,14,6,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19cgig/order_in_which_to_enjoy_all_dragon_age_media/,'I have DA:O, Awakenings, DA:2, all the DLC for both games (minus the item packs), and the three books written by David Gaider. Planning an ultimate playthrough before DA:I comes out and I'd like to get the full story in chronological order.
When should I read the books, where does the DLC best fit during playthrough of the games, and am I missing anything?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_19cgig,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/19cgig/order_in_which_to_enjoy_all_dragon_age_media/,
1359058135.0,9,self.dragonage,177ilb,Question about Blood Dragon and King Calians armor,13,4,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/177ilb/question_about_blood_dragon_and_king_calians_armor/,'So for my hero I am using blood dragon ( hes a warrior, 2h dps) and Alistar is using King Calians armor with shield and Marics blade. Are these the best gear or will I be able to upgrade them?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_177ilb,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/177ilb/question_about_blood_dragon_and_king_calians_armor/,
1357490012.0,7,self.dragonage,162cqo,Is it worth it to play Dragon Age 2 for some more info on the origins/awakening/witch hunt story?,9,2,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/162cqo/is_it_worth_it_to_play_dragon_age_2_for_some_more/,'Or is it just a game on it's own without much stuff tying back to the original game + dlc?
I completed Origins a few years ago, and i recently got the complete edition, really enjoyed it. Great story.
I personally found that witch hunt didn't clear up that much though.
Then i played through the demo of Dragon Age 2 and flemeth appeared. But are there more flemeth / morrigan / warden related story bits?
Because i've heard before that it's not a bad game, but most definitely a bad sequel.
Anyway, what do you think?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_162cqo,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/162cqo/is_it_worth_it_to_play_dragon_age_2_for_some_more/,
1356045392.0,6,self.dragonage,15707s,'Depending on the ending to Origins that you choose, how does playing Awakening work? (Possible Spoilers)',11,5,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15707s/depending_on_the_ending_to_origins_that_you/,I know you can choose to survive or die at the end of the story. I already took the surviving route and for the sake of achievements wanted to go the dying route this time around. Will this affect being able to continue with the same character in the Awakening expansion? Thanks for any help!,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_15707s,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15707s/depending_on_the_ending_to_origins_that_you/,
1355155801.0,7,self.dragonage,14lx84,DA:O health bars mod?,10,3,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/14lx84/dao_health_bars_mod/,'I find the current health bars a little difficult to see. I searched nexus and couldn't find anything, but does anyone know of a mod that makes the health bars horizontal or a different style?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_14lx84,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/14lx84/dao_health_bars_mod/,
1354315300.0,8,self.dragonage,142pss,Advice on playing as an Arcane Warrior.,12,4,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/142pss/advice_on_playing_as_an_arcane_warrior/,I have trouble keeping agro. I am only level 11 at this point. Any advice on spells or tactics to keep them focused on me?,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_142pss,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/142pss/advice_on_playing_as_an_arcane_warrior/,
1353594386.0,7,self.dragonage,13mcw1,Help The Tech-Illiterate with DLCs?,11,4,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13mcw1/help_the_techilliterate_with_dlcs/,'I bought Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate Edition for PC after beating it on Xbox. It features all nine DLC expansions. It won't let me play any of them, saying the account I'm signed in on (The same account I purchased the game on) is unauthorized to access the content. The Game Stop app on my computer only gives me the one access code for the whole game. I'd really like to get started on DLCs so any help is appreciated. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_13mcw1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/13mcw1/help_the_techilliterate_with_dlcs/,
1350794007.0,7,social.bioware.com,11ty1h,Let dead characters stay Dead.,9,2,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11ty1h/let_dead_characters_stay_dead/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_11ty1h,http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/371/index/14559402/1,
1350396447.0,10,social.bioware.com,11kj7s,Why one should exclude certain character models due to time constraints.,14,4,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11kj7s/why_one_should_exclude_certain_character_models/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_11kj7s,http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/371/index/14528428,
1349996400.0,8,self.dragonage,11c3b9,Question about Secret Companion. This WILL contain spoilers. ,10,2,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11c3b9/question_about_secret_companion_this_will_contain/,'So I'm well underway on my third play-through and I was wondering if you can get the [Secret Companion](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Teyrn_Loghain_Mac_Tir) and still have Alistair on your side?
I just really dislike doing the snoo snoo ritual with you know who to avoid the Grey Warden 'duty'. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_11c3b9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/11c3b9/question_about_secret_companion_this_will_contain/,
1336604849.0,8,static.fjcdn.com,tficx,Fenris v. Equestria,20,12,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tficx/fenris_v_equestria/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/nf4PFZrbFqXZEn57.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,1,False,t3_tficx,http://static.fjcdn.com/large/pictures/c7/3c/c73cbf_2236325.jpg,
1336505338.0,7,self.dragonage,tde2k,Any idea when Dragon Age 2: Ultimate Edition (w/ all DLC) will be released?,13,6,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tde2k/any_idea_when_dragon_age_2_ultimate_edition_w_all/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_tde2k,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/tde2k/any_idea_when_dragon_age_2_ultimate_edition_w_all/,
1335659690.0,9,self.dragonage,sxifz,'Do you think work on Dragon Age 3 will be delayed/postponed because of resources spent 'fixing' Mass Effect 3's ending?',17,8,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sxifz/do_you_think_work_on_dragon_age_3_will_be/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_sxifz,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/sxifz/do_you_think_work_on_dragon_age_3_will_be/,
1333128339.0,9,self.dragonage,rl67l,CSS Fix: II,11,2,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rl67l/css_fix_ii/,'**EDIT: Much like the inspiration for this thread's title, there is much left to be desired when this is viewed in RES. ~~Attempting to correct that issue now.~~ Should be nice and neat and viewable now.**
So while messing around with the CSS, I decided to update the footer to include DA:II (as well to create room for the DA:3 logo once it's out).
Changes that were made:
* Top links to subreddits fixed so that they don't overflow all over the header.
* My Reddits dropdown fixed so it now displays.
* Top navigation tabs realigned from the left to accommodate different screen sizes better.
* Reddit toolbar floated to the right for same reason.
* Footer image tooled to cut down on unused space and to be more flexible for future releases of the game.
If you have any issues, questions, or suggestions, please feel free to PM me or (preferably) list them here. Thanks for putting up with me while I futz around with the page. It's been a lot of fun :)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,1,True,t3_rl67l,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/rl67l/css_fix_ii/,
1331585285.0,8,self.dragonage,qtfp3,FREE Isaac Clarke Dead Space armor! Code inside!,11,3,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/qtfp3/free_isaac_clarke_dead_space_armor_code_inside/,'I'm 96% sure this a PS3 code, doesn't look long enough to be a 360 code.
Anyway, I have no use for it so first come first serve!
EDIT: This is for Dragon Age 2, for those who don't know.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_qtfp3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/qtfp3/free_isaac_clarke_dead_space_armor_code_inside/,
1329308705.0,8,self.dragonage,pqm5v,'Bodahn has no shop in DA 2?
',10,2,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/pqm5v/bodahn_has_no_shop_in_da_2/,Got into Kirkwall and I can talk to Bodahn and access the enchanting menu but there is no shop. Should I be able to shop here at this time?,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_pqm5v,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/pqm5v/bodahn_has_no_shop_in_da_2/,
1328644167.0,8,self.dragonage,pf2w7,having trouble with dev console,11,3,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/pf2w7/having_trouble_with_dev_console/,so i was playing awakening and i thought i would try out the dev console. so i went through the steps to enable the console (this is the steam version of the game BTW) but now when i load up a save my keyboard is unresponsive and my mouse is unable to interact with anything. i reversed the changes i made but the problem still remains.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_pf2w7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/pf2w7/having_trouble_with_dev_console/,
1328418977.0,8,3till7.net,pbj39,'Started replaying DA2 yesterday, prompted me to write this blog entry about the little things in DA2 that bother me',14,6,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/pbj39/started_replaying_da2_yesterday_prompted_me_to/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/nFeijZumyEJ47d_7.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_pbj39,http://www.3till7.net/2012/02/04/its-the-little-things-that-bug-me-in-dragon-age-2/,
1328350556.0,9,self.dragonage,paiia,Had an idea for the dragon age 3 'class system',10,1,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/paiia/had_an_idea_for_the_dragon_age_3_class_system/,'my idea is simple, at the start of the game, after choosing race and editing appearance you are asked to choose your skill trees (you can mix skill trees from all classes eg: you could have elemental and berserker) after you have chosen six skill trees (the specialization trees would become normal skill trees) you are asked to choose your 'focus', which would determine your overall style (eg: stealth, ranged, melee and so on..)
i think this would make game-play unique each player and thus more enjoyable
this was just an idea and i thought i would post it to see what my fellow dragon age fans think :) ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_paiia,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/paiia/had_an_idea_for_the_dragon_age_3_class_system/,
1327855408.0,9,self.dragonage,p1shc,Leilana specialization missing. ,11,2,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/p1shc/leilana_specialization_missing/,'On my second playthrough I'm playing an Arcane Warrior/Blood Mage combination. I've brough Leilana along to buid up her Archery as well as level her along with my PC. We both got to level 14 about the same time. I picked blood mage. Just after when she hit 14, she didn't get the option for a second specialization. Now at level 15, it's still not available.
Anyone experienced this and know a fix? I'm really going to miss those pets. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_p1shc,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/p1shc/leilana_specialization_missing/,
1316213504.0,8,i.imgur.com,ki5go,Soon.. (Sorry for bad quality,12,4,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ki5go/soon_sorry_for_bad_quality/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_ki5go.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_ki5go,http://i.imgur.com/hlFlV.jpg,
1314199928.0,8,self.dragonage,jsy3r,Dragon Age Tabletop,10,2,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/jsy3r/dragon_age_tabletop/,'Does anyone play, has played, enjoy, etc? I haven't noticed any talk here about it, and /rpg has very little of anything else except D&D. Is there any need or want for a subreddit for it?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_jsy3r,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/jsy3r/dragon_age_tabletop/,
1309433365.0,8,self.dragonage,id5uz,DAE prefer the mythology of this game over other sources?,10,2,18,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/id5uz/dae_prefer_the_mythology_of_this_game_over_other/,'I just love all the backstory and such that went into the making of the first game. Orzammar's backstabbing politics, the elves being a freed people, mages being hunted down like dogs, it all just feels so much more real and visceral than anything I've ever gotten out of Tolkien works. Not to mention all the touches that make the world so much better, like lyrium and The Fade. In all honesty though, this game has the second best dwarves of all time, the first obviously going to Dwarf Fortress.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_id5uz,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/id5uz/dae_prefer_the_mythology_of_this_game_over_other/,
1302839763.0,6,self.dragonage,gqhfb,How do I get a relationship with Isabela?,11,5,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gqhfb/how_do_i_get_a_relationship_with_isabela/,'I'm at the scene in my mansion at night, I chose to fool around right away (first heart option) and I even tried not engaging it, but she engages it herself.
Afterwards, I only have two options: 'Why not?' and 'Of course not.' when she asks me if I'm bringing feelings into it. Whenever I choose the former, she goes into this schpeal about how she doesn't want a relationship. No matter what I choose, she always outright refuses and leaves. I've done this about 10 times and picked all the positive (joking/heart) options and I still cannot get her in a relationship. I have also investigated and gone through all of those scripts to no avail.
The forums are unhelpful. All I can find are things about people just talking about the fooling around scene (which I can get to). The wiki just says she can be romanced (the love way), but whenever I try, it just won't work.
I should probably mention that my Hawke is female. Does that have anything to do with it? I figured Isabela would work for either gender because I was able to sleep with her..',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_gqhfb,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gqhfb/how_do_i_get_a_relationship_with_isabela/,
1301258153.0,6,self.dragonage,gco1q,Your stories of awesome teamwork,10,4,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gco1q/your_stories_of_awesome_teamwork/,'I'm tickled with how my party is doing right now, and I just had to share. I'm on my second play-through of DA2, this time as a mage, and I'm having a much easier time on Hard with a mage than I did on Normal-Hard as a Rogue. I'm a Force Mage / Blood Mage combination, and I'm currently running with Fenris, Isabela, and Anders. I just finished an area full of lyrium smugglers and it went beautifully. Anders and I stood back, working from a distance, while Fenris and Isabela were in the thick of things. I would set down a Gravitic Ring where enemies were running towards, then Pull of the Abyss when they were slowed down and stuck there, so that they fell on their butts. Then a quick Fist of the Maker on the cluster of them, followed by a Chain Lightning. Then I started picking out the foremen among them, using Crushing Prison and Hex of Torment. Someone had broken free of the crowd by then and was running toward me. I used Horror on him right when Anders used a Glyph of Paralysis on him, so he was frozen in front of me for me to pick off with basic attacks.
My boyfriend's behind me, swearing at his PC over a Starcraft II match, while I'm gleefully cackling about destroying enemies right and left. I think my favorite role has been this glass cannon mage, for crowd control. That has been easier and more rewarding than picking off individual enemies as a rogue in my previous play-through. The varterral battle was downright easy as a Force Mage because the bastard never got a chance to move; he was slow and stuck in one spot for almost the whole battle, because of my spells.
So tell me about some of your epic battles, and how your party / abilities worked so well together.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_gco1q,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/gco1q/your_stories_of_awesome_teamwork/,
1299625241.0,10,self.dragonage,g02fz,[PICS] Your Dragon Age ][ Characters,12,2,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/g02fz/pics_your_dragon_age_characters/,'A thread for posting links to pics of your DA 2 chars. Here's my rogue.
1297177505.0,8,self.dragonage,fhizo,New theme for the subreddit?,9,1,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fhizo/new_theme_for_the_subreddit/,'Would it be possible to get a more minimalist theme for the reddit? While I appreciate the effort that went into the current one, the image doesn't really go well with a scrolling page/list, imo.
Also it makes it REALLY hard to surf it covertly when I'm at work, and with DA2 coming up I'll be wanting to do that more and more :).
Let me know what you folks think.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_fhizo,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/fhizo/new_theme_for_the_subreddit/,
1293833274.0,7,self.dragonage,eubwu,Archery class question,8,1,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/eubwu/archery_class_question/,'So I am using Leliana in my party with her bow as a ranged damage dealer. Right now she is level 7, and hardly does anything for damage. Each shot does about 10-11 damage, while my tank (main char) does 20+.
Are bows in this game really that underpowered, or am I doing something wrong. If they are underpowered I saw that there was a Combat Tweaks mod. Anybody know if this makes their damage a little more competitive?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_eubwu,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/eubwu/archery_class_question/,
1288664437.0,6,self.dragonage,dztlo,'I love the game, but I'm absolutely horrible',10,4,23,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/dztlo/i_love_the_game_but_im_absolutely_horrible/,'Just bought the ultimate edition for xbox and I've logged about 6 hours, but I suck. I basically just run into every battle and fight everything face to face. I know this game is deeper then that and I was hoping you guys could give me some tips on character builds and tactics.
I started off as a human rogue if that helps, I'm kind of new to rpg's so go easy on me and thanks a lot.
EDIT: so what I'm gathering is that I should micromanage more and I need to use each character to their potential by having them play their role.
I think that I just need to spend more time getting used to the characters and their moves and(spells and such).
and in hindsight I was rushing through the level cause I didn't have much time so that doesn't help much either. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_dztlo,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/dztlo/i_love_the_game_but_im_absolutely_horrible/,
1286259754.0,7,youtube.com,dmz55,Dragon Age 2 Gameplay - from convention,9,2,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/dmz55/dragon_age_2_gameplay_from_convention/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_dmz55.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_dmz55,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10_Gk7PudKY,
1263928126.0,8,self.dragonage,arkk5,Has anyone else just given up on Return to Ostagar?,12,4,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/arkk5/has_anyone_else_just_given_up_on_return_to_ostagar/,'Between the delays releasing this DLC (Holiday Season 2009, anyone?) and the terrible reviews from people who actually *did* get to the play it before it was removed from Xbox Live (1, maybe 2 hours max, linear gameplay, no new story.. basically, kill some monsters, get a couple lower-level pieces of gear, done), has anyone else just decided to not even bother getting this?
1263402562.0,7,dragonage.bioware.com,ap6eu,Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening Announced!,18,11,7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/ap6eu/dragon_age_origins_awakening_announced/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_ap6eu.png,t5_2r8lo,False,1,False,t3_ap6eu,http://dragonage.bioware.com/awakening,
1260029426.0,7,self.dragonage,abfkb,Dwarf Noble: The Anvil of the Void (Potential spoils within),10,3,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/abfkb/dwarf_noble_the_anvil_of_the_void_potential/,'So, I'm kind of disappointed in this quest line for the Dwarf Noble origin. Why on earth would I choose either of them to be king. I should have had the option to crown myself! It would have been the perfect opportunity to usurp that bastard that 'framed' me, and take my rightful place on the throne.
Would have made a great ending to that quest chain.
'Branka has chosen her new king.. Me.' *places crown on his head*
1259754922.0,8,self.dragonage,aa8cw,Specific item I buy won't show up in inventory. Driving me crazy.,12,4,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/aa8cw/specific_item_i_buy_wont_show_up_in_inventory/,'I'm at Orzammar, in dust town. I've come across a merchant who has a 'Remarkable Amethyst'. It's a gift item that Shale really likes. I buy it from the merchant but it won't show in my inventory at all. The total number of items in my bag goes up by one, but the item itself doesn't appear in the list.
I even tried buying multiple items from this merchant. They would *ALL* appear in my bag. except the gem. I even exited the game and started it up fresh and I still have the exact same problem.
**EDIT:** I think I solved it. When I tried to buy the '*Remarkable Amethyst*', I already had a single *normal* amethyst in my inventory. When I bought the remarkable one, the total number of normal amethysts in my inventory went up to 2. So I sold the plain amethyst and purchased the remarkable one and it finally showed up in my inventory properly.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_aa8cw,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/aa8cw/specific_item_i_buy_wont_show_up_in_inventory/,
1259529493.0,9,self.dragonage,a99li,Who here has a really effective tactics setup and wants to share?,11,2,24,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a99li/who_here_has_a_really_effective_tactics_setup_and/,'I myself am guilty of micromanaging battles. I feel that only I can get the best results from my party of characters. But micromanaging takes a lot of time, so does anyone have a set of tactics that have worked extremely well for them?
Besides the use health poultice one when hp < xx%',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a99li,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a99li/who_here_has_a_really_effective_tactics_setup_and/,
1259270488.0,8,self.dragonage,a8i3z,Movie References in DA:O! (Possible spoilers),10,2,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a8i3z/movie_references_in_dao_possible_spoilers/,'I caught three (okay, two and my GF one);
1. A farmer and his wife find a young boy next to a meteorite, say that they are blessed and will raise them as their own (Superman).
2. In the riddle section leading up to the Urn, one ghost speaks of birds and one dialog option is 'Coconuts?' (Monty Python and the Holy Grail, how appropriate)
3. When rescuing queen Anora and she comes out in armor, you can comment 'Aren't you a little short for a guard?' (Star Wars, when Luke rescues princess Leia, again very appropriate!)
How many did I miss?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a8i3z,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a8i3z/movie_references_in_dao_possible_spoilers/,
1258422198.0,9,self.dragonage,a530h,Is this a bug? I'm killing darkspawn in one hit! ,11,2,10,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a530h/is_this_a_bug_im_killing_darkspawn_in_one_hit/,'Potential spoiler: I just finished the Landsmeet and am at Redcliffe village which is overrun by darkspawn. I've been one hitting all of them with my main rogue and it seems that everyone is doing insane damage now, or the darkspawn are insanely weak. Any lesser darkspawn take 1 hit to kill, emissaries or trolls take a few more. Can anyone confirm that this is NOT how the game is supposed to be?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a530h,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a530h/is_this_a_bug_im_killing_darkspawn_in_one_hit/,
1258119895.0,7,self.dragonage,a40ln,'This is trivial, but the fact that the dwarves' arms reach down to their knees is starting to fa-reak me out.',10,3,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a40ln/this_is_trivial_but_the_fact_that_the_dwarves/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a40ln,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a40ln/this_is_trivial_but_the_fact_that_the_dwarves/,
1258076707.0,7,self.dragonage,a3ubi,did anyone else flip when they realized the witch is captain janeway? ,14,7,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a3ubi/did_anyone_else_flip_when_they_realized_the_witch/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a3ubi,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a3ubi/did_anyone_else_flip_when_they_realized_the_witch/,
1258062684.0,7,self.dragonage,a3sbs,Is there any way to turn off all the obnoxious ad content in this sub reddit?,12,5,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a3sbs/is_there_any_way_to_turn_off_all_the_obnoxious_ad/,'I love dragon age, and would be glad to talk about it here, but I can't handle all the visual distraction and content squeezing going on. Is there a way to turn all this off, or do I need to either put up with it or ship out?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_a3sbs,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a3sbs/is_there_any_way_to_turn_off_all_the_obnoxious_ad/,
1258033655.0,8,self.dragonage,a3mmv,I don't get why the difficulty is such an issue,10,2,44,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a3mmv/i_dont_get_why_the_difficulty_is_such_an_issue/,'In nearly every review or forum where DA:O is discussed there's at least one comment about how fucking hard this game is (supposed to be).
I've read 'ridiculously hard' and 'just depressing' about DA:O difficulty (on normal).
Am I the only one who doesn't really get this?
1257618540.0,7,social.bioware.com,a206r,DragonAage:Origins - Patch 1.01 potential game breaking update w/fix,9,2,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a206r/dragonaageorigins_patch_101_potential_game/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a206r,http://social.bioware.com/game_patches.php,
1257595810.0,8,news.softpedia.com,a1xfw,It's going to be a draconic weekend,12,4,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a1xfw/its_going_to_be_a_draconic_weekend/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a1xfw,http://news.softpedia.com/news/EndWeekGame-6-November-126343.shtml,
1257447425.0,8,self.dragonage,a1cou,PlayStation 3 Dragon Age: Origin Impressions,14,6,6,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a1cou/playstation_3_dragon_age_origin_impressions/,'I managed to score a copy of the collector's edition for PS3 yesterday. I'll be picking it up on Steam as well, but I do enjoy Achievements/Trophies and I wanted a big screen / 5.1 surround sound experience for my first playthrough.
**Out of the Box: Collector's Edition**
For an extra $10 I'm surprised that anyone is buying the standard edition; the collector's edition delivers for me. The packaging is quite attractive.
For the PS3 it still sports the old PlayStation logo - a bit odd considering the brand revamp happened almost two months ago. The slip case is attractive, and the metal tin looks great with the screened art. Everything's packed quite tightly inside - manual, cloth map, two discs, and two pieces of paper for the included bonus content.
I was very impressed with the manual; it doesn't compare to Baldur's Gate I or II (I still have those on my bookshelf and leaf through them from time to time. Volo and Elminster crack me up) but it's got a sufficient quantity of information to get you started. The cloth map is an ever so *slight* disappointment: it's shedding threads on my coffee table as we speak. I was hoping the edges would be finished; I'm going to have to either frame this or fold it up and not handle it or it'll be gone before you know it.
The DLC on PS3 is a chore. Downloading each piece of content boots you out of the game into the PlayStation Store Lite Edition that will only let you download that piece of content. You have to go through the process of downloading the item, waiting for it to install, then popping back into the game to choose the next piece. It's a right pain in the ass when you've got half a dozen chunks of content from the CE, Dragon Age Journeys, and the Character Creator. Checking under Dragon Age in the PS Store yields no available content - something that would have made it easy to download the items you have rights too. I suppose they have to verify your EA account, but it's still restrictive and a right pain in the ass. It felt like the game was trying my patience when I was getting set up.
I did buy the optional content for $7. We usually pay more for these items in Canada, so I took the opportunity while it was $7. Downloaded and installed in the same process, took about five minutes.
**Gameplay So Far**
I can't really do much here other than chime in with everyone else: it's great. Like really, really good. This is a statement made amongst some really fantastic PS3 gaming (Uncharted 2, Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time, Borderlands). It delivers the goods.
**Video Performance**
It's true that the frame rate becomes janky at times. You just feel like you're moving a little slowly. That said, I'm bringing up the radial menu so often that it's not something I'm overly concerned with. I don't miss the overhead view as much as I thought I would. I'm sure I'll enjoy it on PC, but I love being in the thick of the action on my 42' plasma at the moment.
It has to be said that the colours and the textures are fantastic. I went with the PS3 version after reading several reviews that said the Xbox version felt washed out and the low res textures on it were bothering reviewers. I can't speak to the Xbox version, but the PS3 version looks wonderful. I'm so pleased with the whole host of colours other than brown and grey - there are roaring rich fires that glint off of armor, deep red blood, ominous greens and blues. In short: Dragon Age: Origins does away with the next gen filter and gives the colour gamut of your HDTV a workout.
There are some glitches and tearing, but they're few in number and brief in duration.
If you're looking for immersive audio, DA:O has it. Music is subtle, sounds are realistic, and the 5.1 surround is always active. I chose a bit of a smarmy character voice (I'm rolling a bard first time around) so I'm hearing things like 'Because we're that AWESOME!' or something similar - it's a bit odd but I'm going with it.
I had to turn the sound down later in the evening for fear of irritating my neighbors. Let's just say that the bass is very, very present.
**Social Networking and Enhanced Content**
DA:O did something quite different when it has come to marketing. Setting up a sub-reddit on reddit was a smart, fun movie - giving gamers an uncensored place to speak frankly about the game. The Bioware Social network is another interesting move - instead of turning responsibility over to a third party, Bioware has decided to own that piece of the pie (and take responsibility, to a degree, for what happens there).
Finally, Dragon Age Journeys was a master-stroke; a 2D adventure to get gamers prepped for the 3D experience - and one that fleshes out the backstory of the game and offers bonuses for the 3D version. It's clear that EA/Bioware are looking to build a brand and a franchise out of Dragon Age - and that's something that I have no problem with, given the smart interconnections that they've managed to create.
**Conclusions thus far**
I can feel really good about recommending this game. With a pedigree that hails two of my favourite games of all times at its root, I had high hopes for DA:O. So far it has delivered everything it promised and then some. With six separate storylines I can see this as a game that some gamers (myself included) will lose themselves in for months (and perhaps years) to come.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,True,True,t3_a1cou,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a1cou/playstation_3_dragon_age_origin_impressions/,
1257184705.0,8,hellforge.gameriot.com,a0862,Dragon Age: Social Experience in a Single Player Game,9,1,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/a0862/dragon_age_social_experience_in_a_single_player/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_a0862.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_a0862,http://hellforge.gameriot.com/blogs/Hellforge/Dragon-Age-Social-Experience-in-a-Single-Player-Game,
1256330140.0,8,bluesnews.com,9x5kq,Dragon Age : Origins Gold!,10,2,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9x5kq/dragon_age_origins_gold/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_9x5kq,http://www.bluesnews.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl?show=1136,
1255980077.0,9,blog.bioware.com,9vmbg,Dragon Age character creator already out. Has anyone made one yet?,11,2,1,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/9vmbg/dragon_age_character_creator_already_out_has/,False,http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_9vmbg.png,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_9vmbg,http://blog.bioware.com/2009/10/13/character-creator-and-the-bioware-social-network/,
1376426945.0,9,self.dragonage,1kaxbz,(DA:O) How can I make another playthrough more interesting?,11,2,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1kaxbz/dao_how_can_i_make_another_playthrough_more/,'Long time DA:O fan here with the ultimate edition - I have just completed my 3rd back-to-back completion of Origins and Awakening, using a Dual Wield Rogue, an Arcane Warrior Tank and then an Archer Rogue, with the last 2 runs being on Nightmare difficulty.
I love this game so much but feel that I won't be able to make it through another playthrough without getting bored, although I really would like to.
Are there any mods you can suggest that would mix up the playthrough or things I can do to bring some variation into the way I play the game? (Only mods I am using is Character Respecialisation and 2 bug fixing mods)
1375914547.0,7,self.dragonage,1jwyt4,What was your most on edge moment in DA:O (Spoilers Imminent),9,2,22,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jwyt4/what_was_your_most_on_edge_moment_in_dao_spoilers/,'Tough fights, story twists, anything really.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,32,True,t3_1jwyt4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jwyt4/what_was_your_most_on_edge_moment_in_dao_spoilers/,
1375902844.0,8,self.dragonage,1jwiam,The Old God baby and the Eluvian.. (SPOILERS),10,2,4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jwiam/the_old_god_baby_and_the_eluvian_spoilers/,'If the Warden asks Morrigan about the OGB, she simply says that 'he is far beyond your reach', and she enters the Eluvian alone.
Does that mean the OGB is still in Thedas (very unlikely) or Morrigan had traveled through the Eluvian before and sent the OGB to that place earlier? But she also says that 'this portal can only be activated once'..so I don't know.
What do you think?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1jwiam,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1jwiam/the_old_god_baby_and_the_eluvian_spoilers/,
1374023709.0,9,self.dragonage,1igdm5,Where did we get the idea that Blood Mages can't use Creation magic?,15,6,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1igdm5/where_did_we_get_the_idea_that_blood_mages_cant/,'It seems like everyone accepts this as part of canon, but I've never seen it mentioned in game or on the wiki, and neither the mechanics of DA:O or DA2 forbid it (i.e. you can play as a Blood-Mage-and-Spirit-Healer in both games). Was this a comment from the Bioware boards, some interview with David Gaider, or is this just unestablished fanon?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,23,True,t3_1igdm5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1igdm5/where_did_we_get_the_idea_that_blood_mages_cant/,
1372870077.0,7,self.dragonage,1hkr6m,Finally beat DA:O and I want to play as a female to romance alistair and get the achievement. Is it possible for me to live through this as a woman and still have alistair? Or am I doomed to him ruling the thrown with me dead?,8,1,27,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hkr6m/finally_beat_dao_and_i_want_to_play_as_a_female/,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,32,True,t3_1hkr6m,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hkr6m/finally_beat_dao_and_i_want_to_play_as_a_female/,
1372864823.0,6,youtube.com,1hkkdv,'Friend showed me this fan trailer, and DAMN its good!',11,5,0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1hkkdv/friend_showed_me_this_fan_trailer_and_damn_its/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Wg1kJApSzjDHIfqg.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,False,t3_1hkkdv,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaOKv4UETyA&feature=c4-overview&playnext=1&list=TL8wwwCE35efo,
1371308853.0,7,whirlygirl9.deviantart.com,1geh6x,Anders Portrait,16,9,12,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1geh6x/anders_portrait/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/6x6i1yJmrIxLS6k7.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,3,False,t3_1geh6x,http://whirlygirl9.deviantart.com/art/Anders-378135619,
1371135026.0,6,self.dragonage,1g9qn4,DA2 perfect save,8,2,17,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g9qn4/da2_perfect_save/,'hey guys I've beaten DaO multiple times and I believe i had a perfect save for that game, but I have only beaten da2 twice. Can anyone tell me what I should do for a perfect safe. Note I do not have any dlc for da2.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1g9qn4,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g9qn4/da2_perfect_save/,
1370951499.0,8,self.dragonage,1g45nn,Action RPG?,10,2,14,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g45nn/action_rpg/,'On the [Dragon Age website](http://dragonage.com), DA:Inquisition is described as a next gen *action* RPG.
Does this mean we're gonna see DA2 style combat, even though they've said that it will be more tactical?
Or are they in a sort of a middle ground, where the combat will go fast, yet pausing and thinking it through will be essential?
If I had to choose a combat style, it'll be Origins. Though the DA2 was fun to play as well. What do you guys think?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1370951709.0,34,True,t3_1g45nn,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g45nn/action_rpg/,
1370897687.0,8,dragonage.com,1g2jlb,Dragonage.com updated after the Inquisition trailer.,10,2,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1g2jlb/dragonagecom_updated_after_the_inquisition_trailer/,False,http://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/134lXBvWz7i41Ug1.jpg,t5_2r8lo,False,23,False,t3_1g2jlb,http://www.dragonage.com/,
1369618350.0,8,self.dragonage,1f41y9,First playthrough build help?,13,5,19,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1f41y9/first_playthrough_build_help/,'So this is my first playthrough (although my second stab at getting into this game) and I decided to play an elf warrior, which I know is not necessarily the ideal race/class match up, but I love elves and I assumed that warrior would be an easier class for my first playthrough.
I'm about ten hours in now, just got to the circle tower to get help saving the Arl's son/abomination.
I've been finding that I'm doing less damage, dying faster, and just generally not performing nearly as well as my party members, despite the fact that Alistair, The closest comparison, has lower strength and lower constitution. We're both sword and shield style (I haven't messed around much with their leveling up and left it to auto). He's been wearing the same splintmail since the beginning, whereas I've moved up to heavy chainmail. My fatigue is 10%, his is like 3.
Any help in guiding my build would be appreciated. I normally like to just play through the first time on my own, but the fact that my ai team keeps outperforming me is really dampening my enjoyment. Alistair even snagged that first epic ogre execution in ostagar because I'd been killed moments earlier.
If I left out anything that might help you give me better advice (I'm sure I have) just ask
1369513493.0,5,self.dragonage,1f1nuy,Any Extra Storage Mods for DA:OA?,10,5,3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1f1nuy/any_extra_storage_mods_for_daoa/,So I've managed to max out the storage already provided in Vigil's Keep and I was wondering does anyone know of a mod that adds another storage chest for Awakening? Already searched and found none so far.,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,13,True,t3_1f1nuy,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1f1nuy/any_extra_storage_mods_for_daoa/,
1367973301.0,8,self.dragonage,1dwecw,New player to the series (DA:O Help),9,1,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dwecw/new_player_to_the_series_dao_help/,'I recently picked up the Ultimate Edition in a steam sale about a week ago and started a new game right away, having never played before. What an awesome game! I am completely immersed and loving every second of gameplay! I do have some questions about the game.
1. I started a new vanilla game from the start (about 40 hours in) and am wondering what is the best order to play the post-ending DLC that came with the Ultimate Edition.
2. Would modding the game on a second playthrough mess up the save transfer to DA2?
Thanks everyone :)',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1dwecw,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dwecw/new_player_to_the_series_dao_help/,
1367959408.0,7,self.dragonage,1dvw0g,The Harvester,9,2,16,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dvw0g/the_harvester/,I have tried time and time again to beat this guy on hard. I simply cannot do it. Anyone have a strategy or something? Just tell me exactly what to do? Hahaha,False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1dvw0g,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dvw0g/the_harvester/,
1367182249.0,8,self.dragonage,1dajay,[New Player] How can I auto attack on PC?,13,5,13,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dajay/new_player_how_can_i_auto_attack_on_pc/,'I find myself having a hard time right clicking my target to auto attack him. In most games like this I can keybind a mouse button or number to auto-attack.
I looked through the options and couldn't find that specifically for auto-attack. Is this possible to do?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1dajay,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dajay/new_player_how_can_i_auto_attack_on_pc/,
1364615999.0,7,self.dragonage,1baarh,Question about giving recourses to your allies in camp (DAO),7,0,9,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1baarh/question_about_giving_recourses_to_your_allies_in/,'Does it actually help you in the end/final battle?
Like giving coins, runes etc etc to your allies?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,25,True,t3_1baarh,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1baarh/question_about_giving_recourses_to_your_allies_in/,
1364060109.0,9,self.dragonage,1av8qx,'If I loved Mass Effect 2, will I love Dragon Age 2?',11,2,15,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1av8qx/if_i_loved_mass_effect_2_will_i_love_dragon_age_2/,'This has been on my mind recently. I have played through origins and I thought it was great but didn't really like the combat. I also thought the story didn't pack a punch as it should have. When I played Mass Effect 1 I thought the same thing with a few exceptions. Then I played Mass Effect 2 and I ADORED that game. The streamlined mechanics benefited the game massively. The focused characters were awesome. So does Dragon Age 2 share this pattern??
Tl;dr Didn't think Orgins was up to par with what people said and thought the same about ME1. Then I played ME2 and adored it. Will I love DA2?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_1av8qx,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1av8qx/if_i_loved_mass_effect_2_will_i_love_dragon_age_2/,
1363482263.0,5,self.dragonage,1afu5l,Can I use the disk version of Awakening with the digital version of Origins ? (on PS3),9,4,8,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1afu5l/can_i_use_the_disk_version_of_awakening_with_the/,'I finished Origins last night and really wanted to continue with Awakening, so I bought it used at Gamestop. got home and.. it doesn't work. I installed the patch you get for Origins and the update for Awakening, then it asks me to insert the Origins disc. I of course don't have the Origins disc, so I thought maybe if I just quit and open up the digital version it would still work. it didn't. Apparently I'm supposed to see some sort of a campaign selection in the main menu, but there isn't one.
Is there ANY way I can play this thing without buying the digital download of Awakening ? if there isn't, is Awakening worth paying $40 for the digital version rather the $9 I spent on the used disc ?
*edit* Apparently I can't spell 'disk' .. WAIT, I mean 'disc' !',False,self,t5_2r8lo,1363482641.0,True,t3_1afu5l,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1afu5l/can_i_use_the_disk_version_of_awakening_with_the/,
1361016011.0,7,self.dragonage,18muu7,Does anyone have the name for the hair mod?,11,4,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18muu7/does_anyone_have_the_name_for_the_hair_mod/,'http://imgur.com/eY7VG5u
I used to have it but I lost it, somehow, and I like to have it back? Does anyone know it?',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_18muu7,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18muu7/does_anyone_have_the_name_for_the_hair_mod/,
1360643109.0,7,self.dragonage,18cwx0,dao potential ending question Spoilers,9,2,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18cwx0/dao_potential_ending_question_spoilers/,' Does anyone know what the ending slides say if you Make Alistar king and you become his Chancellor? For example if Alistar and Anora marry it will say, 'Fereleden has seen a golden age..' or if human noble and Anora marry it will say, ' Would have been a golden age if they weren't after power.'. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_18cwx0,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18cwx0/dao_potential_ending_question_spoilers/,
1360535303.0,6,self.dragonage,189q6x,'Silas Corthwaite, Jerrik Dace and Finn top my 'DA III companion wishlist'. Who's on yours?',9,3,40,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/189q6x/silas_corthwaite_jerrik_dace_and_finn_top_my_da/,'Yes, all DLC companions; given their short screen time, the three of them were all -very- well characterised. Plus they're all still alive, so here's hoping for an Oghren/Anders-esque return. ',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_189q6x,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/189q6x/silas_corthwaite_jerrik_dace_and_finn_top_my_da/,
1360342801.0,7,cghub.com,18512m,CGHUB 3D Challenge - Dragon Age,8,1,11,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/18512m/cghub_3d_challenge_dragon_age/,False,default,t5_2r8lo,False,18,False,t3_18512m,http://cghub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15448,
1359696365.0,7,self.dragonage,17oh69,Dragon Age Emporium DLC Help,8,1,2,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17oh69/dragon_age_emporium_dlc_help/,'I recently bought a used copy of Dragon Age 2 from Gamestop, and it still had the code in it for the Black Emporium DLC. I redeemed the code it gave me the DLC (Which is suppose to only be granted if you buy new only? per the box) and it gave it to me. My question is, is this common, can multiple owners of the game share the code, or did i just get lucky and snatched a copy where the previous owners did not claim the DLC?? Sorry about my grammar, English is my second language.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_17oh69,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17oh69/dragon_age_emporium_dlc_help/,
1359413887.0,9,self.dragonage,17ghkr,Anywhere to find Codex entries for DAII?,12,3,5,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17ghkr/anywhere_to_find_codex_entries_for_daii/,'Hi all, I was just wondering if any site had all the Codex entries from DAII in one place? I recently found [this]( http://da-codex.appspot.com/#aghkYS1jb2RleHILCxIEUGxvdBiHBgw) site, and was completely blown away by it. That got me wishing there was something similar for 2, but I haven't found anything yet. If one of you guys know a site similar to this (not a torrent or anything) I would be eternally grateful. Thanks!',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,11,True,t3_17ghkr,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/17ghkr/anywhere_to_find_codex_entries_for_daii/,
1356389349.0,8,self.dragonage,15e7w3,Mods to use for very first Playthrough for Dragon Age Origins?,12,4,21,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15e7w3/mods_to_use_for_very_first_playthrough_for_dragon/,'Just got the game over the weekend and want to start playing it over winter break. I just want to know what mods, if any, would be nice to have for my first playthrough without ruining the original aspect of the game.',False,self,t5_2r8lo,False,True,t3_15e7w3,http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/15e7w3/mods_to_use_for_very_first_playthrough_for_dragon/,
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