
Manual Of Christian Reformed Church Government Charts

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. In an effort to better match the ASARB standards for adherents, a few religious bodies changed the way their adherents were reported in 2010, including the Catholic Church, Amish groups, Friends groups, Jewish groups, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Non-denominational Christian Churches, and the United Methodist Church. For the current status of synodical deputies in the Christian Reformed Church, the Manual of Christian Reformed Church Government (Grand Rapids: Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2008) should be consulted. References to this Manual will be from the 2008 edition.1 The 2008 edition of the Manual of Christian Reformed Church Government is available.

  1. Manhattan Christian Reformed Church
  2. Christian Reformed Church
  3. Second Christian Reformed Church
CatholicOrthodoxLutheranReformed/ PresbyterianMethodist/ WesleyanAnglican/ Episcopalian
Date Founded as Distinct DenominationGradual development;
1054 AD (Great Schism between East and West)
Gradual development;
1054 AD (Great Schism) (see GOAA)
1530 (Augsburg Confession)c. 1520 (Reformed);
1560 (Presbyterian)
17871534 (King Henry's Act of Supremacy)
Place(s) Founded Rome; Western Roman Empire Constantinople; Eastern Roman Empire GermanySwitzerland, Scotland EnglandEngland
Founders (in addition to Jesus, Apostles & Church Fathers) St. Peter (Catholic view); various bishops of Rome various eastern church fathers; Patriarch Michael Cerularius (1054) Martin Luther,
Philip Melanchthon
Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin, Theodore Beza, John%20KnoxJohn WesleyKing Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth I, Thomas Cromwell, Thomas Cranmer, Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley
Reformation Roots Catholic/Counter- Reformation n/aGerman ReformationReformed Theology, Scottish Reformation English ReformationEnglish Reformation
Number of Adherents65 million in the US (Encyc. Britannica); 1.5 billion worldwide (Adherents.com) 5.9 million in the US (Encyc. Britannica); 225 million worldwide (Adherents.com)66 million worldwide (LWF) 2.5 million in the PCUSA8.3 million in UMC in 200370 million in 161 countries in the Anglican Communion (CofE); 2.3 million in the US (Encyc. Britannica)
Dominant RegionsFrance, Italy, Spain, Latin America, USA Russia, Greece Germany, Scandanavia Switzerland, Scotland England, USA England
Original Language LatinGreekGermanFrenchEnglishEnglish
Worship Guide Roman Missal Book of Concord Directory for Worship Book of Discipline Book of Common Prayer
Church Government episcopalepiscopalepiscopalpresbyterian 'connectional'episcopal
Major Churches in the USA n/aGreek Orthodox Archdiocese of America; Orthodox Church in America; Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North AmericaEvangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA); Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) Presbyterian Church (USA) (PCUSA) United Methodist Church (UMC) Episcopalian Church in the USA
Other Churchesn/aBritish Orthodox Church; Serbian Orthodox Chuch; Orthodox Church of Finland; Russian Orthodox ChurchEvangelical Lutheran Church in Italy; Church of Norway (for more, see LWF) Presbyterian Church of Wales; Reformed Church of France Methodist Church in Great BritainChurch of England (CofE); Scottish Episcopal Church
World Council of Churches Member? nosome yes; some no ELCA - yes;
LCMS - no

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Manhattan Christian Reformed Church

Article Info

Christian Reformed Church

TitleCompare Christian Denominations: Fast Facts
PublishedMarch 5, 2005
Last UpdatedApril 10, 2017
Short URLrlft.co/1864
MLA Citation “Compare Christian Denominations: Fast Facts.” ReligionFacts.com. 10 Apr. 2017. Web. Accessed 17 Sep. 2019. <www.religionfacts.com/charts/denominations-stats>

Second Christian Reformed Church

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