
Flux Alchemist Crack

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Flux Alchemist Crack Rating: 5,9/10 9440 reviews

Flux claim that their plug–ins combine simplicity and sophistication, thanks to their unusual interface design and novel controls.

WHY DOES THIS HAVE SO MANY VIEWS I know, I said I would get a actual video up, but I came down with a nasty cold and made this instead. I am the ultimate FMA trash. I don't own any of the clips. Apocalypse and Alchemy B.W. But the code was surely not all that for Frye (nor is it so for me). It is what inspires the emerging inner I. Further, the code is a myth which overflows from our reconstructions into reality and then seeks to transfigure it, when the cracked world and Prospero's brave new world unite. With so many processes at work, Alchemist's display has a lot of information to feed back to the user! To familiarise myself with Alchemist, I started by engaging single‑band processing on some well‑recorded drums. In single‑band mode, Alchemist offers the same kind of processing that can be done with the Flux Solera plug‑in.

Solera combines four separate dynamics processors into one plug–in.I came across French plug–in developers Flux almost simultaneously via two different routes. The first was finding their excellent free plug–in BitterSweet (introduced in my feature on free utilities and plug–ins for Pro Tools in the February 2008 issue: www.soundonsound.com/sos/feb08/articles/ptfeature_0208.htm). The second was when I was hunting for a de–compression plug–in — no, not a cure for the bends from resurfacing too quickly after diving, but a plug–in that could reverse the effects of over–compression on audio.

One of the big selling points of all the plug–ins made by Flux Sound & Picture Development, to give them their full name, is a slider that allows users to morph between presets, giving 'ultra–fast operation even for plug–ins including many parameters'. The range currently includes several dynamics processors and an EQ, all available as RTAS and AudioSuite plug–ins for use in Pro Tools, and in VST and Audio Units formats for use in other hosts. Both Mac and Windows platforms are supported, and there are also non–native versions that run on the Pyramix DSP hardware.


The Solera meters are unlabelled, and for some reason are referenced to –16dBfs.Solera, the flagship of the Flux plug–in range, represents a different approach to dynamics processing, far removed from the traditional 'three knob' dynamics device Flux say they have primarily designed it for mastering and remastering applications. Solera has four dynamics processors built into the one interface — a compressor, expander, de–compressor and de–expander — as well as side–chain EQ and M/S processing. At first glance, the interface presents a lot to take in, and I found a number of things unclear, so I wasn't confident I knew what was going on all the time. My first problem is that none of the metering is labelled, so you have no idea what each of the nine bargraph displays is showing you. A study of the manual sheds some light on this area, but confusion can still arise. The manual says that from left to right we have meters showing:

  • Input level: VU not peak, referenced to –16dBfs. Why? It's not as though –16dBfs is a common reference point, and in the digital world I want all metering to refer to 0dBfs anyway.
  • Output level.
  • The 'Resultant Envelope' (showing compression, decompression and clipper activity).
  • Dynamic difference between in and out.
  • Level difference between in and out.

That is five items, but there are seven vertical bargraphs, so you might expect that the first two would be for input left and right and the next pair for output left and right, with the last three covering Resultant, Dynamic difference and Level difference, but the screen suggests that this can't be the case, as it displays a massive level difference between the two stereo channels. Only after further experimentation did it become clear that these were displaying the Mid and Sides levels, as I was using Solera in M/S mode.

Then there are the two horizontal meters under the seven vertical ones. The manual describes the orange one as a 'dynamic meter', and the blue one as representing the release variation in auto–release and advanced modes, with fast release on the left through to slow release on the right. What does 'dynamic meter' mean? It looks very pretty in action, but what is it trying to tell me? The manual sheds no more light on this. Some labelling of the meters would be very helpful and would save confusion and delay in trying to interpret what is going on.

Under the main display section are the controls for each of the four dynamic processors that go to make up Solera. These are relatively conventional in their format, and the dynamic curve display shows how your adjustments will change the response. The side–chain EQ section, too, is relatively conventional. Each of the three bands can be either low cut, low shelf, high cut, high shelf or peaking, making it possible to set up complex side–chain equalisation to handle a variety of challenges.

On the left–hand side of the plug–in are four rotary controls. The top two adjust Input and Output Level, with a surprising range of adjustment of +48 to –48dB! As a result of this wide range I expected the sensitivity of these parameters to be compromised, but Flux have carefully designed their control law, so that problem doesn't seem to arise.

Share The Love

Below the Input and Output knobs are two controls unique to Flux dynamic plug–ins, Angel's Share and Hysteresis. Flux claim that Angel's Share 'literally opens the sound, increases the dynamic impression and keeps some crest by adjusting in real time the ratio of every dynamic processing section regarding both their current settings about ratio and the signal content (mainly dynamic range)'. They advise that the best way to understand this control is to try it out with either a full mixed drum kit or a complete mix with punchy drums, and to set Solera to get near to a pumping sound. As they predicted, I did get the sense of a more open, less compressed sound with the Angel's Share control in action.

Hysteresis allows compression and de–compression to be triggered by dynamic variations in the input signal rather than by its absolute level, as in a conventional compressor. This setting doesn't affect the expander and the de–expander processing. In essence it stops the amount of compression applied being level–dependent, making the threshold control redundant. With a conventional compressor, once the audio goes below the threshold the compressor stops working, so it isn't possible to apply compression to the low–level content without hammering the loud sections. But Hysteresis makes it possible to compress quiet and loud sounds alike.

I found it quite hard to get my head round this, so I followed the guidance given in the manual. Sure enough, when the threshold was up at maximum and no compression was taking place, the content started to be compressed again once I wound in the Hysteresis, and continued no matter how much I reduced the input level. Of course, it is possible to have both, so the best idea is to adjust the compressor in conventional mode to sit on the loud stuff nicely, then add Hysteresis to taste so that there's some non–level–dependent compression taking place as well. This has got to be an excellent tool for those vocal tracks where the singer has an enormous dynamic range.

Tucked away on the left–hand side of the dynamic curve display is a Dry Mix control. This enables you to mix in some unprocessed input signal with the processed signal. This technique is often called 'parallel compression' and is very useful for both compressing drum subgroups and classical music. If this is a new technique to you, take a trip round the Internet putting 'parallel compression' into your preferred search engine.

Sister Morphing

Another unusual feature in the Flux plug–ins is the ability to morph between two completely different presets. At first I wasn't convinced that this would be terribly useful, but after extensive experimentation with Solera, I came to appreciate the feature.

The Morph control can be automated, but only at the expense of not being able to automate any other parameters — the Automation button lets you decide which you prefer. To enable two presets to be loaded into the one plug–in, Flux have had to add their own preset library in addition to the standard Pro Tools system, and presets saved in one library don't appear in the other, although it is possible to import them across from one to the other. It is a shame that the preset library system couldn't be fully integrated.

Down in the bottom right–hand corner is a button labelled Clipper. According to the manual, this activates a brickwall limiter limiting audio to –0.01dBfs, but there is no indication of where in the signal chain this brickwall limiter is. It doesn't appear to be the last thing in the chain, as it is possible, even with the Clipper in circuit, to output signal in excess of 0dBfs from the plug–in. In addition, it took me quite a while to work out how to see when the Clipper was working. Eventually, I established that the top segment of the Resultant Envelope display lights up when limiting takes place. However, this whole process showed up another shortcoming: there are no peak level indicators anywhere in the plug–in. I would expect some indication somewhere in the plug–in to show that the signal level had exceeded maximum. The input and output level meters are no help, as they are VU meters and so don't show peak level activity.

I tried Solera on the demo material I used in my Limiter Shootout articles in May 2006 (www.soundonsound.com/sos/may06/articles/ptworkshop_0506.htm) and August 2006 (www.soundonsound.com/sos/aug06/articles/ptworkshop_0806.htm) and found it possible to achieve good results with all the various test files, but it took me a long time to get there. Some of that may be attributable to me getting used to Solera's interface, but good results didn't land easily. As a rule, I was unable to manage enormous loudness improvements, although the sound quality was generally very good — but then I always had to err on the side of caution, as I couldn't be sure about peaks going over.

Overall, Solera is a comprehensive dynamics processor that is capable of excellent results, with a number of unique features that make it stand out from the crowd. However, the lack of clear, understandable metering makes it very difficult to get quick and effective results with it, and so, for me, Flux have not succeeded in their stated goal of combining 'simplicity and sophistication' with this plug–in.

The Pure Range

The Pure range comprises individual dynamics plug–ins based on the elements of Solera.The individual components of Solera are available as separate plug–ins within Flux's Pure range. Pure Compressor is a conventional compressor plug–in with Flux's unique Angel's Share and Hysteresis controls added. Having thought that the Hysteresis control would be an excellent tool for handling vocalists with a wide dynamic range, I dropped an instance of Flux's Pure Compressor onto a suitable track, and all I can say is that it is amazing. The low–level compression from the Hysteresis mode gives the quiet sections density so that they sit well in the mix, and with around 50 percent Hysteresis dialled in, the level–dependent conventional compressor takes over and manages the loud sections well too. Pure Compressor is an excellent, natural–sounding compressor, obviously compressing but doing it almost invisibly, which has to be the aim of any good compressor. I also tried it on a bass–guitar track and a great sound just fell into my ears. It was so easy to set up.

My only criticism applies to the graphical interface: as you can see, the plug–in is narrower than the Pro Tools plug–in 'header' section, so losing screen space on each side of the plug–in window, and for me the Dynamics Curve display is too small to be really useful. I would suggest changing this plug–in window layout from portrait to landscape and increasing the size of the dynamic curve section.

Pure DCompressor is designed for upward expansion, where the dynamic range of signal above a threshold value is increased.Pure DCompressor is designed to help restore the original dynamics of a sound that has been over–compressed, and is one of the reasons I came across these plug–ins. A while back I was asked to improve a covert recording that had been made of two people talking. The problem was that the wanted audio was almost at the same level as the background atmosphere, as it was recorded in a cafe with loads of chatter and noise. At the time I didn't have a good de–compressor, by which I mean a dynamics unit that is the opposite of a compressor, in that it increases the dynamic range of everything above the threshold.

So I pulled up the Session from my backup drives and dropped DCompressor onto the track to see if it would help. Sure enough, with some careful adjustment of the Threshold, Ratio and Range controls, I was able to significantly improve the intelligibility of the audio. However, I became aware that I could probably improve it even more if I applied some downwards expansion as well, so I swapped DCompressor for Solera, set up the DCompression section as I had it on the DCompressor plug–in, and then added some downwards expansion using the Expander section. That did indeed help to push down the background atmosphere and further improve the intelligibility. I could have used the Expander plug–in as a separate plug–in in addition to DCompressor, but I preferred having both in one window, as it made it easier to manage their interaction.

Overall, this has got to be the best decompression plug–in I have found. Because it is designed to work exactly like a compressor, except in reverse, it is excellent not only for forensic work, but also for breathing life into over–processed audio.

Pure Expander is a true downward expander.The expander section is also available as a plug–in in its own right. Pure Expander is designed to produce a wide range of expansion processes, from subtle expansion to hard noise-gating. Its interface continues the form and layout of the other dynamics processors in the Pure range, with the same drawbacks. I was very quickly able to clean up some spillage issues on a live recording session using this plug–in as a soft downward expander. I also tried it on a drum kit and, again, was very quickly able to tidy up spillage.

Pure DExpander is a low–level compressor that reduces the dynamic range of signals below a threshold value.Pure DExpander, meanwhile, is designed to enhance the low–level information in your signal and so make your sound more 'compact'. For me this plug–in is much more useful as a low–level compressor than as a tool for undoing the excesses of low–level expansion, although of course it can do that. There are times when I want to be able to reduce the dynamic range of low–level content while leaving the loud elements more or less untouched. I tried this plug–in on some vocal tracks and was very quickly able to increase the density of the softer vocals, so that they sat more firmly in the mix, and then use a conventional compressor to handle the louder sections. The only issue I encountered was that this treatment tended to emphasise the breaths.

Reaching The Limits

Designed for mastering applications, Pure Limited is a single–band brick–wall limiter.Finally, Pure Limiter has been designed to be the very last stage of your audio processing chain. Flux claim it uses their exclusive technologies to generate a release envelope that adds no artifacts to the processed sound. An automatic mode allows quick setup, but Manual and Advanced modes allow you to take greater control of the processing.

Pure Limiter features two display modes. When Mode A is engaged, both original and limited waveforms are displayed. Mode B displays the limited waveform, the limiter action and the histogram of the Release value, which they suggest is especially useful when running in Advanced mode.

I tried this plug–in on a selection of the test files from the Limiter Shootouts we had in the May and August 2006 issues of SOS. It was a dream to use, with the Auto recovery setting being very effective for most of the test files. The only test track it didn't handle very well was the rock opera file. It produced a duller sound than most of the other single–band limiters, and I couldn't work out why. I have already successfully used this Pure Limiter when mastering a client's solo flute album, where it came across as incredibly transparent.

Like the others, Pure Limiter is a transparent and easy to use plug–in and, unlike some, has a well-designed graphical interface, although I am still not sure that either of the display modes actually show anything useful that isn't covered by the rest of the plug–in. It is a shame that none of the individual plug–ins have a side–chain EQ like the full Solera does, though. Also, none of them have an external key input, which in my opinion would be an excellent addition to the feature list.


Epure is an EQ whose design has a number of neat touches. The grey shaded area represents the overall response, with the coloured lines showing how each band contributes.Epure is a five–band EQ plug–in that, at first glance, appears very similar to many others. However, hidden away are a number of features that lift it out of the sea of EQs out there. For one thing, it has the common feature from all the Flux plug–ins of morphing between presets, which I found especially useful on an equaliser.

The vertical scale of the Epure frequency graph changes dynamically depending on how much boost or cut you're applying.Then there is a stunning piece of user interface design in that the display auto-ranges as you adjust the EQ cut and boost. In the first screen, right, I have boosted a low–frequency peak EQ by just under 6dB. In the second, I have increased that to just over 6dB and as you can see, the display has changed its resolution. I have seen this feature on EQ plug–ins on other platforms but to see it implemented on a Pro Tools plug–in is brilliant. It makes subtle adjustments so much easier, as you can really see what you are doing. I also like the way that each section has its own colour–coded line showing what effect it is having, and then the shaded area shows the overall response: so simple and yet so effective.

Epure can be used on multi–channel tracks, and allows you to link any or all of the channels. A small button just below the Master Gain control in the bottom right–hand corner of the plug–in hides another great piece of user-interface design. Normally, a multi–channel equaliser would give you the choice of linking all its channels or none. With Epure, however, Flux have enabled you to choose which channels will be grouped to which other channels. When you click on this little button, the graphical display section of the plug–in window changes to display a signal routing matrix. The default routing for a stereo instance of this plug–in has input 1 routed to output 1 and input 2 routed to output 2, with the controls grouped together as group 1. Alternatively, though, you can select M/S encoding on the input and M/S decoding on the output and split the controls of the two channels to groups 1 and 2 in order to EQ the Mid (sum) signal differently from the Sides (difference). But it is possible to take this much further, especially on 5.1 tracks, where you could have one set of controls grouped together for the front channels, with a different group controlling the rear channels.

All these almost–hidden features make Epure an incredibly powerful and versatile equaliser plug–in, and it sounds very good too. This is my favourite Flux plug–in and stands a very good chance of becoming my EQ of choice.


  • Dynamics processors offer a very different approach compared with traditional designs.
  • Hysteresis, Angel's Share and Morphing controls are effective and unusual features with noticeable sonic benefits.
  • Epure is an excellent EQ plug–in.


  • Graphical user interface is not well thought-out on most of the plug–ins, especially Solera.
  • The referencing to –16dBfs on the displays is very confusing.
  • Flux's own preset system doesn't share libraries with the default Pro Tools system.


Flux have taken a different approach and produced a very useful set of plug–ins with a number of unique features. The EQ design, in particular, is outstanding. The other plug-ins can handle a wide range of dynamics duties well, but some of them have been let down by poor user–interface design.


Solera & Epure 478.40 Euros each; other plug–ins 119.60 Euros each. Prices include VAT.
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  • 1st Level
  • 2nd Level
  • 3rd Level
  • 4th Level
  • 5th Level
  • 6th Level
  • 7th Level
  • 8th Level
  • 9th Level

Equal parts martial discipline and magical art form, the discipline of Elemental Flux is a martial art that is said to have roots in the bloodlines of genies and their mortal descendants. By tapping their magical natures, they were able to pioneer a style of fighting that channeled their innate magic into a cohesive fighting style. Those descended from these original genie battle masters passed their talents down through the generations, and the discipline proliferated from there. In the current day, practitioners of Elemental Flux blend arcane elemental energies with martial strikes to create a dizzying array of quasi-arcane, magic-infused attacks that spell devastation and ruin to enemies. Elemental Flux’s associated skill is Spellcraft, and its associated weapon groups are light blades, monk, and thrown.

Maneuvers from this discipline are universally supernatural in nature, drawing as they do on the initiator’s ability to manipulate the elements. As such, they are supernatural abilities. In addition, many maneuvers within the Elemental Flux discipline may be augmented and improved by spending one or more points of animus (see the mystic base class or the Tap Animus feat for more details) when initiating the maneuver. Unless otherwise noted, you can only augment an individual maneuver once. Unlike a mystic’s normal animus augmentations, the number of animus points spent on Elemental Flux augmentations is not limited by your mystic level. Instead, you can spend a maximum amount of animus augmenting a maneuver equal to one point plus one additional point of animus for every seven initiator levels you possess. If you have the ability to augment your maneuvers in other ways, such as from a class feature or other ability, this cannot be combined with the augments of Elemental Flux maneuvers; you must choose which augmentation type to use when initiating the maneuver.

Active Elements: Many Elemental Flux maneuvers deal damage of the initiator’s active element’s associated energy type. The four available active elements (and their associated energy type) are air (electricity), earth (acid), fire (fire), and water (cold). A character that knows at least one Elemental Flux maneuver chooses his active element when he readies his maneuvers, and can change it by focusing as a standard action. A character can only have one active element at a time. An Elemental Flux maneuver that deals energy damage gains that damage type as a descriptor. If a character is psionic, they can change their active energy type whenever they change their active element, and vice versa. A psionic character’s active energy type need not match their active element.

Order of Presentation: In the maneuver lists and descriptions, the maneuvers are grouped alphabetically by level.

Initiator Level: Some maneuvers effects depend on the initiator level, which is usually the character’s level in the class that provides access to martial maneuvers. The word “level” in the maneuver lists always refers to initiator level.

Creatures and Characters: “Creatures” and “characters” are used synonymously in the maneuver descriptions.

Discipline Restrictions Some disciplines carry specific restrictions on when they can be used, as well as specific rules for those disciplines, as defined in that discipline’s maneuver list.

Table: 1st Level Elemental Flux Maneuvers
Eldritch ShieldCounter (A)You gain energy resistance 10 against a single attack or effect.
Elemental NimbusStanceYou gain variable offensive effects based on your active element.
Embrace the ElementsStanceYou gain variable defensive effects based on your active element.
Fluctuation MovementBoostYou gain a movement method or bonus based on your active element.
Spark StrikeStrike (A)Your attack deals +2d4 energy damage.
Variable FluxStrikeYour attack has an additional effect based on your active element.
Table: 2nd Level Elemental Flux Maneuvers
Arcane ShieldCounter (A)You make a Spellcraft check to generate a small shield of force to defend against an attack.
Degrade ResistanceBoost (A)Your attacks for one round ignore 10 points of energy resistance of your active element’s associated energy type.
Eldritch FangBoost (A)Your next attack this round deals +1d4 force damage, overcomes damage reduction, and may stagger the target.
Elemental StrikeStrike (A)Your attack has an additional effect based on your active element, and can be augmented for extra damage.
Energy SparkBoost (A)As part of an attack, you fire a ray that deals 3d6 points of energy damage. You can augment to fire a second ray.
Table: 3rd Level Elemental Flux Maneuvers
Elemental Flux StanceStanceYour attacks deal +2d6 energy damage. In addition, you gain energy resistance 15 and an additional effect based on your active element.
Energy JoltStrike (A)You fire a ray that deals 3d6 points of energy damage, plus an additional effect based on your active element.
Lance of PowerStrike (A)You create a 30-foot line that deals 5d6 points of energy damage, plus an additional effect based on your active element.
Raging FluxStrike (A)Your melee attack deals +4d6 energy damage and pushes the target back 5 feet for every 10 points of damage dealt.
Table: 4th Level Elemental Flux Maneuvers
Arcane TorrentStrike (A)You fire missiles of force that deal 6d6 points of damage unless the target succeeds at a Reflex save. You can augment to instead fire an area barrage of missiles.
Assay ResistanceBoost (A)Your next attack ignores 25 points of energy resistances, overcomes damage reduction, and deals +2d6 energy damage.
Eldritch ConsumptionCounterMake a Spellcraft check to negate a spell or power targeting you; if you succeed, you heal 5 hit points per level of the effect.
Energy HammerStrike (A)Your attack deals +6d6 energy damage, plus an additional effect based on your active element.
Table: 5th Level Elemental Flux Maneuvers
Elemental DriveStrike (A)You fire a ray that deals 9d6 points of energy damage and bull rushes the target.
Elemental AbsorptionCounterYou become immune to your active element’s associated energy type, instead healing for half the damage that would be dealt for one round.
Elemental VortexStrike (A)Your attack deals +8d6 energy damage, plus an additional effect based on your active element.
Enter the VortexStanceYou can fire blasts of energy that deal 4d6 damage, and gain a movement type based on your active element.
Table: 6th Level Elemental Flux Maneuvers
Eldritch Energy HammerStrike (A)Your attack affects the target as if by a greater dispel magic, dealing additional damage if you dispel an effect.
Elemental Destruction RingStrike (A)You create a 20-foot burst around you that deals 12d6 points of energy damage, plus an additional effect based on your active element.
Eldritch Fang FlurryBoostYour attacks for one round deal +3d6 force damage, overcome damage reduction, and a struck creature must make a Fortitude save or become blinded for one round.
Nexus of Elemental RetributionStanceYou gain resistance 30 to acid, cold, electricity and fire. Some of the damage you absorb is stored and can be unleashed as a burst around you.
Shatter Resistance Boost (A) Your attacks deal +4d6 energy damage for one round. In addition, you ignore energy resistance for one round, and creatures immune to energy damage take half damage, rather than none. You can augment to also reduce the spell resistance of creatures struck.
Table: 7th Level Elemental Flux Maneuvers
Cascade of Elemental WrathStrike (A)Make a full attack. Each attack deals additional damage equal to 1d6 + your initiation modifier, and you can change your active element as a free action after each attack.
Force MajeureStrike (A)Your melee attack deals +14d6 energy damage. All the damage dealt by the attack is considered energy damage, rather than its normal type. You can augment to instead deal force damage.
Redirecting FluxCounter (A)Make a Spellcraft check to redirect a magical effect to a new target.
Table: 8th Level Elemental Flux Maneuvers
Elemental BreachBoostYour attacks for one round ignore energy resistances and immunities, and overcome damage reduction. Any damage of your active element’s associated energy type is increased by 50%.
Master of the ElementsStanceYou transform as if under the effect of the elemental body III spell.
Zephyr FluxStrike (A)You transform into energy, teleporting across the battlefield and dealing damage to creatures you touch.
Table: 9th Level Elemental Flux Maneuvers
Strike of Elemental DevestationStrike (A)You fire five elemental rays, each dealing energy damage and an effect based on the element of the ray.

1st Level

Eldritch Shield

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Counter); Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: One attack or effect


By drawing upon the elements, you are capable of defending against energy effects. You can initiate this counter when you are affected by an attack, spell, or effect that deals acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic damage. You gain energy resistance 10 to each of those energy types against that attack, spell, or effect.

Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to increase this energy resistance to 20.

Elemental Nimbus

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Stance); Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Stance


Channeling the strength of the elements lends your attacks strength and fury. While you maintain this stance, you gain one of the following benefits, based on your active element:

  • Air: You gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against opponents wearing metal armor, and your attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of electricity damage. At initiator level 10th, the bonus on attack rolls increases to +4 and the additional damage increases to 3d6.
  • Earth: The strength of the earth empowers your weapon, causing it to deal damage as if it was one size category larger. Starting at initiator level 10th, your weapons instead deal damage as if they were two size categories larger.
  • Fire: Your attacks deal additional fire damage equal to your initiation modifier. At initiator level 10th, this damage increases to be equal to twice your initiation modifier.
  • Water: When you successfully hit an opponent with an attack, they must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 11 + your initiation modifier) or become staggered for one round. A creature cannot be staggered by this stance more than once per round. The save DC for this stance’s effect increases by +1 at initiator level 5th and at every four initiator levels thereafter.

Embrace the Elements

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Stance); Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Stance


By filling yourself with the fundamentals of an element, you are capable of altering how your body defends itself in the realm of martial combat. While you maintain this stance, you gain one of the following effects, based on your active element:

  • Air: You gain a +2 dodge bonus to your AC and the benefit of the Deflect Arrows feat, even if you do not meet the normal prerequisites. This dodge bonus increases by +1 for every six initiator levels you possess.
  • Earth: You gain a +2 natural armor bonus on AC and a +4 resistance bonus on CMD to resist bull rush, grapple, and trip attempts. These bonuses increase by +1 for every six initiator levels you possess.
  • Fire: You gain a +4 bonus on initiative checks and you gain the benefits of the endure elements spell. The bonus on initiative checks increases by +1 for every six initiator levels you possess.
  • Water: You gain a +2 bonus on Reflex saving throws and a +4 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks. These bonuses increase by +1 for every six initiator levels you possess.

Fluctuation Movement

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost); Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: One round


Coating your feet in the power of the elements, you alter your movement to grant you a burst of speed and maneuverability. This boost has one of the following effects, based on your active element:

  • Air: You can make a single jump this round as a free action, with a +10 bonus to your Acrobatics check.
  • Earth: Your movement ignores difficult terrain for one round.
  • Fire: Your base land speed increases by 10 feet for one round.
  • Water: You can make one turn of up to 90 degrees as part of the move when charging this round.

Spark Strike

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike); Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant


By letting the power of the elements flow through you and into your attack, you’re able to strike true with raw primal energies at your unlucky foe. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d4 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type.

Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to increase this strike’s additional damage to 3d4.

Variable Flux

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike); Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant


Filling your weapon with the power of the elements, you lash out with barely-contained eldritch power. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus one of the following effects, based on your active element:
• Air If the target is wearing metal armor, wielding a metal shield, or wielding a weapon mostly composed of metal, you gain a +4 bonus on your attack roll.

  • Earth: If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Will save or become sickened for one round.
  • Fire: If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or catch on fire for 1d4 rounds.
  • Water: If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become fatigued for one round.

Saving throws against this strike are DC 11 + your initiation modifier.

2nd Level

Arcane Shield

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Counter)[force]; Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Instant


You rely on your unique insight into eldritch powers to create a shield of energy that protects you from an attack. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack (including touch or ranged touch spell attacks) being made against you. Make a Spellcraft check, using your opponent’s attack roll as the DC. If you succeed, the attack is negated. This is a force effect, and may be used to block incorporeal attacks.

Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to have the force shield crumble slowly after the attack rather than vanishing instantly, granting you a +2 shield bonus to your AC until the start of your next turn.

Degrade Resistance

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost); Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round


As a disciple of the Elemental Flux, you understand how to use elements to assault those normally resistant to them. When you initiate this boost, your attacks ignore the first 10 points of energy resistance to your active element for one round.

Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to cause your first attack during the duration of this boost to deal an additional 1d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type.

Eldritch Fang

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost)[force]; Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round


You fill your strike with eldritch energy that overwhelms the senses of your target. After initiating this boost, the next attack you make this round deals an additional 1d4 points of force damage and automatically overcomes damage reduction. If it hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 12 + your initiation modifier) or become staggered for one round.

Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to increase the additional damage of this boost to 2d4.

Elemental Strike

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike); Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant


You channel the fluctuating power of the elements to land an empowered blow. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus one of the following effects, based on your active element:

  • Air: If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or be knocked prone from the force of the blow.
  • Earth: If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or take an additional 2d6 points of acid damage at the start of your next turn.
  • Fire: If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or be blinded by the smoke and flames for one round.
  • Water: If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become nauseated for one round from the chilling cold.

Saving throws against this strike are DC 12 + your initiation modifier.

Animus augmentation: You may spend up to three points of animus to increase the initial additional damage of this strike by 1d6 per point of animus spent and increase the save DC of this strike by +1 per point of animus spent.

Energy Spark

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost); Level: 2
Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: 30′
Target: One or more creatures
Duration: Instant


You fill the air with elemental energy, which explodes as you strike your target. When you make an attack (including a strike), you can initiate this boost to fire a ray of energy at a creature within 30 feet. This ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 3d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type.

Animus augmentation: You may spend two points of animus to create an additional ray. The rays may be fired at the same or different targets, but both rays must be aimed at targets within 30 feet of you.

3rd Level

Elemental Flux Stance

Discipline: Elemental Flux (stance); Level: 3
Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Stance


Filling both your body and soul with the power of the elements, you open yourself up to new powers. While you maintain this stance, your attacks deal an additional 2d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type, you gain energy resistance 15 to your active element’s associated energy type, and you gain one of the following effects, based on your active element:

  • Air: Your speed and perception are heightened, granting you a +4 bonus on initiative checks and a +4 dodge bonus to your AC.
  • Earth: The strength and durability of the earth suffuses your bones, granting you DR 5/adamantine.
  • Fire: Your body is filled with warmth and healing light, granting you fast healing 1. In addition, you glow like a torch as if under the effect of a light spell.
  • Water: Your body is inured against debilitating effects, granting you a +2 bonus on all saving throws.

Energy Jolt

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike); Level: 3
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: 30′
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant


You fill the opponent with harmful elemental energy, dealing damage and causing them to suffer debilitating effects. You fire a ray against an opponent within 30 feet. This ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 3d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type. This strike also has one of the following effects, based on your active element:

  • Air: If your ray hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be pushed 15 feet away from you in a direction of your choice.
  • Earth: If your ray hits, the target takes an additional 1d6 points of acid damage at the start of your next turn, and must succeed at a Fortitude save or be sickened for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier.
  • Fire: If your ray hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or take an additional 2d6 points of fire damage at the start of your next turn.
  • Water: If your ray hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become entangled for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier.

Saving throws against this strike are DC 12 + your initiation modifier.

Animus augmentation: You may spend up to three points of animus to increase the initial damage of this strike by 1d6 per point of animus spent and increase the save DC of this strike by +1 per point of animus spent.

Lance of Power

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike); Level: 3
Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: 30′
Area: 30′ line
Duration: Instant


With a swing of your blade, you release a rippling line of elemental energy. When you initiate this strike, you create a 30-foot line of energy that deals 5d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type to each creature within its area. This strike also has one of the following effects, based on your active element:

  • Air: The crack of thunder accompanying the lightning deafens creatures for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier.
  • Earth: The acid spray also creates a greasy, oily slick, causing creatures who fail their Reflex saves to drop items they are holding as if affected by the grease spell.
  • Fire: The intensity of the flaming blast adds an additional +1 point of damage per die and dazzles each target for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier.
  • Water: The icy blast makes surfaces very slippery, and creatures who fail their Reflex saves slip on the ice and fall prone.

Creatures caught in the line can make a Reflex save (DC 13 + your initiation modifier) to take half damage and negate the added effect.

Animus augmentation: You may spend up to five points of animus to increase the damage of this strike by 2d6 per point of animus spent and increase the save DC of this strike by +1 per point of animus spent. The number of points of animus you may spend augmenting this maneuver is not limited by your level; you may always spend up to five points, although the total damage dice for this maneuver may not exceed your initiator level (up to a maximum of 15d6). For example, a 7th-level initiator could spend five points of animus augmenting this maneuver, adding a +5 bonus to his save DC, but he would still only deal 7d6 points of damage.

Raging Flux

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike); Level: 3
Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant


You know how to strike with such eldritch force that it drives your foes backwards. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 4d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type. For every 10 points of damage you deal, the target of this attack is pushed 5 feet away from you in any direction. If this movement causes the target to collide with a solid object (such as a tree or a wall), it takes an additional 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage from striking the surface.

Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to push the target an additional 5 feet.

4th Level

Arcane Torrent

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike); Level: 4
Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: 60′
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant


You unleash a sudden burst of eldritch energy that surges towards a distant foe. When you initiate this strike, select a target within 60 feet. Magical missiles of explosive force swiftly fly at this target, dealing 6d6 points of force damage to the target unless it succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier).

Animus augmentation: You may spend two points of animus to instead fire a barrage of force missiles. Instead of this strike’s normal effect, you create a 15-foot burst within 60 feet of you, affecting each creature within its area as if you had targeted them.

Assay Resistance

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost); Level: 4
Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round


By directly targeting the elemental essence that suffuses all creatures, you overcome an opponent’s defenses with a powerful attack. Your next attack ignores the first 25 points of energy resistance to your active element’s associated energy type, automatically overcomes damage reduction, and deals an additional 2d6 points of damage.

Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to increase this boost’s additional damage to 3d6.

Eldritch Consumption

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost); Level: 4
Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Instant


You have such an intimate understanding of the underlying nature of magic that you can capture its essence and feast on it to rejuvenate yourself. You can initiate this counter in response to being targeted by a spell, spell-like ability, power, or psi-like ability. Make a Spellcraft check (DC 11 + the effect’s caster or manifester level). If you succeed, the effect is countered, and you heal 5 hit points per level of the effect you countered.

Energy Hammer

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike); Level: 4
Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant


As you advance your training, you learn to unleash ever more powerful bursts of energy. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 6d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type. This strike also has one of the following effects, based on your active element:

  • Air: If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become deafened for 1d4 rounds.
  • Earth: If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Will save or become stunned for 1d4 rounds
  • Fire: If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or become blinded for 1d4 rounds.
  • Water: If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become nauseated for 1d4 rounds.

Saving throws against this strike are DC 14 + your initiation modifier.

Animus augmentation: You may spend points of animus up (up to your maximum for augmenting Elemental Flux maneuvers) to increase the additional damage of this strike by 1d6 per point of animus spent and increase the save DC of this strike by +1 per point of animus spent.

5th Level

Elemental Drive

Flux Alchemist V3 Crack

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike); Level: 5
Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: 30′
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant


You charge your weapon with kinetic and elemental energy, driving them back with a wave of elemental power. You fire a ray against an opponent within 30 feet. This ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 9d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type, and you attempt a bull rush against your target, calculating your CMB using your initiation modifier and initiator level in place of your Strength modifier and base attack bonus.

Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to gain a +5 bonus on your bull rush attempt.

Elemental Absorption

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Counter); Level: 5
Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round


You learn to suffuse your being with an element to such a degree that its presence heals you instead of harming you. You can initiate this counter at any time to gain immunity to your active element’s associated energy type for one round. While under the effect of this counter, attacks and effects that that deal energy damage of that type instead heal you for half of the damage they would normally deal.

Elemental Vortex

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike); Level: 5
Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant


A whirling vortex of elemental energy engulfs your foe just as your blade lands. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 8d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type. This strike also has one of the following effects, based on your active element:

  • Air: If the target is wearing metal armor, wielding a metal shield, or wielding a weapon mostly composed of metal, you and your allies gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls against the target until the start of your next turn, regardless of whether or not your attack hits.
  • Earth: If your attack hits, you may make a free trip attempt that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, with a bonus on the attempt equal to your initiation modifier.
  • Fire: If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or catch on fire for 2d4 rounds, and become sickened from the pain for as long as they are burning.
  • Water: If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become entangled for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier.

Saving throws against this strike are DC 15 + your initiation modifier.

Animus augmentation: You may spend up to three points of animus to increase the additional damage of this strike by 1d6 per point of animus spent and increase the save DC of this strike by +1 per point of animus spent.

Enter the Vortex

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Stance); Level: 5
Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Stance


Riding on the currents of elemental energy, you gain the benefit of a new form of movement. While you maintain this stance, you gain the ability to throw blasts of elemental energy as if using a ranged weapon. These blasts are considered to be part of the thrown weapon group, have a range increment of 30 feet, and deal double damage on a critical hit. Attacks made with these blasts are ranged touch attacks that deal 4d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type. In addition, you gain one of the following effects, based on your active element:

  • Air: You gain a fly speed equal to your base land speed, with good maneuverability.
  • Earth: You gain a burrow speed equal to your base land speed, and you gain tremorsense with a range of 30 feet. In addition, you can breath freely while underground.
  • Fire: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on initiative checks and your base land speed increases by 30 feet.
  • Water: You gain a swim speed equal to twice your base land speed, and you also gain the aquatic and amphibious subtypes.

6th Level

Eldritch Energy Hammer

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike); Level: 6
Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant


You know how to destroy the bonds that hold magic together just as easily as you can forge them. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and you affect the target as if you had cast a targeted greater dispel magic on it. Make a dispel check against the spell with the highest caster level affecting the target, using your initiator level as your caster level for the check. If you do not successfully dispel that spell, compare the same result to the spell with the next highest caster level. Repeat this process until you have dispelled one spell affecting the target, or you have failed to dispel every spell. You can only end one spell with this maneuver. If you successfully dispel a spell affecting the target, your target takes 1d6 points of force damage for each level of the effect dispelled.

Animus augmentation: You may spend up to three points of animus to gain a +2 bonus on your dispel check per point of animus spent.

Elemental Destruction Ring

Flux Alchemist Crack

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike); Level: 6
Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: 20′
Area: 20′ radius burst, centered on you
Duration: Instant


You whip the elements around you into a fury, then unleash the energy at all the foes who surround you. When you initiate this maneuver, you release a 20-foot burst of energy centered on you that deals 12d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type to any creatures in the area. You do not take damage from this burst. This strike also has one of the following effects, based on your active element:

  • Air: The flash of lightning blinds targets for 1d4 rounds.
  • Earth: The acid is gummy and sticky, applying a –4 penalty to targets’ Dexterity scores and a –2 penalty to attack rolls for 1d4 rounds. In addition, targets take 1d6 points of acid damage at the start of each of their turns for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier.
  • Fire: The intense heat and pain from the blast dazes targets for one round.
  • Water: Targets become staggered for 1d6 rounds from the intense chill.

Creatures caught in the burst can make a Reflex save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) to take half damage and negate the added effect.

Animus augmentation: You may spend any number of animus points to augment this strike, regardless of your level. For every point of animus you spend, this strike’s damage increases by 1d6. The total damage dice for this maneuver may not exceed your initiator level (up to a maximum of 20d6).

Eldritch Fang Flurry

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost)[force]; Level: 6
Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round


Striking at your foes with elemental fury, you aim to disable his opponents in addition to harming them. After initiating this boost, all attacks you make for one round deal an additional 3d6 points of force damage and automatically overcome damage reduction. In addition, any opponent hit by one of your attacks must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) or become blinded for one round. Multiple hits do not extend the duration of this blinding effect, though they do prompt multiple saves.

Nexus of Elemental Retribution

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Stance); Level: 6
Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Stance


You can absorb and redirect the flow of elemental power, syphoning away energies that would harm you and making them your own. While you maintain this stance, you gain energy resistance 30 to acid, cold, electricity, and fire. Any time your resistance reduces damage of one of those types, it is stored in a pool of up to twice your initiator level. As a swift action, you can unleash your stored energy, creating a 20-foot burst centered on you that deals damage of your active element’s associated energy equal to the amount stored, then reducing the pool to 0. You do not take damage from this burst. Creatures caught within the area can make a Reflex save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) to take half damage.

Shatter Resistance

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost); Level: 6
Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round


You know that the might of the elements can overwhelm any defense. After initiating this boost, all attacks you make for one round ignore energy resistance of your targets, and creatures with an energy immunity still take half damage, rather than no damage. In addition, all of your attacks deal an additional 4d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type for the same duration.

Animus augmentation: You may spend two points of animus to lower the spell resistance possessed by those damaged by your attacks by 10 for the duration of this boost.

7th Level

Cascade of Elemental Wrath

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike); Level: 7
Prerequisites: Three Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One or more creatures
Duration: Instant


Each slash of your blade releases more and more eldritch power, overwhelming your enemies with the power of your strikes. Make a full attack. Each attack deals damage entirely of your active element’s associated energy type, and additional damage equal to 1d6 + your initiation modifier. During your full attack, you can change your active element as a free action once after each subsequent attack.

Animus augmentation: You may spend two points of animus to make an extra attack during this strike at your highest attack bonus.

Force Majeure

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike); Level: 7
Prerequisites: Three Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant


You infuse your weapon with pure elemental power, striking with a force beyond mere steel. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 14d6 points of damage. Unlike with a normal attack, all damage dealt by this attack is to be considered to be of your active element’s associated energy type (including weapon damage, weapon enchantments, and bonuses from a high strength or from feats).

Animus augmentation: You may spend three points of animus to instead infuse your strike with raw arcane energy, unaligned to any elemental forces. If you do, your attack deals force damage rather than elemental damage.

Redirecting Flux

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Counter); Level: 7
Prerequisites: Three Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Instant


Your mastery of the Elemental Flux discipline knows how to read and alter the flow of magical energy. You can initiate this counter when you are targeted by a spell, power, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability. Make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the effect’s caster or manifester level). If you succeed, you can redirect that effect to another target of your choice within the spell’s range. If the effect has multiple targets, you can choose to change all of its targets to other valid targets within range.

Animus augmentation: You may spend up to three points of animus when initiating this counter, gaining a +2 bonus on your Spellcraft check per point of animus spent.

8th Level

Elemental Breach

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost); Level: 8
Prerequisites: Three Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round


As a master of the Elemental Flux discipline, you know how to overwhelm the defenses of your targets and expose their weaknesses to the elements. After initiating this boost, your attacks for one round ignore all energy resistances and energy immunities and automatically overcome damage reduction. Additionally, any damage you deal of your active element’s associated energy type is increased by 50% for the same duration.

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Master of the Elements

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Stance); Level: 8
Prerequisites: Three Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Stance


You attune your very form to roiling elemental energies and merge with them. While you maintain this stance, your type changes to outsider ( native) and you gain your active element as a subtype. In addition, you are treated as if you were under the effects of the elemental body III spell. You may continue to wield weapons, wear armor, and use other items while in this form, and your new body does not damage or otherwise adversely affect your equipment.

Zephyr Flux

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike)[teleportation]; Level: 8
Prerequisites: Three Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: 120′
Target: One creature, plus creatures equal to initiation modifier
Duration: Instant


Upon reaching supreme levels of understanding in this discipline, you may transmute your entire being into elemental energy and travel in the blink of an eye across the battlefield, leaving a wake of devastation behind you. When you initiate this strike, select a primary target and a number of secondary targets within 30 feet of the primary target equal to your initiation modifier. A creature cannot be both a primary target and a secondary target. Your path across the battlefield deals 14d6 points of damage to the primary target and 7d6 points of damage to secondary targets. All damage is of your active element’s associated energy type.

This strike also has one of the following effects, based on your active element:

  • Air: Any target who fails its save is dazed by the electrical jolt for one round.
  • Earth: Any target who fails its save is deafened from the seismic vibrations for 1d3 rounds.
  • Fire: Any target who fails its save is engulfed in cinders and smoke, becoming blinded for 1d3 rounds.
  • Water: Any target who fails its save is nauseated for 1d3 rounds from the bone-chilling cold.

All targets can make a Reflex save (DC 18 + your initiation modifier) to take half damage and negate the added effect. After this strike concludes, you can move to any space within 10 feet of a secondary target of this strike without provoking attacks of opportunity. As a supernatural ability, this strike is not subject to spell resistance.

Animus augmentation: You may spend up to three points of animus to increase the initial damage of this strike by 2d6 (1d6 to secondary targets) per point of animus spent and increase the save DC of this strike by +1 per point of animus spent.

9th Level

Strike of Elemental Devestation

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike)[teleportation]; Level: 9
Prerequisites: Four Elemental Flux maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: 30′
Target: Up to five creatures
Duration: Instant


The ultimate expression of elemental power can only be unleashed by a master of the Elemental Flux discipline, and by calling upon the arcane forces of magic as well as the terrific power of the elements, the disciple may crush his opponents under a fierce magical assault. The maneuver creates five distinct blasts of energy, one of each element and one of pure force. These blasts may be fired at the same or different targets, as long as each target is within 30 feet of you. Each blast requires a ranged touch attack to hit and has one of the following effects if it hits:

  • Air: A bolt of electrical energy that deals 25 points of electricity damage and staggers the opponent for 1d4 rounds. If the target is wearing metal armor or a metal shield, or wielding a primarily metal weapon then the attack gains a +4 circumstance bonus on hit.
  • Earth: A jet of boiling acid that deals 25 points of acid damage and blinds the target for 1d4 rounds.
  • Fire: A stream of sulfurous fire that deals 25 points of fire damage, nauseates the target for 1d4 rounds, and sets them on fire for the same duration.
  • Force: A hammering blast of arcane force that deals 50 points of force damage.
  • Water: A freezing beam of cold that deals 25 points of cold damage and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19 + your initiation modifier) or become dazed for 1d4 rounds.

Animus augmentation: For each blast, you may spend up to three points of animus to increase its initial damage by 10 per point of animus spent and its save DC (if any) by +1 per point of animus spent. You may spend any number of animus points to augment this strike, regardless of your level. However, each blast must be augmented separately, and you cannot spend more than three points per blast. The blasts of this strike are otherwise immutable; you cannot use abilities such as the mystic’s elemental attunement class feature to change the damage types dealt.

Path of War – Expanded, © 2016, Dreamscarred Press.